Bow and Arrow

Chapter 509: Chapter 507 — The Main Kingdom’s Regional Forces Appear!

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The Main Kingdom's Regional Forces Appear!




The Heavenly enhancement effects were naturally new from the moment that the second Expansion of New Earth, Unshackling, was brought up to the game at last. It had been, truthfully, almost a whole 2 years since the release of the game but there was finally the update on the enhancing system of both equipment of all kinds and structures and buildings.

Of course, Yun Beishang hadn't even touched those buildings and structures he had made as of yet, but he was also studying a bit more onto that subject to check on whether or not which was the greatest option for certain creations of his. The walls may require a certain few stats, which they would gain a whole different kind when compared to equipment and so on, and his Symbiosis Mind-Sensory Spatial Barriers.

Like the effects that he could give to the equipment and even items that he made, Yun Beishang and anybody else could then get certain important enhancements on their allies or the structures and buildings themselves. Like a +1% at Critical Hit Rate, Pierce Rate or even Damage Dealt, though the amount wouldn't be that strong right away. Especially because of the lack of graded ingredients and items to enhance them with.

On the other hand, he knew very well of the Heavenly stage of his equipment and accessories' enhancement effects. The Mental Power+22 turned into a '+29', however there was now a Will+22 that wasn't like the direct conversion of Essence into Hidden Stat points, as these Enhancement Effects were but more natural and genuine than the simple addition of 'hidden stat's stamina' so as to say.

Still, compared to what a building or structure could have, mere stats were much lesser than other ‘general’ stats that benefited anything right away like Hit Rate even. In any case, Yun Beishang was right now looking through some of his Symbiosis Mind-Sensory Spatial Barrier shields, he had one on his left hand as he pondered about the stats given to his creations via the Enhancement and its Enhancement Effects.

At the same time, he looked at the remaining petitions from his Order members, Maidens and Ladies as well as some outsiders’ request from his vassals yet still not vassals since his Order was still at the Celestial level and could only take up to 300,000 members and still no vassals yet.

There were a total of 550 of such, almost all of them were from a full set’s petition to be upgraded fully and even evolved up to the King’s grade while a tiny minority in there were of several single pieces or just one of them in particular. Yun Beishang looked at The Order’s incredibly well advanced assistant in those ‘petitions feature’ system and the numbers being at ‘420/550’ from so many of them being completed already.

And since those from the outsiders from The Order were mostly the leaders which he had spoken from each Association, they were allowed the extreme privilege of getting this done until their full set, including accessories, were done being upgraded and evolved with. As for these petitions, they came in just from the beginning of the month, outsiders paid with materials and all kinds of raw items, while his Order’s members spent their excruciatingly heavily earned Honor points to get this done.

Even if they didn’t got that many Honor points on their own, they had enough materials and raw items to make up for it, though most would either choose to keep it for future upgrades or evolving of their gear whenever needed while the rest was directly given to The Order’s huge, endless vault in exchange for even more Honor points.

One way to earn them was to work together to level up or to grind mobs, getting their own respective mats and whatnot, while also collecting resources with other members of The Order. It sounded easy enough, sure, but this was rather rarely seen as not even Baston or all of the ‘Founding’ Clans’ Associations had it since it was a way to gain Honor points way too easily.

Nevertheless, the Honor points given were not small, and there were even other activities such as beating people up in the name of The Order in the arenas and so on, from all over the world since they were now obviously connected to one another in between Regions after such a long time has passed.

And, when it was time to march all around the Bright Sunset Region to recruit Inhabitants and to ‘pipe down’ certain storms here and there, all members of The Order received a global reward, very tiny though. While those directly involved received a goddamn good amount of Honor points and kissus and huggies from their Lord, ah.

There wasn’t any outsider in his Order at the moment, about 510 members in total from the 300,000 seats available, all of them from his maids, little maids from both the New Earth and Main Kingdom’s worlds. Most Inhabitants were at the ‘logistics’ departments, where they were free from any fighting and only had to do great at management, strategy, military, marketing and so on.

They were a huge aid for Yona, Xie Ling and some other maids and little maids that would take their time as well to aid in the notion. This is because of Zyv’s showing of her strength and Natalia’s gentleness due to her will and wish to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves; sigh. They all chose the big and stronk Maiden or Lady root and gave up any hope of being a lazy bum.

After all, compared to the Inhabitants without such talent and capabilities to suddenly grow stronger, they could endlessly revive in the game and regain their strength even if they died tons of times. Especially since the Ruined Temple was but at their full disposal and great use of, and it will be like this from now on since that Region would be their first objective.

Right now, as Yun Beishang was in the darkest underground room of his Lord’s Residence building, the maids and little maids were relaxing themselves after a good milk, rice and similar mix of greatly relaxing and satisfying food and beverages made by the greatest chefs in Yun Beishang’s world.

As he, on the other hand, fucked these two beauties to oblivion, their asses aiming at the ceiling as their crotches were that sensitive from his roughing them up. As he made his gaze depart from the game’s interfaces, he looked to his right, a little bum was exposed and Yun Beishang couldn’t help but laugh it out before starting to cover it with a mantle.

“Pfghah! Lioness, you are such an idiot… a little idiot…” Seeing that little girl’s body all appearing to be mature and full of vicissitudes, dumbly; Yun Beishang could indeed not resist laughing a bit as he saw it even because it was right after their time together. With big Lioness, of course.

But at the same time, he couldn’t help feeling underwhelmed and sad because, after all, he couldn’t wake this tigress up in the ‘lovely way’ every time he wanted. Like right now, her body was too little… and also, she looked too stupid, ah-uh, nono.

In any case, Yun Beishang then looked at his left, and saw his fine ass grown beautiful young woman of a little sister and began nodding in appreciation. His left hand casually moved to her teats, as if this was his home and their movements were just like walking around, then pressed together his fingers from one side of the breast to the other.

“Mngwah…” Such forceful and aggressive motion made Rosey do nothing else like being hurt but to moan instead, making the bad hands’ owner nod appreciate even more, ‘Well trained, I’m so great…’

“Hmph~!...” A light, tiny snort came from his right, as he saw Lioness then move her head away from having been previously looking at him as she obviously woke up, tenderly, to the sensation of her husband to be covering her innocent and vulnerable body. But then saw his actions of nodding and thought about biting down his Hot Dragon later on and eating it, hmph hmph!

‘...Hmph~.’ Yun Beishang couldn’t help involuntarily snorting, inside his head, as he then brought the covered bum into his embrace as he began to gently ruffle through Lioness’ short hair in her little Lioness form. The dumbo was faking sleep, but Yun Beishang didn’t mind as he gave these caresses to her and made her purr from time to time, her ears being scratched sometimes as well; making the killing move of such caresses.

At the same time that Yun Beishang was gently looking at her short-haired head, her stats popped up once again and, just like with Rosey, Yun Beishang even more so gently and affectionately looked on…


Lioness, Heavenly Lion Intimacy: ∞∞∞

[Heavenly Lion(Half-Dragon)] (Lioness): Type: Half-Heavenly Lion and Half-Responsive Dragon Mount/Pet, Grade: Universal, Level: 129, Owner: Tongqiu. Has become one with her destined Master, birthing from his own ‘self’ and that of a Teary Rose, this Heavenly Lion’s potential was furthermore enhanced with the events occurring to her giving birth and after giving birth alongside her destined Master. With the strength of two of the most unique Races in the Universal Lands, her future was already enigmatic before the baptizing of her being, her future can only be counted to be beyond the top right now.

Attributes: HP: 1,297,500, MP: 1.104,000, Stamina:3,885,000, Physical Power:383,200, Magical Power: 204,500, Physical Defense: 50,940, Magical Defense: 50,940, Hit Rate: ∞, Dodge Rate: ∞, Critical Hit Rate: 0%, Pierce Rate: 100%, Attack Speed: 200%, Movement Speed: 700%.


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Lioness can choose to transform into whatever that she wishes, either that be her human form, a humanoid form from her Heavenly Lion or Responsive Dragon; or the Heavenly Lion part or the Responsive Dragon part of her being at will and without no restriction nor any aftermath from the uses of these transformations of hers. Nevertheless, until she reaches true growth, she will remain as a little girl’s body until enough time has passed for her body to no longer resist the shackles from previous attrition.

Lioness can see through any being’s heart and soul, allowing her to detect enemies anywhere and no matter what distance they are in, but she has not grown to the point where her eyes and senses can go through small Dimensions, Pocket Dimensions, Dimensions nor universal borders.

Lioness cannot be stopped, slowed nor impaired of movement in any form, that includes attacks made to her mind and her surroundings as she will be fully unobstructed by such. Lioness can also not be entrapped thanks to the unique Bloodlines from her Master and her mate, the Teary Rose.


[Eye of the Lion, Soul of the Dragon]: LV: 1, MAX LV: 2, Level required for LV2: LV150. With but a mere thought, the eyes of Lioness will turn blinding orange or blinding golden depending on her current form, with some violet in them. The orange color will make all enemies’ stats decrease by a whole 10% while the allies will have their own increased in 20% for a full 30 minutes. Cost: 500,000 Stamina and 250,000 MP. Cooldown: none. NOTE: can only be stacked twice in total and by each different transformation of color, when stacked, the time will only be reset and not added up nor ignored, only main basic attributes will be affected.

[Divinity of the Heavenly Lion]: LV: 1, MAX LV: 2, Level required for LV2: LV150. Lioness’ fangs and claws make a mark of heavenly light to appear on the struck enemies, each 3 marks will make an enemy enter into a Paralyzed, Stunned, Dizzy and Confused for 15 seconds. At the third activation of each mark of heavenly light, 15% of the damage dealt will be dealt again in the form of True Damage to the enemy struck and to all enemies in an area of 30 meters in diameter to that of the struck enemy. NOTE: the area will be doubled if hit together for the third time against another enemy, in the case of hitting a second person in the extremes of the first 30 meters diameter, a pair of AOE of 60 meters in diameters will be instantly effectuated and reactivated.

[Dragon-Lion’s Resonance]: LV: 1, MAX LV: 3, Level required for LV2: LV150. Lioness emits a wave from her heavenly self that makes all enemies who are reached by it to be Paralyzed for .01 seconds, and makes all allies attacks of any type have a 1% chance of Stunning, Paralyzing and/or Confusing the enemy. These waves are emitted in an area of 300 meters in diameter and does not have a cooldown effect when being in contact with enemies or allies. Cost: 30,000 Stamina per second and 10,000 MP per second. Cooldown: 0.2 seconds in-between activation and deactivation.

[Heavenly Gaze, Majestic Aura!]: LV: 1, MAX LV: 1, Requirement for ???: ???. All those under the Heavenly Lion as allies will be granted HP Regeneration+1,000 per second and regenerates their total MP and Stamina by 2% per kill; enemies will instead become weaker to Elements and Core Elements by a full 50% and 150% respectively when being affected or damaged by them. And for all those under the Responsive Dragon as allies will have their Movement Speed increased in 200% and raw Attack Speed and Action Speed in 40%, while enemies will receive a chain effect to share their allies CC effects inflicted upon themselves, the duration of the CC effects will be halved but during that time, the next damage to be received is increased in 50% and is afflicted with Strong Knockback.

[Insane Rage from the Heavens!]: LV: 1, MAX LV: 2, Level for LV2: LV150. The Lioness charges or flies towards any direction she wishes. As the Heavenly Lion, she knockbacks any enemy that isn’t of the same grade as her 200 meters far away with an explosive activation upon heating another enemy, dealing 500% of her Physical Power and an extra 150% of her Magical Power. As the Responsive Dragon, she creates ruptures in space that roots all enemies in the spot and makes them immobile for 3 seconds, they will also be inflicted with a Weakness State for the next 5 minutes while the first 5 seconds since being hit they will lose 15% of their HP as True Damage in total. NOTE: this will create a strong and long Stun effect on directly hit enemies selected as the target, but the hit will instantly stop the skill. Cost: 50,000 Stamina per second, 20,000 Stamina per second. Cooldown: 150 seconds.

[Heavenly Rain of the Responsive Dragon’s Destruction!]: LV: 1, MAX LV: 1, Requirements for ???: ???. Lioness commands a strong hurl of lightning bolts that descend upon the earth and sky itself, targeting both allies and enemies all the same, the earth will shatter continuously while the skies cry and howl. Allies will be initially paralyzed for 1 second before their melee attacks then are granted the effect of dealing extra damage from the damage dealt as 50% extra with the Bolt, Energy, Thunder and Shock Elements(for a total of 200% extra damage) for the next 50 seconds. Enemies will directly be inflicted with a debuff to their Movement Speed and Attack and Action Speed, reducing them by half for 100 seconds while also receiving continuous DoT damage of 500 Magical Damage per second and 1,500 Lightning Core Element Damage every 3 seconds. Cost: 1,000,000 MP and 1,500,000 Stamina. Cooldown: 5 minutes. NOTE: when selecting only one enemy, the effects will be hugely enhanced to 100% instead of 50% and the damage will be multiplied by 10; otherwise, the range of the AOE is limitless but unique to the battlefields that the forces under Lioness are fighting on.


Looking at them, Yun Beishang felt as if going through a journey yet again as he ended up smiling yet again with his hands going around to ruffle around her hair nonstop. “Mgnnñyah! Stop it, it feel-wee-e-e-e-eeird~.”

That was, until her growling, but purring, exclamation for freedom went out and left Yun Beishang quite speechless. Nevertheless, Yun Beishang still felt great from having this dumb big rawring thing beside him and be so docile as well. After all, only he and Rosey had seen what kind of monster she becomes when attacking enemies, she didn’t eat them only because Yun Beishang asked her not to.

Besides, it’s not like she needed to eat enemies to recuperate her MP and Stamina, she wasn’t a player that needed huuuge stats and amount of potions for her consumption to be evened up, but a Mount and or Pet directly from the game, so it was obvious that their regeneration of such stats was clearly different.

Besides, they weren’t just any grade but of the Universal grade! The strongest one that there could ever be, the literal end-game yet at the very first year of the release of the game where barely half the amount of MAX LV of the entire game were released. Of course there was a huge commotion in the game the moment that he was banging her from behind, Lioness became the first Mount to be in the leaderboards, and since Yun Beishang wasn’t in the game to impede it—not that he would’ve wanted to though—, the Mount Leaderboard ended up showing his information.

There was one, clear way to put it as it was the thought of all players at that moment, ‘how the fuck does he get so many things?!’ and also, ‘does he get gifts by just breathing?!’. But anyways, Yun Beishang also did not care about it, even less when considering that he would rather spend his time enjoying that one incredible second Universal ‘Pet’ he now had, to the ignorance and envy of everyone else.

“Grrrr, okay-nevermind, don’t stop… grrwllr, keep scwatchiiiing, grrr…????!” A mild, purring voice came from his front as Lioness sat on his lap, both of them naked, and demanded cutely while her neck trembled and her ears fluttered nonstop.

“...” Yun Beishang grinned and felt calmed down, he used his hands to comply with the little girl as he felt sad that he had to make his left hand give up on molesting and brutalizing those breasts of Rosey. But, it was for a good cause, for the children!

Anyways, after some time passed, and just as Lioness was feeling like becoming big Lioness again, it happened…


Step, step, step, step… step step.

“My Looord~, there is someone looking for you????????????.”

A voice that sounded as the epitome of seductiveness, temptation and lust reached Yun Beishang’s ears as it did the same to Lioness and Rosey’s, but both of them continued to ignore her while Yun Beishang looked up at her with indifferent eyes. As he gazed at the masked figure with clothes that made her side boobs, cleavage, exposed thighs and upper thighs as well as her navel and lower abdomen seen clearly with that extremely tantalizing skin, he then said in return at last with an imperative tone.

Lovable and Touchable, is it? Hmm, have you found them yet, then?” Lovable and Touchable took off her mask, surprising Yun Beishang as she then continued to do so as she smiled brilliantly and with her reddish eyes squinting in mirth at him; yet with a whorish tone he said to him while making his skin numb from the sound alone.

“Mhm, I found the oldie and the siblings that you mentioned. Furthermore, the siblings convinced the oldie to let you have  chat with them, you will have a meeting with but all of the Regional Forces, so I think my Lord will have to postpone his daily goodnights with his children????.”

“Mm, I do not blame you… let’s go.”

Step! Step, step, step… tshing tshing~~.

Yun Beishang said lightly and then picked himself up, as he walked forward, the two beauties behind pouted and smelled their philtrum before quickly disappearing into his White Space. Naturally, where they appeared right after was KATARINA-1, they didn’t need to be told and as for ‘see you laters’, he would go back in a bit so it didn’t really mattered; he could compensate if they felt ‘so wronged’ all the same anyways.

“Mmnn, what a man, my niece is sooo good to find her life partner, ehe.” Lovable and Touchable said, feeling the brutish and strong grip on her waist as she was then ‘forced’ to walk along Yun Beishang towards the exit of the darkest room.


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