Bow and Arrow

Chapter 642: Chapter 640 — The Peaceful Rain Corporation’s Spacecraft

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The Peaceful Rain Corporation's Spacecraft




2 days later, on the 12th day of the 7th month, 2nd year of Rising Essence.


Within the Nascent Herb City, the brand new constructions that had been ongoing since the announcement of the departure of the Crestfallen Industry and the Crestfallen Clan from which only a small minority decided to rejoin the Peaceful Rain Corporation instead of leaving either because of family, choice or simply out of the bottom of their hearts.

More than 3 weeks had gone by, and even though the Crestfallens hadn't left the first 19 days, the Peaceful Rain Corporation had already begun constructing structures and buildings alike, not giving a single hour of the day a rest with constant manpower taking turns to build and build all around the 'coastal' sides of the Nascent Herb City towards its surrounding Regions.

Be it something as simple like more houses and parks, to even headquarters to train military recruits in both infantry to artillery, navy, aerial and even a strange but extremely large construction site which even after almost a whole month, the digging part hadn't been finished and a completely vacant hole at the outskirts of the Region-like City where not even the massive digging machines were visible anymore.

In all totality, instead of causing fear and some panic among the citizens of the Nascent Herb City, the citizens were rather cooperative and understanding of the sudden, fast and efficient constructions going on. They could enter and see how everyone was working without a break for hours and hours, but they couldn't get so close, so as to avoid detrimental decrease in population of course.

And while there were so many constructions of buildings and structures like towers, hangars, flat bases and even submarine bases; most of them were finished with the last few dozen of each still needing some time and extra manpower to finish them up... before the month was over that is.

And though such constructions were being placed all over the ‘coastal’ and bordering rivers with the other Regions and in-between the Region-less and no man’s territory, not all of the Regions were given a cold shoulder as the All-Healing Region, the Progress Value Region and the Free Living Region that were built by the Tarns, Jones and Fosks respectively were contacted.

The communication between the Nascent Herb City and those Regions was rather simple, but of a large scale indeed, with both sides beginning to build tunnels that would go from the Nascent Herb City and those Regions and vice versa. Naturally, not all those tunnels would be for normal people to traverse after a fee and a few other certain complicated requirements.

Some of those tunnels were for military movements, as well as a yet unspoken to outsiders…Spacecraft’s parts and wholly completed ships’ moving and ‘transactions’ were also being secretly built without the awareness of the common folk. As such, there was a set of tunnels traveling between the City-Region and said Regions for the common people in the future, another set of tunnels that were going to be used for the mobilization of armies for the rather near future and another one secretly being built much larger in any way to the previous 2 for spacecraft purposes.

Naturally, it wasn’t just going to be those BGA Spaceships that became so famous after the first war of The Order against the Wonder Region…only. As there were more than one type of such spaceships, of course, that was currently unknown to all and only to the big Clans that are under the Peaceful Rain Corporation.

But words could always travels fast, and also, it wasn’t uncommon for the subordinate Clans of the Peaceful Rain Corporation to accidentally mention a few vague things here and there like ‘concerning the future spatial limits of the current New Earth’, ‘reaching high heights with their people having joined the Peaceful Rain Corporations’ and others like ‘yeah, my baby, the one that likes space movies, haha, he is so happy now~...’.

It was in such obvious ways that the previously still stubborn and incredibly proud ‘Founding’ Clans became rather interested in such a proposal that would’ve been seen as the jokes of jokes of all the history of the human race on New Earth. Of course, there were some that already joined the Peaceful Rain Corporation, like the Jones Clan, that were top notch free ads all over their Region and allied Regions, publicizing the Jones’ wholeheartedly agreeing to learn from them.

But there were also others like the Tron Clan, who had ‘silently’ notified the other ‘neutral’ still ‘Founding’ Clans of New Earth of their sudden allegiance to the Peaceful Rain Corporation, as if only giving a heads up for their luck in finding a good boss before the turmoil reached ‘complications’ on the peaceful grounds and river waters of New Earth and no longer ‘outside.

But it was not the Clans under the Peaceful Rain Corporation, their promoting of them and the obvious but still hidden yet sarcastic hints that made the most stubborn Tron Clan become its underling, it was the connection that it had with the real hegemons of the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan that were now gone, but from which a sudden descendant of such hegemon had risen at last.

Nevertheless, even the ‘Founding’ Maya Clan that are as stubborn and set on their own points of view like the ‘Founding’ Ross Clan had begun to falter in the temptation of the Peaceful Rain Corporation who had the once a god-like child, now god-like Crestfallen Industry ‘child’ with already impressive feats and hinted achievements.

From them all, however, there was the ‘Founding’ Ross Clan who were West of the Nascent Herb City and Central New Earth West of the human civilization on New Earth as a whole; that were, indeed, given the cold shoulder. Even as some envoys were sent to try and talk with the new hegemon of the Nascent Herb City that they previously ignored, the Peaceful Rain Corporation remained uncaring as no business deals nor agreements were made.

It was only after almost 3 weeks that the ‘Founding’ Ross Clan became sure that they were no longer a ‘hidden’ possible enemy of that Yun Beishang and his Corporation, that they were clearly seen and that…it was now time to begin preparing for their possible ‘vengeance’. After all, from all the previously known as ‘Founding’ Clans, the Ross, Yuns, Sun and Kernti were the most proud of the tragedies from more than a decade ago.

But, right now, as there was a lot of discussion between those 4 ‘Founding’ Clans of the remaining 6 ‘Founding’ Clans, they didn’t know for sure that the still ‘Founding’ Maya Clan and the also still ‘Founding’ Sol Clan had already sent their very own important people to speak with Yun Beishang. And that Yun Beishang himself wasn’t without plans, as he began receiving them both on different days.

On this current 12th day of the 8th month, it was the ‘Founding’ Maya Clan that had been ‘called up’ to enter the Peaceful Rain Corporation Headquarters after waiting for approximately 3 days and even after having arrived before Tron Palas, who came alone and was yet the first to enter the Peaceful Rain Corporation only to come out a few hours later with his usual cold and strict facial expressions. But with a pair of eyes that glimmered with the warmth and confidence he used to have in the past; alarming both the Mayas and the Sols.

Now, however, there were a few selected Mayas within the very same meeting room that Yun Beishang welcomed in grandpa Palas. Within the ‘Founding’ Maya Clan’s group, there were quite the important people not only of the ‘Founding’ Clan itself but also from their Ancient Reign in Rising Essence that has become rather proficient in becoming a merchant paradise for many Journeyers in the Uncontrollable Affection Sub-Division in the past.

After being driven away from their turf, however, their sales and revenue had decreased a lot to what it once was before Rising Essence existed. And after tasting the obvious advantages of having not only more money yearly, monthly and even weekly by quite a few times, they were more than willing to go back to it after they were caught in a ‘rather kill 3,000 innocents than letting the guilty one go’ situation at the beginning of the Origin Pertaining Region first war.

Among them, there was the current Clan Head of the still ‘Founding’ Maya Clan, Maya Tor. A 404, almost 405 year old man who had a bald head and was aggressive-looking but was of actual mild temperament which shows from how he treated Yun Beishang’s maids when coming into the room as Yun Beishang was having tea with them, Yun Monet amongst those maids.

In Rising Essence, Maya Tor had the ID of Will-Fist. Rather obvious but not presumptuous nor unnecessarily childish and showy, as for his real body, he was a Specialist without a Bloodline which Yun Beishang could confirm by just sensing his arrival at the moment he arrived at the Nascent Herb City’s airport.

There were another 2 old fellas, one even older than Maya Tor and one a bit younger than him. The older one is called Maya Ochoa, who is also 564 years old and older than Tron Palas by just 1 year and a few months as well. He looked to be peaceful, wise and tolerant to stupidity that the young ones brought to the meeting would show, but he showed strong weakness to the female young woman who might or might not be his granddaughter.

Maya Ochoa had the ID of Sun Thinker, a bit philosophical perhaps, but somewhat resembling him well enough; he is also a ‘Grand Elder’ in the Ancient Reign Sect on Main Kingdom, one of the strongest leaders of the sect. The youngest one of the 3 old men was only 364 years old, named Maya Profirio, his age is indeed ‘young’ when comparing to all the old men in the rest of the Clans and ‘Founding ‘ Clans.

He appeared to be, pretty much, a nice ol’ pal since the moment he arrived, looking more like a granny as he gave delicious food and candies to Yun Beishang’s personnel and complemented the still not  baby-bellied tummies of his maids while hinting at Yun Beishang’s power in terms of fertility and manly ‘manners’.

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To this old man’s so-called ‘support’ Yun Beishang could only silently let it go, let it go… The old man’s ID in Rising Essence was Profirio, which was rather vacant even as he joined the game 3 weeks after its release due to the uniqueness of the ‘Founding’ Maya Clan family; also, the ‘First Elder’ of  the Ancient Reign Sect. From the young ones brought along with the 3 old men, were 1 young male and 1 young female.

The young male person was someone called Maya Tomas, 24 years old, with black hair and eye color, was friendly and was a good person, mild and quite understandable. Though according to Yun Beishang’s Black Lotus reports, this kid was rather a monster in his late 10’s whereas he began behaving after knowing of someone precious to him in his childhood having been found…having believed that such person was instead; dead.

A bit like the relationship between Yun Lao and Yun Beishang, though with friendship and without the desire to make the other suffer through hell and horrors to no end. In the game, he had the ID of Already Broken, which though it was clumsy and corny, was somewhat philosophical for this regretting young man. Well, at least he didn’t ‘Tong Tong Tong’ like a certain someone in the forums…

He was also the Vice-Sect Master of the Ancient Reign Sect, and naturally, the ‘young master’ of the ‘Founding’ Maya Clan, showing that his worth wasn’t just in the aptitude of a gentleman and a man of honor or warrior. But one that had the capabilities to lead his people, fulfill his promises and achieve the required goals for his still ‘Founding’ Clan.

The young femme fatale was not just a beauty, but also a strong, ferocious and yet honeyed beauty that could make hearts melt back and forth but never being pretentious nor as if she would die if she didn’t fake a strong libido. She is called Maya Lane, ex-fiancee of none other than the young master of the ‘Founding’ Maya Clan.

As for why ‘ex’, it is simple, really. Ever since the young Maya Tomas turned into a grown up Mayas Tomas, he chose to give up the marriage that he worked for almost half a decade to convince her and the elders of the ‘Founding’ Clan to let them marry. Naturally, though confused and not in the known, for many years, Maya Lane agreed right away while the other elders couldn’t deny it with his growing presence over the ‘Founding’ Maya Clan.

Maya Lane had the ID in Rising Essence of Benevolent Monster, her ID was quite laughable to enjoy once or twice, but if she caught those ‘guffawers’ on the spot, they would be massacred down to LV10. She is a 27 years old young woman with her whole person being sweet but very strong at the same time, innately at that.

Her beauty is such that she melts hearts and is very, very clingy to her elders, especially Maya Ochoa who treats her like the only granddaughter in  the entire world, while she is always nice to them but ferocious to the younger generation. She is even somewhat shy, which could be seen by how she acted as a few male personnel brought her to the meeting room and even pulled a chair for her- her whole face was a bit twitchy and nervous through the whole ‘ordeal’.

Oh well, that was for them, for as Yun Beishang who was once again at a shorter side of the rectangle table was watching those 5 from the still ‘Founding’ Maya Clan seated one after the other with Maya Tor right at the corner where the longer side began from the shorter side, followed by Maya Tomas, Maya Profirio and then Maya Ochoa and with Maya Lane as the farthest away from Yun Beishang.

This time, however, Yun Beishang was on the other shorter side where ‘he’ convinced Tron Palas of joining him along his Tron Clan. And, unlike at that time, Yun Beishang was now accompanied by a ‘biggy’ someone. This one person was only recognized by 4 of the 5 Mayas present however.

The only one who didn’t recognize that big someone was Maya Lane, who was being ‘protected’ by the meat wall of old men and the gentlemanly young man from the devourer of both indecent and innocent women; Yun Beishang!

However, as for the person that Yun Beishang brought, it was none other than Cobra. The ‘Majesty’, as his honorary title as the founder of the Historical Legend League, of the Historical Legend League in Rising Essence, and as part of the close Ally of The Order who had contributed to the conquest of the Wonder Region and the Origin Pertaining Region.

At this moment, though a bit uncomfortable, he was standing tall and straight to Yun Beishang’s left as the latter had the table right to his right and from which he was obviously seated on a chair. In contrast, Don Maya was standing as if in attention, wondering why he had accepted coming here for no reason with Yun Beishang only explaining that it was a meeting and not specifying anything else.

Before, of course, he was wondering why he was coming towards such a random meeting without bothering to ask anybody else if they were also attending such a ‘real life meeting’. Ah, exactly like a drama, and it was exactly for this reason that Yun Beishang opted to lure him into the Peaceful Rain Corporation without even trying, knowing that it would’ve worked no matter what.

Though Yun Beishang’s Allies and Vassals inside the game were now even more enthusiastic of having him joined before he ‘rose’ to great heights in power in real life as much as in the game, or even more considering that they are the ‘new’ Crestfallens and hold their mantle. They were pretty mature and natural to these successive news that had already been fulfilled so to speak.

It could be seen that they were now much more serious in the matters of Rising Essence, as they would of course not form a militia on New Earth and ‘support’ Yun Beishang as well, that was just plain dumb. Besides, it’s not like military training and learning can be done with just a few lessons, one has to live through it and experiment with ideas.

In any case, all they could do to support Yun Beishang outside the game was to gain the ‘new’ territory that hadn’t been ‘blessed’ with The Order’s clutches and sovereignty, to win the battles that had already burst on Main Kingdom and declare the world one of The Order. Like this, he could gain much more support for the ‘pacifying’ of the real, actual world of New Earth.

Though others under The Order had this train of thought, especially those who didn’t have any thoughts to the matter of the ‘Founding’ Clans, they were still a help that Yun Beishang welcomed but could also get rid of without any problems. So not much ‘politics’ and drama reached the playerbase inside Rising Essence thanks to Yun Beishang’s doings on not forcing everyone in ‘real life’ to follow him as well; gaining many brownie points.

And as such, as Don Maya and the 4 from the still ‘Founding’ Maya Clan gazed at the other’s side, they silently seemed to see through each other as they spoke manly and in silence about things and with their hearts in a matter that mere women couldn’t understand, hmph. With his scene, Yun Beishang let go of his kind and benevolent act of presenting each other to let the people properly reunite and instead said with a hidden naughty tone.

“Okay, well, sirs and lady, this is one of my leading figure Association Ally in the game, just small matters, don’t place him any more importance.” Following such, he took a few papers and documents from below the table before placing the papers filled with images on the table and held the documents in his left hand. Yun Beishang continued with a broad grin on his bad, bad face that made Maya Lane raise her left eyebrow.

“As you can see, and probably heard from Grandpa Palas, this right here is a spaceship. Now, now; before you start asking me any more questions, look over here. You see this right where my finger is pointing at? How much do you think it can hold in terms of weight, and the maximum speed it can go even at full, without compromising the contents stored inside nor spoiling them?”

“You see, there is another spaceship that I showed to Grandpa Palas, but that is only for the ones who are the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s people and not just some randoms who came here to discuss who knows what.” Yun Beishang rustled the papers on top of the table over and over again, not letting the already crazy eyed Mayas get a good look and causing them to become rather impatient.

“So, first, let me tell you a bit about this thing over here, though it isn’t ‘the bomber’ shown in the ‘game’,” Yun Beishang said while emphasizing in the words of ‘the bomber’ with a dragged on face that showcased his annoyance at people calling his BGA Spaceship a bomber, before continuing. “Let me first tell you its name, Godspeed Flood-Dragon Spaceship.”

“Indeed, as you can guess, this spaceship focuses on speed. Mainly, but not only; definitely not. The Peaceful Rain Corporations would never make such a catastrophic design of terror, even though it is focused on speed, it is so that important goods, be it food, medicine, clothes, tools…armament. Could be rapidly sent from one place to another without worrying about the time, conditions, safety both inside and out and also…’self-defense’.”

“!!!” Though Yun Beishang’s words were what any merchant would believe to be godly, the fact that is not an aircraft but a spaceships means that the scale of the images shown in the papers had to be of greater size than they thought…and that their stored goods wouldn’t be limited to men, vehicles and armaments that are used for fighting…the ‘normal’ way but to another field that hasn’t been successfully developed for almost ten thousand years!



V7: #1 10/10.

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