Bow and Arrow

Chapter 587: Chapter 585 — They’re Gone…

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They're Gone...




...POOMMM~~!!! ...POMMMM~~~!!!! ...POM... POM... POM...

"Where did they come from?" Yun Beishang asked while frowning as he put his hands on the hips of Baan, who even though was feeling great and all warmed up in return, acted professionally still with her serious face showing the machinations as she did calculations and resolved them in mere seconds despite their abundance within her own small, cute head.

“Over there, boss,” Baa pointed to the ceiling and in front of Yun Beishang for about 30 degrees, instantly, the entire booth silently turned ‘transparent’ as it looked like they were alone in the middle of space, not even the KATARINA-1 was visible as only pure darkness, a few stars here and there as well as the sun far away were visible along with them and at where Baan was pointing.

…pom-pom… pom-pom…

As if going back to the time that it happened, the booth showed the exact moments that those ‘trumpets’ were heard, and even though Baan couldn’t see it, Yun Beishang very well could as he even swore he saw ‘fireworks’ as large as the entire human civilizations back on New Earth, it was as if a huge bout of hands were punching against a durable glass that was bending over each punch that it suffered.

There were golden-like waves that occurred, which were the ‘fireworks’ who encompassed an area that large, and each time one sounded, a ‘pom’ would be heard out just as swiftly as another would come right after, after and after, one following after the other seemingly tirelessly for a few minutes before it all finally became silent once more.

“Ah-gasp!” A little, tender and cute sound was heard as Yun Rang, who was grabbing the fabric from her father’s shorts at the lower end of such, exclaimed with her face becoming both surprised and scared. Yun Beishang looked down and at his back, making the surprised, scared little Yun Rang look up at him in return, calming her down and easing her fear of the unknown.

“Come here,” picking the little genius up, Yun Beishang brought the princess up to his chest and hugged her entirely with love as Baan turned around and warmed up even more to the sight before her, even though her hips were no longer being held on by this sex-fiend monster-machine. Yun Beishang nudged his daughter from below to up with his nose on the left side of her little face before tenderly asking, “You scaredy?”

“Mm, no!” Yun Rang bravely spoke, her broken glass black eyes fidgeting around now calming themselves down and her blonde hair making a cute little painting on the top of her beautiful little head, “I know Daddy is powerful, Mommies always say that. That my Daddy is powerful, he is the only one capable of taking them all at the same time, his moves are potent and his results are groundbreaking!”

“Ah-hem, okay, alright. Enough of that and-those words, Little Rang, okay?” Yun Beishang sweated a bit, looked at Baan who now had a charming blush and an enigmatic smile on while hearing those words from the still baby Yun Rang, as she then moved up her hands to grab the cutie before sticking the little one close to her table chest.

“Okay, Little Rang, your Daddy has seen your incredible prowess! Not even I can look at it, only your Mommy Ellie, Cinders, Nora and Helrra can, not even your little brothers and sister can, aren’t you so amazing, then?” While holding her softly, Yun Rang went up face to face with Baan and began eskimo kissing this other mommy of hers with playfulness as she nodded and emitted several ‘mn, mn!’ in quick succession.

“Then, daddy,” after playing for a while, Yun Rang looked back to her father and with an unknown but ‘understanding pair of eyes, she shocked dumb and silly her father with her innocently spoken words. “My Mommies also say that whenever one Mommy is getting closer and closer to Daddy, we should leave the room before we receive a spanking! Byeeee~!”

“Ah!” Baan was flabbergasted at Little Rang somehow being able to escape her grasp, as the little thing was already outside the top vip booth by the time her ‘eee’ from ‘bye’ were being yelled out girlishly and full of cheerfulness. But as Baan was dumbfounded, a warm and responsible father embraced her from the front instead, and rapidly brought her mind into serendipity.

“Baan~...” His word alone as he placed his chin on her right shoulder were enough to give birth to an amazing smile on her lips, her gray eyes narrowing as she embraced him back, her slender but actually powerful hands going from the lower sides of his back to right on top of his back as she buried her chin on his neck. “It’s fine, I can wait, my and the women from the Crestfallen Industry have birth rates of… 300%!”

“And since we can live up to 300 years without any elixir, then really, you don’t have to worry. Wafey is also quite wishing for you to grant her babies, because if I recall correctly, they give birth to tens of them per pregnancy or egg? Something like that, hmhm, we’re going to have quite a family in the future, hm?”

“But now,” Baan didn’t separated from his chest and neck, she could not bear to at all, “I gotta get back to work and you gotta go kill some traitors… Oh right, your wife Baan has received a maid’s message that Baston has already arrived, and that he is just a few hours from the accorded meeting. Seems like you really beat the crap out of his troops, huh?”

“...” Yun Beishang began shaking his head softly and slightly, his eyes mirthful as he looked at a pair of merry gray eyes and at an open mouth, smelling of sweetness and delicacy as he went in for a kiss. As he savored her mouth, her black hair made contact and friction with both their foreheads, nose and his fingertips that were on his face, holding it dearly as his eyes opened slightly once he was ending the mouth to mouth action.

“...” Seeing her closed eyelids, Yun Beishang’s heart began pulsating stronger, his eyes mesmerized as he couldn’t help but to think that he would die if he wasn’t so powerful already, for the daily sights of such beauty in front of him was more than clear to make hearts stops in just an instants. Let alone that he had many of those every goddamn day.

“Okay then, I’ll be back. We’ll have to practice some pro-impregnating positions and delivering of babies for the future, after all.” Baan finally opened her eyes, her eyelids and eyelashes slowly moving as her gray pupils dilated enormously once they took a tiny fraction of Yun Beishang’s whole self into their view.

“Okay, just hurry up though, Yun Suho is soooo sad that her father isn’t 48 hours a day with her, so don’t make her feel ‘so’ abandoned, okay?” Baan had a glare that clearly added up ‘daughter-based father’, to which Yun Beishang didn’t need to even ask or be told of it directly to know that they meant just that.

“Mn, just a bit more though.” Yun Beishang said as he embraced the table, powerful woman in his arms and chest once more, his antics making a peaceful paint of a smile on the woman's lips as she seemingly wanted to fall asleep right now, here on his arms and chest, on his body that was so warm she could feel his heartbeat always in synchronization to his own.



Thousand Words Region; Touching Soul Division’s Tender Passion Sub-Division, they had the House Asami as the ‘overlord’ of such a Sub-Division, and if it weren’t for the other Founding Clans within the Thousand Words Region, they would’ve been so for the entire Division at the very least. Alas, that was the case with each of the Founding Clans, most were within either the inner Regions or the core Region of Main Kingdom.

Thousand Words Region; Touching Soul Division’s Conquering Heart Sub-Division, they had the Xie Clan’s Otherworld Merchant Guild and held the first place among all Regions in being the richest and more resourceful ones of all Regions, even from those of the Wonder Region from which they could only be rich due to the insane amount of items from minerals, ores and rocks in there.

Thousand Words Region; Touching Soul Division’s Uncontrollable Affection Sub-Division, it was where the Maya Clan’s Ancient Reign Sect was located, and where only such an Association could be allowed to be the sole conqueror of the Sub-Division after just a year and a half of working on its own to achieve just that. Or so everyone thought in the game.

Then, there was also the Fate Meeting Region’s Clear Future Division, which harbored some more powers of New Earth that no Journeyer could afford going against. In the Clandestine Vocation Sub-Division was the Sol Clan’s Exposition of Life League, one of the lesser amount of Associations from the Founding Clans who did not focus on taking territory of the game.

In the Grasped Potential Sub-Division of the Fate Meeting Region, the Tron Clan’s Sharpened Vanguard Hall was king amongst all other Associations, but similar to the Exposition of Life League, they didn’t focus on taking territory because of power. Instead, they became like a beacon that could be consulted by the other Associations, all without even taking any Vassals directly nor anyone’s territory or even the ownerless type outside of their Stage 3, Advanced Stage Castle.

In the Lucky Chance Sub-Division of the Fate Meeting Region, the ‘Founding’ Kernti Clan was the ruler of all and basically the new ‘Royal family’ existing in the Sub-Division, or the entire Clear Future Division for that matter.

The Fosk Clan’s Benevolent Kind Heart Sinners League was located at the Ancient Forest Region, Mother Tree Division’s Protective Fruit Tree Sub-Division; unlike what others would’ve expected, since half a year ago was it that they remained completely neutral. But now, after that amount of time passed, they were the owners of ⅔ of the whole Protective Fruit Tree Sub-Division.

The ‘Founding’ Ross Clan’s Iron Will Sect was the ‘overlord’ of the Orange Fruit Tree Sub-Division, similar to the Mayas, the basically conquered all of the Sub-Division and have become pretty rich after half a year of working hard to do just that on their own.

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In the Star Fruit Tree Sub-Division, there were a total of 3 ‘Founding’ Clans taking a cooperative hold of such with their unequaled power and influence. With the Forbidden Tree Fruit Sub-Division having the Yun Clan’s Divine Gates Hall as their neighbor on the South and themselves being at the North.

Altogether, the Jones Clan’s Walk to Progress League, Tarn Clan’s Golden Spirit Sect and the Flick Clan’s Roaming Dragons Guild, on the Northern Star Fruit Tree Sub-Division, ruled over the Sub-Division with quite some strict but efficient rules that weren’t that too much oppressive nor even the least bit ‘expensive’ for those who were living ‘together’ within the same Sub-Division.

Yet, most of these ‘Founding’ Clans, were now being silently targeted by the several parties that moved their ‘troops’ from the shadows, troops that were considered extremely weak indeed but that were at the very least capable enough to going to the extremes for certain reasons; all kinds of ‘reasons’ at that.

“Is it really possible to finish the Asamis? They are like, you know, really strong!” From all over the Sub-Division, or almost all of them, there were several hidden tens of thousands of people who were ready to do just as much as to just run towards the ‘Founding’ Clans’ Association Castles.

“Why would we do this to the Fosk? They’re practically doing nothing…” - “Idiot!! Didn’t you saw them at the Global Tournament, and how they were so close with The Order in the Association vs Association segment?” - “Just like the Mayas, they’ve been kinda suspected of… you know, with the Xies. Anyway, what do you care?! Since Bosses asked for this, then we do this!” - “Yeah… some of us don’t even have a choice.”

From around 3 whole Regions, the whispering, hushes and small chatter of individuals, all surrounding the core, main Castle of a ‘Founding’ Clan in specific; were in the waiting for the whole ‘thing’ to commence. It was bound to be a great and immense movement, with just the words of a single person, several Founding Associations would be… sent up into the skies all at once.

Wouldn’t that make the blood of many common people alike to boil like never and nothing before? Wouldn’t that give them the kind of morbidness they always crave for and can’t say no to? Wouldn’t it feel like being heroes of a war?! So they thought, anyways, not everyone was there because of money, fame, bitches and so on; some really just had no other choice…

It just so happens that, even as the Wonder Region was conquered, and as the Eternal Silhouette was slowly being overcome by The Order altogether. The Regions ruling over the 2 inner Regions and that 1 core Region, never cared about it nor even seemed to do something as to avoid the spreading of such news or ‘excitement’ from it.

In fact, even the Sun Clan in the Land of Fire Sub-Division had gone fully and utterly silent, and it was even more so as the Origin Pertaining Region itself had gone into war by force from part of The Order. On their own land and homes, yet not even they were doing anything at all in return and seemed to have already disappeared from the game itself.

Left with only themselves once the war started, the people from the Origin Pertaining Region could only hope that the Regional borders would come down and that, once they did, the Sun Clan’s Gold and Silver Guild would return with an army of 10 billion! Or so, save them from The Order since they had sold themselves to the Founding Clans and get good.

However, as time passed, it wasn’t only the Origin Pertaining Journeyers who had a change in expression and began feeling abandoned with no contact whatsoever within or outside the game with their new patrons. Even the patrons themselves were now extremely wary and so obviously terrified of losing their money, their actions became instantly and incredibly intense once a few days went by and the Origin Pertaining Region was beginning to be swiftly taken under The Order’s full rule!

Within just a few days, however, the ‘Founding’ Yun, Ross, Sun and Kernti Clans had begun to move their money, hence, moving a lot of people to either directly work ‘the job’ for them or for ‘others’ to find people to do those jobs.

Showing what they were worth and their capabilities, the ‘Founding’ Clans began targeting the others who either did not stay for a ‘certain meeting’ or that directly was accused, in their eyes, to be cooperating with The Order.

Dealing with an enemy that took their sweet time to get to the borders of ‘their’ territory and then attacking from them towards the center of the territory, not focusing their forces on just a few directions and instead deploying a ton of troops all around it. The Founding Clans weren’t the Eternal Silhouette Region, Origin Pertaining Region and even less so the Wonder Region.

They weren’t as unprepared as them, especially as the Origin Pertaining region and the Wonder Region, but even though the Eternal Silhouette Region was more or less prepared and the Origin Pertaining Region lowered their guard to the lowest; it was due to their ignorance on the matters of the warring system and what one could do with it.

Naturally, they were also unaware that The Order had more than those 5-10 Regions they showed in the war against the Wonder Region, and just as the Eternal Silhouette Region was being invaded, the overconfident that murdered their guard allowed for The Order to take with even more surprise, initiative and ruthlessness so efficiently than even the Wonder Region.

Yet, it was the Eternal Silhouette Region the one that seemed capable of holding their enemies right at their door, however, that was only in the beginning of the 7 days. But as more than double that amount has passed by now, it wasn’t that known for the outsider parties—spies—that Baston had already contacted The Order’s Lord for a debate to come to an agreement in regards to his surrendering.

But ever since Synfyl’s last effort at demolishing The Order failed miserably with the lives of hundreds of millions of Inhabitants being lost to The unstoppable, powerful and cruel Order, to which it then lead to the surrendering of the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division a few hours after the battle and which such news were delivered to The Order by none other than a dispirited Rog but one that wasn’t filled by hatred.

In any case, while The Order could become surprised by a bit to that development and even Baston could only raise his eyebrows in response, the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division was taken in these week + 1 day of time, becoming the second Sub-Division of the war against 2 other Regions that was fully conquered.

As for Synfyl, he might’ve returned back to where Baston resided within, or maybe hidden himself, but it was rather known that he was out of the Alliance with Baston yet his Lacerate Guild and his position as Guild Founder were stil there. Only, that he no longer was seen online from anyone, ever since the day that his ‘efforts’ cost the lives of that many Inhabitants that is.

On the other hand, seeing the infallible doom of the Origin Pertaining Region, it falling to become the other 3 Regions’ in the inner and core areas of Main Kingdom, the Fate Meeting Region, Thousand Words Region and Ancient Tree Region… began to be moved and changed by the sudden explosions that were sounding out one after the other from Sub-Division to Sub-Division.

However, before that happened; many, tens of thousands of ‘soldiers’ with bulky armors and fast but extremely low base HP Mounts that carried such ‘soldiers’. All run towards the Castles that were both the ones that the Fosks, Tarns, Jones, Xies, Asamis, Flicks and even, for some reason, the Sols, Mayas and Trons and everyone and everything that belonged to them.

Be it Vassals, Allies, resources like mines, forests, small animals’ livestock, farming lands and even the farming, hunting grounds that would grant large plethoras of Experience, gold coins and materials. Each of them were to be heard exploding one after the other once the Castle in question of each ‘Founding’ Clan was destroyed in just the same manner.

And before said Castles would even explode, that belonged to the ‘Founding’ Clans themselves, those tens of thousands of ‘soldiers’ would simply run at their maximum possible Movement Speed… to directly slam against the wall. What did that ended up doing? Many ‘booms’ and ‘rumble, rumble’.

One after the other, the Castles that were surrounded by mighty tall and thick walls were destroyed by these contracted/forced kamikazes to experience the awful life of a bomb exploding on their bodies, all over it and from within over and over again. As they would constantly teleport back as fast as possible even by changing their ‘dead’ Mounts with a new one.

Later on, when the walls had been tumbled down altogether, without even sparing the Inhabitants within—or so as they were trying and attempting to do—the kamikazes went left and right, left and right; exploding anything that they could see until they finally had to walk and run without being able to bump into anything all the way to the insides of the core of the castle.

Without a doubt, they were also ready to destroy it, it was a mission with the objective to destroy it all. However, it was only at the time that they entered the main structures and buildings of the core of the Castles that… they all finally realized, it wasn’t just the Inhabitants within those territories, but even the core of the Castle was fully emptied!

Emptied of life, not of furniture, decorations, even food and… definitely… even worse explosives. That was when, instead of those tens of thousands of soldiers that were moving to destroy the walls of the Vassals, Allies and whatnot, were instead caught in an ‘explosion’ that was thousands of times more devastating than what they were using to destroy those walls themselves.

With just the sounds of incredible terror-spreading and fear-inducing ‘bum…PLRRGGAAAAASSSH’, echoing in all of those Sub-Divisions, hundreds to even thousands and even with a couple of those Sub-Divisions having tens of thousands of those sounds; the few that could barely remain within the game after suffering such an explosion could only report one single thing…

…and that was, ‘there was no one there’. Before being forcefully logged out with traumas and possibly brain damage self-inflicted on their stupid selves, the ‘Founding’ Yun, Ross, Sun and Kernti Clans couldn’t even react for a few hours… Was Yun Beishang really always one step ahead? Their enemies…they were all… already gone…


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