Bow and Arrow

Chapter 598: Chapter 596 — More Eggs!

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More Eggs!




What was a pair of hands made of purple to land on the Shadow Lord's body became hundreds, swiftly after such a notion happened and as if being crazed for, the purple figures and shadows moved to 'embrace' the Shadow Lord, tackling him down altogether and holding him tight as his body was now fully covered by the Purple room and it naturally began to truly disappear from this world and any other.

What was previously all of a main Black color turned a powerful yet fear-inducing/fearful purple, one that would make anyone seeing it to be scared off by it whether because of the fear the color itself seemed to carry and the scariness of the same; at the same time. And what was the cause of all of this, the Shadow Lord, was now nothing…

If possible, either a being or an existence that was around, something which is impossible instead since Krayeke left Main Kingdom that long ago. They would be able to sense as if all of their being and ascended selves to the ultimate levels be completely and genuinely hopeless to an extension of someone’s ‘eye’ and scanning, before looking high up into the sky, crossing through it and scanning with their eyes the entire universe.

But only some of them, the most unthinkably and strongest, would’ve been able to see from so close yet so far away through Universal Lands and through the hidden galaxy and even Universe from where New Earth was within; an indiscernible image of a young woman, about that of either 18 years old or 24 years old.

Though the indiscernible figure couldn’t be seen, couldn’t be communicated to and they would’ve been even much more powerless than an ant without even being able to breathe and even dying as more time passed by… and from where that indiscernible figure was seen, only a softly, long and grieving sigh could be heard…

… … … … … … …sigh… … … … … … … …

. . .


Rising Essence’s Main Kingdom, the center of the Penumbral City.


From the ground, floor of the Citadel of the Eternal Silhouette Region, a sudden bursting out Yun Beishang came out from below the floor as he broke several kilometers worth of structures and buildings with himself as the epicenter and naturally, the cause, of all that destroying that happened as soon as he came out from below the ground and high up into the skies.

“...” But right away and as soon as he could come back into this Citadel, Yun Beishang was astounded by the visible and obvious change that had occurred, possibly from the happenings within the Shadow Lord’s hiding place, that seemingly endless but also non existing Black, now Purple; room.

Whoosh! Fwump! Swish~~! THUD THUD THUDDTTT!

With debris, huge amount of debris that collapsed onto the ground after being sent flying to all upward-ly angle thanks to this unique entrance, all Yun Beishang could see was that the Blackness from before was not all gone but getting overpassed and consumed by the purple that was previously the one and only ‘ruler’ of this domain.

Not in a ‘for power’ or ‘out of hate’ situation nor ‘reasoning’, but rather, because of the fact that this purple was also dying and wanted not to let this entire ‘domain’ to be part of the invading enemy that was still trying to get the every possibility and installed booby traps around Main Kingdom. And more specifically; to almost each of the Region’s Citadels.

‘Oh… maybe I am indeed the way too young Evil God they speak of? I even badmouthed my father-in-law for hurrying me over to make each of these… things, to collapse.’ Now realizing just one of the things that he was doing, still without previously knowing of it nor what it was doing to this world and how come Mother Main Kingdom herself was even giving him some aid.

Yun Beishang fell into silence… besides his already always silent demeanor, he was just contemplating his role in more than just being the Evil God, beating the God Race to death and conquering Main Kingdom; simple stuff.

“Sigh… Rosey, my dear, come out please? It’s only a bit more than ten minutes before I get disconnected from the game, help me up a bit.” Yun Beishang said while taking out once again his Unusual Cauldron with a size of at least 10 meters in diameter and about 5 meters tall. At the same time, Rosey came out from his White Space alone and with her crossed arms bulging her huge breasts.

“...what?!” Yun Beishang asked the sweet and naughty one as she looked own at him while enviously levitating without the need of wings, she then put a pout on her pretty little pale-orange lips before starting to come down from midair and placing her fair pale-silver hands on the edges of the Unusual Cauldron. “Hubby, you’re so weak! Cannot compare to me in my home, I see, I’ll have your squirming here instea-OWAAH!”


“...” Just as Rosey was being smug and with Yun Beishang watching her with half-closed, disdainful and condescending eyes, Rosey felt her entire body being fully root in place as the cauldron began working it magic on the ground and the surroundings all particles from all Core Elements as well as materials and resources of all kinds began to be dragged into it.


“Uwaaaa-wahawhawhwa-waaaaaaaahh!” Rosey almost felt her slender, fragile body becoming slime once again as the Unusual Cauldron began even more forcibly and powerfully sucking in all of the Penumbral Citadel. Meanwhile, Yun Beishang wasn’t any bit calmer and was instead relentlessly gritting his teeth and wrinkling up his nose as his entire veins began bulging.

Almost wanting to come out of his skin, Yun Beishang’s veins began radiating an insane violet glow, his entire body as if having become alien just from that, yet such a sight actually gave the ‘weak’ Rosey strength to go on and… well, also kinda made her enter into heat after relieving herself from the trance.

With time, Rosey no longer screamed out like a little girl and, instead, endured it and prevailed all the way until the end with Yun Beishang encouraging her with his simple and tired eyes glancing at her alone; unbeknownst to him. As for those down below, the ‘mortals’? All they could see was the land as they all rushed to the center of the Eternal Silhouette Region to see for themselves what the attraction was about.

Whenever they saw up due to the commotion of the air, seeing a spiral of severe magnitudes in size and then lowered them down after thinking that it was a cool effect of the game before the new expansion, they didn’t even notice how the previously black, ashy fog under their feet at night turned incredibly small and not even capable of reaching higher than their insteps.

If they didn’t even notice the astronomical change in size of the ‘always there’ ashy fog, and its color changing to that of a fearful, creepy and powerful purple; they even less so noticed of when it was all gone and no longer existing in any way… nor form.

Slowly, the spiral high up in the air subsided and decreased in size, going from tens of km long to just a few shy kilometers. Soon after, the spiral totally disappeared, along with the ashy fog and the ominous, shadow and depressive feeling that was unique to the Eternal Silhouette. And even if it was not that visible before, the trees and vegetation as well as the ‘small’ and ordinary animals within the Eternal Silhouette Region began to spread through the entire Region.

It wasn’t as if green colors or at least life was birthing out of nowhere, it was more as if both flora and fauna were smelling it, but also feeling by instinct of the new changes that were occurring and that were going to mature in no time at all.

Without a doubt, those small and ordinary animals began moving to where even the tiniest bit of a blade of grass was forming at the lifeless ground, where the dirt, rocks and sand were even seemingly starting to gain a new brand color and completely separating themselves from… a familiar look that only those who once went to the Somber Tree region could point out the similarities between it and the previous Eternal Silhouette Region.

In any case, this tiny bit of a movement from the part of the so unimportant fauna of the ‘game’, wasn’t noticed and probably wouldn’t be like so for normal people for a long time, even when they began to see the real light of the new changes in the Eternal Silhouette Region, it would’ve been more than plenty obvious for all to see; of course.

Step!... Stepstepstepstep…

From the dark a few revealing shadows that turned out to be Journeyers wearing obscure black, blue, white, gray, pink and even yellow clothes knelt and took some dirt from the ground before bringing up to their nose before running into the dark once again and in the same direction as the small and ordinary animals.

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Without obstructing nor scaring the small animals, the Journeyers’ shadows followed after them and swiftly began exchanging information with one another that were not that far in the distance. And whenever they looked at the clocks, they were at ease seeing that there was enough time for them to calculate the small animals’ direction before logging off as silently as they’ve been for hours straight.

. . .


Eternal Silhouette Region, in some part far away from the very center and core of the Region but still within the center of the same, where a ton of Journeyers were still rushing to even though only a few minutes were left before it was 12 am.


Kalen could be seen sitting on a fallen down huge in both length and thickness-tree trunk that had previously been taken down when the last few bits of God Race’s troops attacked the supreme settlements. To which, right at Kalen’s right was a small city with their lights on and with each of the houses with lights lit inside of them seemingly vivid with a festive sensation on each of them.

The Order’s capacity to rule over their people was already well known, and not a single Inhabitant dared to say no or to not believe a Master’s words and advice. Though they were always cheesy, trying to tell others of The Order’s doings, they were the truth and they were sincere with their hearts fully out whenever they spoke towards the Inhabitants.

Whistle-swish! Whoosh~, trek-step step step.

Just as Kalen was with his back hunched and looking at the ground just 1 meter before him, the sound of a fast approaching object sounded, which was then followed by the sounds of a person landing on the tree trunk and then proceeding to walk on top of it from a few meters away and towards Kalen.

The tree itself was rather large and thick, but its color was of a somber gray and cracked with not even its roots being larger than half a meter, appearing as tiny as a recently cut hairstyle with the zero cut. It was even somewhat within the dirt and grains of the ground from its previous fall but nobody bothered to ask a Lumberjack to take care of it.

But if one looked closely under the trunk, they would be able to see, to the utter novelty of the Eternal Silhouette Region’s Inhabitants, that moss was being formed and that even bugs were getting onto it ready to eat and procreate depending on…their mood.

“Hey Kalen, aagh,” Yun Beishang exhaled out roughly and tiringly, sending his bum from standing on top of the trunk to sitting on it right at Kalen’s right, where their backs faced mere darkness and the lights of the small city to their left weren’t capable of illuminating the darkness in the slightest. “There is still five minutes left, we can talk a bit, eh.”

“ sounded tired, the ground-no, the fog. From before. Did you do it?” Kalen didn’t respond right away as he tilted his head slightly enough to let his eyes gaze at this playboy son-in-law of his, only to be mildly surprised at the tired appearance of the latter. But then, without admitting to his heroic acts, Yun Beishang grinned and said in exchange. “It is you who seems to be tired, what has been happening with Synfyl?”

“Oh, he… Well, he had gone to our old home back at New Earth, he didn’t really know we were already far gone… I told him of our current situation,” Kalen said with caution, but not bothering to look for any facial expression change on Yun Beishang since he was a stoic sonofavish. And then, with some slight warmth in his eyes, he added. “Of us.”

“Oh.” Casually responded Yun Beishang, the emotional dude, before bending his knees and placing his bum further to the center of the tree’s trunk. Kalen indeed saw not a single change on his son-in-law’s expression, but he still asked what has been bothering him slightly anyways. “Synfyl, can he… can he come up and join the KATARINA-1?”

“No, and there’s no need for me to talk about it.” Coldly, Yun Beishang responded with his eyes going indifferent and his head changing positions slightly every half a second. Kalen nodded, he was indeed not needed to be told of how Yun Beishang is not a good person, not a softhearted fellow and how he would definitely not allow a man like Synfyl to stay within his inner circle.

Even more so, this was Kalen’s problem and family, hell, Yun Beishang didn’t even talk that much with Hita and Hoyi unless it was at dinner and whenever they spent time together with Kay and Sylda. But at this time, Yun Beishang was the one to speak, his words calm and a bit soft, “How did your son and daughters handle the war? I kno of Sylda best, but do tell me if you want.”

“They did well, Yun Bei…Shang.” Kalen spoke with his eyes gazing right at the front, the darkness did not consume his eyesight but instead seemed to be a great canvas for the images in his head to be seen right in front of his eyes on that black canvas. Yun Beishang’s next few words struck at his ears and brain softly yet painfully at the same time; however.

“Well, for a family of war, you’ve evolved quite well. Not too ‘honorable’ nor stubborn, not blindly loyal and flexible, your ancestors would’ve been glad of having served mine and myself well enough and being able to escape us.” Kalen choked, even though no food nor saliva was within his throat or tongue at the moment, and could only blurt out, “Co-kaf! Yun-kaf! What are you saying…?”

“More than a decade, Father-in-law, I can even remember your name and those of your family, even Synfyl and… Kay.” But now, it was Kalen who seemed lonely and full of silence, the silence itself merging into his body and willingly forming part of him, when his mouth suddenly started to move on its own with nostalgia… yet also full of grief; and sorrow.

“We were young, Synfyl was more stupid than even now, and arrogant. Oh, he was so arrogant. Yeah… so much that his greed was almost overcome by his arrogance, but ended up taking ‘a few’ of his family’s lives.” Kalen raised his left hand to drink, but the dumbass had nothing to drink from, the habit of years ago returned? But he didn’t have to think as Yun Beishang spoke a bit more at such a moment.

“Oh yes, I heard he attacked knowing that the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan territory was terrorized and that they lost their genius little Young Master under the Clan Head’s very own nose, turmoil and chaos would’ve been all over the place if it wasn’t because the Clan Head-...was the Clan Head at the time. He thought he had a chance, mm, continue on from there.”

“He indeed thought he had a chance; growing to form a ‘Founding’ Clan was always his greatest ambition.” Kalen nodded at Yun Beishang’s words, then lowered his left wrist to repose at his left thigh, his back hunching a bit more before going on. “When I received the news that Synfyl indeed went on with it despite my clear warnings to let me think more, and that even the people I placed within his ranks were coldly murdered…I knew it was already the worst.”

“Kay was already there, she had driven from her fake job’s building and directly to one of the tens of thousands of the armories of the Yuns, all to stop Synfyl. But he wasn’t stopping, he couldn’t be even as his own men directly under him were dying and requesting a retreat to the wilderness. The Yuns were always the most powerful in everyone’s hearts from those who either grew up alongside with or began working for a ‘Founding’ Clan.”

“When I arrived there, Hita was unconscious, bleeding from her neck and Hoyi…heartbroken, with Kay’s front body bleeding all over towards my vehicle and Synfyl desperately fighting, killing and running behind her and protecting her. Making sure she wouldn’t also be harmed, but when we got into the road… the Yuns weren’t unprepared nor in turmoil in the least, they already had some armored vehicles ready to catch any ‘rats’ fleeing.”

“My vehicle wasn’t armored, only theirs because it was brand new… Synfyl was on the seats behind, taking care of Hita and exhausting his energy and strength to close her wound, my Little Kay was only a few years old, and seeing her mother all bloodied…I was too distracted. As such… Synfyl took the wheel while I went to the backseat and comforted Little Kay.”

“But we were then caught up.” Kalen’s head was practically just in front of his crotch at this moment, his chin a few inches away from it as his back was hunched rather ugly. “It was really fast, I’m guessing a Supportive Specialist was within it, we were struck with its front from the right. I could only rush to that side and save my children from being directly hit while sacrificing myself…”

“...but Kay, she-” Kalen raised his head at last, his reddened eyes looking to his right where Yun Beishang wasn’t even looking at him yet he felt that Yun Beishang was somehow doing so nonetheless. Kalen then licked his overly dried lips before calmly saying as only a few seconds remained before 12 am.

“...That’s when I saw Synfyl running away with a couple small cases in his hands and under his armpit, looking at us only once before not looking back anymore and with hurried, uncaring steps. But also… saw Kay turning around with her head having lost more than half her hair and entirely bloodied head, and then… Well, the last I saw before losing consciousness and afterwards being placed in a cryo capsule was a golden glow… this game made me realize about that memory as Kay became stronger, haha…”



Let It Rain's Note: ...*pout*oh well, the title is more for the contents of next chapter, what a surprise...!!! .

V6: #5 6/10.

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