Bow and Arrow

Chapter 563: Chapter 561 — The Crystalline Citadel Ceases To Exist (1)

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The Crystalline Citadel Ceases To Exist (1)




"Well, hello to you too, have you missed me?" After their initial lovely hug, Sylda separated herself from him a little and said in a soft voice while not caring about her few utmost Elite Journeyers around and her Inhabitant students who were acting as her lackeys while she took a break from being one of the most awesome 'training' Journeyers as Instructors; and a High Instructor at that.

"Mhm, hm. I did~." And while those onlookers were having their mouths agape and their eyes unfocused while watching the Lord and their High Instructor 'cooperating', Yun Beishang spoke tenderly to his little girlfriend with the onlookers only being able to wake up once a few guards slapped their heads from the back, only then realizing of their 'offense'.

"...kya~..." Yun Beishang also went ahead and grabbed Sylda's waist, he would've given that small square shaped and well formed buttocks a grip as well if it wasn't because of being in public, but his arm surrounding her body from behind was all Sylda needed to feel mellow as she melted on his body with her head resting on her left profile of her head on his right shoulder and neck.

Step-step, step-step, step-step, step-step, step-step, step-step.

Starting to walk forwards along with his precious Sylda, Yun Beishang began speaking to her while her lackeys were carrying a few bags and cases containing probably some books, tools and instruments for training as well as clothing by the female 'lackeys' of herself and were following them from behind.

“How has your Bloodline been going?” Yun Beishang spoke, while Sylda tried to look up at him, his right profile face while only moving her head and refusing to move an inch from her walking forwards body; like a lazy cat, so girly. “I am doing fine, thank you fine sir, I have been studying very well, I can almost start teaching others the basics of Bloodline. And I’m sure that many on The Order can develop their own, especially those who showed clear signs of having one, while those who were scouted later on also have the same possibilities… woh, talking of The Order’s future is like speaking of a legend in the making, eh.”

Feeling teased a little bit, Yun Beishang restrained his impulse to pinch her nose and steal her lips from her own body and mind, merely tightening and loosening his right arm around her back a few times, when Sylda spoke out once again as she actually separated from herself and stood in front of him face to face.

“Beishang? I… err, my Fa-Foster Father would like to meet you, you know?” With a bit of a pout and her hands going to the back of her body, her modest B cup pointy archetype chest becoming well pronounced only for his eyes to see through her dark green colored outfit. Yun Beishang raised his eyebrows a little before saying in a comforting tone, “He won’t eat me alive for corrupting your innocence, right?”

“Puuu, of course not, he just wants to talk to you. Also,” Sylda stepped forwards to his actually step on his feet and her small hands going to his chest and then shoulder, her feet going a bit in a tiptoe as her lips only posed in front of his for a moment before circling around his unusually attractive jaw and reaching his left ear as they traced the skin of his left cheek.

“I hope you would like surprises before the end of this year, umehehee~!” Saying so, Sylda began hopping farther and farther away, with Yun Beishang’s hand quickly catching up to her tummy and locking it as his mouth reached her beginning to blush right ear from behind. “I would be very glad to have you surprise me by then, very so much.”

“Mm, now that I think about it, I think I’m gonna postpone some actions and movements a little bit until you arrive.” With those words, feeling great inside but knowing that it was no real good, Sylda turned around with her small head being more than glad to raise up to meet his eyes as if she was a shorty and he a tall giant, and gave him those eyes of ‘no, you don’t have to do this for me!’ but to which Yun Beishang instead responded with bluntness.

“Mm, I am doing so and doing so only for you, of course, besides the fact that one or two of my babies will be born as well. But let yourself know that, for ‘those’ matters that I know you very well are aware of, especially since you are part of it and have read through the data, that I am only postponing for you and nothing else. Alright? Also… we can spend some family time together, and your little family are of course not exempt from this, mwuah~.”

Sylda: (≖ᴗ≖✿)   o(≧ں≦)o   ( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )   (✿ŎꇴŎ)   б(>ε< )∂

“O-o-ookay, se-see you soon then, mwah back.” Feeling her already hot right ear be scalded from Yun Beishang’s lips and hot breath, the conquered and convinced, innocent and gullible Sylda had her entire face, neck and even some of her shoulders and neck flushed intoxicatingly furthermore before turning around, pecking his lips and running away this time for real.

Looking at the back of the girly in his embrace and strong headed, willed and clever as well as even brave Sylda running far away, Yun Beishang was perplexedly dazed, while the lackeys were sad to see they would have to tire out their bodies to extreme exhaustion due to their High Instructor running the fuck away. But they did without complaining and right after Sylda was about to disappear from their sights, Yun Beishang smiling at the dumb scene before looking to his left and walking towards a quite large, wide and with even some floors high up as well as down below beautifully and powerfully formed.

Without thinking too much, he walked towards it and reached it in just 3 minutes without using his… Essential Wings? Evil God Wings? Godly Wings? Destructive Wings? Oh well, that was a problem of Yun Beishang from the future to think about and not the present him, was Yun Beishang’s inner thoughts while he stepped into the building and was respectfully greeted by a few Journeyers dressed in black attire with horizontal stripes of a darker black along with ashy gray.

Where Yun Beishang entered, just now, was an Association Headquarters, where any Association with enough money and resources that was a Vassal of The Order could use to set their Association within the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain territory. There were also Faction-like Headquarters which were for the Inhabitants, just like the Journeyers’ Associations.

But that was for another case, the Association Headquarters had all the same design on the outer appearance of their buildings but the coloring was different for each Association, or gray-platinum if left alone. There was a full 500  x 500 square meters allowed for them and about 4 floors up and 4 floors down without counting the main floor.

Each floor had a thick but short overhang on top of, going all the way to the ceiling where, in the future, a ton more floors could be added up. It had an appearance of being metal, but looked like normal obscure bricks, it was all in all very powerful looking and somewhat resembling the Lord’s Residence. As for expanding the terrain, what else was best but to have their own territory outside the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Regional City but within its whole territory, which was 2 Regions as of now?

Of course, such things were for so far in the future, considering the general progress of The Order’s Vassals which was quite slow compared to The Order itself, and was going to be, naturally; for close, loyal and powerful as well as capable Association Vassals and not just for anyone.

From the inside, the main floor had a large space for their reception area, while there was a long corridor with an astounding wideness, each building within the territory was connected and surrounded the perimeter of their own headquarter’s territory, with their width being that of 300 meters, leaving the rest within the center of the same to be used for the Association itself.

Besides that, each Association Headquarters had 4 towers build at each corner of their square meter shaped territory, with each of them being for both vigilance and self-defense and whatnot. Though this was The Order’s ‘turf’, it would be idiotic to simply be relaxed and give up on thinking that it would be peaceful forever.

Of course, right now, there wasn’t any weapon nor ammunition sent to these towers that could only be defended with guns, magic spells and arrows as well as the most basic structures of defense or even besieging. There was a war at hand and the Wonder Region was so recently conquered, so before the enormous influx of resources swiped right into the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Regional City and was more than stable, such towers would be left to be like this.

Merely glancing at the Journeyers of the Eviscerate League, Yun Beishang greeted them silently and emotionlessly while the former felt not weird or awkward, as the Lord’s behavior was already well known among the Vassals. From which, just a few minutes ago, as they were celebrating the victory of The Order in the war, suddenly received a confirmation of becoming its Vassal.

All in all, just as they were so curious and excited due to a League, a League, being able to finally have Vassals, their Lord appeared and walked straight to their Boss’s office, wasn’t that all so crazy?

And being the man that he was, Kalen was sure to be in his office with his door open and on the first floor, without having any design of being at the top or hiding himself down below like some gang, mafia big chief or something. And as Yun Beishang walked to his office, the onlookers shared the news but dared not take pictures as they went full at it within their chat rooms of their own Association’s communications system.

Step, step, step, step, step, step.

“Hm, ‘knock knock’, hello there father-in-law to be.” As Yun Beishang walked inside the office, seeing the door was open and passing through the doorstep, he comically said a few words as in onomatopoeia while walking in, letting the handsome not that young man seated behind a desk to send his eyes upturned at the expected guest.

“...” But once he heard the expected guest’s words and snarky little grin, Kalen’s mood was sent to hell as he lowered his shoulders and head along a ‘long’ sight that was rather short instead. Kalen spoke to Yun Beishang with a clear but dispirited tone, “Aha-hem, Yun Beishang, you’ve come. It’s so good that the matter has ended, now, how about we talk?”

Making some grimaces at the ‘t’ word, Yun Beishang unwillingly closed in on the desk and sat on a chair that he grabbed from the entrance, then sat down in front of Kalen as the latter took out his glasses and his sword-like gaze reappeared once again. Yun Beishang did not give his father-in-law to be a chance to speak first as he said with a neutral but not disrespectful tone.

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“Are you unhappy with the fact that Sylda participated in the war?” Yun Beishang nailed it as Kalen only darted his eyes to his left and right above the former’s head, then, as he returned his eyes to his son-in-law to be, he spoke with a slightly reminiscent voice. “I never imagined that she would see those kinds of images in a game… especially this uh; ‘game’.”

“It was definitely something that I myself didn’t want to see as well,” Kalen spoke and Yun Beishang listened, the latter said with a light tone even though the former already knew of it, but it just seemed necessary to be placed on the ‘board’ of their conversation. “My decisions won’t make Sylda go through your past, at all, and she isn’t little, she is very mature.”

“Sigh, ah, I know.” Kalen dropped it off and just politely ended that subject with his heart at ease and his worries replaced by satisfaction, “It just, ever since I left the cryo capsule, knowing that , only my children… sigh…”

Not bothering to explain to the man who probably even knows what kind of heartbeats he was having without even using his own ears to hear, Kalen let his long dragged words be drifted away within the room in silence, as if silence itself was eating and gnawing at them and at his melancholy.

After a little while, he recuperated and had his whole aura emitting from his very own heart return to that of a humble, well-mannered, easy going and smart young-looking man that was looking to be in his 30’s next year or so. He looked at Yun Beishang and shocked him silly with his own words, “I know that in a month or two, Sylda will bring us up, her instructors at the Crestfallen Industry are rather impressed with her, big time.”

“But, let me tell you young man. No babies in tummies for my daughters, understood? Especially Kay!”

Yun Beishang: 工エエェェ(;╹⌓╹)ェェエエ工   (゚д゚;)

“Ah, ah; excuse me, what do you mean with especially Kay!?” Yun Beishang was stunned alright, silly and dumbtarded as hell, but he still asked as that one part caught him off guard, he only kissed her when Sylda wasn’t looking, let alone his father! The father then said with an unknown expression on both his eyes and face, “I’ve overhead-sigh, that, sigh… when talking with one of your maids, of someone’s Master having gone ‘bunny mode’ a little here and there and I-”

“...” Kalen stopped talking as he realized that Yun Beishang was silent, looking up, he was petrified as well as he saw Yun Beishang was more petrified than himself and even sweating profusely. Without knowing that Yun Beishang was planning on punishing all his maids when returning later on at KATARINA-1, Kalen let the matter drop and changed the subject with a rumbling stomach.

“Ah-err, right. I just accepted your Vassal invitation, I thought that only through face to face invitations could one be able to become or recruit an Ally or Vassal, how did that happen?” Kalen’s words allowed poor and innocent, gullible Yun Beishang to breathe again as he almost moaned about for getting out of ‘that’ situation.

“Oh, it… that may be because of our previous arrangements, you know, the system’s contracts and all that. The current allies were brought here and I make no promises for those who aren’t to be my Vassals, so. Oh, it might also be because of my Order reaching as high as it can get when it comes to League Associations.”

“Oh, and what are the characteristics of that level?” Kalen’s eyes flashed and grabbed at the new change of subject without thinking twice, the poor ignorant fella, he was interested and curious about what the useless Leagues can become later on and he also knew that Yun Beishang planned on using the Honorable Lord Upgrades he had after the war.

As for Yun Beishang, her merely did as much as to grin, and with a low but clear tone in his voice, he told the father-in-law to be all of the Universal League’s characteristics and allowed this Master of another League to become dumbfounded at the prospect of his very own League reaching that level at last in the future.


At the same time that Kalen was dumb with shining eyes and lustful glints on them with the thought of his League being way above any other Association, possibly, on their last levels with each of his subordinates having the best Master—his Eviscerate League’s leader’s title—taking care of them and guiding them to serve The Order and Main Kingdom with honor and pride.

…Yun Beishang was already gone, Kalen would wake up in the next hour and see that not a single young son-in-law to be seemed to even be in the game anymore, sighing out in reprimanding but then going back to dreaming. While Yun Beishang, at last, could get out of that room and that creeping awkwardness from his ‘rabbit’ and ‘bunny’ methods.

What would be next, his women calling his doings a fluffle inside their tummies? Goddamn.

Nevertheless, as Yun Beishang went outside the Eviscerate League’s Association Headquarters and dashed at max Movement Speed towards his Lord’s Residence; his residence. He saw a pretty, tempting and young woman waiting for him at the entrance with a wide smile that only looked more elegant and daring when she saw a dashing figure move towards her.

FWOMP~! Thud-.

The whole surroundings twirled and the sweet and tempting Xie Ling only felt her tummy being lightly hand touched by the hands that made her grow crazy with passion each time, rising her small head to look at the not really handsome at all Yun Beishang and smiled with her own lovely tenderness filled with passion, adoration and so many lots more ah.

“What are you doing here? I almost tackled you, broke the laws of the universe and suddenly appeared on a bed in a bedroom of our residence, oh my! You gotta be more careful, ah-c'mere…” With his mouth’s right corner raising up lewdly and pervertedly, the little and innocent Xie Ling could only narrow her eyes, make a frown and show her innocent face about to be defiled as her mouth was all taken over by her owner.

“Ah~~, darling, welcome back????~.” Xie Ling adoringly called out, not minding his lewd self at all and even enjoying taking the role of pure wife being defiled before giving him his wholeheartedly willing wife asking him for much more. And indeed, as soon as her adorable words ended, she felt his whole body stuck to hers from the front as his voice traveled from directly onto her forehead to her brain and then ears in a magical, sensual and magnetic way.

“Xie Ling, my darling, you know being a good, virtuous and doting wifey is my weakness. Do you want some?”

“Aaah, yesss… ah! But we can get a room later, right now, there is some reports that even the Lord has to go through, or else, no Xie Ling’s kitty!!” Stubbornly resisted the whorishly wet Xie Ling as she bit her lips and then appeared stern and well educated with her man being ‘handled’ well by his wife; yet her slender fingers touching his chest in protest did nothing else but to make both parties hotter.

“Ahem, let’s go. There is some stuff that need to be checked, then later on, Sash and you will have a quick date for as she deserves it, understood?????” Xie Ling had a dry mouth while speaking, so she took some time to hoarsely yet honey-like spout out such words one after another, all while Yun Beishang nodded and made a final firm nod at the end.

“Mm, I will obey my future wifey’s wishes, work stuff first, then stuffing future wifey second, oh, finding a good room for second is first point two as well. Then third is finding wifey Sash and spend some marital time together, then stuffing her as well later on at home, is that okay?” Yun Beishang had a serious face as he spoke, his words were nothing but dumb and manwhore-ish though.

“Woah, so much stuffing, haven’t you felt it yet?” Xie Ling asked with fascination written all over her face, her full round and elastic buttocks clenching to the squishy sensations of her womb secreting too much heavenly water, to which Yun Beishang responded with a playful half a smile. “Aha, but if they are having fun with my clueless and innocent body first, I’ll do the same in their sleep later on…”

Then, Yun Beishang closed in on her left ear and, once his lips reached the middle of her little hole, they spoke. “...don’t think I didn’t felt you having a bite early on, good wifey-to-be~.”

Xie Ling: ヽ( ^Д^ )ノ


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