Bow and Arrow

Chapter 491: Chapter 489 — Exposed Nora

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Exposed Nora




Lick, lick, liiiick????~.

"There, done, yummy! Ehehehe, Boss, all good to go." Baan was crouching almost on her knees while Yun Beishang was to the side, already putting on his short while his amazing, lady-legs opening back showed off in pleasurable sight to the tender little monkey whose flesh was so even more tender and mushy as well as undeniably quite rosy all over while Baan's tongue passed over, around, within it over and over again to scoop out all of the precious amount that didn't manage to get 'trapped' in there.

Basically, as Fosk Yao, Yun Beishang’s little monkey, was with most of her back on top of the black cushions. Her legs were flailed upwards, to the sides with her knees bent and her kitty saying hi to the ceiling with a very ‘cheerful’, ‘healthy’ and ‘lively’ expression on ‘her’ face. And in front of her, holding her small but full vase shaped bum while previously taking her time dinning Fosk Yao out was Baan who had already finished and just started to play with the quivering fleshy mush just for the aftertaste and until it ceased shaking so temptingly for the sake of ‘gifting’ this tiny service as an extra for being so delicious.

“Ha-aa-a-a-a-aahh~, Older Sister Baan, ah, is the best…” Fosk Yao’s over the heaven-like voice sounded out from slightly above and in front of herself, as Baan then smiled proudly at her noob’s luck at being so damn good, before giving it a silent kiss, or several from top to bottom as a goodbye lovely kissing from her part to Fosk Yao.

“It’s good that you know, young one. And you play with Estel too, right? Maybe you should spend a couple of hours daily around here from now on, there is barely any use to the hundreds of these type of communications rooms, let alone those that are ordinary. What say… you?” Now knowing where she got it from, maybe from the way she was coaxed into being her dear boss’s slut with his magnetic voice and relentless stamina, as she gave her boss a sneaky glance at the thought of; Baan spoke to Fosk Yao without really expecting much of an answer.

“Eh, eh…what a good idea Older Sister Baan has, I’ll tell Big Sister Estel and… Big Sister Miriam, hehe.” Only to find out a completely willing Fosk Yao, and inside the latter’s head, a train of thought so peculiar was taking place. ‘Ehehehehe, Master has a nice scent when he heard Older Sister Baan’s words, he likes it, hehehehe.’.

And while Baan could only tell that the atmosphere of the room and Yun Beishang’s, the big bad boss, wasn’t giving an ordinary response but a silent one of agreement instead, Fosk Yao’s relaxing mushy flesh was getting back to its neutral color.

“Older Sister Baan? Uhm… it’s a bit chilly, could yo-ah, thanks~.” Fosk Yao felt her thighs be ‘caressed’ from down to up, recognizing it was her skirt but she then felt two more kisses. One on her maidenhood’s entrance and another on the chrysanthemum entrance that didn’t got the chance to be plowed today. Oh well, but before she could turn naughty for a little bit more again, Baan stopped with that pair of smooches and dressed up the maid with utter care.

“All ready and clothed for you, my Lord.” Not only did Baan then helped Fosk Yao up, the latter’s face grateful and affectionate as she looked at her heroine, but she also turned around and made a bow to speak to her boss while making quite the old and forgotten accent of the ‘ancient’ Earth. She then added, “Oh! Since we are already in this mood, then let me brief you a bit, Chief. Ah-ahem, Miss Yona has asked me to relay this information to you; most of the Bright Sunset Region has been conquered, only a few skirmishing parties here and there trying to play rebel.”

After pausing for a tiny bit and thinking for the same amount of time, Baan continued with her left hand going from her palm pointing skywards to doing so with  the back of her hand instead. “Would the Chief like to let our men and women downtown pay them a visit? It is a minority, but some of them are poor, and have the reasons to listen to the rich. But they are playing with lives here for money, that is no excuse. Even if they think that this is a game, who is to say that they would at least waver if shown proof or at least told some truth? My Lord?”

“...” Yun Beishang said nothing to her, only glancing calmly at her expression, not wavering in the slightest even amongst Yun Beishang’s simple gaze that yet had a kind of innate pressure after meeting and beating up or directly slaying unthinkable beings. Her gaze was clear, devoted and awaiting; so he rewarded her and her patience accordingly.

“Was this something Feat told you about?” Yun Beishang asked with a light but stern tone, also somewhat inquisitive to know the truth of this matter.

“No, Chief. But she indeed relayed certain bits of information that Miss Yona had already done so, even after we both heard her out, almost as if making obvious remarks about it. Even if I were stupid, I would know she was… she was testing me, and looking out for me, my Lord.” Baan spoke less formerly, but still with professional words, as she grabbed her left wrist with her right hand behind her back, fidgeted with her right foot while she supported her body with the left and slightly lowered her head.

“Oh, that’s very good then.” Yun Beishang directly appraised ever so lightly and not quite directly, before stepping forward to her and tapping her chin from below with the yolk of his left index finger, he then spoke again in a magnetic, low voice. “And just so you know, you don’t have to go along with the Lord thingy, that is only in-game and not a professional antic, you know.”

“But I like it…” said Baan in a mosquito voice, then showing her teeth in a broad, forced but not fake smile to him with her neck bending over even more to exchange gazes as Yun Beishang remained with his back straight.

“Okay, hmph~.” Involuntarily snorting in a cheerful manner and with a smirk formed at the left corners of his mouth, Yun Beishang finally lowered his head and savored her lips, not caring about the mix at all before stepping past her. His voice reached her as she began waking up, while Fosk Yao dusted off her skirt and slightly wrinkled maid’s outfit top to walk along with her Master.

“Go along with the procedures then, take down the most stubborn hateful dumbasses and just beat up the rest, it doesn’t matter if our own are seen, that will be good instead.” Knowing that his words were mostly just to relieve her of any misunderstandings, as that was exactly what she was planning to do already except for the ‘being seen doesn’t matter’ part, Baan silently sighed in relief and affection; which Yun Beishang naturally took notice of.

‘And… why the hell am I acting like a little girl?! Not like the first one to try to get me… but he is indeed the only one to actually get me, hehehe-ehehehe-ehee~...’.

. . .


KATARINA-1, still, as Yun Beishang drove towards his little monkey’s bedroom in a transportation vehicle.


“Mmh…” Fosk Yao was sprawled on the seats of the co-driver and the driver, her head against the door of her seat while her feet on top of her Master’s lap, she had squinted, sleepy from satisfaction eyes as she gazed at his left profile face. Transportation vehicles had their ‘wheels’ of different kinds at the right, center, left or even at the in-between of the seats. There wasn’t just a single model or so.

“Master, why do I feel as if I’m seeing the best man i the entiiire world and not just my world, hum?” Fosk Yao’s voice trailed along the wind but was not dissipated by it, her wise words that didn’t match her age nor appearance striking Yun Beishang’s heart like a full combo of his strongest skills from the game directly into his being.

“Yao Yao…” Placing his left hand on the young girl’s shins, then knees, and then thighs before going back to her knees, Yun Beishang then added in a doting voice. “Hmph~, you are soon to reach 17, and then there is 18. Have you thought about, about… what do you want for your and our future?”

The transportation vehicle was going at an insane speed, and the ‘road’ in midair that it had allowed it to be perfectly safe, proved by the Crestfallen Industry. But even then, huge amounts of concentration were needed as if one went way past their destination, a few 10 minutes would be the most they would be wasting to get back there, even if by just a little.

However, dear ol’ Yun Beishang still had the time to turn his head to the left and look amazingly cool to his little wife, and then flashed a soothing smile before turning his head back to the front as he spoke from beginning to end. Fosk Yao had only such ‘mental power’ herself, ‘Uwaah, I’m mel-melting right now, I’m dyyyinnngg~~????…’.

“... … … …” Soon after, Yun Beishang and Little Yao’er arrived at the latter’s bedroom and, after taking a bath together full of warmth and with their bodies tightly close together, Yun Beishang from behind as his scalding pussy destroyed was erect like mad but docile as it remained stuck to his little wife’s derriere and most of her back; showering themselves and each other tenderly before coming out and dressing each other like dumb wed fuckers.

Fosk Yao, however, as she struggled to not be dressed by him to no avail, since she wanted to be the only maid dressing her Master right now and then dress for him, him and all just for him. She could only allow her tiny body of a young girl to be groped without malice nor lewdness but still constantly as she was dressed up beautifully well and expertly.

But even if she was flabbergasted at her Master’s always improving and newly acquiring skillset, she still took those off and made it so that they would turn ugly and wrinkly, as she then moved her small yet full bum left and right, with light hops as she bounced that little tender but well formed meat that she had back down there.

Then, like a doll, she dressed herself up in another maid outfit right 30 cm before him. Yun Beishang gave up on life and decided to not wake himself from the spellbound state he was in, enjoying all of the beauty of his little wife, of their relationship and life together; of the world.

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Amidst giggles and smooches, they then departed for lunch at finally 1 pm, they did had a good talk about life and an after-chat after all.

. . .


KATARINA-1, quite some days later at 6 pm and just as Yun Beishang came out from Rising Essence as he had a few meetings to be attended by the people that Powlniu had pulled up for there to be.


Those meetings were that of Yun Beishang, the new Leader of the entire Bright Sunset Region and the Inhabitants of Main Kingdom. It wasn’t a ceremony, for as he wasn’t marrying and only such a thing would require social activities lover Yun Beishang to care about doing such things. But as a meeting, all the old important people and young promising people of even the most tiny and weak settlements that The Order has swallowed were there, and he himself was there to present himself as their new ruler; the Leader.

Anyways, Yun Beishang only had to show off his huge, shiny and extremely unbreakable token given to him by the good pal Responsive Dragon, and a few elderly ones or history nerd young ones to recognize its symbolism, meaning and origins as there was then a heavy set of knees meeting the ground before an explanation was given birth by said nerdy or old ones.

To that, Yun Beishang became used to it, and merely flashed it at the beginning in a toying manner, letting those who could identify later on at the start of each meeting a sense of remembrance before then showing it when things ‘escalated’.

It wasn’t that much of an escalation, just words and fear, since all those Journeyers that swore to protect certain settlements suddenly ‘disappeared’ or convinced the Inhabitants to forget about them. That do be right, they no longer even appeared on their ‘respawning points’ as they called it, which to the Inhabitants, were just random and unimportant spots for themselves.

They just never showed up again after some of them hastily ‘logged’ off, which they understood as going back to their own worlds, and some others were suddenly gone from their sights without any warning, message nor sign or clues. Anyway, after those certain, weak settlements understood their severe situation, Powlniu magically arrived in a timely heavenly fashion as an angel of safety… but were then scared of the fact that she was also one of that ‘Lord’s’ woman all the same.

In any case, that was how it all came to be as Yun Beishang had now been going around for quite a few days from part of each extensive terrain from all over the Bright Sunset Region, not just the Azure Dragon Sub-Division as well as the other Sub-Divisions and even the Myriad Beasts Main Division. But the whole, entirety of everything that formed part of the Bright Sunset Region itself.

It was quite a load of hard work, and naturally, each day. Yun Beishang would give his little maid Powlniu a good squeezing, smooching and even bulge-feeling tease in-between meetings; each meeting that was over, each tease that poor milf Powlniu would suffer. But each day, as the day of work ended, her blue elf ass was to be banged left and right, up and down as well as gone inside out by the evil Yun Beishang who has not yet married this wonderful female elf of his.

Naturally, there was a wanting, but also, there was a time for everything and, since he was bound to become the Leader of Main Kingdom for this era; he would marry the ‘second batch’ of wifeys that consisted of that more than half a million dragons maids, some others and even Rosey while giving Kara a title of Holy Lady, for as dumb but cute, as it could ever sound.

And now, today was the last day that would require Yun Beishang to travel from part to part of the Bright Sunset Region. He had just finished banging Powlniu to a fainting degree, and the evolved skill he gave her made him become utterly satisfied and at ease knowing that they will be also similarly enhanced to no ends by his spe-Bloodline.

[Ancestral Awakened Race-Bloodline(Godly  stage)]: For an unknown reason and motive, the body and Bloodline of this unit has evolved and even been remodeled for the greatest and better unlimited degrees. Physical Defense, Magical Defense as well as Physical Power, Magical Power; are immensely enhanced permanently. HP, Elemental Resistance and Movement Speed, Dodge Rate and Hit Rate have been exponentially increased; permanently. Attack/Action Speed is now sharply elevated permanently as well as gaining perfect Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Dark and Light Core Elemental Affinity. This unit now counts with a sure and definitive path to become, while this unit’s Godhood only needs to be uncovered. This unit is now having all incoming damage reduced by 25% and when in a critical state, will instantly appear at a safe zone either close to Tongqiu - Yun Beishang or this person’s any Space.

It was daaaamn good, indeeeeed. And even though it did not say it, Yun Beishang knew and could feel that the stats given to her by this skill were enhanced furthermore to a degree even though he himself felt that he no longer wielded the main protagonist halo, it was unfair!

Anyways, that was how he pounded that kitty endlessly for so many days and a few weeks. And now, as the 31st day of the month had arrived and was about to meet its end, the afternoon already kicked in, Yun Beishang was to wait a few more hours for a certain notice to be released from the Crestfallen Industry about the game itself of Rising Essence.

But, while he was to go on waiting a few hours, he found a certain event happening outside of the KATARINA-1 mothership and, coincidentally, he felt like going into space right now for a little ‘stroll’ among the stars that were in the far, far, goddamn far away distance.

As such, Yun Beishang quickly arrived at one of the mini-passages that led to the open space, already wearing his space suit and having been smooched and hugged prior wearing it by a few maids, forcing him to clean off the saliva all over his face and neck due to their horniness, sigh. Life was okay.


Coming out of space, there was no sound as he finally left the mothership’s interior and was now giving his back to the passage whose gate was slowly closing itself, to the sides of the passage on another rooms, a few dozen maids were waving at Yun Beishang lovingly as he turned his head around over and over again while waving his hands left and right to them.

As he did, he slowly came to arrive right before a tiny figure in the middle of space, whose back was inclined ‘upward’ and faced Yun Beishang, as he finally waved all of the maids still at the mothership sweet, sweet ‘cya’. Then, looking at the frail-looking, delicate and oh so slender, young and fresh back covered by a thick space suit, Yun Beishang arrived before her endlessly slowly.

Fieuwww~... pu-pu-puk thud.

His space suit touching hers, Yun Beishang then encompassed his thick arms around her thick waist, barely feeling any of her body. And as he did, he heard an audible ‘gasp’ as both helmets’ communications were interlinked. At the same time, she placed her own hands on top of his on her tummy, as she kept silent and merely glanced at the endless darkness in ‘front’ and ‘above’.

“You’ve been hiding. No more, okay?” His sweet, tender voice reached her heart, not just ears, as she lowered her head and her helmet cutely hung down. Afterwards, lifting her head once again as Nora gave her visage for Yun Beishang to see, a few tears stained her flawless heart shaped face with cream white skin and a bit of her red crimson-black long hair’s hairline showing on the upper section of her helmet’s front window.

“I was afraid.” Nora said weakly, her dark-red colored pupils emanating a strong sense of fear.

“Of?” Yun Beishang simply said, not urging her too much and just focused on feeling her eart with his own. Nora then gazed at the front once more, her profile face enchanting and seducing Yun Beishang instinctively before turning her most incredible feats of her—her dark-red eyes eyes—into that pair of black-gray broken glass eyes.

“Hurting you, or me, due to the… use of my-”

“Oh, I know. Your little, perfect, flawless and unmatched, most wonderful head. And your feeble, frail but so especially mine soul. You’ve also given me your blood and even flesh, Nora, my Nora… what can I do but want to have you all if you did all of those for me before, ah?” Yun Beishang slowly took off her helmet with his left hand as he did the same with his right hand to his own.

Snuggling his face to hers, lovingly, he made her fully enchanted and star eyed but for real this time as she only sobered up a few minutes later, with her lips forming a sweet smile without their instinctive and natural seductiveness. As if lil’ girl in the warmest, safest of embraces.

Of course, Yun Beishang anchored the helmets to their respective space suits, after all, such incredible material didn’t just pop off out of nowhere… yet?


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