Bow and Arrow

Chapter 65: Chapter 64 — Rosey (2)

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Rosey (2)


[Great Petal of Destruction]: Ignites her own bloodline, infusing all of her flower-petals to break free of restraints (with precedence over Universal). Duration: 3 minutes. Once all of her flower-petals have been stimulated by her divine, unknown bloodline, 'Dooming Bloom' becomes available to use.

[Dooming Bloom]: Flower-petals separate from Teary Rose's crown which then is ignited by her bloodline, once the Petal has been fully cremated, it'll shoot a laser beam with the potential of annihilating creation itself. Teary Rose can use this skill once for each Petal in Teary Rose's crown; the more Petals she has grown, the more catastrophic the laser beam (Teary Rose's Petals: x9).

'Huuuh? With the potential of annihilating creation itself... uh?' Tongqiu was naturally dumbstruck, as long as she uses it, he was sure that he'd by no means be able to dodge it in time, let alone block it.

Now, the only question was; how powerful was that boost from 'Great Petal of Destruction'? Did he need to take any drastic measures or something? For the unknown, he was worried yet not fearful, he even found this duel of theirs... fun.

Anyways, it didn't seem like Teary Rose wanted to let him be in the unknown as she immediately went after his ass that was previously flying backwards from his little impulse when he previously parried her right foot.

'Uh-Oh.' Uh-oh indeed, for as Tongqiu intended to take out his essential weaponry and apply 'the classic' to blow away dear little Rosey; but then... he realized she was already in front of him. She wasn't even moving, merely standing there, looking towards him in a clear provoking manner.

As she was now human-sized, she was a few centimeters taller than Tongqiu yet she still maintained her figure to hover below Tongqiu's head with her body slightly leaning towards him.

Seeing those provocative, challenging eyes made Tongqiu so fascinated that he fell into a spellbind; this wasn't a skill, talent or another hidden skill, it was genuinely Teary Rose's own self that charmed him.



Taking a deep breath before leisurely letting it out, Tongqiu had no choice but to pull out his Sunfacing Brilliant Gladiuses instead.

However, when he was about to, he felt -as if by the calling of them- a kind of worried sensation which didn't allowed him to take them out. He felt as if he were to use them against this 'boosted' Teary Rose, he'd get them destroyed the moment they made contact with her skin.

'Close-combat it is...' Powerfully forming a fist with his left hand while he made an 'aggressive' claw with all of his finger on his right hand, Tongqiu didn't even made a stance -as he didn't even know how to fight- while also connecting his eyes towards those of Rosey's. He'd usually never look at someone's eyes, that is unless they are 'her', or Natalia, Diana... and such. For him to look directly at her, it truly exposed the importance and place in his heart, even if it was pixels and an extremely over-intelligent AI.

When Teary Rose saw him not take anything out and merely brandish his fist while making a funny claw, she grew joyful and proud at the same time... as she initiated her lightning-fast right foot swing.


Without even letting out a dragging sound, her right foot arrived before the left side of his head, this time there was obviously no gust of wind, as if not even that could match the dimensions of her bodily strength.

Tongqiu had already instinctively raised his left hand all the way to the top of his head, to which her shin fiercely struck at his wrist.


The sound of his bones dislocating for an instant before amply going back to their rightful place was heard, giving Tongqiu an experience that he'd never forget in both, extreme shock and utter fear!


His body involuntarily moved, shaped like a crescent moon to his right as his right hand came to stop at the height of his right cheek; right after, he once again heard and felt that terrifying dislocation of his bones for less than an instant before going back to where they belong as Teary Rose's right elbow struck his wrist yet again, successfully protecting his neck and sternum from being brutally misplaced.

'At least I, for some reason, don't get damage from her mov-' Tongqiu was thinking so while trying to catch Teary Rose's figure so as to give her a look of annoyance when he was suddenly interrupted by the already in front of him foot aimed directly at his head.

He was obviously not able to follow her every movement- no, rather just any movement, of hers. He could only pick himself up from his befuddled state as he raised both his knees ever so forcibly while also trying to gain inertia from such an abrupt moment, so as to have his head nestled between his shoulders as his back arched forwards yet losing altitude right away.


The sound of her foot passing through his left as his head narrowly avoided being crushed into smithereens was heard by him as he actually lost his hearing from both ears.

Thanks to his Mental Energy, his level of reaction was not only inhumane when trying to dodge her impossible to avoid attack, but also beyond it when he became temporarily deaf; as the very moment his feet went back to the ground, he positioned his body so that it'll become like a rag doll suddenly being inserted wooden sticks so as to not fall apart; his back was strangely stiff yet wobbly as it was hunched while his hips and legs were unnaturally bent.

Feeling the void and abandon of something as he felt his equilibrium be completely changed up, Tongqiu wobbled his hands up and down as he strangely began seeing small, illusory globes once again albeit twinkling and impossible to discern.

At this moment, however, both his tragus on each ear tingled, provoking him into doing a somersault backwards. As he did so and was about to have both his feet step on the ground, his eyes coincidentally met the scene of Teary Rose and her hands which had formed into a blade-like stance, chopping towards his previous positions to speeds he has never seen before... as she then proceeded to do the same again yet this time, as if her left arm was a spear and her left hand the spearhead, she lunged towards him.

Tongqiu made an instinctive movement of his left hand on the air which left both of them astounded for what happened next; surprisingly, a most beautiful, pure white along with a grey-platinum, bright metallic essences came to be as they complemented one another, bizarrely.

All sound was gone from the surrounding dozens of meters as Teary Rose was sent into a Confused altered effect while at the same time, a 'gush of wind' moved to her close left instead.

The moment the 'gush of wind' did so, it siphoned towards an specific space, which was also where Tongqiu's head started to materialize at!



Tongqiu did something he never thought of; he used no weapon at all while still activating Combustion, merely striking with his fists or rather, his left fist as he made an uppercut aimed at her left side of her body, directly at her ribs from behind.


Still somewhat in the Confused state, the vulnerable Teary Rose suffered an attack just like how she would suffer a perfect parry from this magnificently cunning big brother of hers. Her body arched -as if in pain, when in actuality not- backwards as her entire body stiffened right after receiving his punch! She then went on her knees while Tongqiu, without an ounce of hesitation nor pity, struck her left shoulder with a left kick of his own!


This time, the sound that was heard by the two of them was that of his own bones being dislocated and what-not, but Tongqiu decided to ignore it completely as he already knew that that thanks to his probing attack from just then, she had already recuperated from her previous Confusion induced by him entering into the state of becoming nothing, becoming that 'gush of wind'.

Sure enough, an angry yet mildly exasperated Teary Rose stood up in fury before directly pouncing towards Tongqiu with thorough brutality and fierceness!


As the violent sound of their bodies colliding against each other sounded, Tongqiu was grabbed into an endless roll backwards as he was receiving punches to his face with no sight of stopping. Strangely, they didn't caused real damage at him, they did really, really, really fucking hurt! But they didn't actually lowered his HP one bit at all!!

Even if Tongqiu had strong suspicions about it, the never-ending amount of now not only punches but also scratching!- didn't allowed him to even begin thinking. Still with his left hand as a fist and his right hand as an 'aggressive' claw, he first made a '/' right in front of his face which allowed him to easily move his left arm to any angle so as to protect his face from any incoming attacks aimed at his head and neck area, with his wrist.

While his right hand made a move towards the left sides of her body, towards her left ribs- more accurately to say; he aimed as precisely as he could towards the area affected by his previous back-attack. It didn't actually did much as she was previously affected thanks to his couple of essences stealing the limelight of the moment only, and that further attacking in such area would only represent slightly more damage to her still abundant HP.

-1,110, -1,110, -1,110, -1,110, -1,110, -1,110, -1,110, -1,110.

Maybe it didn't seem as if he was suffering much, but for every claw he stabbed her with, Tongqiu received 5 to 6 punches to the face in exchange. At this point, he was more affected by the aftershock tremors of her punches, even while blocking them with his left wrist, that even the capability of his brain to process commands was starting to quickly become chaotic. Yet he still managed to robotically keep on 'tickling' -not even really- her without a stop, as if he was using his hips to make Natalia involuntary yet ecstatically meow and purr under his body.

With that conclusion arriving to his beaten-into-a-muddled-state brain, Tongqiu understood as he was glad of not previously confronting her power to power in a direct face off. If he did, once his fist or foot collided in full strength against hers', he would've been imploded without a doubt!

The strange, ephemeral yet out-of-this realm of knowledge energy that'd create shockwaves withing shockwaves until even his blood took a solid form from so much friction would be more than enough to kill him in the spot. After all, even if he did not received direct damage that reduced his HP, the actual leftovers from that strange energy would, without a doubt, do some real damage and plummet down his little bar HP in the most pathetic of ways at that.

Suddenly, his claw -also- instinctively went ahead for her body, though this time... it grabbed onto her prominent chest!

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As Teary Rose was still affected by the previous experience against the shadowy hands, she couldn't talk besides making some inaudible exclamations, like this one- a flustered, panicked and... curious (?) gasp.

Of course, she was initially heavily angered and was about to become red-silver hot iron instead of pale-silver unearthly skin. But then, as their crude, rough incessant rolling stopped as she looked at the molester right in front of her, it was her big brother, ah.

'Aish, what to do? I-I-I...' Rosey went into a full panic, as if she couldn't bear to let his big brother be taken to jail...

Too bad she didn't notice Tongqiu's legs creep up to under her armpits as she was harshly yet tenderly at the same time, pinned down to the ground by Tongqiu's ankles.

Her butt was raised as Tongqiu crotch was directly supporting it.

Rosey: (´・ω・`)

They remained still in such awkward pose before Tongqiu slowly stood up while Teary Rose herself remained on the ground, refusing to even figuratively give comment to it. When Tongqiu saw her silly, feigned ignorance when she was in truth just out-of-words, he couldn't help himself from softly muttering under his breath: "Oh, sorry Rosey; don't worry I'll make it up for you with uh... lots of beautiful plants and unique herbs!"

Before rapidly moving away from her.

'Ah!' As if noticing something, Teary Rose moved with the intention to stand up in a panic when...

...the sound of a bowstring being pulled sounded.

As she saw a fear inducing bow having its bowstring drawn into a full crescent moon and a couple of featherless arrows begetting an unstoppable domineering murderous aura from them, aim at her in perfect synchronization.

A decisive 'last stand'!

As Tongqiu entered his 'abnormal' state, Teary Rose herself also entered into an extension of reality-like dimension; as both of them seemingly teleported their entire beings to such similar states, Teary Rose's movement speed and nimbleness became ever so ordinary that was, in fact, rather slower than an ordinary ill person's overall capabilities. As for Tongqiu, he had already shoot his first wideshots when he sensed such a bizarre yet fitting change.

They both even seemed to sense as if they were at an illusory meadow, in the middle of a yellow-sanded road with fences built at the perimeter of the road.

Immediately after he let loose his arrows now with ethereal, illusory fletchings on them, speed seemed to be a limited conception within the lawless state of this realm-state of sorts. It was utterly strange, unfamiliar for Tongqiu.

It was at this moment that his arrows were shot that Tongqiu realized that his estimates were even over the truth, reality in this 'world'. To be exact, their speed was that of even slower than normal arrows being shot with a normal bow!

Instead of feeling rather conflicted and uncomfortable, Tongqiu instead sensed some kind of release, relief and relishing sensations upon experiencing such a thing!

Teary Rose, also seeing this, smiled sweetly and even her unusually large, pointy ears trembled in excitement for a little as she lifted both her hands up with her palms facing upwards and her hands in a slightly grabbing motion.

As she did so, those two arrows made contact with her right arm as small sounds of 'pluwp' were heard before a small explosion was formed on her skin, a mini-version of his Combustion's AOE explosions appearing to be extremely cute.

Immediately after, a couple of flower-petals separate from her crown before softly descending towards the palm of her hands, slightly hovering above her palms. They then started being cremated by a rosy, sparkly flame. Once they were fully consumed by the flame, all that remained -along with the flame- converged into a tiny, small sized pinkish ball that once it gathered all of the petal's properties, shot away with its aim being the newly shot arrows coming at her!

Both of her palms 'seemed' to be capable of shooting laser beams as they each went towards Tongqiu's shot arrows, fully disintegrating them. They continued their trajectory, but the already prepared and well informed Tongqiu had already moved away from them!

He was able to dodge such world-level calamity skill precisely because of the 'restriction' on speed. Were they both be at the normal world, he would've 'poof' away in but an instant.

Immediately after dodging, Tongqiu prepared to shot even more and more 'abnormal' wideshots. But Teary Rose wouldn't fall behind preparations, besides cremating more and more flower-petals as time went on, she also jumped, floating around to try to evade arrows coming at her left and right- from any angle while also sending her own laser beams herself.

Some arrows would hit, some many others wouldn't. None of the laser beams directed at him managed to touch him though, a couple of them ripped his skin open from a couple of close calls though.

At this moment, Teary Rose's last flower-petal was thoroughly cremated as the flames encompassed the petal as it began consuming it. Once done so, an extremely fast and much thicker laser beam shot, aimed at Tongqiu's sternum, easily entering his body though he did not feel a thing and instead felt his entire body be freshen up.

Towards this unordinary development, he still felt tired from his successive 'abnormal' wideshots as well as the pain in his face from all that dear barrage of punches that  Teary Rose's granted him with.

In the end, by the time Teary Rose had already arrived 1 step before him, 7 arrows had already hit her instead. Not being able to even raise his transformed shoulders once more, Tongqiu simply watched her stand before him, as they each looked at each others' eyes in silence.


The surroundings suddenly cracked, the peaceful meadow with the yellow-sanded road surrounded by old, wooden fences all disappeared from their illusory mirage as a huge crack spread out right above the two of them, before finally sending glass-like shards all around while at the same time, they returned to the main floor of the Mysterious Hidden Ground.

At the same time.


-333,666, -333,666, -333,666, -333,666, -333,666, -333,666, -333,666.

Eleven galaxy-destroying sounds, disaster unfolding itself tremors exploded out all around him and Teary Rose with them both at the  epicenter of said chained, domineering chaotic explosions.

This was obviously Teary Rose taking damage from the 'abnormal' wideshots from 'before'.

Teary Rose HP: [328,119/18,000,000]

Tongqiu could've chosen to be swept away by the shockwaves and draw the distance between them as she still had enough HP to put him down in an instant.

Rosey could've chosen to end his little life right now, but a strange phenomenon enveloped her body.

A white-goldish aura inundated her entire being as she then leaned on his chest, even though she was clearly taller than him, right now she looked at least 3 heads smaller instead. He endearingly placed his arms at her shoulder blades, having her emotions and thoughts already sent into his mind.

*PING*... you've completed the Main Quest: [Finding The Ancient]. Quest Type: Main Quest, Quest Time Limit: 50 days, Quest Reward: ???, SP+5,000, Fame+5,000, Mind Power+5 (since AP can't be given to the player, you may receive other reward in compensation) and random ??? grade weapon.

Before he could even look through his just obtained loot, another notification appeared.

*PING*... you are tasked with your obligation, [Absolute Power]: Quest Type: Special Main Quest, Quest Time Limit: 1 minute, Quest Reward: all your skills are maxed and receive +100 stats to your main stat. Quest Requirements: KILL The Ancient One. Ques Failure: 'Journeyer's' level is downed to LV0 and loses all stats-250 permanently.




Author's Note: Please understand that Rosey was not supposed to be a Heavenly grade BOSS as she herself decided on her own, not anybody else's command or instruction, to give away her most precious... Fallen Teary Rose Petal. That's why this fight is so tranquil on her side, while Tongqiu is struggling to keep up with her. If it wasn't because she genuinely is only at the Heavenly grade and not the Legendary grade, she'd swat away the annoying fly that he is; and that she never went easy on him.

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