Bow and Arrow

Chapter 644: Chapter 642 — It Is War!

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It Is War!




Sol Cresta is a man that was naturally genial and educative, always cherishing the best for his sons, the children of his 'Founding' Clan and the people under the 'Founding' Sol Clan, namely, the Soft Creation Region with the capital of the Sonorous Bell City at the North of the Middle New Earth.

He loved to teach so much that his sons were infected with such love for education, also adopting a rather peaceful class inside Rising Essence yet still being influential and definitely charming enough to lead their power within the 'game'. Sol Cresta had black gray colored eyes and hair, unlike his sons; unlike his deceased wife.

Sol Flo had nice brown eyes and hair, just like his brothers, but he himself was rather girly, a great dancer and tempting for the ignorant women of his preferences and to the innocent and pure men in closets that were going to be drawn out of it just for the sake of wanting to taste him. And while his father had the ID of 'Looking at the Sky' and was a Carrier of Truth, he, as the youngest, was like his brothers an Entwining Dragon and had the ID of 'Delicate Figure'.

The second brother, Sol For, had the same class and a similar ID, that one being 'Delicate Hands'. He himself was a bit different than his brothers and father, and was more like his mother. Due to that, even though he could be ignorantly annoying at times, he was still so cherished by his direct family and would always guide him to not being too stupid and calming down, something that their childhood friend, Zack, naturally learned to do as well.

The oldest brother, Sol Forr, was also an Entwining Dragon while his ID was that of 'Delicate Feet'. He himself was already a teacher, and was quite renowned around New Earth, with his superiors being only those akin his father in terms of teaching achievements and experience as well as expertise. Though those were few, and any other person could only be seen as mediocre when in front of him even as modern New Earth is literally ages above even 1,000 years ago, let alone old Earth's history.

Together, they were rang-no, the 4 most important people from the Sol Clan that has been the major leader when it came to all of art, its past history, its history from the moment New Earth was forming when their human civilization was slowly recuperating from the direct blow of losing their whole planet all of a sudden and up to today, where the art of New Earth was still growing thanks to their unconditional support to all art in their new civilization.

At this moment, Yun Beishang looked at the silent and determined Clan Head of this very same ‘Founding’ Sol Clan without showing any expression or care for the words he had just spoken, making Sol Cresta a bit baffled when Yun Beishang suddenly spoke out casually. “Such a powerful decision, can the Sols truly depend on their Clan Head to do this?”

Yun Beishang then looked at the sons seated at the left of their father, with the order being; first, the older son, second, the second son and lastly the youngest son. And with his lips forming a snarky smirk, he nonchalantly added, “Ah, but who would’ve thought that it was these people who also managed to steal so much from their own people and even made so many families almost die of hunger, passively supporting others who were instead killing whole families, ah? After all, they are just art-lovers and education-crazed people, heh heh.”

“...” The Sol triplets were now with downcast eyes as they glanced below the table while receiving this so well-welcoming lash out from Yun Beishang, on the other hand, Sol Cresta received these hateful words directly and though he was hurting very deep inside his crooked body, didn’t react in any manner and much less with any emotion showing on his face.

“Indeed.” Sol Cresta said after about 3 minutes of the uncomfortable silence being not lifted and thrown away by Yun Beishang’s explanation of the spaceships they’ve been hinted on through their tour on the Peaceful Rain Corporation Headquarters. Only then did Yun Beishang tilted his head to the right for a moment before taking documents and papers from below the table.

His left hand was once again holding the documents while the papers filled with images and some brief descriptions were placed on top of the table. This time, he didn’t play with the papers on top of the table and directly began explaining with his seat changing from the chair to the edge of the rectangular table’s shorter side.

“You see, this one over here is a spaceship designed for attacking other aircrafts.” Yun Beishang casually commented as he separated the different copies in his left hand, but those words seemed rare to the listeners, even to Zack who knew nothing about such stuff, he was only in charge of writing and investigating stuff before posting them in the game currently; so.

“Designed for dealing with aircrafts? But, isn’t it a spaceship? How come it is only good enough for dealing w-” Sol Cresta frowned and questioned as he watched Yun Beishang move those documents carelessly, those which made Sol Cresta want to take a look at them more and more with each passing second, Yun Beishang looked up at him with bothered eyes and exclaimed.

“Mtsk, ah! You don’t even let me finish, interrupting and wasting more time than needed to talk. Hey, old man, wait some time, alright? Surely you’ll know how to be patient as of now, right?” Sol Cresta had his mouth go wide while his sons were silently shocked as well, after all, it was Yun Beishang who took his time to continue speaking as they could only see some images of a mecha and ‘fictional’ spaceship as Yun Beishang remained silent, not their father’s fault…

“Ahem, okay, let me begin.” Yun Beishang didn’t care, but to avoid smirking at the dumb situation he has made, he coughed out a little before shaking his bum on the large table’s edge for accommodation. “This thing over here, which is all one spaceship and not two, is called the Mantis-Cicada Fighter.”

“The M-CF have means to attack both in melee and large distances with some bombs installed in them that are called the ‘Angelic Cluster’, compared to the big ‘booms’ you saw back then in the first war of Main Kingdom, the game I mean, they are rather smallish and more focused in creating real damage and killing than destroying life and maiming it; crippling of any future development unless especially treated by us, the creators of such babies.”

Giving the Sols an upturned look with his face low, faking a focused reading stance, Yun Beishang then continued after seeing Sol Cresta’s deeply engrossed face in his words. “It does have direct lasers to shoot instead of waiting to be attacked unlike other spaceships we’ve made, the M-CF Spaceship has blue lasers that are for very long distances and even somewhat ‘adhere’ to the enemy’s trajectory without needing of any targeting nor maintaining any target that was shot in their sights.”

“And if required, they would turn red instead when at melee, the fire rate is even greater than even the fastest machine guns of New Earth and even Main Kingdom, I mean the game.” Yun Beishang made a short pause and sniffed from his nostrils before continuing, “The red lasers can also be used to excavate, and they are really useful for mining and crafting as well as building even more spaceships.”

“The M-CF Spaceships also count with sonic weapons that can even damage those undead entities in the game, there are some similar creatures outside our borders, they are also easily eliminated through these installed tools.That’s not all though even if there are system installed within a place, be it an enemy’s pilot cabin, fortress or underground in a bunker; even if they can have a hearing system block any sound from the outside, these sonic waves can still go through anything and will be just as powerful as without the hearing systems.”

“They are of a rather very specific direction-aimed and can’t be used as greatly as the Angelic Clusters and the big ‘booms’ you’ve seen before.” Yun Beishang made another little pause before continuing, “Their plated defense is very extreme and they can even become immune to several different energies, attacks and…Elements.”

“!” That one last word coming out from Yun Beishang’s mouth deeply astounded Sol Cresta who looked at Yun Beishang to see if he was just saying that exaggeratedly or without really knowing what that could entail, but seeing him not act any weird or fakely anymore and knowing what kind of monster this young man was even as a child…Sol Cresta trembled in deep anticipation.

“The best part is here, finally, ah!” Yun Beishang smirked from the left corners of his mouth as he rolled his eyes to the sky, upwards, before continuing after his dumb demonstration. “The M-CF Spaceship can transform itself into a semi-mecha, yes; the whole spaceship. Besides having blade-like arms, its major strength comes from gravitational manipulation that is only usable for immediate nearby purposes, allowing it to fly for up to a height of 5 kilometers above and for tens of days nonstop in one go and even automatically.”

“Its wingspan is 13 meters in total, with the cabin having a bubble-like shape that is 2 meters wide and with a length of up to 6 meters with a height of 3 meters. The wings themselves are 20 inches thick and 2 meters wide at its widest. And as you can see here, instead of being wider the closer they are to the spaceship’s body, they are wider the further they are far away from it.”

“There is this small window over here to directly see with the naked eye that has a digital radar imprinted right before it for the human pilot to see. Its speed is the slowest among the 3 types of spaceships in our Peaceful Rain Corporation, but that is because they are the deadliest. Even more than the ones who can make those big, big ‘boom’s go off.”

“It does have a, let’s say, ‘see-thru’ system so that the interior of the M-CF Spaceship becomes visible from within and allows the human pilot to have much more precision of his mecha body in terms of awareness. It counts with a dormant humanoid robot who makes sure of moving the mecha in terms of danger, saving the pilot's life and being the pilot’s partner that has to connect with said pilots. It’s a matter of letting both entities become like one when fighting and in the worst cases scenarios, though…we are also debating on whether or not to give it sexual pleasures…cough. That is all.”

“...” The Sols were amazed, dumbfounded and feeling like dreaming; but that was normal alright. Being briefly spoken of every single image with some detail yet one after the other allowed the Sols to imagine how this M-CF Spaceship would work with all of its functions in the camp, when fighting as a spaceship and as a mecha thanks to Yun Beishang brief introduction to each image.

“Well, how did I score?” Yun Beishang tilted his head to the left, while his right shoulder was raised instead and looked at Sol Cresta, emulating like how a defiant rebellious student suddenly becoming an intelligent student was to challenge his extremely well appraised teacher.

“Full! Great! Ah, ahem-hem! Uhm,” Sol Cresta almost rose to his feet directly as he shouted and looked at Yun Beishang with incredibly excited eyes. Seeing this, Yun Beishang took out a phone from under the table and gave it to Sol Cresta by sliding it on the surface of the table. Sol Cresta, with his thoughts being wild and his anticipation being just as strong, quickly received the phone and turned it on…only to become totally self-absorbed in the contents of the phone.

“Ahem!” Yun Beishang coughed a little, feeling weird at an uncle watching a phone with intrigue suddenly becoming addicted, it felt really damn weird man. With that, however, Sol Cresta was awoken as he stopped repeating the 53 seconds long video and passed it over to his left for his eldest son to watch then pass it over to the rest.

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“Young man, back then, your m-the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan convinced us  that matters conveying your stance against these sinful acts of ours, that nothing of this would be known to you and that you wouldn’t hold any ideas against us for that matter. Like that, it was that we were completely greedy, and decided to go full out on those self-harming expeditions.”

“Now, Yun Beishang, though I may not be the one leading my Sol Clan anymore in the future, and we would instead become your servants, we-I…am completely glad that we could at least finally find a way for our ancestors to forgive us and for us, the sinners, to claim retribution and be granted amnesty at the same time. This, in the name of my Sol Clan, am gladly and willingly passing over the now your Sol Clan from here forth.”

“...” Yun Beishang was a bit speechless with that speech from Sol Clan, not expecting the man to get so emotional and even more so after he had basically put tons of salt into his wounds. After a few seconds, with Sol Cresta really just crying in front of so many younger generation young men, Yun Beishang then dropped his butt from the table just as he did with his snarky self.

“Though I will never let such other forces appear in the future on my planet, Uncle Cresta, you have my word that all those who follow me will always do so. That is also for the time that it is my time to leave this earth, and not necessarily by ‘dying’, if you know what I’m getting to.” Yun Beishang tilted his head to the left for a moment with those last words, giving Sol Cresta a good comfortable final moment of the negotiations.

But then, Sol Cresta smiled delightfully and said with a ‘I’m sure you’ll agree’ face. “Then, Chief, how about marrying about a few dozen young girl from my Clan so that our relationship can be fully shown to the world, eh? Heheh, we can wait, just don’t take too much, would that be okay? Hehehe~!”

Yun Beishang: “...”

Meanwhile, as Yun Beishang and Sol Cresta had a moment of bliss and annoyance to one another, one being way too advantageous of the situation and…the other not really denying it, cough. The triplets and Zack began to walk to each other a few meters behind Yun Beishang, with Zack remaining on the spot, worried that they would be feeling as if it all came to what only Zack wanted and not theirs.


But the moment that Zack felt Sol Forr’s ample and strong, warm hands embracing him after seeing the latter walk slowly in the lead of the triplets towards himself, Zack felt his wounded heart heal back up that little bit of pain and fell into a merry, silent but comfortable reunion of himself and his harem.

In a certain way, though these past few days, these things happened rather easily, it was all thanks to several different things. One was the power that The Order had in Rising Essence, and the billions that it could do per week had already astonished even the likes of the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan, let alone the neutral parties that no longer warred against one another outside the human civilization’s borders.

And, as of right now, the only party that was in the most danger, even without the addition of those 3-4 previously neutral ‘Founding’ Clans, were the alliance of the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan. As though they were less and had a lot of power along with the ‘Founding’ Ross Clan, the always growing and wonderful beauty of the ‘Founding’ Kernti Clan and the merchant-like second best ‘Founding’ Sun Clan. When compared to the Peaceful Rain Corporation alone, they were somewhat of a lesser height for those who were of a rather good eye to discern opportunities and mistakes.

Even if not, there was the Tarn Clan, the Jones Clan, the unofficial third best as a merchant-like Clan, the previously strong enough to be the bodyguards of the whole ‘Founding’ Yun Clan in the past Asami Clan, the first and best merchant-like Xie Clan, the Clan that has won the hearts of the people without a limitation due to the Regions being the farthest away from their own; the Fosk Clan and so on…

… The Peaceful Rain Corporation as a whole were an already astonishing mighty force to reckon with, and that was before they knew of those spaceships of theirs for the neutral ‘Founding’ Clans, which had now all become Clan. Not only that, but Clans under the seemingly mightiest Peaceful Rain Corporation.

Now that they had witnessed the might of the Peaceful Rain Corporation, just in mere words alone, the good eye-discerning of the neutral Clans had chosen to unequivocally join the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s side and at the same time, had chosen do so due to the ‘before being grand and majestic as the victor’ state of the Peaceful Rain Corporation, whose Chief was none other than the one that every single Founding Clan of the past was too terrified to be targeted by.

A child, now a man, a real man with a family to protect and a future to create; Yun Beishang.

“Hey, Uncle, buddies and Zack.” Yun Beishang suddenly spoke in the meeting room, followed by his steps starting to go towards the exit as he looked at Sol Cresta and at the group of 4 who were giving the king kisses and hugs over and over again. After they all turned their heads to look at Yun Beishang, he nodded in satisfaction at himself before saying while leaving and waving with the back of his right hand through the door; also, as he was ‘picked up’ by a group of maids waiting outside.

“In 10 days, there will be a very important meeting, as it will also be the start of ‘something’ right away, as soon as that meeting is over. All the leading figures of the Clans of the Peaceful Rain Corporation will be there, along with some of my family that are from those Clans as well. Don’t miss it, or I might exclude you from the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s core circle…and Household as well.”

Step step step step step step step step step step step step step step step step step step…

Leaving the reunited ‘family’ within the meeting room, Sol Cresta looked at the exit with an unknown expression but with his mouth slightly opened, while the young ones looked at the exit and then at Sol Cresta with a face of ‘adult’s problem, not ours’. Feeling rather rare, Sol Cresta woke up to see their faces, those damn faces which made his face red a bit.

Therefore, he spoke with a nice and comforting tone towards Zack before grabbing all the images and documents and heading towards the exit. His direction, however, was not the gates of the Peaceful Rain Corporation but its outer vip residential sections, he wasn’t going to go after knowing of ‘this’ peculiar meeting and even less when he could study those documents and papers!

“Little Zack, spend all the time that you need with these old fools of mine, don’t worry about anything; anything at all! In a few days’ worth of time, I’ll try to get a few girls from the Sol Clan to be betrothed to Chief Yun Beishang. And then, after his wedding, I’ll make sure to have all of our people attend yours, it is more than time for that to happen, see you another time young man.”

Zack and the triplets: c( O.O )ɔ( ° ᴗ°)~ð (/❛o❛\)c( O.O )ɔ

“Y-Yes Uncle! Thank-ahah, thank you very much Uncle, thank you!” Zack directly said in a slightly loud voice, alarming his Uncle but specifically because of its loudness. “Uncle? What Uncle?! I’m about to be your Father in a few months’ worth of time and you dare still call me Uncle? Ah?! Father-in-law at the very least, come on, call me.”

“Ah…” Embarrassed, Zack was taken aback as he even jolted his head backwards, he then heard the giggles around him however, which incensed him to be the bigger person and speak out right away. “F-F-Fa-Father!”

“Oh, hey?” Sol Cresta stopped in his tracks towards the exit and looked up at Zack, his countenance changing along with a smile forming at his now more than blissful face, no longer utterly grieving in the past. Taking steps towards the young man with a ‘brave’ outburst, Sol Cresta came over to place his right palm on the young man’s left shoulder before speaking to him warmly and caringly.

“You will be a great historian perhaps, in the future, when the children of the kids of today grow up to be old or possibly only in age, with the Peaceful Rain Corporation…one can’t tell, heh heh. And who knows, you might even get to teach the children of both Yun Beishang and our Sol Clan’s descendants, so I would like to leave you with such a burden, Son.”

“...” Though Zack said nothing in return, Sol Cresta was so very well aware of the young man’s acceptance to his words, and without saying anything at all still, Zack demonstrated it to be true with his arms going over to hug at his new Father, this genial and education-crazed man who had taken him in after so long of knowing his now gone parents and family…



Let It Rain's Note: Just a bit more before going back to Main Kingdom at full with some New Earth's changes, hehehe.

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