Bow and Arrow

Chapter 504: Chapter 502 — Teary Rose, Great Petals of Destruction Suit Armor Set Unlocked!

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Teary Rose, Great Petals of Destruction Suit Armor Set Unlocked!




"Hahaha! Who cares if they are already used?? When we can make them turn into our own specialized meat holes?! Hahahaha...!!" As a soft voice suddenly turned rude, that of Ross Klena, and the other 3 began laughing out loud uproariously, a certain few individuals were thoughtful yet also thoughtlessly looking down at them as one of them finally opened his mouth to speak.

"These are troubling, while we give the Journeyers a time, we can let these have their way on Main Kingdom b-b-b-be-b-eb-eb-e-b-eb-eb-eb-eb-e!!" This was a kind of room, yet not a room and definitely not 'a Space', but it was like a hidden compartment inside of space itself. In it, there were thousands of figures but all and each of them were silent, with only a few, about that of 51 or so were at the very center of them all as the one who spoke suddenly began convulsing without any given reason.

They weren't corporeal, not fully, as it seemed that they were all in a special state of their bodies necessary to watch what was going on in the so-called primitive, vulgar and savage 'New Earth'. There was a kind of light blue, ethereal feeling to the current state of their bodies and their faces had large hollow holes at their eyes and mouth with no nose to show at all.

Then, as the one to speak suddenly began convulsing and breaking apart, the whole thousands of same stylized light blue ethereal bodies turned their inhumane, spectral heads with a hood that covered their entire bodies to the breaking apart male voice's owner. The sight of it alarmed no one, but as the figure then completely fell apart and disappeared into sweet nothingness, a female voice uttered out in boredom but loss as well.

"There goes another, another megaannum has gone by..." The soft female voice was responded with an old, utterly ancient, mighty but so crazed, emotionless and fanatical voice of a male. "Yes, indeed... another is gone, suuuu~!"

The ‘people’ all around that old and ancient voice might not have been shocked at all by the sight of one of their strongest simply crumbling to pieces, lowering their leading powerhouses from 51 to a deplorable of 50 after so long from the original hundreds…

However, the next scene utterly shocked and frightened them, as their images went blurry and shock was visible in their hollow eyes. The old and mighty ancient voice quickly ‘breathed in’ from his hollow mouth and began eating up all of what could be considered the remains of the one who had just become sweet nothingness; a kind of gray ash was all eaten up in a sweep of his breathing in alone.

“Atmos-” A younger female’s voice sounded out in shock as one of the 50 remaining ones as it happened, the ancient and mighty light blue ethereal body raised his hand to stop her and then said right after, “No need for words, he died and was weak, it is only best that I ate him. After all, who else but me can be the one to do so? It’s so much better than leaving it to waste…”

“But, Grandmaster…” The young female’s voice spoke out again, some sorrow and liveliness still in her voice unlike that of the ancient and mighty person’s voice. Buuut, just as she was about to elaborate about the ways that he promised never to repeat after eating away their Goddess, and alone; she saw the person turn its hollow-ish head around and set its gaze on her face.

“...!” She became deeply astounded in fear and, as she stepped back while trembling, the ancient, so old yet mighty person spoke in continuation and in the stead of the no longer existent person from before. “So, as we take a look at what those lowly ones can do before we figure out a way to take them out, or if they themselves come out on their own volition. Let these be the one to obstruct that kid, he cannot be killed easily since everyone’s already ‘awake’ and looking around, so-!!!!!”

The old voice was speaking when, suddenly, there was a huge disturbance which only him and the remaining 50 people of the same level could feel. In but an instant, they all moved to send those behind themselves, the thousands and thousands of weaker juniors out of the space they were confining themselves in… before ‘it’ struck them.

“Hmm? What are these? They feel-sniff sniff, kinda strong but weak as hell! And, sniff-uuuggghh~!! Such disgusting smell, what the fuck?!” A sudden young man’s voice came to be, not from any angle nor side of the confined space compartment, but from all around and over the place as those who were being taken out of it for safety were shocked and almost died with the hearing of those words alone.

There wasn’t any kind of huge actual disturbance, rumble nor even a ripple in space, the air or the ‘walls’ of the compartment inside of space; yet they felt like they were hearing an almost a being sneeze and them being in the wrong place and time about to be utterly exterminated without even trying to.

“WHO IS IT-BLAKGGGHH~!!!” The old and mighty voice but no longer ancient sounded pathetic and weak, flustered and utterly frightened as he looked around with his hollow countenance without being able to identify the source. He seemed to make vomiting reactions to the magnificent, immense power that was shocking his body almost to death.

Of course, not such blood nor rupture of organ were visible, since this state of theirs was more like a weird puppeteering of sorts. Yet, as his voice went out, the young man’s voice returned but, this time, to the shock of their core as they instantly opted for abandoning the connection they made to such a lower plane after millions of years trying to stable it.

Once they lost this one connection, with all the effort they’ve placed in chasing after that damnable Leader that was sure to be all weak and dead by their hands already, would be gone!


“Hum, but these are strong enough for my Little precious Sister, so! I cannot let you go, oh no no neh.” The young man’s voice was uncaring of the ‘most powerful’ from the lots of weird people, a single huge pair of lips appeared as the ceiling instead of dark blue walls that were so obscure, the blue could barely be discernible as if it was an insanely cruel sickness or venom of sorts as the design of it.

Nevertheless, as the weird ‘people’ looked skywards, they saw these lips then grin deviously, an incredibly large and powerful fang showing on the left corner of them lips before then…


A sudden appearance of a leg that tore through Dimensions and space itself appeared right below those gigantic lips, a modernly pant-clothed right leg swung at them in a bizarre angle! It first drew itself back, the feet fully extended out as it formed a blade of sorts along with the shin and calf, it then shot its feet to the center of the, the leg enlarged itself a few meters before simply kicking at the air; yet…


An utterly insane and unbelievable sight happened, all space broke as butterflies the size of a 10 floor building appeared in industrial amounts all over the confined compartment in space, breaking havoc to even reality itself as everything inside this strange room began to crumble.

It was almost to the same image that the previous weird ‘person’ also crumbled to nothingness, however, before the old and terrified voice could even try to eat as his hollowed eyes looked crazed even as there was nothing in them, as if to just show off how lunatic he was of a being. A few pairs of arms grabbed at him from his back while he tried to open his hollowed mouth to breathe in the power from the space.


Naturally, nothing was absorbed but he did saw a ton of corpses that were flying his way, and since he wasn’t able to eat away the power from this space, he decided to instead turn those corpses of his Race into meals for his empowerment!

‘Cooome, heeeeee-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-rrrrrrrrrrreee~!’ Thought the weird old and frightened but still mighty—without counting the young man—’person’ but was then instantly taken out of the space right after as the corpses of those others who were the strongest of his Race accompanied him with a blink of their own, disappearing but already being deader than dead.

“... … … … … … … …” A long time went by after the young man’s voice spoke for the last time, the entire place became still a few minutes after the insane destruction happened. There were blurs that had strange colors all around it, this was basically a breaking of the reality of the confined compartment in space, which was all too weak to keep on going after the young man’s attack.

Another few minutes later, a young man’s body appeared at last, it was a young man with long, pale-white hair and with sky-blue eyes, he had a feral, animalistic kind of look to himself as he was wearing jeans and a black and red jacked with black being the main color. Under the jacket was a long-sleeved black t-shirt that made him look a bit sophisticated.

“They ran off… well, they didn’t had Lil’ Sis’ scent, that’s good. Sniff-ugoh-CKLWAGSHH!” The young man tried proving once more, but ended up with the same result, yet stronger as he directly threw up a few pieces of organs that got that horrible stench on them, not feeling any bad nor afraid of having done so.

“...but they do smell horrible, aaawgh! Grrrr, that little brat, when I find her, I’ll smack her bum-... ahh, forget it… she is not little anymore, she doesn’t even hear out his Big Brother, woo wooo~...” As if a wolf whining and whining incessantly, the young man casually made a vertical slash with his left hand as he rubbed his tummy with his own right hand.

As he looked like an intoxicated person who just now ate something the thought would be delicious from the street and suffered by his naïvety, he exited the strange space that started to noiselessly tremble harder than a 130 year old grandpa or grandma walking down the street, trying their very very best to not start rolling on their way down.


…krkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkrkkrkr-pew… BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-!

As soon as the young man left the space, the cut he made in space itself was destroyed like a bubble, but one that held the might to scare off those atomic bombs of the modern era only used in hasty retreats from an expedition of the outskirts of the human territory of New Earth. Instantly after the portal that the young man made from cutting space itself disappeared, the entire confined space trembled so much that it looked like a glitch of reality repeating itself ten times every millisecond.

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Then, a definitely deafening and god-killing sound began to got out but, before it could, as if everything outside of it was in movement, the collapsing space was dragged so far away by the universe itself as the booming sound that could kill even gods disappeared… But then, a voice that would shock the young man to very much likely fainting was heard, and it was even more so for the contents of that voice’s words.

“Sigh! Even if I was late, nothing would’ve happened, aiyoh~~. I’m growing rusty, Stella, sorry, thinking about you so much… yeah, you are a problem even in Extinction…” The voice then drifted away as well… it was that of a man, neither old nor young, but that of a grown male that was intricately powerful.

. . .


Back on New Earth, the young man with long pale-white hair, that was savage itself but whose features and body were animalistic and feral was coming out from a ‘flower garden’ of the so-called ‘Founding Clan’ of the Flicks.


After coming out from the confined compartment of space, the young one found himself going back to New Earth in a whole different place than where he teleported himself from. Of course, he didn’t know that the portal he made to turn back to New Earth had gone through all of New Earth a few couple trillions of times in the span of a 1 second, but oh well, not his fault eh.

The young man had to see many things that he swore to himself only to see from his wife, which he didn’t even had a fiancee for it though. Anyways, since he had already sinned, he chose to sin to the fullest. As such, he took his time to try every single delicacy in the weird ‘store’ for finding coquettish women and naughty young girls.

At the end, since this was a clearly faraway place from civilization, faraway from the Capitals of those Regions, he was the only client in months. Yet, the Flicks never closed down this building despite there being barely any client every few years, the ones he got to eat away were brand new from a month ago as some chose to be transferred to a flower garden in at least a village or something to gain something at least!

Step… step, step, step, step, step… step, step… step.

It was like that that the young man got to be careful, at first, with the ma’ams, young women and young girls who took the time of their lives. But, just as the young man stepped out of the building and walked for about 10 steps, only to be amazed by the vast wilderness and the sight from where he could see such beauty just a few steps beside the ‘flower garden’.



He was then met with a tall chest from a man as he turned around, his nose almost clashing against it and his scent entering his senses. Yet, before the scent could fully reach him, which was in less than an iota considering what kind of being he was, the young man turned utterly nervous as he sensed a being that was not a being by just a little!

“Ee-e-h… this…” The young man might be fiery and a beast, both in personality, more so in battles and fights and also in bed now more than ever. But when seeing and recognizing, by instinct, this person in front of him; he instantly turned into a scaredy puppy as he tried to step back in reverence, but…

“Oh, hold it right there, young man.” The man’s voice brought strong shocks through the young man’s head in waves, but before he could turn into an idiot, he heard the man speak again in a crafty, old foxy and cunning manner. “You know, since you’ve taken from New Earth a lot of… ‘things’, then you might take them with you, how about it, son?”

“...” Looking up and seeing the man’s face, the young man had his skin go numb numb and fucking numb as he felt his fanboying side grow exponentially. “Oh my Lord! Who-w-w-h-w-h-what?! Who! How, Wha-!”

Then, the young man remembered, the man before him-no! The legend before him said something about taking the entire ‘thing’, to be his! And that was when he looked at the building which he so unwillingly left, oh my!

“Mr Krayeke, Lord Fallen existence Krayeke!” Kneeling on one knee, the young man quickly and sincerely bowed his head, his sincerity and worship obvious as Krayeke hummed lightly in understanding. Yet, that sole sound made the young man feel exhilarated, yet even more so, Krayeke’s following words shocked him and made him almost go crazy!

“Look at you, so over 100,000 years old and having already reached the Imperial God realm, good, good.” His voice was sincere, not warm nor friendly, but that was all what was needed to make the young man forget his precious Little Sister!

“Oh, but I could have never imagined that the Krayeke in the flesh from the legends would be here! This is unreal for me, uh-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I am a huge fan, my Lord Fallen!” The young man who was barely older than 100,000 years old fanatically responded to his praise, not daring to take it and changed the subject instead…

“Okay, okay that’s eno-”

Before Krayeke could continue, he was interrupted, unknowingly, by the young man as he looked and pointed behind him. “That? Can I really keep it? I was thinking to wait until I became before finding a wife but… but seeing this New Earth’s people, I couldn’t let go of them, I kinda made them faint but I made them okay so nothing will happen to them…”

“Ah, sorry. B-but…” the young man shook his head, trailing off too much as he felt embarrassed to no end at this point. He then wanted to say ‘but I want them all’, yet, before he could do that, Krayeke spoke as if he had read his mind. “Of course you can, that’s what they are for, better to leave with a man like you than just to be enjoyed by others and gain some money from it, right?”

“Mn, mn!” The young man nodded, feeling proud being called a man since, back in his family, everyone calls him little baby and that wouldn’t change unless he turned 1,000,000 years old… or became. Yet, he wasn’t aware that the fee for simply a normal thing such as a distanced dance was for about 150 credits, and that only 30% of the fees paid for would go to the ‘house’ and the rest to the sexual workers; 100 credits were enough to live well for a couple months in New Earth.

“Okay, good good, haha! Well then, why don’t you accompany me? I don’t know what an Eternal Silver is doing here, but since you are, let me treat you, alright? I have a little base called the Crestfallen…” Krayeke began to speak as he took the young man back to the ‘flower garden’, the young man seemed not to hear the words of ‘BOSS!’ coming from the matron nor the previously fainted ladies of all ages but old enough that is.

“Oh! Lor-”

“Just Krayeke is fine, no one here to punish your for your lack of manners, hahahaha…” Krayeke facilitated the young man’s life and made him less of an annoying fanboy, to which the young man felt embarrassed since he was always beaten down as a ‘child’ back then in his family for the lack of manners.

“Well then, Lord, of course you would know everything! How can I even ask? Haha… ha. Ahem! There is nothing important to me, what can we do first, L-Krayeke-uuuh, Mr Krayeke?”

“Mm, good.” Krayeke nodded at the dumb wolf, then spoke a few words to the matron as the latter then looked in amazement towards the young man.Then, as the matron left, Krayeke brought him to a boot and took out fine wine out of thing air before starting as the both seated. “I’ll give you a place to stay and for you to spend time with your new wives, boy… Do not treat the path to becoming as something anybody knows. How many beings or existences did your Eternal Silver Clan have birthed through the eons? A dozen at most? You don’t even have more than 1 existence right now, now that’s deplorable and sad.”

“You haven’t been able to reach the Star God realm because you are limiting yourself and your desires… you have failed yourself already! Go and enjoy yourself a bit more, when you’ve created some big bellies here and there on them after putting ringers on their fingers, come and meet me. I’ll give you a room to ascend to the last step before becoming… Oh right, the rings on fingers, those are the traditions here to marry. You may use your Clan’s ceremonies and the like, the ones for you of course, but you will follow theirs as well. And do not lie to them, boy…”

And like so, a big bad wolf was taken away from his duties… who knew how long it would be before this dumbass remembers that he had the mission to bring back the pearl and gem and treasure of the Eternal Silvers?



Let It Rain's Note: Hmm? What a weird title >xp .

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