Bow and Arrow

Chapter 86: Chapter 85 — He’s Growing Too…

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He's Growing Too...



In the White Space of Tongqiu's True Wish relic.


On the bed, there was a kittenish Irllytia under the sheets of the bed as a content silly grin took form on her cutesy, slightly red face. She was incredibly comfortable as it was not so long ago that she was jumping up and down with her legs wide open on the bed, frenetically and nonstop.

Tongqiu was standing to the side as he was wearing some common shorts that Irllytia bought for him when he was absent, a nice little present she gave him a notice of right before undressing him with complete hunger and ravenous intentions.

He was buttoning a white, cordial shirt as he watched the little Irllytia be all content and relaxed on the bed, turning left and right as if she was trying to get her body used to a still, comfortable and soft place after the roughing she has just gone through.

"Eh, no no, don't put anything in. I wanna see my hubby's naked torso..." A clear, melodic and gracious voice sounded behind Tongqiu as a hand suddenly tapped his shoulder before another appeared as they then started to unbutton his shirt. Then, once they were done getting Tongqiu's upper body completely naked, those slim yet firm hands caressed him all over, prompting Tongqiu to inhale sharply once again, as he dangerously tilted his head to his right.

"Ah, darling Tongqiu, you like it? Hm? Mwah." What seemed to be a soft and burning with passion voice, turned a little playful and affectionate as he suddenly felt a few sharp teeth temptingly bit at his shoulder.

"You, minx, how dare you incite your man like this! Aren't you afraid of retribution?!"

"Hehehe! Nope, fuck me silly!"

To these unexpected words, a surprised Tongqiu turned his body at regular speed as he saw a slightly bulging belly on Tonkia's short body.

'Ah, exactly as I remember her... except for the incredible armor and aura emanating from her... damn, she's changed... so good.'

"Eh, would you stop eating me with your eyes and do it properly, please? I need you, my husband... mnh..." Tonkia then put a finger in her mouth as she spoke in ragged breathing while nibbling down on her finger, when she spoke out the words 'need', she literally downed one of her hands to her crotch and started playing herself for him to see.

Tongqiu: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

"Okay, ah, you are too good aren't you? C'mere, I'm about to reward you." Tongqiu said as he went forwards to grab at Tonkia's upper thighs and bringing her body up to his chest, Tonkia was giggling through all of that as she spoke in a still breathless voice: "AH! You did like that? Good, I no longer want to retrain myself, tame me... endearingly make me faint."

'Yup, that's it, I'm not holding anything back.' Tongqiu thought.

It didn't took more than 5 seconds for certain sounds to be heard right after that.


. . .


"Like this? I- do I do anything at all in specific, eh, eh~?"

As Tonkia's voice resounded, Tongqiu responded in the most patient of ways: "Nope, just calm down, tiger. Stand in front of me and let your body relax, I'll be placing my hand on your chest... at the sternum area, okay?"

"Eh~~, if you want to touch me, just do it~~ why ask?" Coquettish and affectionate, Tonkia's comment made Tongqiu reevaluate whether or not to go along such offer.

"E-ehem, first let me do this, will you?! And stop tempting me, it won't work!" Towards his 'harsh' response, Tonkia merely snorted in playful feigned anger: "Hmph! Hmph!"

Deciding to behave, Tonkia then stood still in front of Tongqiu as he then raised his left hand and reached out to the middle of her chest.

Then, Tongqiu's hand and Tonkia's body connected as he repeated the same motions that he did with Irllytia. Right away, Tonkia's face became clearly relaxed and even infatuated, she muttered in a sweet tone: "Tongqiu~... feels nice."

Taking in the fact that both of them seem to really, really like this action of his, Tongqiu fell into some thoughts: 'Before it was my right hand, now my left is this... for every part of my body? Do I even need to touch the desired NPC to make this happen? Also, does it somehow nurture them like it does with Rosey, or do they need to be in a similar state? Then, am I not a healer now? Hm... Also, I can just give my girls some massage with this, for as strange as it seems.'

He felt the same refreshing substance course through his entire body as a link connected directly at his heart and very own being.

*PING*... - ... - ... - ...

'I'm not surprised, really.'

*PING*... since this action of host seems to not be a onetime feat, the corresponding messages will be as follows: you've linked yourself with NPC 'Tonkia', she is now inseparable from you even in death.

'That works, I guess.' Slightly frowning, Tongqiu fell in a little of pondering as Tonkia slowly woke up from her relaxed trance. She spoke to him in a clear, soft voice: "Wow, Tongqiu, that was incredible! I felt as if I was being touched by you in the most purest and essential of ways! I... I don't know how to explain, but, but!! It was really amazing, ah, I also feel like I've become one with you just then... and that feeling isn't leaving but, is different from when we are going... at 'it', you know? Hehe~."

Involuntarily snorting at Tonkia's so well cherished excited and uncontrollable antics that he so much missed, Tongqiu extended his hand as he caressed her head, Tonkia inclined her head and closed her eyes in enjoyment in return.

"Yes, I understand it well, little Tonkia." With a genial smile, Tonkia became spellbound and her eyes went slightly watery for a while before slowly waking up and brushing him away in a playful manner: "Oyoyoy-gshu, gshu~! Get off me, you devilish husband, you're making your wife be all flustered. How dare you~?"

"Hm, hmph, come. Let's have a little break with Irllytia, she's awoken since you were touched by my hand." Tongqiu didn't mention that Irllytia's body jolted right as he 'linked' Tonkia via the use of his essence, giving a clear hint to himself that maybe even Rosey can feel that.

"Ah! Irllytiaaaa!!! I've missed you~~, mwah mwah mwah~..." Once again involuntarily sleeping, Tongqiu followed Tonkia after she threw herself at it right to where Irllytia was previously sleeping. Irllytia herself got a sudden scare seeing the incredible cute and dumb looking slightly big bellied Tonkia jump with the intention of landing on her stomach, she couldn't help but open her legs wide as she perfectly calculated Tonkia's fall, receiving her face with her crotch. Then she went ahead to kiss her blushing cheeks instead before she suddenly stopped to ponder for some time, then she went down on her again.

"KYAAAA~~ stop! Please, I'm too... anh..."


. . .


Walking around the Azure Dragon City.


Tongqiu was dressed in normal clothing with Irllytia's right hand being held by his left hand and Tonkia's waist taken by his right arm. He had a cute decorative item on his head, just like Naty had when they first met in-game, though he chose that of a cute frog instead of a silly-looking bear. 

It was fine to walk around with his name in display but, his face could easily be recognized anywhere by some real big shot out there. Tonkia and Irllytia both wore a princess-like decoration that covered their face but even then, they looked extremely beautiful and captivating.

"So, how is that trial going to be... about?"

Tonkia answered, sounding somewhat aloof from her previous feminine and inexperienced self: "I'm not sure. I only know that, it'll be available in 3 days. Husband, you... should take the trial before our world continues to, ehm... 'advance'. As you can see, it may have a higher difficulty if you do it once it happens, even if you are still LV30, do you understand?"

Tongqiu had his eyes dart around for a couple of seconds before responding with a few nods and his eyes blinking in an affirmative manner.

"Then, get ready, it may take long." Deciding to not bloat her with unnecessary questions, he lead them around to enjoy the city. For one, Tonkia always lived in the Novice Village and, seeing this prosperous place, she grew excited and had delusions of grandeur of creating one such city but better, herself.

While Irllytia had already thought about a lot of things that the proper city should have! As if she's gotten deep thoughts on that for a long time, looking very cute.

Tongqiu at first merely involuntarily snorted but, he then fell into contemplation... with 'Forge and Create', he'd most likely have all sub-classes unlocked at some point, creating one city by himself did seemed fun, and possible. Though it also seemed way too far away from now.

"Someday, heh. Someday..." Tonkia and Irllytia looked at their man at the same time and decided to simply smile in a motherly way while ignoring his stupid face and dumb words.


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After that little trip, Tongqiu then proceeded to bid his farewells inside his White Space with both of the girls already being tired, as he tucked them to bed to meet their oh so wanted sleep. He then disconnected from Rising Essence and woke up to the sight of no other than him and Yao Yao on his bed.

'Oh, right... but... looking outside the window, it's already almost 8 pm, did this little girl just slept that much? Sigh.' Looking at Yao Yao laying down in the bed, Tongqiu caressed her cheek softly.

As expected, just as he began grazing over her skin, she woke up in a slight jolt.

"Hah! Master... Eh- this?" She looked confused at first, then her eyes all cleared up as she gazed at Tongqiu's face which was being lightly embraced by the dark.

Tongqiu's tranquil voice came to be as she heard him say: "Yes, you woke up. Ey, we have to talk. I can't have my personnel become so crazed by me out of nowhere, you know?"

"I-it's n-n-not that..." Seeing her get all nervous and ashamed, Tongqiu 'patiently' rolled his eyes before changing his tone to a patient and comforting one: "Nothing is gonna happen to you, rather... Don't you think your 'feelings' towards me are a bit, unnatural? Hm?"

Yao Yao was about to raise her voice in a rapid, panicky voice when she was suddenly hit with realization. It was true... even if she was completely enchanted by Tongqiu's doing of Natalia from back then or the time at the living room... It truly didn't seem to be a clear source of attraction now, does it?

She could only respond with her eyes lowered and feeling slightly down: "A-ah... I, I don't know."

Seeing exactly this, Tongqiu reached out his hand to cup her face slightly, just like how he did so instinctively when they first met. He closed in on her as their heads were merely 15 cm or so apart from each other, he spoke in a low, almost whispering voice: "Hey, I'm not about to crush your feelings or something similar, hahaha... So relax. I merely want you to be honest with yourself, but uh... I'm not well-versed in a woman's train of thinking when they have this... kind of... specific problem... ehem, so I'll let Naty and Diana talk to you, you can be confident with them, okay?"

Confused. She was totally confused at the sort of words he was spouting, he was already turning her down when he suddenly spoke about progressing but in other words... what?

In any case, she shook her head as if to get rid of her thoughts accumulating like crazy; once she calmed down a little, she realized Tongqiu's point of view in the matter, and grew excited. She quickly spoke out with a trembling, high-pitched voice: "D-does that mean I can be with Master Yun? Oh, yes, yes! I'll tell them everything!"

She was so lost on her sudden joy that she didn't notice herself getting up so fast on her knees on the bed that her borrowed nightgown revealed her entire forbidden field yet to be plowed for a good 3 solid seconds before the nightgown finally covered her well enough.

Tongqiu was initially patient to her slow yet efficient thinking but when she saw her go all that excited, the scene from prior to having Tonkia's first time came to be in his head as his eyes became unfocused for a moment there.

He then looked at the still brightly smiling little girl in front of him as he felt bitter to his previous thoughts.

'Maybe this girl really does like me, and is not an inexperienced girl's throwing herself at the first naked man they see? Ugh, if that's so then I've wronged her, I guess...' Tongqiu 'mentally' shook his head a couple of times as Yao Yao seemed to realize what kind of actions she just went through. She was about to once again feel shame upon starting to believe that Tongqiu was having second thoughts when she suddenly instead felt rather warm in her little tummy as he saw Tongqiu look directly at her eyes in complete silence and without moving much... Her thoughts were clear: 'Wait... isn't this clearly the scene of a male being mesmerized by a female from the books?! Gasp! I... Can I really be with...'

"Oh, ehem, excuse me. You ah, look really beautiful in that gown..." As Tongqiu was making a more or less smooth save right then, the doors of the bedroom were opened at regular speed.


Both of them looked towards the doors as Natalia and Diana went in right away; that was fine, however, what they saw right after made their eyes go wide and the hair on their bodies to go stiff.

Itnia and her long grey black hair was standing upright at the corner of the doors with Estel and her long-medium light ashy blonde hair peeking right behind her. At the other corner of the doors, there was Zi Fei wide-eyed and curiously looking at the incredible-looking Little Yao Yao with her unique medium-short blackberry hair that was somewhat hidden by the darkness of the room and the slightly dim lights of the hallway. The goddess-like Big Sister Cyn Flick was right behind her as she was holding Zi Fei's shoulders as if afraid she would just jump onto the bed and start bombarding them with questions to the two of them; her smooth brown short hair had the perfect angle for light to beautify her even more than though possible, her prominent E cup puppies also had a share of that glorifying light. Her eyes however, were mercilessly scrutinizing Tongqiu and Fosk Yao's atmosphere.

"Uh... girls." That was the best that Tongqiu could offer as a greeting before throwing Yao Yao some more of the sheets and pillows to cover her entirely; Yao Yao herself giggled in a shy yet glad manner.

Natalia chose to speak right at this time as she turned her head towards the girls: "Oh! Hehe, alright girls, bring Tongqiu out and Itnia?"

"Oh! Yes?" Obediently responding in a disciplined manner, Itnia stood in maid formation as she looked at her 'madam'.

"Please treat Tongqiu's injuries, the stairs are designed to avoid real damage in case of accidents but my darling is still not completely safe, out of the ill range, could you please?" Natalia's words made Itnia's eyes go wild alright, at this moment, Estel spoke out in a fawning matter: "Can I help? Can I help, please, Madam Yun?!"

A bit surprised, Natalia responded with a little grin and a softly rebuking tone: "Ah, you girl, maybe some other time. Right now, I'd like Itnia to take care of this matter, I trust she won't do wrong and she also needs to get to know more her Master since we'll be living for quite some time together. Better to start sooner and, I'm sure you understand Itnia's position in Tongqiu's heart, right?"

"Oh, mn!" Feeling a bit dejected, Estel nodded as she did understood that Itnia was the leader among Tongqiu's maids, but then again she was no simple, idiotic girl so she took it like a matured person.

Natalia cutely nodded in satisfaction as her devious, malevolent plans were taking shape while Diana herself has already engaged with Little Yao in a hearty conversation. Tongqiu was already getting up from the bed as he had already heard his Naty hinting him to move out with Itnia.

"Mwah, sleep well. You never know when you'll need it." Tongqiu spoke somewhat caringly, before Natalia could realize what kind of strange sensation he gave her, it happened...


"Kya~!-" A cut scream full of unearthed ecstasy and surprise sounded out as Natalia felt her entire body start burning up, the maids at the door were blushing profusely instead, even Cyn had her head lowered with her mouth nibbling on her right index finger. How naughty and improper!

"Mas-Master Yun, this way please."

"Yes, Itnia. Uhm, let's... go?" With Tongqiu's words, Itnia fully woke up as she then started moving towards her own room. There wasn't something like a mini-hospital or something as absurd as that so they could either get to the treatment in a well preserved area such as her room or the kitchen, living room though those were much more improper.

Once arriving before Itnia's door to her 'heavenly' safe place, Tongqiu was feeling awkward for her so he decided to do something else quick as he told her: "Ah, wait a minute Itnia. I'll make a call, you uh... Pre...pare?... Just 5 minutes! Sorry!"

With that, the silly Tongqiu that Itnia never though she'd see 'ran away' from her all the way towards the nearest corner. With some unintentional charming giggles, she entered her room as she rapidly tidied up everything and made sure to leave a good impression on her Master.

"Oh, yawn, he-hello? Is thish... oh, Mr Yun, is that you?!" Hearing her completely dozed off tone, Tongqiu felt slightly guilty, he knew what kind of pain one must be to sound like that when it was barely around 8 pm. He answered with a polite tone: "Yes, it's me. Well, ever since the personnel I've hired came to the house, it's... been great. I'm sure you previously spoke to Diana, she... well, she's been helping me a lot recently but she is not myself and I'm aware that I should've been responding to certain matters so... I wanted to thank Miss Yona myself, even if it's pathetically done via a single call. That's it."

At his sudden farewell, Tongqiu himself perfectly knew it was not the best way to end it but, he really had no more cards under the table. He was spent from having been blindly good towards Yao Yao before; fortunately though, Miss Yona -suddenly woken up completely- responded Tongqiu right away: "Oh, Miss Diana, yes. Such an incredible experienced woman, no wonder she is with you, Mr Yun. She's really great! Oh, and about the matters regarding Mr Yun's absence, it's nothing really! If Mr Yun has some other... matters, that require of my assistance, I'll be glad to help."

Once again, blinking a couple of times Tongqiu had an 'okay' smile as he responded cordially: "Were such a thing to occur, sure, yeah. No doubt, then, good nigh Miss Yona; sorry for waking you up."

He was given a cordial yet knowing answer in return from part of a obviously now energetic Miss Yona: "Heh heh~, good night Mr Yun, I wish you heal sooner."

As the call ended, Tongqiu raised his eyebrows in a particular manner before almost habitually throwing away his phone. He managed to interrupt that thought as he instead put it in his pocket, thinking to himself 'well, that is that.' he went back towards Itnia's room.

When he arrived around the corner, he saw an actually recently bathed Itnia stand in front of her room while combing her still slightly wet hair with her hands, looking around left and right without stopping with her eyes wide open. She looked extremely cute and even somewhat pitiful, as if Tongqiu had suddenly decided to not go with her.

Blink, blink.

'I shouldn't let her get worried... what's with today's blinking?! I feel so conscious of it. Fucking weird.'

He then went past the corner and made slight, almost inaudible sounds with his footsteps to which Itnia amazingly picked up right away as she turned her head towards Tongqiu's direction.

Her mouth clearly silently went 'Ah' as it opened ever so slightly at the sudden come back from her Master, before becoming one of relieving joy seeing an apologetic smile formed at Tongqiu's somewhat pale face.

Standing in front of her, Tongqiu spoke towards her in a kind manner: "Should I get in now? Ah, don't wanna hurry you up, it's just... you may catch a cold with your wet hair. Though, you look quite enchanting like this."

Going wide eyed, Itnia had a four parts shy and six parts girly smile form on her lips as she lowered her head before nodding with a cute, almost whispering 'mn!'.

'Shit, I shouldn't have said that, shouldn't have said that, shouldn't have said that...' Tongqiu stupidly thought after as he entered her room with her merely moving a step in front of him.




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