Bow and Arrow

Chapter 674: Chapter 672 — Brotherhood

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In the images, there was a huge wolf, so huge that it could be even almost half as long as a Capital City on New Earth, as for its width, it was much more than the length from a brand new Peaceful Rain Corporation small-sized warship that was seen on ads and moving among the newly formed rivers moving in formation towards the rest of their human civilization since 2 days ago.

However, it was with its belly facing the sky, and its head and neck were mostly visible from their lower sides as it was seemingly pushed backwards and even deep into the earth by something, that was either not visible to them, was actually invisible or was even simpler - without any form nor shape; like a force of nature!

Yet, just as many watched that big, huge, gigantic and cute wolf with too many bloody wounds to count on his dark-silver fur, all around. The camera angle they saw elevated itself a little, and with it changing from where it was stationed which was only thought to be the grass or a tree, a new image was seen.

From the sky, in the middle of the air and possibly a few hundred meters above the ground, two figures could be seen clashing to one another. One, the one which was at the top of the sky was obviously a human, judging by the still zooming in features that the camera angle was granting them. While the second, was but a smaller wolf figure that shined a bright silver glow and colors.

As they watched the angle zoom in, the last bits of the huge wolf that could be seen before the camera angle zoomed in even more were witnessed…slowly disappearing, as if that was either just an image left behind, or a ‘body’ left behind instead. Oh, so many people began wondering and wondering, their heads working hard and multitasking while still trying to figure out if this was a movie ad or real; the images from the previous not even half an hour long stream were more than real after all.

Just then, however, as they were watching the figures, most barely noticed that they were ‘stuck’ in the air while the camera angle was still zooming in, now realizing that it was as if ‘in pause’ on the video while the zooming in was being done. Now thinking, more than ever, that it was indeed a video of a movie as an ad or propaganda for the Peaceful Rain Corporation; rather corny. People began to watch with much less intensity, when they suddenly saw their whole world blackout as their ears banged strenuously bad and a huge pillar of several different colors—but mostly obscured by some kind of mass energy—rose from the northwest direction of their human civilization.


“AAH!” - “YAAAA YiYAAAAAAAAJAAA~!!” - “Fuck! I can’t hear, can’t hear can her an heer an heer, AAAAAH!!” - “Fuck, motherfucker, aah! Help mom, ahh!” - “Shit, shit shit! Shit! Honey, babies, are you okay? AAAAaH, I can’t hear myself! I think! Honey?!” - “Moooooooom! I can’t see, aaaah! AAAAAAHH!! I can’t hear ah, whatwhatwhat!!!!”

In just an instant, a severely large part of the population of all of New Earth around the no man's territory between the Free Living Region and the Iron Will Region, became either deaf or both; deaf and blind all at the same time. With not even those who were the farthest away like the Cloud Gates Region or the Venerable Will Region getting affected as soon as those in the Free Living Region, Variety of Life Region, Soundless Vision Region, Iron Will Region and the Nascent Herb City—which were the closest—got affected as well.

But if anything, the good thing from that is that even those Regions closer to the origin of the event were affected as much as those that were the farthest away, with no doubt, 99.9% of their population becoming affected in either way. To which the safeties in the traffic and roads were mostly secured by the Jones Clan’s along with the cooperation with the Peaceful Rain Corporation and their new tweaks upon such devices and systems.

But it only lasted for no more than 3 minutes, and by the time that exactly 181 seconds went by with people and living beings from all New Earth becoming panicked to a life where they could only live on as such, their sight and hearing returned; rather softly, as they all seemingly became possessed and looked after the screen in which they were just now watching said stream.

On the stream, the screen seemingly took a pause for the better of everyone’s sake so as to not miss it. But just as many were feeling rather great that even the owner of such a ‘hack’ of a stream was or were also affected, they recognized the human figure on the screen.

“It’s Yun Beishang!!” - “Oh my god, hello guys, miss me? Are you seeing this? Oh my god, so crazy!” - “Daddy, Mommy, it’s your new boss, look! He was there? The explosion and the boom and, and…” - “Baby girl, you were crying just now, how come you’re-” - “Weeeeee, my Daddy and Mommy have  a powerful boss!”

Then, just as everyone got a good look at both figures, also recognizing the smaller wolf of a rather still of a large size for even the wolves of New Earth but nothing in comparison to the huge, gigantic wolf from before. The video continued the play on and allowed everyone to see what was about to be recognized as… the real change for the era of New Earth as a whole!!

The bright-silver wolf, who seemed stronger than ever, faced Yun Beishang, who was somehow flying with his surroundings blurry but with both his hands seemingly wearing some armor. He had possibly worn something casual before as there were some attachments to his back and around his shoulders of what seemed to either be a thick long-sleeved shirt or a hoodie.

While his ‘armor’ was nice and neat, his hands were the most obvious and terrifyingly good looking part of this ‘cosplay’, as Yun Beishang’ claws were aimed at the incoming bright-silver furred wolf’s head that was still larger than himself by at least a few inches in terms of height or length.

Both hands had claws that seemed realistic, giving everyone a loose breath when watching them while concentrating their sight on such, and the way his hair and face looked were a new thing for everyone else. Since ‘Tongqiu’ always wore a mask, and his equipment was always an incredible set since the release of the first update of the whole lifespan of Rising Essence.

Right now, as he looked so ferocious but at ease, it showed the charm of a hardworking man that new what he was doing and that was either complicated as fuck or incredibly tiring, but that was not being overrun by such notions in the slightest. Meanwhile, the fact that he was facing such an already big enough wolf to make the rest from New Earth pee themselves to death right after seemingly having done with its previous bigger version didn’t help to ease or clarify the questions, doubts and confusion in the viewers’ point of view.

But even then, there wasn’t going to be such a thing, as the video played itself back again, everyone could see as Yun Beishang and the bright-silver wolf were just so close to clashing against each other. And with the video slowly gaining more and more speed, barely beginning to retake its normal speed, the people watching it similarly became more and more engrossed.

Their faces getting closer and closer to their screens, their eyes shrinking altogether as they witnessed those claws that were about to bury into the flesh and skull of the bright-silver wolf, suddenly forming a fist with a speed that despite the still awfully slowed down time speed of the video, nobody could see through, not even certain some other ‘kind’ of people that hid their very own unique capabilities from even their closest kin; could discern, at all!

With those claws changing from their stance of ripping apart and killing the bright-silver wolf to punch at its head, at its face; the bright-silver wolf gave out his most potent ferocious face as its fangs and whole inside mouth was visible for the camera angle that had by now elevated up in the air who knows how many levels and accompanied the pair of godly fighters like it was nothing.


A sound that made their ears feel like breaking once again reached their minds as soon as the video showed the actually pacified eyes of the bright-silver wolf and its direct snout coming over to clash with Yun Beishang’s armored fists like they were made of tofu. Everyone watching immediately covered their ears but kept on watching, and it was then that it showed.

With their clash forming bursts and bursts of air exploding to all angles in a circular fashion with their point of contact as the epicenter of it, the clouds, grass, dirt and even space itself seemed to be pushed away, whereas the bodies of the two godly fighters showed an ever so mesmerizing sight with their bodies slowly being covered by a pitch-black dark-like abyss.

As soon as their bodies disappeared into that strange, but extreme, color; everyone felt a sudden impediment of danger but they could only see it as all they could manage to do before their bodies could act in response… Was to blink.


And with their blink having gone away and their eyelids up into their safe space to let their retinas watch the screen right in front of their eyes occasioned by terror itself, the next images that their eyes received was that of a pair of barely outlined bodies within a huge black pool of starry purple, silvery, dark-silver, bright-silver, verdant gloom, gray-metallic and purest of whites form a pillar that elevated itself for what could very well be 2,000 kilometers into the sky at the very last.

That was when a deafening sound which could very well get every watcher rid of their ears, eyes, sense of smell and touch - was suddenly, but thankfully, cut off before it could reach that level. It was then that those who were affected by it, which was virtually every single human being, that they understood, these were the moments were those minutes of ‘silence and blindness’ was but the moment these two godly fighters were having this face off.

The faces of the viewers, however, were still stupid and not processed such for the majority of them all, as they witnessed the ‘stand off’ of confronting each other between the two godly fighters. Yun Beishang’s outlined figure among the several different colors was pushing down, down and down the snout of the bright-silver wolf’s outlined figure.

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Yun Beishang’s figure punched, punched and did nothing more but to punch down at its face, snout, head and ears; also intermittently hitting the sides of its mouth which made the bright-silver wolf’s figure dance around with its figure and Yun Beishang’s blinking in and out of clear view of their outlined figures to the outside world; to the camera around that somehow remained still even amidst such impossible happenings simply occurring.

Attacking as well, the bright-silver figure bumped its forehead against Yun Beishang’s chest, stomach and ribs, but always failing to do so whenever it aimed at Yun Beishang’s figure - sternum, solar plexus and face. Instead, each time it did and failed, Yun Beishang would grab it by its nose with his grab making a lot of blood spill from just grabbing alone, before barraging it with punches all over its head.

It was only after a few seconds of such impregnable images into their heads that the viewers realized what the two godly fighters were doing, but most importantly at what time. While they became overly aroused in all sorts of emotions, remembering in multitasking yet again of the times they. Did. indeed. Became. Truly. Affected.

Deaf or both deaf and blind! Billions of people could testify to becoming just like so for a couple minutes, and there was no way for anyone to know exactly how much time happened at those moments right away because there was not a single preparation for it at all. It was to the poit that even those with timers activated for whatever reason even lost the notion of looking at it again after regaining their vision and hearing or their hearing alone.

Right now, just as they became impossibly exalted for the tomorrow to come, the images on their screens changed!

A pair of wings appeared, being taken into the eyes of every person watching, with shared screens or together with one another physically or sadly alone. They watched as they felt the other skin’s goosebumps and their tightening hands to one another becoming stronger, but more resistant as well, with even some coldness slipping into their eyes as they witnessed the screen.

Yun Beishang’s figure suddenly had a total of 4 wings, from which 2 and 2 were identical, some were larger and encompassed over the smaller ones that were much wider than the larger ones, while the bright-silver wolf began to get a hell of a beating with Yun Beishang’s figure disappearing from sight even when the blink was supposed to show both of them; only showing the silver-bright wolf’s outlined figure instead.

But the next blink where they both would appear, Yun Beishang’s figure would be in pose of reposing while the silver-bright wolf would be thrown to the side with a sorry figure. And then, the next one, it was the bright-silver wolf that disappeared before the camera angle suddenly turned down, where wolf and human were fighting at each other, bumping into each other and creating havoc!

Before, it was obviously impossible to witness it as the camera angle was deeply focused and zoomed into the two godly fighters in the air. But now that the camera angle suddenly went down, the zoom also went backwards for what was seemingly a tiny bit, but that alone was enough to allow them to see a pair of striking figures streaming down the pillar of several different colors and of smooth edges.

Those 2,000 kilometers or longer were rapidly traverse by the two, but that wasn’t the thing to consider as, instead, it was the fact that with each movement of their bodies, they were turning the air into instantaneous hurricanes which could make even a City of Region become partially wasted with just one of those.

Yet, a single tug from their limbs allowed them to create tens of them that flew about outside the pillar of several different energies. Meanwhile, each hit, bump, slam, fist, kick and headbutt that connected made the entire space around them quake; strange birds or flying ‘somethings’ began fluttering in the air as if they were just totally immobile.

Such images gave everyone a terror from deep within their hearts, everyone has had read at least once, watched or be told about what the disruption of space could look like, but whatever that was the case and whether or not this could be claimed as an ad in the future despite its strong realism over all of New Earth and not just the human civilization on New Earth. This day’s events and images were bound to be what the humanity of this world needed to strive for the future that they all set their eyes off course from.

“They’re-heeep!” - “They’re about to crash!!” - “Oh my god, did this all happen, what the fuck??” - “What could it be of them right now? I can’t wait…” - “Mommy, is your boss gonna be alright?” - “Of course, sweetheart…He is your Daddy and Mommy’s boss a-a-after all…” - “Honey, err, honey? Honey!” - “Eh, eh, what? What?” - “Honey, do you still love me?”

As everyone watched, as everyone thought; Yun Beishang and Sylerius swiftly came down to finally meet the earth back again. But just as everyone was going to possibly see a most scary global earthquake, only a few individuals remembered very well that there wasn’t any tremor besides the absurd light absorbing act and deafening sound from the pillar of several different energies.

While the sounds was still muted, they could still perceive how it would sound…as they all saw the earth below the two rapidly falling figures still fighting on to each other like crazy begin to concentrate in one sole spot, while making the whole surroundings turn vacant of any life, be it flora or fauna with fauna probably having run amok during the silent and blindness new era’s phenomenon and gone for kilometers away.

The earth was as if it had grown life on its own, beginning to use even trees and bushes all around it and its dead or alive insects along with them to form a sort of platform, one that everyone thought the pair of godly fighters would fight on. But then, the whole ‘platform’ was crushed with just the mere, slightest approach, not even touch, of Yun Beishang and the bright-silver wolf.

As they continued to go down all the same, they disappeared from view with all the debris from the even more enhanced platform in the air that amount to about only a hundred meters tall, but from which it took all of the earth and surrounding from several tens of kilometers and with a depth limit of what could seem to be 300 m to 400 m deep.

Yet, all of that being transformed into a platform of merely 100 or so meters tall and just a dozen or so meters wide that was supposed to be the most tough, durable and resistant material of them all; was clearly insufficient to stop their power and falling figures from pulverizing it and sending its debris about flying to everywhere!

The camera angle became zoomed out even more at an instant, as if the previous zoom in was a clear move that the angle made on purpose before. But just as the viewers were feeling played with, they saw the whole platform suddenly slow down what could very well be the godly fighters falling onto the earth.

…Suddenly, the platform that was now only left with 2/8 of its whole, crude but majestic body image and that has stopped the fall of Yun Beishang and the bright-silver wolf imploded! Such a sound could be so damn deafening, which might be the reason the video was still muted. And as they saw the whoooole thing explode from the inside, all they saw right after was a silvery figure flying off from the center of what was previously that enhanced ‘platform’ of earth or so.

As everyone saw it; orange, starry purple, a powerful violet, gray-platinum and bright-metallic, gray-metallic and pitch-black dark-like abyss, verdant gloom, red, blue, green, yellowish-gray, violet with a blinding white, a pure light and a bottomless and consuming darkness. It all flashed before from where the platform was still standing just a few seconds ago.

At the same time, Yun Beishang’s figure that was just about to reappear on the screen suddenly became engulfed by the brilliance of all those other colors, glowing and becoming like suns as they gave off their very own light as if taking life itself as their own. Then, making them combine, the bright-silver wolf that stopped in midair after possibly being kicked out turned its body to face Yun Beishang once more and, with a ‘last’ slow howl while Yun Beishang gathered so much ‘power’ in the eyes of the viewers - burst forward as he dashed towards Yun Beishang by tapping its paws ruthlessly at the air!

In a mere instant, all the viewers could see was a path of puffing smoke being created where the bright-silver wolf seemed to be about to walk a path on, whereas his image completely disappeared, leaving the viewers only with the sight of those colors around him or in front of him—since they couldn’t know—to ‘move’ altogether.

And with all of the colorful ‘suns’ moving, their living light also changed positions as if being moved by an editor working on an image of clip, directly, as the eyes from the viewers were amazed to almost become and turn into retards; temporarily. ‘Yun Beishang’ swung either his foot, kick or even head for all they knew; at the bright-silver wolf.


At last, the sound returned without the viewers knowing that 3 minutes had gone by faster than they could ever even imagine.



V7: #3 2/10.

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