Bow and Arrow

Chapter 493: Chapter 491 — Unshackling!

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KATARINA-1, 30th day of the 6th month and 1st year since the release of Rising Essence, at 11:57 pm.


On a sofa inside the Living Room area in the Residential section, all of the Living Rooms in the are were taken, there were maids, wives and even personnel of the Chief of the mothership and stationed spaceships as well as other spacecrafts too filling them all. On one of them, there were particularly quite a few maids and some wives accompanying the Chief himself, he was sitting in the center of said Living Room and like all others, had no barrier set up.

On the large 11-seater sofa he was seated, he had a red crimson-black haired tempting, enticing and irresistible beauty drinking juice from a box of juice with it being peach and orange flavored, 3 different kinds of each ingredient all in one. On her right, was the Chief of both, the Peaceful Rain Household and the Peaceful Rain Corporation, while on the Chief's right was a naughty little wolf cub drinking from a chocolate mixture from a small box as well; her eyes widely big and shining through and through.

Even farther to the sides of the 11-seater were more maids and wives, tranquilly waiting for the next upcoming ‘show’ about to appear but really, taking these times of waiting to just ‘know’ about something to chat among one another peacefully and contentedly. Sometimes discussing their work, their official movements inside the game, Yun Beishang’s position most used with them and the way he mistreats their whole bodies but at leat bathes with them right after; yeah, all sorts of little ‘unimportant’ and daily life’s thingies.

Slllurrrpk-hkah! So, yummy…” Nora has been drinking from juice boxes ever since she and everyone else took lodging in the KATARINA-1 mothership, her fascination and utterly girly admiration for these thingies left even Yun Beishang with jealousy and envy as she had a straw to suck in the contents almost every time he met her, with the one she had in her mouth being th 7th or so.

Swiish, plok!

Throwing the juice box with her right hand towards the right side of the Living Room they were in, then as it landed in a trash can without any problems, Nora stretched a little before picking up her feet by bending her knees high and letting her completely uncovered kitty be witnessed by Yun Beishang as she didn’t bother using her feet to cover the sweet little ‘her’.

“Mmmffha, nyaaa…” Then, being extremely cute and full of tenderness, Nora seduced her man, husband and the one she shared her brain, soul and what the fuck not for the umpteenth time as she then landed her right cheek on his left shoulder and her tired but skilled hands went down his armpit to hold his arm dearly and as a pillow before closing her eyes.

Opening her eyes into a mesmerizing squint, Nora breathed in and out so peacefully as she heard each of his veins pump and dance at the rhythm of his heartbeat, the movement their caused inside his body under his skin and how each of his bones were ‘breathing’ too. All of that mesmerized, enticed, seduced and made Nora spellbound just as much if not more than what she would make Yun Beishang go through everyday… from now on.

“You know…” Yun Beishang suddenly spoke at this moment, his tone; sincere, calm and peaceful, but for some reason, it gave Nora some chills as her danger radar was spiking up like how her kitty ate meat today so madly as well. Yun Beishang continued after making a 2 seconds pause and letting his voice trail off slightly, “...I remember this one type of ‘lady’? Mmm, yeah, I think it was a lady, pretty sure she is.”

‘Uh oh.’ Uh fucking oh indeed, Nora knew what she was about to hear and then, once the ‘show’ was over, bear witness to with all her 7 senses without any qualms. And indeed, just as she was to try and escape, she felt an undeniable grip, but from one whose strength easily allowed her to get free from, as Yun Beishang looked to his left and down at her before continuing. A devilish canine on the left upper corner of his mouth showing to let Nora become retarded once more.

“She told me some things, but at first, I couldn’t tell, you know? It was… something along the lines of, oh, I know! ‘I recommend you the use of a bow and arrow, wooaaaah~!” Yun Beishang exaggeratedly elaborated, his hands flying around a little as his eyes were fully opened and darting around before finally landing right back onto her own eyes.

“That was really something amazing, don’t you think?” In a perfunctory tone, Yun Beishang said these words calmly as Nora was like the best puppy with teary eyes who had its fluffy ears stay behind its head and looking up at him with the intention to live on through this calamity. Yun Beishang then said while their lips exchanged movement and danced at the words he was now spouting with their noses meeting the other from their sides.

“That voice was so familiar, so pleasant and one that I seemingly wanted nothing more but to hear from every day, at all times.” Yun Beishang placed his left arm around her shoulder, Natalia on his right looked on with a smile and her pair of complete starry light blue universe eyes glimmering powerfully. “Ah! Since you work in the game, or used to, do you by any chance know how can I get to meet her, hm?”

“Aah… ehweh, ayehehehe, eeeh… eh?” Nora, the being who has transcended even Godly beings and from whom Krayeke would be still beaten up nonetheless and no matter what even as he was an existence himself should he even want to start fighting Nora himself; became silly retarded as her dummy eyes looked on at Yun Beishang’s and knew no shit onto what to do next.

“Thank you, in any case. My precious Nora.” Yun Beishang dangerously lowered his head into hers, placing the tip of his nose against the middle in-between her nostrils and said while her chin was a bit splattered with his saliva; unconsciously.

“For what?” Asked Nora as she then felt her chin being eaten up lovingly, temptingly by Yun Beishang whose hands were now skillfully and lady-meltingly towards her neck from right below her jaw and on the top of her jugulars to all the way down where her collarbone or clavicle began. “Ahh, I was worried, so I… umfh… wanted to…?”

Her neck was now getting the most beloved of acts, and in public; kissing. Nora couldn’t maintain her being-level of willpower and restraint, the little, tiny tentacles inside her kitty’s cavity starting to wake up as they were washed so suddenly with water, not cold but still very ‘smelly’ and one where not even a completely tired out Yun Beishang—if there could ever be a time—would remain ‘weak’ for even a single iota.

“Shhh,” Yun Beishang, in between kisses and biting, his eating out of her neck never ceased as he yet managed to speak without any troubles but with a low and hoarse, magnetic tone. “For looking out for me. Before, earlier on and now… right now. Nora, don’t be silly, there is no reason for you to be so adamantly guilty, let yourself loose… you’re all mine now, and I yours, my little Succubus.”

“Haah-ha-aaahh????~!” The temptress has now been seduced, enticed and won over instead; giving the raise to a new future and new era where, only Yun Beishang would be the last duelist standing even amongst a battle against all odds with that being of 1 vs more than 500,000. As Nora had her neck fully displayed out and being totally eaten by Yun Beishang as she threw her head wide backward, the TVs all around made a shing-beeping sound and color appeared at last and at once.

“Hello ladies and gentlemen, good ‘morning’ and thank you for attending to this show’s…” As the middle-aged man inside the large TV screen spoke, everyone, not only those in the KATARINA-1 mothership, could see a very damn well suited proper man that looked to be in his 40’s.

Though he had such an incredible and well mannered appearance, he was sitting on a desk and had a background similar to those old as hell Earth’s news, looking just ridiculous and out of place while also making the background more interesting than the person him or herself. With this comical sight and the colors making just too much of a striking visual impact on the viewership’s eyes, the middle-aged man then changed his tone before continuing in a more easygoing and warm demeanor.

The middle-aged man started to speak of many things, indeed; he began by speaking of how the gaming world of the Crestfallen Industry’s masterpiece, Rising Essence, had changed way too much over the last 6 months and how it was now nice seeing it heal back up after a tremendous setback and heartache that it gave ‘us’ all.

Afterwards, the middle-aged man made a deep and so fucking well structured analysis on the player’s data. Their time in levelling up from LV0 to LV30 at the very beginning of the release and from LV30 all the way up to the current era of the Warmonger expansion, LV110.

Then, he made a slight but oh so even more perfectly well structured comparison between the OG players, loyal and devoted to the game and the Crestfallen Industry. It was about how much less difficult it took those new players to reach LV99 at the very least, since the questing from the Warmonger expansion gave everyone a good taxi to MAX LV in no time.

It was then followed by the comparison between the gearing up of the OG players back then, to the brand new incoming players from about more than 8 months ago and how utterly easier it was for the letter to gear up to even much better degrees than the former ever could back then. Of course, The Order wasn’t mentioned and was possibly not included in this comparison, not that it mattered; but still.

In short, the levelling comparison ended up being a total shock for everyone, as most expected it to be at least half as difficult and more than ‘just’ 50% faster than the first few batches of players. However, the end result was an increase in speed at levelling of 75% while the difficulty of doing so was indeed halved at the very least.

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This had to do with the way in which players now had a plethora of ‘almost’ free items and equipment to buy at the Trading Markets, where they could so easily just search for some types of items and the AI of the game will present it onto the palm of their hand, the only needed to buy them after some slight and mild farming session and they were good for the week.

As for the gearing up and so on comparison; due to the intensely heavy experience being shared more often than ever before, the players with Sub-Classes that did took their time to dedicate themselves to them as well as the Sub-Class only players were so much more advanced, agile and permeable than before.

Before, a Valuable LV30 One-handed Dagger might’ve cost thousands of gold coins but, now, it could very well be sold for just 150 gold coins at the very most if it had the right stats. An accessory, instead of going for even several more thousands of gold coins, it was now reduced to half a thousand gold coins give or take of the same grade and LV.

As such, gearing up was about 300% easier than before, and the obtaining of materials and money in-game were also much easier. This time, however, it was not due to nothing else but the really and actually helpful tips, advice and guides that some players did, have always been doing or are starting to do to either boast, exchange knowledge of the in-game classes or even just to discuss; that simple.

Besides those angels and heroes without a cape, the streamings, videos and famous ‘recordings’ of stuff here and there with Little Star even being a huge contributor to all these ‘changes’ unknowingly and without the intention to; were also the reason of how there were more and more new players that were very well known of the combat system and the capabilities that it had in-game.

Heads would start thinking, getting inspired or just overwhelmed with emotion, and that was how the new players were nowadays the ones making more and more posts about a few curious and innovative things. While, on the other hand, the OG players were discovering more and more mechanics. Some great, some not so much, some useless and some just fun ones.

In any case, after that little explanation, the TV screen then began to become ‘interactive’. And before every viewership knew it, a ‘18’ number appeared on the top right corner of the screen, with the middle-aged man pointing his left hand towards it and raising his eyebrows before falling into silence and taking a whole minute before resuming his speech once more.

Right after, the middle-aged man began to speak in a very ‘knowing’ manner, he even got closer to the camera, which was barely any discernible. And then attended to both genres with an unnecessary second greeting of ‘women’ and ‘men’. He then sat back down on his chair and made a showing gesture to his left, a certain extremely humongous building appeared on the TV screen just then.

The following words, explanations and matters to talk about were then continued very quickly. The Founding Flick Clan had now begun to employ brothels all around Main Kingdom, with that model showing on the TV screen being the one they were to be using in all Regions, Sub-Divisional Cities, smaller Cities and so on.

Of course, there were no real Sub-Divisional nor Divisional Cities around anymore, but with the way things were going, it wouldn’t take that long for them to be reconstructed again, and by none other but players themselves!

Still, these things were now already created and, with the system’s protection, the middle-aged relayed the information that any women and men seeking pleasure can now get it there. A place where having intercourse with a NPC and a player will be there for the ‘guests’ to enjoy from the ‘hosts’ and ‘servants’.

There would be many ways to enter and to have different paying methods that each had their own peculiarities. One was the simplest and most ordinary ones of them all, you pay to enter a small fee, then either select a random host or servant or one in particular to enjoy yourself with. Prices vary in the selecting method with obvious changes depending on the ‘willing to do’ list and time asked for as well as ‘times’ asked for. On the other hand, the random selection was of a lower price, but the ‘willing to do’ list would be pretty lacking and rather dull, on purpose though. No higher nor lower price would be given depending on the person paying nor the person being paid for.

Another one is limited by time, purely, the price was either high or low, and it depended on the ‘willing to do’ list as well, but this list wasn’t important as all that mattered was that from that list, they could do anything they wanted for as long as they willed it. Even if it meant hurting the host’s or servant’s jaw or letting them get a sore neck.

It was in-game anyways, and there was a limitation to pain as well as a potion to cure it. No heavy stuff though and, in the same manner, there was the unique characteristic that the Founding Flick Clan’s brothels would now have and be the only ones to have, a potion to reduce the pain tolerance down to a 10% in total. Pretty damn neat.

At the same time, age for both guests and hosts and servants was to be 18+ for the latter and 16+ for the former. This was all due to the system’s contract being ‘signed’ as soon as the fee to enter was paid, and then, all that happened would be allowed as long as it was consensual.

In a sense, it was like a paradise for those in ‘need’ and dire situations but, at the same time, this wasn’t a kind of job where anyone could sign up and show up next day to have tens of thousands of gold right after. One needed skills and, for that, the middle-aged man announced that the Flicks will be training their personnel themselves and will also form system’s contracts to avoid all possible harming effects and activities of any kind and type.

But… that they were also looking and accepting people ‘capable’ and ‘experienced’ enough in the field to train their newbies. Oh well, oh well. There were many more methods as well, like, for males or females that were to wear a strap-on, a fee of ‘x’ amount of gold coins per thrust and per ejaculation. While another one was to pay for each time they were touched by a host or servant for a second with any part of their body, pretty neat stuff; and many more.

Finally, however, the middle-aged man went from theme to theme as the programmed time left for the show was soon to be over. And, as it couldn’t be more obvious with all the anticipation grown over the course of the previous 2 hours of the middle-aged talking, he finally got to what was ‘leaked’ and accidentally slipped up in various other programs.

“...well then, ladies and gentlemen.” Returning to the ridiculous but comical ‘news’ voice, the middle-aged man looked at the camera, all images and sfx ending as his face turned stern. “The next expansion is now coming out in less than 10 hours, and the following words coming from my mouth will be what everyone should be expecting for the next couple or few months, who knows?”

Making a rhetoric remark, creating hate and the will to kill from some viewership with those last few words, the middle-aged man ignored his excellent trolling skills before continuing. “First of all, and I have to do my best to not shamefully speak of these words; it was planned already for the game to have its Regional borders taken down from all over Main Kingdom, but…”

The middle-aged man’s old eyes were etched onto the camera’s lens, his visible wisdom silencing even insider thoughts as he continued” …due to the overwhelmingly, sophisticated slow restoration made by the players all over Main Kingdom in general; overall. The Crestfallen Industry has decided to let the Regional borders remain for the rest of this second expansion; namely, the Unshackling expansion!

“Now, as for this next expansion of Rising Essence, it will be very simple to explain and there is no need at all for the Crestfallen Industry to keep it all a secret from you Rising Essence’s players.” The proper and well mannered middle-aged man sniffed in once and smacked his lips a few times while looking at the desk where some papers were laid there as he took the slightly into his right hand.

“This second expansion, Unshackling, will not have a change nor drastic reveals like the Warmonger expansion did. The Unshackling expansion will, instead, be and consist about the power that the Journeyers themselves are growing inside the game and the manpower. Not only the powerhouses in the game that you’ve all recruited, but yourselves as well with the aid of… the, your masters!”

“Very well then, guys, thank you all for listening to me, this old man for this long. As I’ve brought you to this tiny journey, the masters inside the game will be guiding you to a… -journey. The MAX LV for the Unshackling expansion will be that of LV129, I hope everyone can get there as certain… ‘uninvited’ guests may be there waiting in ambush for players and, more important than all, the remaining ‘Inhabitants’ of Main Kingdom…”

Poom, both the TV screen in everyone’s homes and inside the mothership KATARINA-1 were then met with the blackness from before, as well as their hearts and brains being stunned for a good while at the last few ‘paragraphs’ spoken by the well mannered and eh, handsome, middle-aged man.



V5: #4 1/10.

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