Bow and Arrow

Chapter 603: Chapter 601 — Hands Of The Origin Pertaining

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Hands Of The Origin Pertaining




"...I accept, please allow this Faction-less warrior fight for you." Grelia Dirnn, who was intensely exalted, shocked, afraid and fiery like a beast just now suddenly turned calm, making Yun Beishang who was already calm to look at her with an extra scrutinizing gaze. Grelia, though eyeless and faceless, still gave a sensation of a worried warrior and mother at the same time, wanting to both find and fight alongside her family as soon as possible.

"Very well then," Yun Beishang lightly nodded at her with a tilt of his head to his left, then cracked his neck and straightened his lazy posture before saying once more and then turning to look at the Unpleasant Resenting Captain with a different voice and intonation to his 'not that friendly- tone'. "Wait for me here a bit more, it will only... take a minute or so."

"And you, what is your- sigh, story, Mr Unpleasant Resenting Captain sir?" Yun Beishang's words attracted the attention of the robust soul, and while the robust soul was taking a bit of his time to recollect his memories right after, Yun Beishang comparing Grelia Dirnn's 'story' from before becoming a soul, as a monster, to actuality and with her story being 'revealed'; more or less.

“Sir, no, forgive me. My Lord…I used to be a high ranked official back…when the Regional Forces of Main Kingdom still existed, before they were annexed into your hands and…The Order’s?” The Unpleasant Resenting Captain spoke, his voice seemed to similarly be hurting in grief, like Grelia Dirnn’s. “My real name is Zaloduvik, no longer eh…a last name…for as my family has it as tradition for one who is dishonorable, for any matter, to no longer hold any last name to themselves.”

“And I…lost my daughter, to my blindness given to me by my ambition to grow stronger in status, my Lord.” The robust soul, Zaloduvik, with no longer any raging nor sudden outraging bursts coming out of his mouth and soul body, appeared finally calm and rather submissive when at the mention of his daughter and what could have happened to her.

“When I fought you in your interminable state, well, I could read some of your past. I even got a few items from you that…I am sure belonged to your daughter. Think some more, I’m sure that you’ll remember better if you allow yourself…to get hurt.” Though Yun Beishang may be—is—a rude motherfucker person, with the dealings of one’s children…and especially daughters, he became soft nevertheless towards this even ruder soul person in front of himself.

“, let me try.” Zaloduvik said, his head lowering and his hands clasping at it softly, and then, as time passed. His soul fingertips would deploy a strong push against his soul head’s temples ad ten soften, push hard then soft again as if he was going over and over and over; over a series of feelings and emotions all at once. With just a bit more time, crystalline, ethereal tears began streaming down his face without anyone noticing where they came from.

“My Lord, in the records that you’ve witnessed, or read. Could you please tell me if…you’ve ever heard of a young woman called Lueilola?” Yun Beishang tilted his head to the left once more, but his eyes were all set on Zaloduvik’s soul form, to which he then shook his head before responding in a light tone. “No, I didn’t. She might just not be recorded there, because I went through everything.”

“Oh no, no, no, no, no… no, my da-my daugh, ah noo…” Slowly crumbling into a ball, the soul form of Zaloduvik who seemed strong and determined, then weak and grieving now appeared crazed by it, turning himself into a murmuring, broken machine that could just not stop nor help itself. “I’m sor-wht have I done, oouh, nooo…huff, I should’ve kept you closer-I-a I’m sorry…”

“... … … …” Giving the father without a daughter a time of his own, both Yun Beishang along Rosey and Grelia Dirnn remained silent as the murmuring, broken machine slowly exhausted itself out. By the time that the murmurs ended, the fragile and thin voice of Zaloduvik resounded out once again. “Then… what does my Lord think that would make me want to stay, and not up ‘there’ to suffer?”

‘Huh? Is there actually a concept for ‘heaven’ in this world? Huh…’ Seeing the robust soul move its head to gesture upwards, at the sky, Yun Beishang thought curiously with his thoughts being hidden by his still indifferent facial expressions. Yun Beishang then said after clearing his throat and in a casual tone. “Well, okay yeah, I’m just cruelly thinking of recruiting you both. I honestly just want to use you so that the Inhabitants of the remaining 3 Regions will have a much easier time following a Leader.”

“A Leader who doesn’t want to ‘use’ the Inhabitants of this world, one that would even protect them instead; and not a leader who wants to use them to protect his, her or their interests, a leader who is only seeing this world as a toy and nothing else.” Yun Beishang spread his arms a bit, both to stretch and for the sake of some dramatic scene, but Grelia Dirnn’s voice sounded at this moment.

“Regions, Inhabitants? My Lord-” Yet, just as Grelia was going to speak some more, Zaloduvik raised his right arm towards her front to signal her and commenced speaking his words himself. “Since you-no, the Lord spoke of the 3 Regions, this…must mean that the Lord has gained control over the other 4?”

“Mhm, I have…almost. There is still the fourth Region being conquered by my Order, but that could only take up to another week or 2 at most. Which is which and what is what can be explained later on, if you decide to serve me and my Order, also becoming a General of a Region unit right away.” Yun Beishang said while gesturing to the 2 souls, still in that casual tone of his.

“But, my Lord, how can you be sure of our purposes, of us not betraying you and choosing to do just about anything else? It doesn’t make sense even for me, to which you’ve said to have ties with…my descendants.” Grelia Dirnn seemed to change from her theme from before and said while looking at Yun Beishang, her tone seemingly having become confused.

“Oh,” Yun Beishang grinned a bit while looking at Grelia Dirnn, “As I said, that can be explained later on. Just know, that…there have been insane changes to Main Kingdom and its Universe since you all went to sleep. And that no matter which Region you come from, under my Order, are all family.”

“...” - “...” Both souls turned silent, and itt was only at this moment that they both realized that the previous leaping souls who were reverse raining skywards one after the other and so on were nowhere to be seen anymore. After another slight pause, both a pair of conflicted and semi-grieving Grelia Dirnn and Zaloduvik slowly nodded their heads; as a silvery and gold glow suddenly emerged in both of Yun Beishang’s extended out arms with his hands open and palms facing skywards.

. . .


The method to create a ‘new body’ for these pair of souls was simple, in words, Rosey explained to Yun Beishang rather simply what he had to do, which only he himself could be part of and to which not even the Core Elements and the affinity one could have with them were going to be of help.

So let alone using Rosey’s seamless manipulation over the Core Elements, even his very own Evil God class and the relationship he had with the Core Elements wouldn’t be of any help; only one thing could be of such aid and was also the only thing that was needed. His most beautiful, purest of whites Essence: his Pure’s Essence.

But, even though it was only such an uniqueness in all of the Universal Lands existing and filled with life or intellect, that could help; Yun Beishang also had to use his own Bloodline for that matter. His Destructive Essence was something alright, but it wasn’t like he was born with it like he is when it comes to his own Bloodline. As such, he couldn’t make use of his Destructive Essence just as he could with his own Bloodline.

Yun Beishang could use his Destructive Essence to even destroy the city wall of a Sub-Divisional City and even a Divisional City, as it was thanks to such an Essence of his and from his Evil God class that he was able to destroy anything. But, if he really was to do that, anything else that is behind and around those walls would be destroyed as well.

It was Destructive for a reason and not just Powerful or something, it was the Evil God’s most signature ‘feature’ after all, and it was an Essence and not just a meager move, skillset, capabilities or even passive skills.

Meanwhile, not only was Yun Beishang born with his own Bloodline, with that violet that went from light violet to violet itself, not diminutives or appearances to change it from a simple ‘violet’. Just like how his own blood was no longer only red, and how his blackened heart was awakened and given the strength to truly beat once again as it was supposed to since long ago thanks to that violet glow back then in the middle of a ‘street fight’.

And since then, his heart—his Bloodline as well—has been growing and becoming stronger to where it once was once again, and to an even higher level if possible, thanks to all the information that Krayeke has given him and even proportioned a path for him to trek on and find his new and next path right after.

And now, with Rosey letting him know an teaching him to understand more about his Pure’s Essence, Yun Beishang could only do his best to get as much insight as he could for the next couple of minutes that Rosey would be speaking to him the ways and ‘method’ of bringing such a soul ‘back’.

But to this, which was Rosey ‘revealing’ such an unseen and unthinkable method and result of something unachievable and impossible. Yun Beishang was, instead, feeling all too familiar and finding it all too easy to comprehend and employ. In fact, the ‘method’ spoke to him by Rosey with her being all eyes-shining and mouth agape while speaking, was even similar to how he brought back from the inevitable deaths some of his maids and little maids that seemed to have fallen while he wasn’t there to protect them… while he failed to protect them.

In any case, when the time came for Yun Beishang to employ all of what his dear Rosey had aided him with knowledge, and to which he had added to his already existing experience and knowledge from that…unlikable past events. Yun Beishang was more than ready while the 2 ‘fragile’ souls were still terrified and afraid of the process; whatever it may be.

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But Yun Beishang’s method, which could be easily called showy, was in reality so gentle as from his open palms a pair of streams of energy came out of them of the purest, most beautiful of whites ever. When the stream of energy that targeted them reached their soul forms, their bodies began to feel a sensation of being electrocuted despite no longer having anybody at all.

At the same time, Rosey took out large chunks of meat from different mobs and even some BOSSes here and there, even taking out miscellaneous items and equipment, weapons as well as accessories.

But without being distracted, Yun Beishang who knew of all the necessary ‘sacrifice’ did not bat an eye even as Luxurious graded items were taken out in large batches and his Master’s Bag was swiftly emptied out of all resources and items. And it had to be known, that a Master’s Bag has 1,000 space for slots within the bag.

And, that for Yun Beishang, each slot had either resources or items that were of a grade higher than Magical, and each slot was either an item of Formidable grade for equipment, accessories or weapons of that same grade at the very least, with the ‘strongest’ even being some ‘random’ Spiritual graded items of such here and there.

Yet, while most of those items disappeared one after another in large batches of a dozen, all of his resources that were either miscellaneous from Sub-Classes’ harvesting that he’s been upgrading nonstop and getting his people to upgrade on their own as well, were all emptied out with not even the Resplendent grade and King’s grade being allowed to stay.

Yet, once again; by the time his last few items and resources were taken away from his Master’s Bag which, for a person who carries an almost endless garden inside their forehead that is inside an actual endless White Space and from which thanks to his wifeys and his own efforts to make the entire place lively and full of life, was even better than any garden in both Main Kingdom and New Earth that could ever exist.

And it was even more so with Rosey spending about 6 daily hours to talk and cheer up all the flora he had stored in there, growing and evolving in both high quantities and quality at the same time. All in all, with his cheat of a White Space and the garden that Rosey tricked-no, granted him as a reward for having fucked silly that fake projection of a Goddess back then at the Hidden Mysterious Underground, Yun Beishang couldn’t even care about a few meager King’s grade stuff or so.

Right now, as Yun Beishang was covering the soul bodies of both Grelia Dirnn and Zaloduvik, and items were raining from the right and below at his waist towards the center where the stream of Pure’s Essence created by Yun Beishang was connecting him with the souls. There was a strange and bizarre event happening, like a canvas starting to be painted, by a painter; their bodies began to regain colors.

But it wasn’t a skin color or a cloth’s color, instead, it was just an incomplete, disorderly and wild unknown bout of colors. Though they seemed brown at times, red at others, and even more such colors every now and then, they also seemed to be completely new and out of this world…’ugly’ wouldn’t be wrong to describe them as well.

While those colors were going on and on, Yun Beishang was sweating more and more as well, even though his real life body was already at the Godly being Stages and his virtual body couldn’t be any more full of stamina to which only he himself could exhaust himself mentally after using his skills like a mofo looking to die on his own.

On the other hand, the 2 souls that were undergoing an impossible change began to hold their heads and rest parts of their bodies in both pain and…disbelief!!! Whenever they felt pain, they felt alive! Pain was humanity’s main reason to stay sane, and it was like such that this pair of souls were going from ‘it’ to ‘them’ as living beings!

Slowly, with their souls shaking as if time had slowed down, and with their bodies gaining features, there was a most beautiful and purest of whites glow tha began evolving them rapidly and tenderly, as if treating with a pair of unique life forms that could very well go against the laws of the heavens and the earth; break anything that exists as reasonable and as logic.

When they both became a huge, immense glowing ball of about 9 meters in diameter, Yun Beishang could finally take a rest, and now, he could finally be taken care of by Rosey who could only hug him from his back with her sweet G sized meat pillows letting his sweaty neck tranquilize and refresh to both the sensation of her pale-silver skin and fragrance from her body.

Before long, just a few minutes and almost a couple dozen minutes, the glowing balls began to slowly crystallize from the ‘outside’ while the insides were still ‘working’ on the souls themselves. As the perimeter of the now Pure’s Essence crystalline ball slowly began cracking, the insides of the same began losing glow and even inaudible chants of glory and beauty began resounding from within…

. . .


A few more minutes after the crystallization of the glow from Yun Beishang’s Pure’s Essence.


The crystalline ball, naturally, cracked and cracked over and over again until it finally began to crumble. Once it began, there was no stop for it, and pieces of crystal with Pure’s Essence’s color began falling down like teary crystals instead. From them a pair of naked bodies came out while Rosey hid her face and covered her eyes on Yun Beishang’s back.

Quickly giving the man a set of clothes, Yun Beishang took his sweet time to give the appropriate clothes to the female human instead, to which she indifferently accepted and said nothing about for a few tens of seconds. She was goddamn tasty by the way, cough. In any case, after that little while, they were both dressed and could be now addressed officially as living beings!

“How is it, does it feel…mmm, normal?” Yun Beishang asked, gazing at Zaloduvik’s face and scrutinizing seriously all over Grelia Dirnn’s body, but being respectful enough to gaze 0.1 seconds more at her face than at her assets, of course. Rosey constantly giggled on his back as she then lifted her head to look at the two souls that have now been ‘converted back’ to be part of the Human Race once again.

“It feels…well, weird and abnormal. But that might be normal, after all…I haven’t been a living being for many thousands of years…It… also feels kind of nice to be given attention, I didn’t remembered this feeling before, other than when being with my lover and when my son looked up to me as a warrioress besides his father.” Grelia Dirnn spoke while constantly giving Yun Beishang some confused glances, all to which Yun Beishang was noncommittal to and kept on listening while respectfully raping her with his eyes.

She was an enormous beauty, a wild, unrestrained, powerful and chaotically free beauty; the sort that many little girls want to become when reading stories or hearing them before bedtime with their families. The sort of person that seems to have a nice life but, to the unhidden eyes of the ones who are knowledgeable, they are the people that have suffered the most in quantity, and it is even more so with someone as young as Grelia Dirnn who was plotted against to and died early.

As a great warmonger and an almost Mythical being at the Legendary being before her death as well as being 22 years old before ultimately and finally, falling; Grelia Dirnn has pitch black smooth short hair, blood-like iris and red pupils. Bronzed skin with a milky touch and 1.88 meters tall, a prominent figure, emanating a boldness and no filters to herself; just like her beauty alone.

And though she was just a few millimeters lower than Yun Beishang, that did—obviously—not stop, at all, Yun Beishang from thinking of several different things that all added up and conveyed his and her life to the very same ‘spot’. In any case, she had a weapon to her left waist, a small saber-scimitar, and a long javelin at her right waist.

“Those are your weapons?” Yun Beishang asked, interested in this dual-wielder warrioress that was capable of getting to be the only lover of the strongest Human of the Regional Forces of Main Kingdom from thousands of years ago. Grelia Dirnn looked down at her left and then right waist, before lifting them up rather slowly and all too pensive.

“Yes, these, my Lord…are the weapons that I will have to my side when I fight for you and The Order. I’ll…be your weapon.”



This is the beginning of Volume 7 — Battle for the Era.

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