Bow and Arrow

Chapter 95: Chapter 94 — Decisions

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After waking up, doing his mourning routine and having Natalia accompany him and Diana on it, Tongqiu had a good breakfast before finally entering Rising Essence again. It was time to make a few things, preferably, before the first update of Rising Essence came to be.

Once connected inside the game, Tongqiu first made a visit to the White Space to check on Tonkia and Irllytia if she wasn't going at it so crazy!

Ever since she could enter the White Space, she's been training and training like nothing else existed. Even then, he wouldn't blame her, she is only an ordinary girl after all. It was the most obvious she was trying to catch up to Tongqiu in at least some way, though she didn't needed to do that, as Tongqiu would always keep her with himself.

Haish, overthinking can be such a problem.

In any case, after 'greeting' Tonkia he went out into the real world and started to plan his next course of actions, there were a lot of stuff that he would very much so like to get done or changed for the better. As such, he took out his long forgotten status window.

Character: Tongqiu

Race: Human — Innate Race Talents: Adaptability, Racial Reproductive Wonder, Warmonger — Race Ability: Union

Level: 30

Class: Evil Saint

Basic attributes: STR: 210, DEX: 210, LCK: 210, REC: 210, WIS: 210, INT: 210, DET: 210, Luck: 30, Charm: 30

Association: None, Money: 3,067,200, Fame: 1,000,000

HP: 6,370, MP: 7,900, Stamina: 8,000

Attack Power: 2,430, Magic Power: 3,690

Physical Defense: 762, Magical Defense: 762, HP Regeneration: 5

Hit Rate: 30%, Dodge Rate: 30%

Critical Hit Rate: 30%, Pierce  Rate: 30%, Critical Hit Damage: 15%

Attack Speed: 130%, Movement Speed: 130%

Core Elemental Resistance: Fire: 0%, Water: 0%, Earth: 0%, Wind: 0%, Lightning: 0%

AP: 0, SP: 35,017,522

He'd lost some of his MP and Stamina regeneration when getting rid of the Sorrowful Glorious Crown but it did not bother him, he would get a many times better regeneration once the next update came to be and besides that, he'd also get a very nice-looking 1% lifesteal from the Great Petal Suit set.

However, when it came to his SP, he did not know what to truly think of it. It was already extremely harsh to add up a few million but he now had a couple dozen million SP... The moment he'd lose it will be the moment he'd start feeling the incredible heaviness of the Evil Saint class.

He then checked his dear only non-maxed skill, ready to pierce his heart in the form of SP.

[Tongqiu's Rain Showdown]: Type: AOE Active Skill, MAX LV: 20, LV: 16, SP needed for next LV: 655,360. Cooldown: 4.5 seconds, cost: 25 MP, 25 Stamina. Range: 0-38 meters. With Tongqiu's weapon or weapons in use, point with it towards the sky to activate this skill to create from the sky an AOE rain of attacks with the shape of the weapon  or item in use (arrow, bolt, javelin) without stopping for 15 seconds. Creates around 25 of the weapon's shadows per second with damage equal to 200% of Tongqiu's Attack Power and Magic Power for each shadow.

Using almost 10,000,000 SP to max this skill, namely 9,830,400 SP, Tongqiu had the still decent amount of 25,187,122 SP!

[Tongqiu's Rain Showdown]: Type: AOE Active Skill, MAX LV: 20, LV: 20, SP needed for next LV: MAX. Cooldown: 1 seconds, cost: 100 MP, 100 Stamina. Range: 0-51 meters. With Tongqiu's weapon or items in use, point with it towards the sky to activate this skill to create from the sky an AOE rain of attacks with the shape of the weapon  or item in use (arrow, bolt, javelin, etc.) without stopping for until all shadows have been used. Creates around 51 of the weapon's shadows with damage equal to 225% of Tongqiu's Attack Power and Magic Power for each shadow.

He could breathe again, this time without the suffocation of endless torment from this insane amount of needed SP.

Now, there was one thing that he really wanted to find out about right away... He took out the Portal Stone as he then checked for a few seconds. There was nothing to know about it, it was entirely impossible for him to 'feel' anything or get any extra information thanks , or, with the use of his Mental Power.

His enormously Mental Power which has kept on increasing from all the hellish amount of enemies he'd killed, allowing for him to reach one after another Experience cap.

Tongqiu closed his eyes for less than a minute as he felt that the darkness coming from having his eyes already closed be completely useless against this vast Mental Power of his. Then, the well expected system notification came to be.

*PING*... host's Mental Power: 404.

'Good. Then there's nothing left.' He didn't need to warn his maids or his women that he may not be in time for a meal or two, his maids were already pretty much used to it while Natalia and Diana have always been there for him, specially since he started healing while also not stopping playing.

[Portal Stone]: Type: Special Item, Grade: ???, Effect: Specially made for the profession of the user's class. For a better use, it is recommended to have already found your own essence!

With the Portal Stone in his hands, Tongqiu vacantly looked at it for a good while...

'How the fuck am I supposed to use this shit?' And as if intending to aid a dumbfuck in need, a system notification came to be.

*PING*... would host like to use this Portal Stone? It will be destroyed once used and host will never again be able to recuperate it.

"Yes." With a face of 'I know what I'm doing', Tongqiu cleared up the notification as the Portal Stone began to transmute into a liquid-like form yet left no wet stains on his hands. As it fell off from his hands, it merely disappeared.

Still frowning at the peculiarity of the situation, Tongqiu then heard small cracking, sizzling sounds before having his vision be tainted by an engulfing black, obscure blue without color.


With the creepiest of sounds resembling of sound waves, vibrations acting as a mouth and engulfing oneself, Tongqiu seemingly lost consciousness for a little while.

When he woke up, he was totally naked and in a space where light was no more, however, he was strangely visible. Meaning, he was lit up perfectly okay without a single hint of darkness or shadow over his body unless he himself created some with his own body. It was wholly strange.

Tongqiu was increasingly surprised by it, but even more so, he also grew hella fond of such a place. This silence, the stillness, and not a single need to look at anything, since it was impossible as well as the fact that there was nothing. He felt a strange yet comfortable sensation as his senses were naturally put at a relaxing stance through his entire time in here.

Minutes passed, there was no notifications from the system or alerts from his GT gauntlets, it was as if the game wanted Tongqiu to explore this feeling as much as he wanted as a compensation for even having entered this place.

*PING*... host is the very first to enter into the Portal Stone's special dimension. In this place, host can remold skills according to one's wishes and class. Should one have not enough properties, it'll fail instead.

*PING*... if the host wishes to remold or mutate a skill, please focus on said skill and converge your needs as well as desires, please do not hesitate. Otherwise, the process will fail.

Next was a silence that prevailed as the only known existence in this place.

'Which do I choose?... 'Battle Frenzy'!'

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This wasn't a bad skill, not at all, it even gave him x2 or even x3 total damage whenever he used a skill. But it wasn't to his liking to the utmost, it also wasn't comfortable for him to depend on a skill entirely to deal better damage. Tongqiu felt that having a powerful skill was much better than a slow, powerful one where it was extremely needed to have certain stats high up as well as the patience of not being able to use it anytime soon.

It was fine to follow some conditions for skills to be used, but Battle Frenzy was just not his thing. As such, he acted.

Tongqiu closed his eyes and allowed his mind to wander, to go wild and to be free of any restraint. The same kind of restraint he's implemented when with Yao Yao or Itnia, as well as whenever someone wasn't being 'polite' with him...

He felt comfortable.



Tongqiu's nameless villa, at the living room, were a lot of young women were sitting while waiting for an 'important' program to start.

"It has been 5 hours, is he not coming to see the program?" A little, melodic voice sounded out at this instant.

Natalia had a sweet smile in her beautiful lips as she softly comforted Little Yao: "Don't worry girl, he doesn't need to see this kind of program, he probably already knows even!"

As she said that, she looked towards Diana, getting in return a knowing smile from her.

Seeing this, Little Yao became reassured and stopped waiting for that damned Tongqiu.

"Well, seems it's time to start? Heh heh, hello everyone and welcome back..."

At this moment, the images in the huge TV changed at once as a middle-aged man with a weird, almost hairless cut yet looking healthy and friendly appeared instead. After looking around for a few seconds, he started introducing the program, slowly. The girls at the living room hushed a little bit before listening for a while.

The man on TV was practically hyping up for what was next to come; besides from a few mentions of things that weren't previously mentioned in the show from a month ago, he also mentioned that KC himself would be attending the program!

This news evidently made everyone watching this program to be more than surprised, after all, for such a kind of man it was natural to be busy even as he slept! Yet he took his time to actually present himself at another program, if this didn't showcased his and the Crestfallen Clan's interest and care for Rising Essence, then what was?

After a few more filler, the man finally changed his posture as the camera angle went further and further away from him, exposing the set that obviously hinted to where he and Mr KC would be having a nice, long speech. Or so.

There was a one-seater sofa to the left of the screen of a red, brilliant color where the man seated. To the right of the screen, was an extremely delicate yet gorgeous looking beige one-seater bigger sofa that was obviously prepared by 'that' precious guest.

After a minute of hyping up for the last time, the moment a couple of legs wearing quite the humble yet eye-catching elegant pants appeared on the right corner of the screen, the announcer stood up respectfully while looking upwards towards the incoming Mr KC, he wouldn't stop clapping even after the clapping fake sound had already ended which prompted a profuse red to emanate at his face as he was sitting back down.

"Hahaha, hello. Please, please, take a seat." After such an embarrassing moment, both of them seated comfortably and started talking about Mr KC and Rising Essence. Basically, what was already known and a few little things to give the players and those who desire to play the game a few hints.

It took around 15 minutes of such talking before the announcer finally gave the entire show for Mr KC to be highlighted at. With the camera closing on him, Mr KC looked back at the camera as his profound, wise yet peaceful eyes gazed at the who knows how many billions staring back at the screen through New Earth.

"First, I would like to deeply thank the players for all the feedback they've provided, heh heh. One of the things we're taking into our hands is to specialize certain private dungeons to drop necessary items for sub-classes that are basically impossible for one to get their hands on it at a low level. For an example, a Magical or even those of the new incoming graded miscellaneous items will be farmable at certain private dungeons. Whether by all of the mobs in there, a few selected ones or just the boss in it. It can even be that all of them give something different, or the same. I hope everyone feels and understands that we're trying to make it more enjoyable without going out of the limits."

"Hm, there's this other matter. I've seen how one little sub-division in game has been in charge of quite some sensation across Rising Essence, being the first to have someone achieve an incredible feat! This proportioned the players in that Region and so on- many, many gifts! Heh heh. I'm very glad to see such a thing happening, of course, even more so when seeing the same individual do it alone that many times."

At this moment, Natalia and Diana's eyes brightened heavily as Natalia couldn't help herself and speak out: "That! He-he's talking about Tongqiu!!"

Yao Yao's face was immediately brightened and turned livid as if her 'on' button was pressed. She exclaimed, equally surprised and as excited as them: "Really?!! Woah! I knew it, Master-Master is- Master is great!"

Itnia, seeing her antics prompted to shake her head softly, yet she herself felt about to go 'Go, Tongqiu!!' inside her head a couple of times. It was silly, really.

The rest of the maids, specially Estel, only had a small smile on their faces. With Zi Fei gaining an incredible admiration-like glint on her curious, intelligent eyes and her mouth going from 'o' to 'O'.

"Hehehehe..." Natalia and Diana giggled while looking at each other, oh man, weren't these little maids all cute?

Mr KC kept on talking as they went a little silly there.

"Talking about this, I also have something to mention, which I hope everyone takes into account. I'd like to stop seeing many incongruousness, filth and misbehavior from players. We the Crestfallen Industry will not take part of manipulating the player base enjoyment nor direct their playstyle in the way we want it. But we also do not condone nefarious acts, in any degree, and we've recollected a lot of data that showed just that. There was a small warning when it happened to NPCs at a Novice Village before, but players still keep on taking other players just as bad. And some are even tricking NPCs of any age and status before trying to get something from them in horrendous, ugly ways. We'll take action at every single one of those, for as small as it is."

"We accept the liberty of players living in this world we created the way they feel like it, but we didn't made a land of lust and horror for their enjoyment. We'll take legal action towards any offender whose sanity of mind seems to be impoverishing the world of Rising Essence player's overall behavior, not only from now on but also for previous offenses prior Rising Essence's first update."

"Very well, now that that's been said; gore settings will be permanently now and only kids will have an option to black out those kind of things. That's right, now kids can get inside the game as they'll have many more protective features to them. Of course, there will be other settings if that kid wants to play like the rest of players, but parents are the only ones who can allow that to happen. As everyone knows about accessories and pets and mounts; there will naturally be a new sub-class, smith. This one will be in charge of creating accessories, but believe me when I tell you that it will be hard, really difficult."

"Now, allow me to say that Crestfallen Industry is now officially giving free GT to anyone and that new models of GT are available for buying, these count with a few more features. One of them being, granting its user an unique accessory which can be selected either when buying the GT or in game. You can even create your own design, however, those accessories are somewhat small and not that visible. At least for now, that is."

"Now, now, there is this one weird thing... Someone actually got the maximum Fame points in the release of the game, hahaha! Oh, we didn't expected that, we didn't at all. Hence, we are going to make the Fame Shop available as soon as the game gets its first update implemented, along with an extra sub-class, Chef! I hope that is enough for many players to have more sub-classes that don't require hardwork outside."

"Lastly, I'd like to say a few things. Some players may have already noticed, but Gaming Tools are not a toy, let alone something simple. If a person, a female specially, who has not given herself to their beloved one were to have intercourse inside the game, they would have their body be stimulated enough that they'll genuinely lose their virginity thanks to the 'magical' properties of the use of GTs, and this is for any GT given from the first update onwards. Hence, I'd like to warn players to not act so irresponsible from now on. Don't worry, pregnancy is not possible, hahaha! Oh dear."



As the program continued to be, Tongqiu was finally waking up from his self-induced trance state, he was finally going to see the results of his skill's mutation or remolding!

He opened his eyes, but there was still nothing all around him. He however, felt a strange sensation with his Mental Power, as if there was a kind of vortex gyrating right on top and in front of his head.

He felt it was becoming slower and slower, until it finally stopped and solidified into a 'familiar' picture that he could still only see with his Mental Power.

*PING*... host's use of 'Portal Stone' has been achieved successfully! Host will be sent back into Main Kingdom after 10 seconds...

'Oh, so it worked. Good.' Tongqiu was glad but he wasn't overly happy, he felt it was just how it was supposed to be, calm even.

Tongqiu merely had an expression that clearly indicated him being in a pensive state, looking into the nothing as if his time in here had made him realize of his shortcomings and shortsightedness.


As if sucking in something, Tongqiu's body distorted and strangely disappeared while feeling the same kind of sensation from when he was first transported to Main Kingdom. Which was weird because he didn't feel that way when he first entered 'this' place, though that may have been because he fell unconscious at first.




Author's Note: I've made a little change to the tags, taking out mysterious fam bac and loner protagonist since they really didn't fit that well and I also am not one to limit themselves so, that. Another bunch of 10 chapters release in a couple of days incoming.

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