Bow and Arrow

Chapter 651: Chapter 649 — Accidents

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In the 'sea', aka river that connects both the Nascent Herb City and the Iron Will Region, at a 'coastal' city that has been rich for over a few centuries already, and that has gained a lot of popularity across New Earth's human civilization as a fish-god City-Country.


On this fateful day in which the Chief of the Peaceful Rain Corporation announced in social media, 'by mistake' on the Peaceful Rain Corporation's main pages, that they would be visiting the Fosk Clan and that a huge piece of news would be given to the public yet again despite just close to a month going by since the Crestfallens' departure.

While so many began to stockpile the important and most lasting food, just in case- cough, they also began looking forward to these kinds of news. After all, while the people of New Earth may get badly scared, worried for their descendants' future and wanting nothing else but to have their partners safe and sound, they weren't some useless thoughtless people that were unknown of the most basic and fundamentals to one's survival in such an advanced modern era.

It was true that the citizens of today were extremely sheltered by the Founding Clans and the Crestfallen Industry together with the Crestfallen Clan, sure, but that didn't take away the necessary thoughts and instincts of survival one could have. And, if anything, that there were some limitations on certain purchases, offers that would pop up when one was using the web to remind them of what was utmost necessary before the 'at the last moment' came and advertisements of even more important things to consider; all of that aided up all the citizens of New Earth that were not slow to act nor disbelieving the possibility like a previous' era religious person argued with there not being any proof and bla bla bla.

In any case, there were those messages to the public through social media that the Peaceful Rain Corporation and even the newly made Clans under it that became rather active right away were now sharing many other people who have uploaded videos, tutorials and even 'what ifs' towards the current situation in New Earth.

And while they were doing their own stuff, the 'other' 'Founding' Clans were of course doing their own; the 'Founding' Yun, Ross, Kernti and Sun Clan had paid for quite the large amount of ads popping out all around in both the physical and the digital world. Creating so much movement in this way to their Regions' Cities, their citizens were even more afraid as they would happen to see one, two, or half their neighborhood having their husbands or sons 'taken away' by some uniformed men and women coming to their doors in bulky vehicles.

One after another, households would close even with half the visioned products in their hands that they had once planned to stockpile until all turmoil went away or so, but now, there was a bit too much of a panic that was growing disordered by a whole lot. As such, though it pained the alliance of the 'Founding' Yun clan, they had to lesser the amount of people they take in, even if it was completely willing and ended up temporarily denying more than 80% of the men and women that would have joined their recruiting movements.

But because neither side was brainless, the food, drinkable liquids and medicine didn't rise in price and instead, some of each type of product became rather cheap instead. Which was a good thing, after all, the really ancient world of New Earth's old Earth was truly disgusting, it would make no sense at all for such a thing to be allowed to happen; openly.

Naturally, there were still so many 'in the dark' who would trade such things at not only the cheap price of today, but even higher than the price of yesterday. Be it people who only wanted to profit at these times to come back and 'make a killing' in the future or the very same 'higher ups', deals like these would often happen from house to house among the 'Founding' Yun Clan and allies' Regions and Cities; let alone outside the Regions.

On the other hand, however, such things were punished by death directly; no matter who they were. Strong, big and capable businessmen and businesswomen, poor, beggars, rich or even those who used children and really needed it. At the very least, some people were taken prisoner where they won't have to worry about eating or drinking, but that would definitely no longer tempt others.

As for where that was happening, that was naturally the Regions which were still but temporarily under the 'commands' of their respective Clans that are none other but the direct subordinates of the Peaceful Rain Corporation. Though it was scary to think that such a move would get anyone, anyone dead, it also brought some calm to their slow and peaceful moving over from one point of the Cities to another to resupply themselves enough.

…But right now, as there was a single naval warship that was 400 meters long and 75 meters wide at its center which was the widest, navy blue sad color below that would barely be visible well enough even during the time that light was around and red above where a few dozens and dozens of humanoid figures could be seen; the villagers on the edge of the river looked on with rapt attention.

As they were silently looking at one another with the hot sun striking their tired bodies hard after recognizing the huge thing in the distance to be a warship and not a cargo ship at last, some of them took a pair of binoculars out and gazed at the warship while the others waiting, seeing those people aboard getting all busy and swiftly forming a kind of formation at the center of the deck but closer towards the bow.

One of them finally saw the tiny logo of a simple residence being comically showered by rain as if made for kids to like the drawing, and the even tinier letters surrounding it, “Look, I found it- aghh, let me see… Hm?! Peaceful Ra- hey, old farts, I think it’s actually the Peaceful Rain Corporation!”


But suddenly, from so far away, the warship emitted a sound that caused every, single, person, at the, ‘coast’ to reflexively turn their bodies, heads and necks towards the warship just about possibly 100 kilometers away. Whereas they could only then barely see a tiny yet huge object increasing in size come towards themselves; it was so impossible to discern by the speed that that thing launched itself with, which was the reason they could only hear a tremendous explosion muffled by water follow it after it disappeared a few dozens of meters under the river and from its edge.


“Aaahhh!! Fuckin’ hell yar bastards, I’m soaked!” - “Mother of fuck-! Run away, everyone, run away!!” - “What the fuck was that? What. The fuck. Was that?!” - “They ar- they are coming over here, should we wait?” - “Fuck that! Who da fuck would wait to die? They are trying to feckin’ kill us all!”

When the explosion under the water went off, several hundreds of villagers saw how a tiny portion of themselves were tsunami-ed by the surging water from high in the sky to right down at their bodies. However, they were totally unharmed which went unnoticed by the severe scare that these villagers received with the warship trying to ‘kill them’.

But there were, from the hundreds of villagers around, that understood that such a large amount of water that was sent almost a damn whole hundred meters into the sky should for sure have injured and even severely injured the villagers hit by it.

Yet, not only were those people not injured by it, they even remained standing still on the ground without even seeming to have been pushed down by the huge torrent of water coming down at them with a ferocity yet slow speed, something that not everyone would understand the extreme danger that would follow to anyone or anything that was reached down by it.

Just as the other villagers were watching most of the soaked ones head back home despite the nice sun warming up their just refreshed bodies, and clothes, a rather fast, agile and expertly maneuvered smallish boat compared to the warship came from below the warship as if it was stationed right underwater; towards the soaked few villagers that remained.

In the ‘shore’ that the soaked villagers were feeling the sun embrace them comfortingly, the boat arrived and a total of 7 soldiers disembarked while another 5 remained inside the boat, a machine gun was attached at the rear opposite to the pilot’s side of the boat and handled by 2 soldiers with dull-gray uniforms. While the remaining one stayed as the pilot where, strangely, a wheel was used as the way to pilot such a boat that must be quite troublesome to use when in battle with those machine guns behind; but oh well.

The 7 soldiers who disembarked didn’t stay in formation nor put on a stance, as their hair was wet and their uniforms drenched but weirdly enough appeared to still be dry, they arrived before a small group of 3 soaked villagers with light but slightly large rifles being held in their hands. The seemingly Squad Leader of the 7 was at the very front while the other 7 were merely behind him, 3 on the left and 3 on the right, as the Squad Leader spoke apologetically first.

“Hello, I’m Demi Sal’o, our warship was testing the waters just now, we noticed that it almost hit you and that some of you became really scared.” The man who spoke was about 28 years old, and made the old and young villagers around to become more or less acclimated to himself, he continued with the extension of his right hand for a handshake.

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“I’m the Squad Leader of the 12th Squad under this warship, and in the warship’s captain name, I profoundly apologize to you and everyone involved. But, additionally…I’d like to ask you all to return to the nearest City and get into one of those expensive bunkers if you cannot pay for a residence. Hell, I’ll even advise you to better yet, come towards any of the neighboring Regions’ Cities or even to the Nascent Herb City, for your safety.”

“For our safety, what do you mean?” The young out of the 3 soaked villagers, without a face of ‘ew’ and ‘you did this to me’, said as he frowned his eyebrows and looked at the uniformed young man before him. Demi Sal’o then answered, “Mhm, you haven’t known about it? What, that is rather weird, even our villagers have been sent into the city these past few weeks…”

Realizing that something was rather bigger than expected, the young villager and the older 2 had a change in their expressions, the younger saying once again after pondering several stuff through his mind. “What about the other Regions? We don’t have any papers, only our birth certificate and some payments made in the past…”

“Oh…” It was the young soldier’s turn to raise his eyebrow from not expecting such, but he was still able to answer fast to the now worried and panicked villagers around that overheard and were coming closer and closer. “Just with that is enough, however, you’ll have to register as a citizen of any neighboring Region for them to take you to the old or new bunkers around. Just in case, of course, but that may very well be the case…”

“What is it?” - “What are we going to need?” - “Do we need just that, really?” - “When can we even go? Those Regions are too far away, maybe for you people it isn’t but for us it is!” - “Can we bring anyone, even newborn babies? My babies don’t have their own certificate yet, I didn’t have time the last few months and…” One by one, hundreds of villagers closed in rather by a lot and made the 6 behind the Squad Leader somewhat nervous, but with his expertise and for the reasons that why he was the Squad Leader. In a little over almost an hour, he answered each questioning elder and young of their doubts, before finally being able to come back to the warship and report to their captain.

When the villagers who were already walking away back to their homes saw their backs and their boat disappear in the distance, though they were just as terrified and anxious as the people from the Cities, they had a much steeled mental fortitude which allowed them to either choose fast or to decide to take one of the methods of transport said by the young soldier just now.

Within the next few days, it could already be seen what insane amount of villagers would be changing their lives for the next few weeks or even months, temporarily of course. While, unfortunately and on the other hand but with the best of hopes, others would remain at their homes, stubbornly and uncaringly for the ‘Cities’ affairs’.

…But at the river, several tens of kilometers away from the ‘shore’, the boat quickly went back in the water and to be stationed below the warship, where it then went back up from below the warship to within the warship, allowing it to be safe and sound at the lowest level in the belly of the warship whereas hundreds of people were moving about and in their positions in some booths and so on.

When the boat went back into the warship in this way, they were welcomed back by the sight of more than 100 such other small boats and even about a couple dozen of submarines that if seen in the outside world, outside of the water, would right away exclaim for those submarines to be made with alien technology and what not. After all, what submarine had legs and tails?

In any case, as soon as the ‘Squad Leader’ came down from the boat that was being elevated by a pair of pincers which needed not to be managed manually and was instead occupied by a certain supportive AI, there was an extremely well uniformed official with a dark gray uniform and a lot of smallish decorations on his shoulders.

With ultra respect, the dark gray uniformed definitely high ranked official saluted and said, “General, the 64 nautical miles’ long range maximum distance proved to be flawless, it is only a pity that the shell fell straight down after that long. But according to the manuals, if we aim high enough…we will indeed have a lot of different ways to target anyone within that radius without depending on those expensive missile units.”

“Mm, that is good enough Admiral, how is the depth of the shells before exploding?” General Demi Sal’o said with an indifferent but not derisive nor condescending tone, let alone underlying tone, the Admiral then answered with high expectations for future ‘encounters’. “General, though the shell hit a rather rough piece of the reef, that was about 2,000 meters below the water surface.”

“It should be enough to bombard those advanced submarines almost 1,500 meters below in the rivers, more than enough actually. The missiles should also be ‘waterproof’ according to the man-” The Admiral was going hard at it without noticing his manners, but being respectful to him, General Demi Sal’o interrupted him with a piece of advice to this older and experienced person than himself.

“The manuals are just for understanding and theoretical learning, we are still far away from any naval base and theirs are too slow. Admiral, think better, so that your men will do each of your orders…or would you prefer them checking the manual amidst battle?” General Demi Sal’o then departed after nodding at the Admiral, , itching to go back to land after having fun in the ‘seas’.

“...” Maintaining silence, the Admiral’s face blushed slightly, he scratched the back of his head in a self-blaming demeanor as the soldiers around him greeted him respectfully and with worship to cheer him up. At last, when about 2 minute went by, the Admiral crossed his arms and sneered at himself with a single laugh at himself before putting on his cap and going back to his residential cabin.

With this starting movement, the forces under the Iron Will Region quickly alarmed those of their Allies, as only those Regions at Central New Earth had the ‘sea’ of a large river at their disposal to use while sharing it with the Nascent Herb City. And though the river would also pass by the other Middle and outer Regions of New Earth’s human civilization; it was to a negligible degree.

It was so to the point that the other Regions outside the Central New Earth had to let go of any navy prowess and instead focus on both aerial and land army; forces. Just like the Nascent Herb City, that despite having the most territorial waters around their Region—Region-like City in this case—, they opted to only use their aerial forces to deal with any issue.

Whether it be a mercenary group who wanted to take some ‘control’ over a small, medium or big territory, or a rising pirate group with unknown advanced technology whose origins were even less known about despite such news shocking the entire New Earth human civilization in the past; the Crestfallens would deal with all that with their ever so most powerful aerial forces.

Now, however, the Peaceful Rain Corporation had not only built up an immense navy all around their Region-like City, but they’ve even had an insane plethora of carriers that were twice the size of the Admiral’s medium sized ship amongst their navy moving towards the shores of the Iron Will Region, carrying a multitude of helicopters that could even go back and forth from the Iron Will Region’s Capital city of Fearless Progress City to the center of the Nascent Herb City t the Peaceful Rain Corporation Headquarters a couple times before running out of fuel; and that is with the possibility of carrying almost 50 people of heavy weight.

Though those movements would be carried over for the next several days, it was an already known fact that the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s offerings of ‘rescuing’ even villagers and poor people to beggars, the free ride of joining the Nascent Herb City or the neighboring Regions for their safety.

And that it was even then, furthermore increase in their pace as more and more warships began appearing surrounding the territorial waters of the Iron Will Region, rendering even the villagers with large boats and even some with ownership of fishing ships to turn back home and either prepare to go into the Cities around or readying up for changing locations; temporarily of course.

Even if both parties, the people living outside the Cities in the Iron Will Region and the Peaceful Rain Corporation, wanted to have the former live in the latter’s territory, it couldn’t be done so brainlessly. It was only a good thing that the Iron Will Region didn’t stop them at any given moment, which was to be expected, as it was no longer a feudal rule that occupied New Earth’s mindset.

While all of that was happening and would happen, however, what the people didn’t know was of how the Jones Clan, Flick Clan, Fosk Clan and Tarn Clan signed treaties with them in order to have those people come out of those free and open villages and be sent into safe zones to avoid any kind of future criminal casualties in the war to come.

But at the same time that such treaties were being formulated under the table and only the soldiers of each side were in the known of it, being strictly reminded of the punishment for the divulgation of such news; it also served as a confirmation of both ‘parties’ no longer having talks about calming down and taking a step back at the same time.

It was a rather tense, quiet and easily irksome matter that had befallen upon all of New Earth’s leading figures, and the very highest leaders of both sides that should be totally focused on this…was only appropriately handled like so by the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan, as a certain someone with that very same surname had made a trip to the Free Living Region’s capital, to the Crescent Soul City.


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