Bow and Arrow

Chapter 570: Chapter 568 — Yun Suho (2—Last Part)

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Yun Suho (2—Last Part)




"So, I am a God, huh?" Yun Beishang said, as he walked through his bedroom and the ton of women sprawled all around it, he was completely naked but just like the DAMN fine woman on his arms; he was also clean. And as a drowsy Ellie was brought to his main bed where another bunch of maids that left a space of if he wanted to sleep there back again in the middle of the night and where he placed Nora, Helrra and Cinders already, she tiringly said. "Mhm, but don't get too cocky-nevermind, I think you just became more proficient in your own power thanks to the knowledge... so envious... fuck... hm, 'fuck' literally-ehehehehh~."

"Chhhu~! Aw, my poor Ellie, yes indeed. You've fucked yourselves up in giving so much knowledge, don't you know knowledge is powah?" Ellie didn't respond, her intimate parts, breasts, lips, eyes and neck were down bad rosy and red, she was so blissful but tired right now. She then even tried to put up a front as her tender left breast which was pressed against him hardened its eraser a lil bit. "I've been an Universal God for so long, don't you know? You cwan't bweet mee-zzZZzzzz..."

"Chu~." Yun Beishang delivered another kiss to her forehead, his eyes gentle as his Dragon was satisfied but nowhere near tired at all, it was already 7 am and the girls were soon to wake up in another 4 or 5 hours,  so they could rest that little without even needing to, just for the mere act and sensation of deep comfort and longing.

"Mm, don't worry," Yun Beishang was placing Ellie onto the bed that Nora and Helrra were sprawled upon and entangling with each other like a pair of slender but big titted sisters, limbs, skin and both their faces appearing too much for Yun Beishang to resist but from which he did, because he is that awesome. And with Cindy having her whole smaller body alone while hugging another sleeping maid, kinda sadly.

As such, Yun Beishang said with gentleness invading his heart and everywhere in the room, affecting it entirely all at once. Lowering Ellie's body and tenderly smooching these girls and the maids on the main bed and around it who didn't tire themselves too much while the massive gang rape was occurring to his poor self and chose this place to sleep so that they can be used good, as he also finished his words gently spoke into Ellie's ears.

“I now know… kinda… how to get stronger,” Yun Beishang looked with his eyes upturned when saying the word ‘kinda’, but then went back to gently looking at them as he continued. “So I will get stronger. Just a bit more of time is needed, maybe I am not able to complete my Fourth Form soon enough to ‘beat the game’ in one mere move of mine, but I will still be able to do it no matter what.”

“And then, mwah… I’m gonna bring everyone out, to see the world, and live… together… forever.” With one last smooch, and with Ellie going ‘mnyaah’ as she smiled foolishly and lashed out at him so gently and feebly with her left arm ar she then hugged Cindy from behind and brought her to her nice and elastic, well scented and soft pillows to feel more comfortable.

Yun Beishang then went back to his huge bed, cleaning the entire place with but a thought as not even his Hidden Stats needed to be manifested and they were covered with a tender light violet glow for an instant, each of them even feeling warmth as if Yun Beishang was embracing them holy on a small bed and caring for them deeply.

At the same time, Yun Beishang felt as if he was embracing them all at the same time, but he felt that it was not enough. As such, the light violet ‘embrace’ appeared on each of his women, but only within the KATARINA-1 and even on his sons and daughter as well as step daughter Pawya. Each of them grew wonderfully at ease, even as they were infinitely peaceful already, as Yun Beishang couldn’t… feel any more at peace with himself with the sensation of each of their heartbeats sounding within his own heart and being.

The incoming pain from the so many he’s executed in the past ‘calamity’ somewhat and somehow eased down, as if they were about to hold their heads and scream at him from the abyss, suddenly quiet down and nonplussed-ly look at him from afar with a quiet countenance and an unknown expectation… expectation which he did not need to meet!

But will still be capable enough to go through…



KATARINA-1, 2 months later, 1st year, 11th month and 19th day since the release of Rising Essence.


Within a room, full of cleaned out and specialized room, as a bunch of people were waiting outside which, were it not to be an advanced mothership, it would’ve probably begin to lean towards the wing that these thousands of people were all waiting outside of such a room. There were little dragon maids and maids, as well as some personnel who were given a break for these few days.

Each personnel that was given a break was also a lover of their new Boss, and one that was a maid but had to still work on their own respective assignations, because hell, they were good at it since no one was bad at their job when it came to both the Crestfallen Industry or the Peaceful Rain Corporation.

Some of them were even in the leading positions, like Baan or Feat, who were like genius given to KATARINA-1’s AI to operate her and the respective jurisdiction so damn perfectly. Just the same, there was Ellie and Cinders, while Nora would sometimes make the entire mothership a place where only graceful deities walked; or so.

Right now, so many weeks had gone since the war of the Wonder Region, finalizing on it being fully conquered by The Order and the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain City stretching its limbs to a full 2 whole Regions. Many things have been ongoing within the Wonder Region as the Bright Sunset Region was already fully at ease even with the incessant amount of God Race’s troops.

The Bright Sunset Region was the first to perfectly respond to these threats, even more so since Yun Beishang was there to welcome the very first contacts with such an new yet old enemy. Later on, just the next 12 hours, the Bright Sunset Region took the lead in the extermination of such an enemy that landed on their own Region.

Followed by the Fate Meeting Region and the Ancient Forest Region taking second, while it was the Eternal Silhouette Region third on taking the lead of defending perfectly against such foes. Baton, the whole great leader of an entire Region, just like Yun Beishang seemed to be for the Bright Sunset Region, was already a hero among  the entirety of New Earth already.

Of course, there was also the other handsomer and young girl’s and milf’s hearts ravishing hero True Dragon within the Ancient Forest Region. But for someone that was born to be the Clan Head of a Founding Clan, to be only faster than someone who belongs to no one and that has a large amount of fans at most, was quite a show of Baston’s capabilities.

As for Yun Beishang, everyone assumed that he had connections with the Crestfallen Industry and that such was the way in which he even grew to be in the game in the first place. Eh, that was all actually true, but they didn’t need to hear that from Yun Beishang. Anyways, Krayeke was his father-in-law, so he didn’t feel any embarrassment from the situation in any case.

With the 3 first parties in perfectly defending their Region with tactics, raids and strategies depending on the people used and their classes as well as even pets and mounts being now, finally, taken into consideration. The whole other parts of Main Kingdom swiftly took in those ‘teachings’ that weren’t hidden at all.

Maybe some would’ve thought that, if they were on the top, they would sell the knowledge at a good but fair price still. Yet, that was for the envious and greedy ones, intelligent people like Baston and the future leading figures or already Clan Heads of the Founding Clans would not employ such sudden gain of small gold coins and resources.

Meanwhile, Yun Beishang just couldn’t care at all, only Yona, Xie Ling and Ban did some work here and there in the forums to prompt The Order’s knowledge on dealing with the God Race’s troops.

Though they weren’t some of the strongest or most profitable, mainly due to the strong Army Colonels or group of Maidens and Ladies within that strategy, they were still the best looking guide to watch in streams or videos where it all happened and was perfectly shown to everybody, The Order’s was slowly gaining more of their previous and ephemeral ‘glory’.

So many resources would go towards The Order every day, each time the night passed and morning came, and even more when there were consecutive nights in which the suns of Main Kingdom didn’t show up until much later; which were rather common during the Unshackled second expansion of Rising Essence; known to all thanks to some game-analyzers that is.

Yun Beishang barely entered Rising Essence nowadays, he only logged in to date Kay, Powlniu and to fornicate like rabbits with Katia after and before spending some time sky gazing, moon gazing and lovely gazing at one another endlessly for sooo long. Oh, and fucking silly and gone retarded Faouzia Dirnn who couldn’t get enough of him each week for her 2 free days; oh boy. And sometimes… Heliss would come back home only to see a completely whored out Faouzia Dirnn sucking with dear love a giant Dragon while bathing her bum in Yun Beishang’s sem-anyway.

The Order in the Wonder Region slowly came to become fully stable, settlements all within it had turned a new leaf and understood, that the new coming era wasn’t to be led by the Journeyers… but by The Order instead. Masters similarly began to keep on doing their job on propaganda to the Inhabitants, but there were now competitors.

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Competitors who… directly struck at where the Masters would never go for; immediate benefits and profit, to which mere mortal Inhabitants were so weak to and easily bought with. Ever since the war of the Wonder Region being conquered by The Order finished, the actual statistics like prostitution among Inhabitants to Journeyers had gone piking upwards like that’s nobody’s business.

But it was kinda sad,actually. But! That was all in short, and within the occurrences and progress of The Order, it was a matter that was completely and entirely the less important shit right now. Because, as of right now; only the birthing of a new life was all that was taking place on this very day and so close to the last month of the 1st year of Rising Essence.

“PUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!~!” Yona immediately began going at it as hard as she could, her back was so sweaty but with the slender hands grabbing at her shoulders from behind, she was able to not slide down the stretcher as intended by physics. A female doctor was helping Yona up as she screamed to the top of her lungs while Tornyllia had her hands tightly gripped by Yona’s left hand.

On Yona’s right side, big belly Irllytia’s hands were being gripped at by Yona’s right hand instead, the former biting her lips as she looked at Yona’s sweaty and struggling face with them glinting a powerful adoration. Yona seemingly sensed this, as she looked to her right at the also soon to be mother that was going to go through the same in a matter of a couple months at most.

Then, with a few small and light nods, Yona breathed in, out; before continuing with her efforts going full at it. “BYGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWEEEEEEEHH!!!”

“There, there! Like that, go on, relax and…. Yes! Here we go, here we go!” From below, the female doctor began to euphorically yell out, a male doctor behind her still giving her tips here and there as he was looking so pale, exhausted and mentally fatigued still. He was supposed to get a rest from the insane amount of work he had been doing just now, but he couldn’t help himself to join in once again to guide the female doctor as they formed a great team; ah.

The female doctor couldn’t be any more glad of his help, but right now, they weren’t even looking at each other as the female doctor kept on aiding Yona on giving birth. It was supposed to be a nice and well done job, but it ended up being a challenge as the doctors had never before worked with an actual different Race; to which they of course knew nothing about, ah.

Of course, not that because Yona was not an unique being or godly person that she was going to fail at giving birth if left alone, but rather than suffering for long and then birthing a totally and fully healthy child alone, what better but to make it happen sooner and with much less harm?

Yun Beishang and a bunch others were surrounding Yona from the side that the direction that the door was located at, with that being the limit of people within the room, which were more but not double than a dozen. At his right, Yun Beishang was actually grabbing at someone he hadn’t had the chance to even see in real life for a ‘long’ time already; Sylda!

And right to Sylda’s right, was Kay; both watching Yona give birth to the fourth child of their man. Just in the very same day that Sylda had arrived up there, Yun Beishang suddenly sensed something and, as if the entire world had gone mute, he turned around and grabbed at the two soon-young-women to be’s waists and brought them towards the specialized medical room at the side to the infirmary.

With the rest of Sylda’s family being left far behind in confusion, they only realized what was happening once a hurrying personnel from the hangar that was around yelled at another one that their man’s wife was having their child right now!

With nothing but hurried steps, the previously confused family ran towards a transportation vehicle that was then driven to the infirmary by such personnel. With nothing but a beating heart, Yun Beishang quickly left the girls in the medical room and then went over to pick Yona up, appearing with starry purple wings the next few moments in front of Sylda and Kay.

Already within the infirmary, a team of extremely experienced men and women were in the waiting since months ago for anything, being paid and all; the good stuff. In just a few minutes, a plethora of people arrived before the room leading to where the magic was occurring, showing worry and bliss at the prospect of a new life!

Hours went by; the doctor in charge couldn’t hold anymore and chose a doctor to take his place before he began becoming slow and made any retarded mistake. And now, there was this scene as Yun Beishang was grabbing tight at Sylda’s waist, his eyes never leaving Yona while his left hand also tightly held onto Natalia’s waist on his left.

Yun Yun was helping up Yona by comforting her, some light violet showing off from her nails from time to time, but which nobody gave much thought to, only being in the known that it was giving Yona a lot of support was more than enough. Zyv was right beside Natalia, being embraced from her right a little as she looked on at Yona giving birth with many thoughts running amok inside her bratty little head.

Maids and Madams were present, Cyn was holding Yun Shi and Yun Darcel in her embrace, who were looking on with rapt attention at their auntie; or even mother, which their parents wouldn’t mind them calling their other aunties. Even less if those aunties called them son or daughter as well, it was all to the back of their heads as they were all concentrated on seeing their little sister.

Tonkia was holding onto her daughter, Yun Rang, whose eyes were the second most shiny in the room, second only to daughter-biased Yun Beishang who was ready to run forwards the moment he heard a baby’s cry go off.

Ruo Paodan was looking on with that rare gentleness showing on her tomboyish ways, while then looking at the big bellied Irllytia, Cyn and Cang Qing who, if all went coincidental, would practically be giving birth in a time frame of half a month to a whole month between each other altogether.

At this moment…



Leaving his sweet Naty and Sylda’s side whom he barely had a moment to even speak with after her arrival on KATARINA-1 for the latter, Yun Beishang arrived before Yona and grabbed her relaxed out left hand along with Tornyllia who was smiling gladfully at him. Smooching Tornyllia once and then going over to embrace Yona while sharing Yona’s right hand with Irllytia, Yun Beishang then stood back up and let the two women beside Yona take her hands once again.


“Well, this darling doesn’t need any slapping, Boss, here is your child.” Fully covered and cleaned up in just that few moments alone, a little tiny and cutest but also ugliest of shits appeared before Yun Beishang’s chest, along with the tired voice of a woman who delivered the newborn to him.

“Hahahaha…” Uncontrollably laughing as tears went down his lacrimals with a broad, ugly smile, Yun Beishang took his sweet little second daughter in his hands and glared with such thankfulness at the female doctor. He then turned around and slowly, oh so slowly, brought the little shit that was the most precious and beautiful in the whole Universal Lands to her mother’s tired chest.

“There…relax your arms, try to just see her for now, okay? Take a rest well, you’ll have to feed her soon enough.” Yun Beishang spoke, the ugly—because of his crying and joy mixing at all times—smile on his face never disappearing as Yona began crying her heart out as well, looking incredulous at her life turning so sweet…

“...oh…” Not being able to say anything, before making sniffing noises from her ‘allergy’ to bliss, Yona let her overly sore arms rest as she saw the tender little thing on top of her and even using her breasts as cushion to lay on comfortably, how she suddenly went quiet went her daddy held her with his hands, and how she made ‘mmyyaaa?’ and ‘myaaa~~’ sounds when placed on top of her mother’s chest.

“...????????????.” Irllytia was looking at the baby become the most peaceful newborn in the entire world, before turning her gaze to the overly joyed parents looking at one another with Yun Beishang then smooching the tired lips of Yona and pulling them when separating his lips from her.

She couldn’t wait… man, she couldn’t wait at sharing her first children being born with her husband being so… perfect. And Cyn’s look, oh lord, she would’ve cried if it wasn’t because she didn’t wanted to distract Yun Rang and the boys she was holding from looking fully entranced at the birth of their little sister and seemingly becoming so mature from having a younger sibling to teach, take care of… and love.


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