Bow and Arrow

Chapter 584: Chapter 582 — Signs…

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'Shit!!' Just as Synfyl was feeling the great sensation of his great skill being performed and about to destroy this little something important to who seemed to be the general of this army, his eyes finally got a hold of the bear's image as it was much smaller but endlessly more terrifying. Exuding a force so unstoppable, a fierceness so feral that it could very well be the god of beasts and a presence that was merrily unforgettable and majestic; this was the 'small' bear that lunged at his spirit blade and himself.

PUWAGH... Crrrrrrrrrrrrr-crrrrr-cr-crr-craaack~~~~!

Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht~...

"!!" But, just then, as the bear's claws directly clashed with the spiritual blade that was coming down to cleave at itself and Lotto, tremendous shockwaves came to be as the spiritual blade turned into several parts in a moment. Cracking and being reduced to smaller chunks as it broke in parts of several meters long, the spiritual blade was slowly dispersing within the air to the dismaying hopeless Synfyl down below.

…But that was not all, as with the spiritual blade having been torn to large chunks that were still much smaller than the full, complete spiritual blade itself, the bear had nothing else to do except the extermination of the one that produced it!

Without letting Synfyl have even any other thought, the bear came down from the air where it met the spiritual blade that was now in shambles, and as Synfyl could only see, and for the first time at that, how a skill given to Journeyers by the Masters be completely interrupted. His tremblingly widening eyes could only turn upwards as a bear surrounded by electrifying white energy that was from the very same spiritual blade he created came down at him; with the sensations of his very own flesh tearing and becoming smaller pieces inundating every fiber of his being.

SPLASH! Spurt, spurt, spurt…


The bear finally came down and fell on the ground with its feet stably landing on it, its back was hunched however, and its head was lowered while its arms were lowered. Meanwhile, right where it Synfyl was standing on, which was just half a meter in front of the seemingly silent bear, a spluttering and thin screen of blood and slightly obscurer pink, blue, violet as well as white colors was shot off in the air for a couple of meters before falling onto the ground.

The already dyed ground full of organ matter, bones, flesh and viscous blood had a new addition to itself. Lotto was now calmly but heavily breathing in and out with his chest heaving up and down a little bit, his face relaxing but not becoming unguarded while his hands had already stored his weapons back into his Master’s Bag.

Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh!

“!” But suddenly, all around Synfyl and in the opposite direction where the bear was standing, 10, or rather, 20 figures appeared out of nowhere as they definitely went out of invisibility skills. There were 10 black-robed Journeyers with only their noses visible through a gap that were holding the shoulders or torsos from the behind of another person wearing whitish loose robes.


Woong~, woong~, woong~, woong~, woong~, woong~, woong~, woong~, woong~, woong~.

While there was a kind of similar sound coming from the black robed people to that of when Synfyl began activating his Master’s given skill, a total of 10 sounds that were clearer than those of the black-robed Journeyers came to be from the whitish loose-robed Journeyers as they began raising their staffs, scepters, blessed small daggers and wands.

At the same time, rays of light came from the sky and lowered to the weapons that each whitish loose-robed person, illuminating not only such weapons in question and their owners, but also their surroundings and appearing to be little beams of light that illuminated all 3 meters surrounding them immediately.

Tiling~, tiing~, tiling~...

Right after, the Journeyers who were illuminating themselves and everything around them by a small scale with the use of Masters’ skills; all aimed their weapons in strange diverse demeanor towards the place that Synfyl was last seen, as there was nothing that could be used from his ‘remains’ in this case anymore.

Not really using the edges or extremes of each of their different weapons, but rather using the ‘center’ of such and aiming it towards where Synfyl once was. At the same time, Lotto’s conjured spiritual bear in the energy form began to rapidly dissipate from below to up, its claws also suddenly opened up as it threw its arms to its back and roared out…

… But the roar couldn’t be any more silent as it was utterly soundless and as it began to disappear with its jaws open and its ‘life’ vowing to return one day.

It was inexplicable, but nor Lotto nor Gytto or even Colonel General Katalyia were paying attention to it as instead, there was a brand new body that was being seemingly reverted back in the form of white and silvery light into that of Synfyl’s body! It even slowly levitated from above the ground level as it slowly landed on top of it and revealed all of Synfyl’s features.

“Ugh… nice try, haha, nice try…” Synfyl had a scared, wide eyed expression on his face before calming down abruptly and saying that right after, his tone wasn’t nice of course and even though he was beaten back and forth, he still somehow felt like he shouldn’t have lost. Yet, just as he was going to step forwards and ‘kill’ Lotto, he was shocked silly by the following events…


A sudden huge amount of powerful ‘horses’ galloping towards the battlefield were heard, even though the ongoing battlefield was still full in action several minutes after the ending of it had begun with the addition of a few more Army Groups assaulting the enemy Inhabitant resisting forces; they were still clearly audible even as Synfyl and company were in the middle of all that commotion.

And yet, a mere yell that came from that force was what actually made Synfyl stop in his tracks and become shocked silly all at once.

SYYYYYYNFYYYYYYYYYYYYLLL~!!” Kalen’s incredible hoarse and raging scream seemed more like a condemnation from the heavens to be sent directly to all the levels of hell, even from far away and amidst countless soldiers’ bodies from both sides, Synfyl could see the twisted, hurt, infinitely disappointed and disheartened expression on that man who is his brother’s; face.

“Kalen…!” Synfyl lifelessly called out with a pair of eyes that were even less alive that his whole self right now, his right and left hands dropped the twin blades onto the ground but before they could reach it, went back into his own bag. Meanwhile, Kalen led a a group of several tens of thousands from his Eviscerate League and a few more of the same Inhabitant soldiers.


Arriving at last right in front of Synfyl by standing with his own Abysmal Creature just a small 5 meters away and on the opposite side from where Lotto was standing, Kalen looked at his brother from above with an expression that clearly expressed his struggle within his own mind and also rage when just doing as much as looking at his own brother’s face.

Meanwhile, contrary to what the usual Synfyl would express, clear fear, sobering up and guilt flooded into all of Synfyl’s body as Kalen slowly came down from his Abysmal creature Mount. The latter slowly following Kalen as he made his way towards his brother, long strides and a stern expression, yet ignored Synfyl and passed him by a few steps before directing his words at Warrant Officer Lotto.

“Excuse me, please…I must have a word with this… person. Then, I will gladly give his ‘life’ to your weapon.” Lotto only made a blink with his eyes and then nodded lightly with an indifferent expression before looking back at his Commander, who in return nodded at Lotto with agreement; Synfyl was dead one way or another anyway and even seemed mentally shaken to do anything else.

“Kal… brot-...?” Synfyl saw this exchange and thought that Kalen was about to reprimand him, his body began sweating up hotly and becoming weaker and weaker when seeing that his brother was only giving himself his back and nothing else. Starting to tremble a little bit, Synfyl was then forced to stop trembling right after as Kalen finally turned around and faced Synfyl, making large strides once more to stand in front of him.

“WHAT DID I TELL YOU?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!!” Kalen couldn’t make himself look nor be heard any more enraged, humiliated and shameful of having such a family like this, he pointed with his left hand at the left where a ton of Inhabitants from the ‘game’ were dying; but only according so to Synfyl’s intellect.

“How could you do this?! How FUCKING could you, Synfyyyyl?!!?”

“!!!” Synfyl could only get even more shaken, his head seemingly about to start spasming and entering into a seizure of sorts, whereas his eyes could only obediently look at his right at where Kalen pointed, seeing the innumerable ‘familiar’ dying bodies that were being put down one after another without any thought nor sentiment given. Those were the people he was supposed to command.

Did he command them to die? Did he fool them once again? Did he make a mistake again? Did he make a mistake again…? Synfyl could not think clearly any more, his thoughts and eyes were almost entering into a trance, so much that even the system was this close to sending his consciousness back to New Earth for the sake of his health; and life…

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“I’ve even brought my kids! My kids!!! To this, and you-...and you!!!” But Kalen didn’t let that happen, he wasn’t going to, this mere act of his brother alone was enough to incense himself to a point that he could even desire his fucking death! Kalen finally got close enough to his brother to grab his leather armor’s collar and pull him up slightly into the air to make him stand face to face literally. Kalen then continued to savagely yell to Synfyl at the top of his lungs and with full emotion being put into it.

“You’ve made them all see it, you’ve made them all see what their UNCLE did yet again! Synfyl, is this how you really are? HUH? TELL ME!!”

“You…” Synfyl could only speak out a tiny word before falling short of breath, mind, beats from his heart and sense of reality.

“What the hell were you thinking?! WHAT THE HELL, SYNFYL?!” Kalen interrupted the already weak Synfyl with his now even choking, tightening throat trembling as his head jolted to the sides as he made even the air around himself turn sharper and full of sword energy. Tears were beginning to condense, making a brand new path down the road of their owner’s skin that hadn’t been so since the awakening from the cryo capsule.

“But he is a Yun, he is one of them!!” Synfyl could only respond instinctively, not being able to think, as he also began to cry; his eyes fully lost as his lungs coughed out involuntarily amidst his incoming tantrum.

“BUT THAT WAS YOU, SYNFYL, YOOOUUU~!!!” Even more choking, dragged on words came out of Kalen’s mouth like the droplets were streaming down his eyes’ lacrimals. His face was now above his brother’s face, Synfyl wanting to kneel but not being able to once again due to his brother’s pulling force on his collar; yet another sensation of vulnerability and insane weakness to overwhelm his senses.

“He is one of them, the Yunsss…!” Synfyl felt his throat choking, tightening as well, but his neck was fully free of any restraint, it was only his collar that was being held on by anything if a hand at that.

“Well, it is that YUN who is my son-in-laaw~!!” Kalen responded more aggressively than hurt this time, but without letting Synfyl fully open his eyes in lost realization as he became aware that it wasn’t just the new adopted daughter that his brother was talking about, Kalen then continued even more aggressively. “It was you, YOU… Synfyl, you who brought her death, you who broke our family… because of th-th-those Yuns! Not him, not them… YOU!!!!”

“...ah, Brother… Brother…” Synfyl, now for real, began shaking, also noticing that Hoyi, Hita and Kay were right there and watching this happening while battling other enemy Inhabitants in a group and killing hundreds of them altogether with a set of combo and well planned skills. “Kay… her…”

“You…” Synfyl now had an ugly small smile forming at his lips, he tried to look at his brother’s eyes without feeling the utterly terrifying shame, guilt and grief as well as unending regret that came from the past, only to fail as he still managed to speak up his heart. “You are… still, still talking to me… not killing me off-even-coukh-even though it is but a game… you… still want… believe… in me?”

“...!” Kalen didn’t, couldn’t, respond; only his shaking and trembling head in both rage and utter pain was all he could show his trying brother. His at last, finally trying brother in silence as he held all of ‘it’ in, his hand holding his brother’s leather armor collar soothing and softening as Synfyl’s body lowered more and more to a kneeling position on the bloody ground that was made so thanks to his hands.

You don’t hate me?” But as Synfyl stood with his feet landing on the ground instead of his knees, his figure raising while his brother’s back straightened and as they saw each other eye to eye, Synfyl spoke with his utterly weak, mosquito even-like and choking words as his hands were very tremblingly raised to lightly and softly hold his brother’s cheeks. “Am I still f-pf-family?”

SLAP!! Thk-ud.

“Of course you are,” Kalen slapped his dear brother to the ground, Synfyl falling onto a kneeling position that he didn’t mind to, as he remembered the sensation of the back of his right hand being carefully covered by his brother’s hand and fingers for a moment before being slapped to the ground into a kneeling position. His brother’s words continued as he looked up at him with eyes that were now getting clearer and clearer.

“ could you not? Even if you…” Kalen closed his eyes, overwhelming grief that could compare and not at the same time- to the loss of your own child deeply inundating every fiber of his being, before sadly continuing. “...have done unforgivable wrongs…out of greed, lust for power and money… I know you did not mean for that to be, Brother.”

“And I know, very deeply within myself, that if Kay was alive… she would have forgiven you too. Go now, Brother.” Kalen spoke up to ‘too’ with his whole self almost crumbling, his throat becoming so irresponsible at this fair moment as there were yet a few more words to finish. Finally, ending up shortening his words before turning around, nodding at Lotto once more in askance for forgiveness… not just for taking this time in the middle of a battlefield, and passed by Synfyl as he left those last few words.

“...” Not trying to look any further for his brother, Synfyl looked to his right, where a greater amount of resisting forces’ Inhabitants were dying nonstop, not even being able to fight back and injure The Order’s army one bit, not a single soldier. Once his eyes turned ‘too bloody enough’, he licked his lips and looked at Lotto who looked only a bit sweaty and not taxed at all.

“...” Lotto, in exchange, looked at the destroyed man inside and out as he couldn’t be any more helpless. With a few silent steps, Warrant Officer Lotto walked to Synfyl and took out a not that long but still long sword with a small width that it almost made it look like a saber, if it wasn’t for its straight and unbent body-blade.

It had a strange thickness that was almost only a few millimeters thick on the sides, but turning into a 2 inches thick right at the middle. Synfyl didn’t even blink, as Lotto, silent and foreign to all the battling, killing and dying noises that were occurring around them nonstop were seemingly muted and with only the heart and neck of Synfyl being reflected in his eyes.

Swish! …Slash, thrust! Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht, Pfruiyl!

-50,412, -103,229, -133,945.

One quick move at Synfyl’s neck from the left to the right, ending up cutting his left jugular and as Synfyl received a notification of having a ton of stacked up Bleeding effects, then followed by the actual Critical Hit with his neck seemingly cut off all at once but with it remaining on his body as a notification of dying emerged in his interface.

Yet, and even more astoundingly, a Critical Hit and Pierce Attack was effectuated with Synfyl’s virtual body already dying, his dying corpse being ‘anchored’ to this action with Lotto using his not that long, long sword penetrating Synfyl’s body and with his fists grabbing the handle of it being just a tad 3 inches away from touching the leather armor on the latter’s chest.

Lotto didn’t even look at Synfyl, and once he retracted his not that long long sword back into his scabbard and then to his Master’s Bag; Synfyl’s body in return was finally not longer anchored as his vision turned dark in a mere moment. His head rolled to his chest and began rolling furthermore a few tens of meters before almost being stomped on by a dying resisting forces’ enemy Inhabitant only to be saved by the disappearance made by the system of the same.

The rest of his then headless body fell backwards with both the heart and neck severed, while the brain was allowed to remain without being cruelly, humiliatingly and 'uglily' smashed nor cut or bombed at. Only his heart was taken, and the most neutral of spots to cut off to kill, the neck, were used to grant Synfyl a half honorable and half neutral death.

In the distance, Colonel General Katalyia looked on with rapt attention, her arms slowly raising to the sky to the left and right flanks of the battlefield; as she finally ordered. “CEASE ANY MOVEMENT!! SURRENDER!!!”

“!!!!” At this very moment, the remaining 100,000,000+ of enemy Inhabitants that were crouching in pain and ready to die savagely an unwelcome death reacted strongly by becoming wide eyed. Many that were just now about to die by a blade, arrow, bullet or magic spell and the pets and summons of Soul Pet Immortals and Celestial Invoker classes and soldiers.

But just then, at the finishing of The Order’s Commander’s order being given to her #10 Army Group of the Blue Elf-Hunch Region; all and every single one of those became stopped as if in space and time somehow, then began to retract as the astounded enemy Inhabitants began to slowly relax their bodies… before falling to the ground with their knees in defeat.


With the enemy Inhabitants finally being forgiven, all hostile movements and notions ceased, with all the defeated Inhabitants surrendering either by instinct or tiresomeness, the battle at the frontline of the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division finally ended… perhaps.

But just at that moment…




From within the sky, a thundering sound resounded that instantly overwhelmed all of Main Kingdom… and perhaps… just perhaps… more than that!


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