Bow and Arrow

Chapter 636: Chapter 634 — Endless Yearning Sub-Division, Conquering Heart Sub-Division

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Endless Yearning Sub-Division, Conquering Heart Sub-Division




The documents they held were just a few pages of information, but the contents listed as 'themes' were way too eye catching and both Xie Ling and Yona turned dumbfounded the moment they quizzically ran their eyes through them, becoming even more shocked than expected due to such initial disposition towards this sudden 'revelation'.

"Oh no! Ah! Beishang~!! Hurry, Ling Ling, tell the others to get ready, this smelly father is sooo-too playful!" Yona groaned as she realized that Yun Beishang had already left them, and that things were to be put in motion as soon as possible. Not letting her senior sister down, Xie Ling directly began sending orders to the Maidens of The Order...through the chat window!

Meanwhile, the contents of the documents was rather simple, for example:

—"The AI in KATARINA-1 and all other spaceships is connected to Main Kingdom's Mother. If you want to talk with her, do make sure that you've at least completed your duty, boy"

—"There is someone who is willing to wait until your non-virtual body becomes strong enough to challenge you. Basically, he wants to beat you up for stealing that poor Zyv from her own family."

—"Last but not least, you are not allowed to use your Essential 'Armament' nor skills on New Earth, they can't always depend on your power. Let your people battle and finish off your and their enemies on their own, young boy."

However, both Xie Ling and Yona were too occupied at the moment, the starting of what was next to come was way too important and it was even more so with both the Regional borders of the Thousand Words Region and the Fate Meeting Region towards the outer Regions of Main Kingdom being overcrowded with a bunch of other people that were setting some strong-looking artillery right in front of it.

Naturally, 'those people' on the other side might have had as well become really impatient, especially after the Crestfallen Industry and the Crestfallen Clan were both successfully confirmed to have truly left New Earth. Ever since such a thing happened, both in New Earth and Main Kingdom, 'they' have been in the move and it could be clearly seen as those people who tried to make trouble right after the Crestfallens left as just the beginning of it all.

Step, step step!

At this moment, both women’s feet went on and on as they hurried over to the sides and slowly moved away from the way of several dozen huge hegemons that were constructed long ago but that were weaponized not too long ago. All that remained was a silence that was suffocating for those within The Order’s Regional borders to say the least, at least so for the ordinary people.

…A minute of silence ensued, when suddenly, from right above the Symbiosis Barrier, a silent gush of wind made out of gray-platinum, bright metallic and the most beautiful, purest of whites went from the side of The Order over to the 3 enemy Allied Regions’ side at the Thousand Words Region. On the other hand, however, there was no such thing from the Fate Meeting Region and the Regions of The Order’s side at the opposite site on Main Kingdom’s map.

Yet…before the few thousands of people setting hundreds and hundreds of artillery machinery a a couple hundred kilometers away from The Order’s Symbiosis Barriers could even notice amidst the night sky such a phenomenon, whistling familiar noises that resembled those like the drills and training from their time in the ‘army’ inside Main Kingdom sounded out; that were yet unfamiliar with…its power and speed?

Whistle! Whistle~! Whistle~! Whistle~! Whistle~! Whistle~! Whistle~! Whistle~! Whistle~!...

“Hm, what is tha-KGH!”


“Incoming!!” - “It’s the enemy, aaah, fucking shoot them down!” - “No! No, it’s…it’s Yun Beishang, it’s Yun Beishang!!” As there were thousands of meters that blew up into the sky at once, the sounds of dirt flying and boulders or even people being destroyed wasn’t even heard, due to the enormously destructive properties of the explosive domes that disintegrated everything that they touched.

But from all over the northern and eastern Regional borders of the Thousand Words Region, the people who were setting countless pieces of artillery together into a packed and vigorous formation suddenly became a land filled with holes from explosions out of this world that didn’t even need for arrows to make them for most of them.

With the additional properties of Yun Beishang’s ‘Tongqiu’s Destroying Combustion’ skill, as long as one arrows was sufficiently close to another one with a few dozens meters between each other’s explosive wave, another would be formed. And as long as he made 3 lines of such explosions distanced from each other, another 3 bombardments would occur without him needing to even waste his own resources.

While everyone was busy learning how to fly and exploding into the air before disintegrating in a jiffy, Yun Beishang was hidden for those directly below him with his Unparalleled Projections already pulled out of their hideout in his back, their power and stability caused the night sky to glimmer with a star-like brightness acting as a little sun to illuminate the several kilometers around him down below.

While those from below could see nothing, only those that were a few kilometers away from where he was could see him, and finally realizing about their enemy this time, just as they were to test The Order’s shield turtle barrier once again. Without too much time wasted, merely 5 to 7 seconds, the small Regiments stopped all on the spot while still in formation and began installing their artillery on the spot as well.

Yun Beishang, without a care, waited for them to finish their nice work as he ultimately decimated a few more kilometers worth of people lined up a couple hundred kilometers away from his Region’s Regional borders. All while the Symbiosis Mind-Sensory Spatial Barriers were slowly being taken away by a few Journeyer and Inhabitant soldiers from The Order.

Though seeing the barrier disappearing and beginning to let them see through it made all the 3 enemy Allied Regions want to bombard the other place, the domes of several different colors made a smoke screen kind of effect on the land to directly block away their line of sight to a height of even almost a full kilometer.


Meanwhile, Yun Beishang kept on bombarding the place filled with tiny ants, both being enemy Journeyers and even some enemy Inhabitants as well. With his Mental Prowess latching onto many arrows he had already sent before, he didn’t have to wait for up to 7 seconds to bombard the enemy, he could send out 3 arrows carrying the effect from the Tongqiu’s Destroying Combustion skill.

Then, as the arrows with said effect were shot, they remained in the air a few hundreds of meters above the ground level, basically indiscernible for those below unless they looked on with rapt attention or skills and a synergy of talents and abilities; both gained or racial.

“GOOOO!!” - “Shoot the muthafucka!” - “Let’s make the Lord fall, watch how he dies!” - “FIRE!!”

Poom, poom, poom, poom, poom~, poom~, poom~, poom~...!

Whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle!

From the distance, the lots of enemy soldiers, mostly Journeyers by an almost completely superior margin, finally coordinated with each other as they orderly began sending their shells to explode in the air. The target? Obviously, it was Yun Beishang! With him standing in the air as he didn’t even seem to wield any weapon, be it his bow or his dual swords, everyone felt like enjoying the thrill of bullying the weak as they didn’t hesitate about bombarding the starry purple butterfly in the air!


Pkan-Ling~...Pkan-Ling~, Pkan-Ling~, Pkan-Ling~, Pkan-Ling~, Pkan-Ling~, Pkan-Ling~, Pkan-Ling~, Pkan-Ling~, Pkan-Ling~, Pkan-Ling~...Pkan-Ling~!!! Pkan-Ling~!!! Pkan-Ling~!!!

Just as they saw dozens of artillery moving towards Yun Beishang and about to hit him squarely on his face, torso and lower body…Yun Beishang suddenly manifested—not white-flashed something from his Master’s Bag, like anyone would do when using their Bag—a verdant gloom bow that was more than twice his size, not sparing any moment as he directly brandished it.

With just the bored swings and casual swipes of his verdant gloom bow, all of the dozens and dozens of artillery shells that were just about to hit him and blow him to pieces or at least millions of meters away to the delight of the strong bullying on the weak; were suddenly explosively sent to the air with those simplistic movements of his.

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Yet, each single move he made with his left arm and hand holding the verdant gloom bow was faster than they’ve ever seen before someone else did, and without any skills at that! But even worse, however, was the fact that every artillery shell that reached him was ricocheted. Not towards random places, but rather…towards themselves!!

“AAAAH!! Fucking crap, runn!!” - “Run, run, run just rund!” - “How did he-AGKH”


From all over the place where more tens of thousands of people were previously moving, over half of them directly died to the explosions from the artillery shells parried back to themselves. While the remaining third ended up being killed by the shrapnel and explosive waves of the ‘booms’ that became more and more fiery the more artillery shells went off altogether and next to each other on the flat field.

In just a moment, clouds of dust were evoked from the moment the artillery shells made contact with the ground while being completely unaffected and complete despite the previous strong and brutish force that they received at being parried by Yun Beishang. Dark dirt, sand and rocks that were basically carbonized or pulverized by the explosion itself rose to the air, creating an actual smokescreen of about 150 meters to 200 meters up into the sky.

…Though there were almost about 100,000 Journeyers and some Inhabitants who were just now marching and riding towards the northern and eastern Regional borders of the Thousand Words Region, and southern and western Regional borders of the Fate Meeting Region—another 100,000 in total as well—; it was the former who suffered an abrupt need to keep silence right after their own people ‘valiantly’ sacrificed themselves for no reason and witnessed Yun Beishang’s power and might yet again.

Seeing how this beast of a monster of a demonic devil had once again done something not even an agile and quick mind-reflexes-based Godly Journeyer in the Devilish God Path couldn’t even block or dodge such an attack from those artillery guns, silence being ensued was already past the ‘shocking’ and ‘surprise’ and it was now more like a show of respect before the inevitable came from part of the 3 enemy Allied Regions towards Yun Beishang himself; and only then towards his Order.

Huufwhuu.” - “Gasp… haah.” - “Haah, hah…haah~, hah~... huff.” - “Phe-hauf, phew~.”

With the sounds of many becoming agitated, silently still, everyone in the Thousand Words Region were waiting. Waiting for the moment that the smoke from their very own artillery shells exploding vehemently next to one another finally subsided and went back down to the ground, yet just as they were almost beginning to see some structures…

*PING* Global System Announcement: Attention to all Journeyers, the League of The Order, its Lord, Ladies and Maidens have declared war against the Thousand Words Region just now. This war will make the Bright Sunset Region, the Wonder Region, the Eternal Silhouette Region and the Origin Pertaining Region to wedge war in the Thousand Words Region and vice versa; while all of the Thousand Words Region will temporarily gain a Warring feature to band with one another to fight off the invaders! Because there are still Regional borders set on all around Main Kingdom, the specialty of crossing over them will be needed to be rewarded, each kill, destruction and conquering made by The Order and those under them and its allies will gain double the Experience for themselves and their Associations while gaining triple the Experience in the name of and for the The Order.

“SHIT!” - “Stay focused!!” - “Everyone ready, get ready!!” - “Stay, aim…wait for the order to fire, wait for the order!” - “Just some more…just some more…come on… …!!?! WHAT THE-” - “Stay focused, I said!” - “...what the fuck is this?”

It seemed that the sudden declaration of war had caught them off guard even when they themselves were sent to the frontlines, only,  they didn’t expect that their artillery gun Regiments would be sent to the front…to act as the frontlines themselves. This was indeed catching off guard not only them, the artillery gun Regiments, but also the very same leaders of the 3 enemy Allied Regions themselves!

Hence, they were so affected that some teams weren’t willing to wait until the smoke had all come down and wanted to fire their corresponding artillery guns at will. Their artillery gun Regiments had 2 types of artillery guns currently, one for massacring the manpower of the enemy, and the other for targeting the tough and bulky structures or even vehicles of any kind that there could be on the enemy’s side. Even then, it wouldn’t be able to hurt the enemy Tri-Allied Forces anyway.

The one designed to take down the enemy’s manpower was somewhat long, it had a single cannon that was 3 meters long and had a diameter of only 10 cm. It also had wheels to its sides directly against the ground for mobility, though that would be naturally restricted. Still, it proved to be good enough even when dealing with 200% Movement Speed fast enemies.

The ‘mobility’ of this type of artillery was also good enough to not lose much accuracy, which would allow  the artillery gun Regiments to retreat while shooting in case of being charged at or in desperate, dire moments of winning or losing a battle…or the war itself; for that matter.

The artillery gun type designed for the bulky and tough structures was instead double-barreled as in one cannon, being conjoined to each other instead of right next to each other. Its cannon was 7 meters long and had a diameter of 60 cm, while on the other hand, this one had to be stuck in the ground in order to fire 2 artillery shells every 2 seconds without stopping for almost 50 seconds.

Though that was a ‘long’ time, the manpower-focused artillery guns could shoot straight up to 300 seconds without needing to rest, and the 3 enemy Tri-Allied Forces were sure that their power was exceedingly high; even higher than the real ones back in New Earth that were already capable of mangling a powerful and several thousands meters large monster outside the human civilization’s perimeter.

However, that was that, for as right now. Just as the Tri-Allied Forces were seeing what laid behind the smoke and flying carbonized dirt, sand, trees and rocks was…a line up consisting of fortresses that were as wide as 4 kilometers and about 10 kilometers in diameter, though its shape was more of an octagonal appearance but still not that evened out.

The bricks of these Fortresses were of a navy blue, marine color with deeply profound black lines mixing in between each brick. There was, however, a castle-like design for these fortresses, and each of them had a tower for every 30 meters separating each tower set all around inside its perimeter right where the 18 meters tall walls were towering from the ground level.

Each tower was as wide as 50 meters and 26 meters tall, while each tower had a type of ‘cannon’ set, installed and more than perfectly ready for some to be used. There were 10 of such ‘cannons’ set at each tower, with them being separated by 7 meters as they were about 3 meters wide themselves, covering the whole 50 meters  from their front towards the exterior.

The moment that the Tri-Allied Regions saw these fortresses, they were already panicking, as there were—possibly—around a total of tens of thousands of such all over the Regional borders shared between the Thousand Words Region and the Bright Sunset and the Eternal Silhouette Regions. However, at the time of seeing those bright-platinum cannons, they all felt a premonition of bad bad sensations as they couldn’t help but remember back at the end of the first war…

“SHOOOOOOOOOT!!!” - “SHOOT!!” -”FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! FIIIRE!!!!” - “SHOOT!!!” In the moment that the ‘commanders’ themselves were just as silly by the sight of so many fortresses popping out of nowhere, they could finally recover themselves as they finally gave the order to set ablaze the ‘futile’ attempts of The Order to resist their powerful artillery gun Regiments!

Poom! Poom! Poom! Poom! Poom! Poom! Poom! Poom! Poom! Poom! Poom!...

With Yun Beishang no longer being inside their minds, they were lucky that it was no longer Yun Beishang making a move, or they would’ve all died straight up this little bit of distraction and that, well… Right at the next moment after the shouts from their commanders awoke them, the Tri-Allied Forces then finally began to let loose their huge ‘triggers’ and send a rain of shells towards The Order’s fortresses!

Whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle…

In just a few seconds, over thousands of artillery shells began to seemingly raise from the earth as forces of nature to set ablaze the imminently about to be destroyed fortresses of The Order who naively thought that a few buildings were going to be enough to deter their offensive, they weren’t even being attacked back by The Order as if the fortresses were completely empty!

Nonetheless, not many seconds had to go by with all of the artillery guns shooting their artillery shells far in the distance, more than just the 200 km from before that their comrades died at the hands of Yun Beishang, standing at an approximate of between 500 km to even 1,200 km far away. Yet, not only were the artillery shells explosively flying towards the fortresses right behind the Regional borders; even those farther to the back were reached.

With this, it was obvious that the seemingly ‘small’ artillery guns had a range that went from 200 km to up to possibly even 5,000 km. This would, surely enough, shock any powerhouse from the ancient Earth no matter what age it was, as such artillery were only researched thoroughly during the last few centuries of New Earth, let alone Main Kingdom where magic is abundant and all too powerful that it can even merge with technology at such a level…

Before long, the Journeyers and some tiny amount of Inhabitants from the Northern and Eastern Sub-Division of the Thousand Words Region were fully engaging in an all out bombardment towards the puny fortresses of The Order began finally sounding in the far distance amidst the cheering of the Tri-Allied Forces with yet not lazing around nor failing to keep those artillery gun, whichever type they were, bombarding The Order’s territory!




V7: #1 4/10.

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