Bow and Arrow

Chapter 639: Chapter 637 — Eastern Thousand Words Region Invaded!

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Eastern Thousand Words Region Invaded!




"Get ready for the enemy, hurry up with those legs, get in formation!" - "What are you waiting for there? Everyone's almost ready, they're just 20 kilometers away, get in the damn formation!!" - "Raise your damn shields, dammit, Keeper of the Lights and Hard-Dying Vanguards!" - "Ready!" - "Ready!!" - " Ready!!!" - "Seven Sins Knights right on their backs!!" - "Ready!" - "We are ready, sir!!" - "READY!!"

It costed quite a strong 5 minutes for the commanders and generals of the Tri-Allied Forces to have their whole more than 100,000,000 troops rearranged and positioned well in formation, and though those numbers were crazy lots and even current New Earth would take up to even an hour to prepare in formation ; it was completely different with the system's warring and Associations' features to communicate with each other.

Though the communication couldn't go globally like before, it was enough for one to command and order their troops around without a problem, though one needed to shout very loud since the sound of the game wouldn't lower itself down to let the commanders' voices be clearly heard out when in battle.

To which, the Abysmal Creature Mounts of The Order only had to arrive a few kilometers before an enemy army to 'force' them into the 'in battle' and 'in war' state, to which the sounds of their commanders would no longer be amplified and one's skills would then truly be put to test and to the best of themselves.

At this moment, however, the more than 100,000,000 strong army of Journeyers was being charged at by The Order's soldiers that were just more than themselves. While they were definitely more than 100,000,000 flat, the enemy's army seemed to be at the very least of 150,000,000 strong Inhabitant soldiers, as for how they knew it was Inhabitants and not a mix?

Easy! The Inhabitants of The Order's armies were clad in their own colorful and differential armor, though that seemed unnecessary, lame and showy, they all at least had that dark or bright metallic luster, glimmering off their armors without a doubt. Even the Abysmal Creature Mounts' armor was as such, while they also had their emblem on their top left breast which would glimmer from time to time in several different ways for each type of colored army. In this case, the Region unit.

Finally, however, after just 3 minutes, the entirety of the Tri-Allied Forces' army had begun to take place, but there were still about a few dozen million of soldiers who still needed to be fitly accommodated. Meanwhile, the charging Inhabitants of The Order had been speeding almost like the speed of sound, reaching up to the army that was stationed at the 6,000th to 7,000th kilometer mark on the plains in less than 4 minutes.

At that moment, when reaching only about 500 kilometers of distance before the Tri-Allied Forces' Journeyer army, the yellowish-gray hue that had been following them for so much and the little wings that were almost a whole 1.5 meters long each on the sides of the Abysmal Creature Mounts; finally disappeared as they 'slowly' made their way towards the enemy's army.

As such, seeing the 'powerful' images and effects leave the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order, the Tri-Allied Forces' troops began to be more at ease as they saw The Order slow down, hence causing a bit of a problem for the sweating generals and commanders of the Tri-Allied Forces who couldn't wait to gain merit and appear like one of those legendarily old general of old.

Before long, 5 minutes and just about 13 seconds had gone by, when the Tri-Allied Forces' whole more than 100,000,000 strong Journeyer army finally completed its formation, the generals and soldiers alike of their side were feeling great about. But before they could relish on the feat of managing a whole 100,000,000, they saw the whole Inhabitant army of The Order just more than 10 kilometers away from them and in an even greater as well as fearsome formation even as they galloped at a slower speed than even their maximum % of Movement Speed.

“Hold your positions, start your defenses up, tanks!!” - “Mages, buff now!!” - “Ranged classes’ light projectiles, get ready!!” - “Readdy!!!” - “Ready as well!” - “We are ready, sir!!”

The commanders and generals of the Tri-Allied Forces yelled and commanded from all over the hundreds of kilometers from the south to the north, to their soldiers and their each classes, from which the small leaders of squads, platoons and so on would then loudly yell at their own men and women as they were getting ready for the enemy.

“It’s less than 13 kilometers, mages, start the call of magic projectiles right now!” - “It’s only- gulp, only 13 kilometers, holy fuck!” - “Shut up! Talking during a battle will be punishable afterwards regardless of your merit, shut up!!” - “Godly Journeyers, take the lead and prepare to face them head on, get prepared already!!!”


From the crowd, a few Journeyers amidst the millions began moving to the frontline of the army of the Tri-Allied Forces, and as they did, there were many who hushed around and whispered over and over again in order to relieve their stress. Their generals and commanders, on the other hand, would silence them with threats of military law and stuff, somewhat easing their discomfort.

Some of them had the strange thought that, if they were Inhabitants, they would be thinking of wishing to have spent more time or at the very least have spent more time in the Flick Clan’s brothels, even if it was prohibited since half a month ago to all the Tri-Allied Forces’ soldiers. Not because of the prostitution, but because of them belonging to the Peaceful Rain Corporation, where it would then be their allies giving funds to the enemy.

However, that was just fleeting, the Journeyer soldiers that amount to more than 100,000,000 were watching as some gold armored Journeyers came out from their ranks and whose height was even larger than the already tall people among the Elves, Nightborn and Blueblood Races of the Journeyers that could be spectacularly tall due to their physical conditions in ‘real life’.

Some towering over more than 2 meters, almost reaching 3 meters by a great minority; the Godly Journeyers hidden amongst the Journeyers came out from their hiding spots and stood side by side with some Journeyers at the front line. They were all of the tank classes and there were even some who weren’t so but still had a tank build for their virtual characters and as Godly Journeyers on the Royalty Godhood of course.

Keepers of the Light, Hard-Dying Vanguards, Defenders of Nature, Imperishable Inquisitors, Grand Spear Dao classes, Fallen Archmages, Fallen Heroes and Auxiliary Dreamcasters took hold of the front line as the Journeyers would have to wait to do their part after the Godly Journeyers had charged forth.

Then, as the Godly Journeyers would be charging through the enemy’s ranks and killing thousands nonstop from the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order, the rear and those in the middle would send their projectiles forward to weaken even more the offensive of The Order, forcing them to a defensive stance and then being surrounded by the Tri-Allied Forces’ army.

Such battles had already been carried out in practice and simulations, where no one would end up hurt and they could repeat over and over again. The Royalty God Path Godly Journeyers would always unceremoniously win even against the strongest Journeyers with a size difference of 1 to 100 respectively.

Then, it would finally be the Journeyers’ turn to charge and join the frontline against The Order, fighting alongside the Godly Journeyers to support each other and not just one type of Journeyers to the other; hence, making the whole Journeyer army be as supportive, cooperative and strong as fast as possible for them to then take out the whole 150,000,000 Inhabitant army of The Order!

Such image, such victory, such merit! This was making not only the generals and commanders of the Tri-Allied Forces’ army crazy with expectation and some impatience even, but naturally and obviously as well, the soldiers from the same! Be it the Journeyers or Godly Journeyers, they were all waiting to become heroes. And then, their time to shine—even more—finally came.


“Iiiincoomiiing~!!!” With fear of his shout being overshadowed, drowned and inaudible amongst the deafening stomps of The Order’s Abysmal Creature Mounts, generals and commanders went off at it once more. But even then, they had to recognize that the enemy’s Mounts weren’t only powerful but had even evolved after a quick glance once they went over the 6th kilometer mark towards them.

“Shit! They’re…they’re stronger!” - “Hold your positions, HOLD!!” - “Godly Journeyers, at my order…!” - “Will their riders be also stronger?” - “Don’t say bullshit or you’ll be punished according to the military law…but maybe, shit.” Seeing the overly grown Abysmal Creature Mounts being way over their ‘accorded’ size from their gathered information, many became scared and anxious, hesitant. The generals and commanders had to work their asses off to make those talkers silent just as the Inhabitant army of The Order was just about to clash with them.

“Look! They aren’t mounting their Abysmal Creature Mounts, the-they are running towards us! Charging towards us!” - “How…could it be…?” - “They…they are that fast? Impossible!” But now, as everyone noticed the difference of the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order that were no longer riding their Mounts but running along with them, they also became anxious but they did well to keep it from showing and maintain an image of serendipity.

“GEEEET REAAADYY!!!” At once, the weapons of the melee Journeyers raised a bit more, and those who could wear shields, regardless of their class and type of class, did so as they looked at the front with powerful encouragement. But then, they saw a white flash go by as the Abysmal Creature Mounts suddenly had a white war door shaped shields right in front of their glabellas!

Twshiiing, tsheen~, twiiing~!

Those shields had their center right in front of the Abysmal Creature Mounts’ glabellas, but the shield was of a spiritual white color that was only inferior to the ones from the Fortresses of before, whereas they only seemed a bit stronger once the Abysmal Creature Mounts’ white spiritual shields began adjoining to one another way above their riders’ heads who were tirelessly running on the ground; also with a war door shaped shield grasped by their left or right hand.


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“CHARGE!!” - “Charge, charge now, now now now!!” - “Triturate The Order, send the news of their precious Inhabitants being exterminated back to their very homes! WAAAH!!” The commanders and generals, seeing the difference of there being 150,000,000 Inhabitant soldiers, to the fact that they shouldn’t have forgotten the fact that the Abysmal Creature Mounts seemed to be even more powerful than their riders in previous wars’ battles. And much less the training gained from the Tri-Allied Forces good enough military and army training.

But all the same and at once, the Godly Journeyers that numbered just a few tens of thousands short of 10,000,000 in total charged to the front, making sure to be taking about 5-7 incoming Inhabitant soldiers of The Order and even their Abysmal Creature Mounts altogether. In just 5 seconds, The Order’s army that was just about 1 kilometer away from them met with their Godly Journeyers at the 527th meter mark away from the Journeyers’ whole army.

…PLAAAAANGGKK!!!- Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht… STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP!!!!!- Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht~~!!!!!!!!!!

“NOOOO-aghkwaaa-!!” - “FUCK, fuuuck!! Who said they were w-” - “No fuck, oh no, not like this shit your moth-” - “GRWAAAA!!!-” - “HAAAAAAA!!!” - “Defend, defend, defend, no!!- Don’t forget your tr-BLRUGHWOSH…” - “KYaaaaaa-grhwlaaa~!!!”

Without a single moment nor room to breathe, it all happened in a matter of just a minute and a half. First, the Inhabitant soldiers wearing flaming armor, vigorous verdant and powerful green and a ‘hidden’ shadow colors clashed head on against the Godly Journeyers. To which not even half a second, just about 0.43 seconds, they were indeed bravely stopped by those Godly Journeyers.

However, the very next millisecond, the Godly Journeyers of the Tri-Allied Forces were directly annihilated, their one line-vanguard charging at the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order only lasted for ‘that’ long before their bodies directly broke to the mere push and strength of the Inhabitant soldiers who did as much as to push a little harder.

All at once, the single line of a vanguard consisting in almost 10,000,000 Godly Journeyers were made into nice meat that disappeared from the game due to its brutal gore making the entire ground of the battlefield and 3 meters in the air into either a floor made of flesh and flattened bones and a screen of blood and liquefied organs in the air.

Due to the extensively image made by Godly Journeyers, it was from Journeyers nonetheless, and as the directly died, the system cleaned up their cute and pretty totally unrecognizable bodies whose race couldn’t even be differentiated if it was either from a humanoid or even that of a baby whale for all that matters.

Taking just less than 8 seconds to arrive before the completely fascinated faces of the Tri-Allied Forces, the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order made a clash with their true front line in the 7th second, while they had already advanced more than a hundred meters into the enemy’s ranks; the enemy’s army.

At the moment that The Order clashed with the Tri-Allied Forces’ true and actual front line, the Inhabitant soldiers raised up their shields war door shaped shields once more, whose luster was that of a pitch black surrounding their whole armor and shields. For as their weapons were not visible, and only their shields were visible as they advanced through the enemy army like it was made of fragile meat walls 1 millimeter thick.

Though the leading Region here, the Carmesí Legend’s Region unit, had gone through many battles for the past 3 wars, they were still pretty new to the much more gruesome sight of thousands of enemy Journeyers being turned into mere mashed meat, organs, bones and even…hair; that flew all over and into the skies before falling on the Inhabitant soldiers behind.

But due to the strength and velocity that the whole Inhabitant army of The Order were charging at, those remaining pieces of ‘pixels’ were sent right to the ground after making contact with their armors, while the Abysmal Creature Mounts would cleverly let their mouths open for any ‘prey’ that got into their mouths.

With their riders raising their shields to their shoulder level, the Abysmal Creature Mounts lowered their heads to the height of right above their riders’ heads, killing just as many enemy Journeyer soldiers as their riders but much more efficiently done so; as their white spiritual shields had a much taller height and could afford to even kill double the enemy Journeyers with each step taken.

Like this, and rather slowly, the 100,000,000 Journeyer army of the Tri-Allied Forces became mentally crippled in just a few dozen seconds, whereas only by the time that half their numbers were decimated could they finally stop the charging Inhabitant soldiers of The Order and put on a front face to face with them…only to finally realize how ‘wrong’ their training itself was to deal with these ‘weak’ Inhabitant soldiers of The Order.



Around a dozen minutes later from when the 3 Region units of The Order had successfully invaded the Thousand Words Region and decimated more than half of the Tri-Allied Forces’ first army sent to battle them.


Back on New Earth, within the rejuvenated, reconstructed and lavish ‘palaces’ of the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan’s main residential building. In the bedroom filled with capsules that would allow for one to feel ten times better than just normally sleeping and from which they could even take care of their necessities, being cleaned and made sure to not be dirtied by a systematic robot; AI.


From one of the many capsules, a young man with a slender and muscular build came out of the capsule, battered and mentally exhausted a whole lot. But although his body had a muscular body, it seemed to rather be an aesthetic property of his, achieved after exercising a variety of sets of movements created only to gain a good image and no substantial actual power at all.

Yun Lao was completely naked when a maid who was in another capsule, wearing clothing rather similar to a prostitute with long nettings on and black, skimpy skirt along a small, skimpy black shirt that barely hid the under boob of her B cup sized breasts; came out from the capsule with her eyes closed that then opened at once with complete soberness in them.

Step, step, step!

“Young Master!” She hurried in small steps towards Yun Lao, her face checking the capsule he came from after seeing his sorry figure, then exclaimed out loud with her face expressing honest, but small, amounts of worry. “Young Master, what happened? Your stress levels has been raised by a lot, and there is signs of mental trauma almost induced into your brain, do you-”

Pam! Rustle!

Yun Lao, who was supported by the slutty skimpy maid wearing those skimpy clothes, slammed the girl to the left where a wall was there to make his movement even more brutal as the maid struck the back of her head against the wall. Were it not for her maid outfit hairstyle and adornments, even with the normal and ordinary strength of this young master, she would’ve probably even died from the type of material the wall was made of.

All around, there was white color. The floor, the capsules, the clothes for emergencies and the ceilings, walls and even doors all had a bright and somewhat even blinding luster white color. The moment the maid felt her heart be cushioned of a rather not rare end in this place, her eyelids lowered a tiny bit, unnoticeable by the young master who began molesting her left breast.

With his left hand having slammed to the wall the maid, his palm remained on her left breast as he then gave it strong and ruthless tightening of his grasp at her body, making her wince and tremblingly squirm, trying not to make pained sounds from her mouth or nostrils. Only after a long while did the young master stop torturing her that she opened her eyes to meet a twisted face.



V7: #1 7/10.

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