Bow and Arrow

Chapter 522: Chapter 520 — Powlniu’s Caring And Sisterly Love

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Powlniu's Caring And Sisterly Love




Back at the Bright Sunset Region, inside the prison built at the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Golden Citadel. Around that of 11 pm.


In an extremely large area that was all by itself about that of 200 square meters big, where there were at least 40 rooms from which only a single one of them had their incredibly modern and out of this era light from the electricity technology on, while the rest of the entire floor was fully darkened and without a single hint of light except from those of the guards patrolling the area which were naturally Inhabitants from The Order.

The entire prison's design was elaborate but very simple at the same time, it had 4 floors in total visible to the naked eye, the main floor was one for reception and livelihood of the people managing and guarding the prison. While the 3 upper floors were where the prisoners would be residing and living from then on, but besides that, there were another 4 underground floors below the main floor.

Each upper and lower floor from the main floor were to have prisoners reside in them, as the kitchen, baths, dinner hall and exit to the 'playgrounds' were at the main floor. Security wasn't a problem, and Yun Beishang made so sure of that... but because it was so advanced, he could only make 'so little' of a prison and only one at that.

Each room also was to have up to 10 people in the same cell, there were light and uncomfortable cushions all over each cell’s floor and a single tiny, so small black colored glass room where they could defecate and urinate at. The bars of each cell were lots of 5 inch wide iron-like bars, but they wouldn’t be a problem even if a Heavenly BOSS was to be jailed here due to the incredible things that Yun Beishang’s Forge and Create Sub-Class branch could do.

The main floor had a powerful gray color to it, with the flooring being of a fashionable quartz with black, small flowers in each corner for each tile. While on the 3 upper floors and the 4 lower floors, it was all of a murky, swampy brown color for all of its walls, ceiling and flooring as well as even those from the cells all the same.

And from the outside, the width of the prison’s main building, as there were some towers all around it along with a thin barrier made of magic and energy surrounding it and the ‘playgrounds’; was of 200 meters, naturally. While on the other hand, the height of the main building was approximately of 120 meters tall.

The first and main floor of the building was 20 meters tall, while the subsequent 3 upper floors and even those 4 lower floors had a height of 30 meters. The main floor’s outer walls were painted of a navy blue, while the 3 upper floors and also even the 4 lower floors—if they could at least be seen—had a pale gray-blue color instead on their outer walls.

Inside the second floor, where just one of the many cells were lit up from  the ceiling, and not even completely full at that. One figure was in front of the cell, waiting as another two figures moved towards her from the entrance of the room, just a small 3 meters behind her as she faced the cell, while another 2 figures were inside the cell.

Step, step, step, step, stepstep.

The 2 figures inside the cell had the same clothing, simple white ordinary-looking clothes with a little, rectangle shaped and comical hat on top of their heads that they didn’t dare to take off the top of their heads in fear of taking another beating. They were looking down and not darng to meet the General’s eyes, at least 1 of them was like so, while the other was fidgety and sneaking glances at the General and the incoming parties.

The General, on the other hand, wore a full light but so professional looking and elegant darker blue navy uniform with a small but fashionable hat on top of her water-like and colored haired wonderful head. Her figure couldn’t be hidden no matter what she wore, so with this outfit, she appeared cold, ruthless, commanding but also infinitely charming, undeniable and so damn attractive.

From behind, a guard wearing simple gray and yellow clothes, not each piece being of a different color but all of it holding those 2 colors instead. Yun Beishang was being led towards General Powlniu, whose right hugely bulging chest even under her uniform revealed the Elf Blue-Hunch Region’s insignia, a half on the left with the half of a blue heart with a blackish background while, on the right bright metallic gray with some part of the Lord Residence’s building in it.

As Yun Beishang walked in while wearing light clothes of a black color and of an edgy style, a leather blackish coat with the behind being as long as almost 1.7 meters and great-looking carbon colored thick boots. With such a presentation, how could the prisoners and the guards who received him in shouts and utterly worshiping respect not feel apprehensive at?

Even more so for Powlniu who, even though she knew that ‘he’ may come, rather thought that he wouldn’t have much time to do so. Then saw him come in right away, fully focused on the harsh speech that she would give them after deciding their fates, how could she not be immensely ecstatic?!

“My Lord, General Powlniu is here as you can see. I will now go first. If my Lord needs anything or if the General has any orders, we’ll be waiting downstairs, just shout.”  With his head respectfully remaining bowing all the time, the guard spoke in a low tone but without being afraid of being heard by those scummy prisoners.

“Mm, thank you Bob.” Yun Beishang said, and as soon as he did, he kinda felt like he just had accomplished something that many would only be capable of dreaming of doing. He lifted his right head and patted the left shoulder of the even more heavily and joyous guard bowing towards them, as his right hand naughtily and sneakily took a hold of Powlniu's waist.

“You may return, Bob.” Powlniu said with an ethereally gracious demeanor, her blue skin did nothing to hide the incredible aspects of her expressions as her fully blue eyes, eyebrows, lips, hair and even tongue appeared fantastic and goddess-like as she called Bob’s name rather more naturally than Yun Beishang and his modern self.

“But of course!” Bob invigoratingly said, he was a chap of about 30 years old, regular height and honest, not handsome at all; face. He had a chubby grandfather with utterly white hair all over his head guiding him over the steps, and as he revealed this strongly energized side of him to one of the highest people of The Order and the Lord himself! He said in a manner of bidding farewell, “General, my Lord.”

Step, step, step, step, step… creak, step-step, thud.

Moving towards the exit, opening and then crossing the door before then closing it and with his steps already not being audible anymore, Bob went away at last, leaving the only 4 well balanced figures in the first floor after going down the stairs; a balance of 2 ‘superior’ guys and 2 ‘lower scum’.

“Okay well, what happened?” Yun Beishang, once he gave Powlniu an apologetic, long glance of about a whole 3 minutes that seemed as worthy as whole hours instead, said after moving his gaze from Powlniu’s wonderful sapphire eyes.

“Aa-a-ah…” Yun Beishang’s tone, their Lord, was simple and nonchalant; but it somehow brought to them a strong sense of being fully seen through inside out. With the fidgety one in the cell being the first trying to sound something out of his mouth, only to fail as he was then immediately petrified by these sensations.

“...” Then, looking at the other prisoner so as to create some sort of pressure so that he would talk first, only to find the other prisoner ignoring and seemingly not even noticing his own glare at all. Hence, the fidgety prisoner could only purse his lips before raising his head to look at the two outside and say, “My Lord! I only wanted to punish a few Inhabitants that weren’t obeying and remained rooted on the spo-”


“...idiot.” As the calm and quiet prisoner said out of instinct when he heard and felt the results of the other prisoner’s ranting, Yun Beishang lowered his left free hand while Powlniu wasn’t fazed in the slightest with a cold look in her eyes and frowned eyebrows out of disgust towards the previously talking prisoner who was all too energetic and without manners to speak to his Lord.

Indeed, just a bit of Will and Intention guided by his Mental Power and boom, splash and spurt; the fidgety prisoner was completely obliterated as his body seemingly imploded. His innards flying to the ceiling and adhering themselves to it, the rest of himself became liquid, blood was already liquid, but bones, flesh and organs weren’t.

So, as some liquefied organs and blood was splattered on the calm prisoner’s face, the instinct and trigger to ‘waking up’ from his senses were all activated. Just as the calm prisoner wanted to apologize for his rudeness, an emotionless, devil- like voice sounded in response to his own claim. “Indeed, one dead idiot; though.”

Slowly raising his head, his neck felt like entangled by endless tiny ropes, restraining it from moving smoothly as he trembled intensely from looking down at the ground to look slightly upwards at his previous superiors. “M-my Lord? G-General, I’m sorry, I became too unbridled and couldn’t compose myself after some large numbers of bodies resulted from a large skirmish.”

“I-I-I… gulp, I ended up annihilating 5 Inhabitants before I could go back to my senses, I’m sorry.” The calm prisoner had slightly long hair for a mn, and his eyes were being as if tickled by the tips of some strands of his hair and locks of hair, he wasn’t being all acting up or similar, and instead remained ‘himself’ as he apologized in a low but heavy tone of his crimes.

“No excuses, indeed. Only apologizing? I think that eases me up a little, but you won’t only apologize to me every day, what say you, Powlniu?” With his eerie, devilish voice being so somber and so emotionless, Yun Beishang’s last word was spoken contrastingly differently as it sounded soft and longing instead; raising a lot of shock to the calm prisoner.

“As you’ve said, Master, he will be the family’s slave of the exact family that he almost exterminated, it is a young boy of only 11. So although he was slightly uneducated and without knowledge of the world, this prisoner over here will be his protector, guide and laborer for life. Should he have any offspring, they will continue to work for the boy’s family until turning 25. That is your sentence, guards!”

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Powlniu, without an ounce of the womanliness she gave off as she looked so deeply in infatuation and devotion into the Lord’s eyes, spoke her words, not showing the slightest tinge of care at all. At the moment of her shout, about 10 figures came up the stairs and behind them were another 60, ready for any order from The Order’s General.

“You lot, take this prisoner to be dealt with,” Powlniu looked at the oh so attentive guards who were just now looking like lazy pigs chatting around and resting on their chairs, yet that rose to the occasion faster than a man inside a brothel for the first time. She then continued as she looked back at the prisoner who was previously her own soldier, one whom she and her daughters saved from extinction some time ago…

“He will tell you what his sentence is, I’m sure there will be no mistakes in here.” Her tone, assured and confident like no other voice was ever heard by the guards, and that made Yun Beishang instantly proud she looked at her with a nice grin. The guards were already feeling a great responsibility with General Powlniu’s words, but with the way that the Lord was looking at her, they became even more honored still.

“Yes, General!” - “Yes, General!” - “Yes, General!” - “Open the cells, cuff him and let’s go.”

Seeing the small display of great work, and the incredible building he himself built each piece by himself working so flawlessly, Yun Beishang was satisfied but nowhere near as content when seeing Powlniu. For as, even though they had seen each other a few times the last few days, it wasn’t like he had the chance and moment to spend time with her again.

And now; now that they had their own moment and he so instantly saw her deep affection for him, as a man, he was boundlessly content, proud, joyous and… gentle towards her.

Step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step!

Dragging the cooperative but still too slow prisoner down the stairs while 2 guards remained to close the first floor after the Lord and General departed from the first floor as well, only those 2 guards and those two lovebirds remained as Powlniu slowly let go of that General’s veil on her and rapidly became a little girl without caring about the remaining 2 guards behind them.

“Master????~.” Her right large pointy ear against his chest, even though it was above his chest and at the level of his collarbone, Powlniu was still able to hear his beating heart perfectly; becoming ultimately addicted and falling into a trance by it. In return, Yun Beishang caressed the back of her watery now short hair and softly and gently said, “I’m sorry, Powls, it’s been a long time, I know.”

The 2 guards: ⚆ᗝ⚆   (゚д゚)

Powlniu: (≖ᴗ≖✿)   ♡(ŐωŐ人)   (*๑˘◡˘)

Yun Beishang: ヽ(●゚´Д`゚●)ノ゚

“Well, don’t be stupid, Master. You are my Lord, and soon after, my husband once the second ‘batch of wifeys’ is confirmed. So, amm, how about we get a change of a place, hmm?” Powlniu, still deeply adhered onto his body with her busty self against his own chest as her stature was still a tiny wee tad taller than him even now, with her back bent and her left leg on the right side of his waist; said as she looked up with her blinking starred eyed locking on his eyes.

And seeing her dark blue lips being licked from the left to the right and vice versa, while some biting occurred here and there, Yun Beishang was utterly seduced as he quickly told her in breathless words in her left ear. “Oh, I know of a place, mind if we go there tonight? It will be a great reunion, quirky bu-”

“Mnn-eheheheeeh! …I’m in????.” Powlniu stopped Yun Beishang, her left hand on his right chest as she bit furthermore her lower lip and dragged her teeth on its meaty self. Yun Beishang could swear seeing hearts appearing in her sapphire eyes as she spoke, and was more than sure that her mind was growing wild.

“Mm, let’s go then.” Yun Beishang said, before grabbing Powlniu’s shoulder with his right arm as he turned their bodies to face the exit. Walking towards it, when he passed past the guards and the door, he nodded at them with a humorous smile before going down the stairs. As for the little girl-ah, no, the General Powlniu… well, that.

The 2 guards once again: (; ꒪ö꒪)   (゚д゚;)



The Lord’s Residence, Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Golden Citadel.


According to Xie Ling’s briefing, the description of the current landscape, even though the walls had extended well beyond what even the naked eye could see anymore, to a size that was even beyond that of a Region of New Earth or almost like so. The walls were still seen as small as leaves placed horizontally far in the distance, that was how damn large they were.

As for the Lord’s Residence at the perfect center of it all, it looked like a small dot in the distance that was a bit fat and only ever so slightly tall. The Lord’s residence was all black, of a pitch-black and utmost obscure dark color of them all, like the same color that Natalia’s eyes go when she goes all-out in whatever she exerts herself to do or go against.

It had a width of almost 15,000 meters, that impossibly, indeed. And a height of about 20,000 meters. Yet, it was still so small in the far distance where the walls of the Golden Citadel were at all around and far away from it. Like an overly enlarged dome with tones of protruding structures and designs on the building itself, it looked as if it was an armored insanely huge mecha building itself up or setting itself on resting more; as if transforming, cough cough.

Of course, it wasn’t transforming at all, and it was instead stagnant. But even then, the Lord’s Residence building looked so ultimately unique, special, of its own world, as if it could even hold its own world and even impractical at that. In the point of view of even the most unorthodox architects and the most advanced ones of New Earth, this was but a false god that was simply not possible.

Still, the Lord’s Residence was there, and though it wouldn’t be able to be expanded, it wasn’t necessary any longer… On the other hand, all around the Lord’s Residence and far away from the territory that was basically forbidden for all those who were not female Generals, Maidens or Ladies to enter and from which the only male was the Lord and his future offspring; an insanely large circling road enveloped the Lord’s Residence territory a few thousands of meters away from where its garden ended.

The Lord’s Residence’s huge garden was then all around itself, and though it wasn’t visible, it also had Symbiosis Mind-Sensory Spatial Barriers that were even of the Mortal’s Lethal grade. The entire garden, that was purely for the free time spent for those within the Lord’s Residence to spend time at, was about 4,000 meters wide as it encircled all of the Lord’s Residence building; not a single meter less or extra.

It had all kind of flowers and was all made out of the purest of greens, full of vitality and nature.

As for the circling road, it was basically 7 kilometers wide while the length was from all over circling the Lord’s Residence’s garden’s outer perimeter. So what if the Lord wasn’t being ‘connective’ towards its residents of the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Golden Citadel? So what if he didn’t show any resemblance between himself and his citizens? He was the Lord for his own choice, not to get their money nor appraisal.

Besides, in this way, the dangerous Yun Beishang could be kept away from the young wives, horny milf widows, pitiful widows and young girls full of naïvete but just as full of love. Thought Natalia, all the Maidens and Ladies of both New Earth and Main Kingdom, his contracted Allies by the system and future Vassals; as well as Yun Beishang himself.

Kept away from his clutches, it was the best way for them to live on, and the best for his harem to not grow by the hour.



V6: #1 10/10.

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