Bow and Arrow

Chapter 676: Chapter 674 — ‘Beauty…’

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Seeing the hundreds of motors that should've stopped working by now since they would no longer be powered enough by their already wasted energy and would the use their last bit to simply annihilate Yun Beishang and whatever that could follow him into oblivion that was beside him, which looked too powerful to be left alive, both the Yuns and the citizens of the human civilization looked on with complete awe!

“Have I…what? Been so soft lately?” Yun Beishang’s words echoed through the camera, as if he was talking to someone, or to some. His posture instantly calmed down, amidst the still wholeheartedly admiring, worshiping, respectful and awed gazes from the viewers and, adopting a casual and ‘easy going’ stance with his hands to his thighs and forearms at his waist, he lifted his left hand to the front of his right chest and closed tilted his head to the left.


The warhead in his left hand suddenly cracked, his fingers doing the damage as Yun Beishang then slowly triturated it and made a complete mess of metallic materials and with some greenish, yellowish and whitish fog coming off from the connection between the warhead and the rest of the missile’s body.

With the thing getting crushed, it was naturally going to react, not because they work this way, which would still probably go off all the same with Yun Beishang’s most stupid raw strength to actually be capable of crushing such material when the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan’s semi-energy cannot do anything to them, not even with the collision of it with another such missile weapon.

Yet, just as the warhead was going to surely go off and the rest of the missile weapons showed to have some kind of blurry, distorted ‘effect’ all around them with their bodies slightly getting crushed but with their whole warheads being completely crushed in the very same way that Yun Beishang did to the one in his left hand.

With his left hand about to meet skin to skin between his thumb and his other 4 fingers, the warhead in Yun Beishang’s left hand finally went off, expelling an overly bright but slightly powerful and even slightly terrifyingly aweing to look at - white and blue glow that seemed to be pure energy was detected by Yun Beishang to not be so.

There was more white than blue in that glow, and it somehow did give the viewers a sensation like it could take down buildings and fortresses alike in just a few seconds, taking life away like it was rain wetting dirt and dust on the ground and floor. And as soon as it was seen, it was just for a moment as it all suddenly turned into a brownish-green that would elevate and then form up into the sky to become the ugly cloud’s food and grow fatter.


But, as soon as it tried to ‘expand’ itself, the one in Yun Beishang’s hand did went off and reached quite a few dozens of missile weapons, ‘activating’ their warheads with that very same explosion of each of them to one another and then began making a chain reaction all around Yun Beishang, his body simply being covered fully by it all as the brownish-green explosions suddenly…stopped moving even in the slightest!

With the explosions that were being ‘activated’ one after another, after growing and reaching up to 1 or 2 each, making the hundreds of missile weapons all ‘activate’ in a matter of less than even half a minute from how awfully destructible and overly expansive such monstrosities were. Each time they managed to do so, they would then seemingly be ‘caught in’ space and time, not being able to ‘move’ at all anymore.

Yet, not all of the missile weapons around Yun Beishang were that close to one another, and each had to go from 100 m to hundreds of meters long into any different angle in order to reach out to another missile weapon. With that, a huge small cloud was formed right below the ugly cloud, where rain wasn’t existent, but the electric brownish-green snakes were seen by the lots every second.

With tens of kilometers being covered from the air to on the ground by the explosions, all of them encompassing Yun Beishang in a matter that he should not be able to still be alive at all, the obvious change in the explosions was naturally the reason everyone still believed in him, or in him being alive; even Yun Lao and his entourage inside the meeting room.

After failing miserably to seemingly do any damage to Yun Beishang, nobody else but the ‘Founding’ Clans against him could very well know of what he was capable of. Only; that they didn’t know, until now, that he could even do what they were about to be exposed to furthermore more.

Blub blub-blub-blub. Blub blub-blub-blub…

Like a systematic prompt for whenever something was triggered, the explosions began to regress and make ‘their way’ back to where they came off from, getting back to the place where they began their explosion along with such a sound being emitted from each explosion beginning to do so.

With the explosions going back into the smaller and smaller versions of themselves, in which the smaller they went, the more it was possible to see once again that ‘force’ which was just now crushing the warheads all around Yun Beishang. With the missile weapons’ bodies having been totally disintegrated to say the least, they obviously could not go back to the also completely gone warheads.

But just as everyone was doubting what it could be that those now smallish explosions were ‘going back’ to, everyone finally saw each and each of them as they happened and were supposed to add up even more to the terrifying and ugly cloud, that they became smallish balls of blue and white, with blue being more circular and surrounding a much more in quantity - white.

And, naturally, with the regression of such explosive monsters; Yun Beishang’s body could be seen yet again after a spectacular set of images. He appeared once again, his clothes untouched and perfectly fine, with even his hair not having been moved by the waves from all those explosions from before.

His left hand open and his palm skywards, Yun Beishang showed everyone even more closely the little ball of possibly energy or mere set of different sources, that was supposed to be vehement and uncaring to any orders of either intelligent beings or nature; and with its whole purpose being that of creating havoc and suffering, suddenly become peaceful and tranquil.

“How crude of you, these little things, small but stingy, ah?” Yun Beishang said while looking down at his left palm in front of his right shoulder, a huge grin was on his face as he looked at the camera once again. “HEHEHE, what am I gonna do with you?”

Plash, plash plash plash plash plash plash plash plash plash plash plash plash…!!

Yun Beishang broke the little blue and white ball in his hand, turning it into splashed misty energy that traveled from closed left hand to the air and dissipated rather quickly. In the same way, the other smallish blue and white balls became obsolete by being crushed by the force around them, all of them surrounding Yun Beishang and causing a tiny bit of that misty energy to dissipate in the air.


“Ah!” Suddenly, from all around the human civilization of New Earth, the streaming was closed and their foolish faces were all they could see from the side of those watching with rapt attention. Getting blocked from this situation, in this way and after so much has happened, the slowly and slightly citizens of New Earth that began feeling better turned downcast right away once again.

“Look outside, look outside, no more raining! No more lightning, look goddammit!” But amidst the eerie silence where the only ones glad were the employees and employers among the tall and ‘mighty’ buildings where people still kept on delivering the Perfected version of the All-Mending Misery, people began shouting to come outside…

And just like before with the citizens hesitating to come out to their doom once again, slowly, more and more people followed the masses as what they saw was not a sun in the middle of the night, nor a clear and beautiful sky. But the beauty of a cocktail of such mesmerizing colors that could never be described appearing like the cosmos as they slowly tugged at and embraced the ugly, corroding and extremely heinous ugly cloud that was also raining upon their hearts as they remembered the history of their human civilization…

So far in the distance, whereas the ugly cloud formed by the greediness and uncaring from the human race had ascended several tens of kilometers into the sky, and even higher than a hundred kilometers already but nothing like what the previous pillar of differently colored mass energy had reached at all; was being slowly reached out by ‘limbs’ of those very same colors.

Without having any solid shape nor substance, they appeared like cones that were way too fat and overly extended, becoming like a fat and circular rectangle that had one of its shorter sides become a triangle, giving it an extra face and slowly building up higher and higher. Those limbs, of the colors that have become rather notorious lately, especially with Yun Beishang’s conquering of the Origin Pertaining Region.

Ever since then, such colors were already taken to be the banner of The Order, if that was even possible. Which led to some people finally realizing of this oh so obvious resemblance. But, however; they were, and for the moment, way too engrossed in the sight of so far in the distance that was capable of actually shining upon their faces to elaborate on that.

An impossibly to avoid Darkness limb came from below and swiftly covered over the side of the abominable cloud that was facing the southern eastern side, giving most people at the east and south the sight of a tender mother, sister or daughter covering their heads from terror and safely keeping themselves away from danger.

Meanwhile, some blinding white and flashing violet seemed to be drilling at the abominable cloud from below, contrary to what most ‘planetary invasion’ movies and even TV shows would show nowadays, with the bad guys always using a drill to attack and from above to below; nothing like what Yun Beishang was doing…

'…That’s right! Yun Beishang!'. With everyone watching the colors encompass and directly seem to attack the abominable cloud, one that they would have to fight off for decades to come until it could be studied to an acceptable level in order to fight it and give themselves the piece of relief for their children to not be born with abnormalities thanks to the insane alteration of…just about anything thanks to that damned cloud; they became instantly thankful and gratified the young man who was to be the one doing the good after the bad did the bad!

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Even if their thinking was flawed, even if they themselves felt that there was much more to expect in order to ‘worship’ a new Corporation and a new person who was supposed to be Humanity’s Leader, they would still choose to do just that if they were given a chance in the future to go back and change things in case they went way too wrong.

Right now, all they wanted was to express their gratitude towards this incredible young man! With their hearts being comforted as their hands came up to chests in different forms for anybody, some making fists, clasping them together or simply placing their palms atop their chest as if in both: relief and respect for what Yun Beishang was doing for them.

Meanwhile, the colors encompassing the abominable cloud were more and more, as an orange one even began to grab at 2 points that were at the extreme reach of the abominable cloud to one another. And as if taking a hold of both its arms and legs, the orange color began to direct the abominable cloud right to where the quickly flooding up brand new river between the Free Living Region and the Iron Will Region was flowing.

A blue color that seemed just perfect to be described as water taking life upon itself and being a god of the sea of sorts; began to ‘pave the way’ for the abominable cloud while moving towards where the real, actual water was at, splashing and mimicking waves as if it could make the cloud move closer and faster.

Meanwhile, a fiery red color bombarded over and over again at the abominable cloud from at its ‘legs’, that was done for a long period of time of 20 times every 5 seconds or so, before moving itself at its back and seemingly begin incinerating part of the abominable cloud’s legs. A pure light kind of color encompassed the whole abominable cloud and never let its whole body come out of its encirclement.

It was as if it was trying to keep the abominable cloud away from causing havoc to its fellow colors, while on the other hand, the abominable cloud itself didn’t even had any sort of intelligence, relying purely in the way its composition can and had to act as if per law or forced upon itself by none other than nature itself.

The rest of the colors, earthy-dark green, yellowish-gray, gray-metallic, starry purple, powerful violet, purest of whites and gray-platinum bright metallic colors all took their very own part in driving away and seemingly consuming or taxating the abominable cloud. However, the speed that it went at was much more than what it looked from far away.

Before long, the abominable cloud was driven all the way from the middle of the no man’s territory between several different borders to the brand new river created a bit far away. But that far away was not any less than almost 100,000 kilometers. That alone would take quite a bit of time for a normal person to walk through, indeed.

The last bits, visages of images that the people could see from afar before the colors disappeared into the water along with the abominable cloud helpless being dragged around into the deep river. Without even making a single splash, as if swallowed by the world, nor tremors as if shocking the earth; all the citizens of New Earth’s non-processing hearts and minds could was to go back home and sleep in their family warmth or suck it up all alone.

The event was done, they could do nothing more but to rest up and expect a new change tomorrow, too much activity, shock and confusion in this very night would cause everyone to become rather welcoming of the always annoying sun at their waking up in the morning, and get up with the realization that their whole world, after so much time…was once again about to change.

With, perhaps, only one word being exchanged in common among all citizens of New Earth. “How beautiful…”

. . .


In between the borders of the Iron Will Region and the Free Living Region, as the river flowing with complete potable water flowed through harshly and at great speeds.


“Aaah, dammit.” Yun Beishang was with his torso naked and his whole body soaked, his bum and legs all tiredly sprawled on the ground with his elbows and forearms supporting his frail body that spasmed with every breathing that he made. His lips were mostly broken, and his forehead could be seen with many scorching injuries as if scars made out of lightning, glowing a brownish-green that made one’s hairs stand on their end and about to fall out entirely.

The lower sections of his neck also had the very same kind of injuries, and his upper chest had the very same kind of injuries. However, they were clearly healing up already, and they also had an insanely fast regeneration at that. It wasn’t quite there yet comparable to when he ‘injected’ himself from all of his remaining Godly All-Mending Misery box that had been accompanying him for quite some time already, but it was close; almost there.

“I know you would be fine, but I left you almost dying, look at what you’ve made me do, ah.” Yun Beishang complained out loud, at that moment, a young man with his furred-clothes, appearing like a barbarian, appeared and looked totally speechless at the ‘weaker’ human who just beat shit his ass off like it was a nice stroll and without much of a reaction.

As Yun Beishang spoke so casually and without much care to Sylerius, a few figures from a small group of people appeared before Yun Beishang, who was still almost fully naked, and he was then ogled upon like he was a piece of meat and they were the big bad wolves.

“Well, have you had enough staring? Ey, Little Sister-less big brother, are you appeased now?” Yun Beishang exclaimed at the big bad wolves in front of him who then became his sweet little kittens before once again talking to Sylerius, who sat with his back facing Yun Beishang. Sylerius had his whole back almost left untouched, but his face, all around his head, neck and chest were brutally beaten to a darkish purple and with liters of blood coming out from time to time…

“I never intended to kill…well, unless it was that you were actually weak, you dared to profane and make yours my sweet Little Sister, the princess of the Eternal Silve-”

“Don’t care, and she is not your ‘sweet Little Sister’, she is my sweet little wife, and my little wolf cub.” Yun Beishang interrupted the brotherly wolf, and just as he did, both wolves heard a tiny wolf launch herself through the air at the Big Brother Wolfy while growling and…purring towards him. “Grrryrrouryrrrr~~!”


“Mmmmn- mwah mwah mwah mwaaaah????~!!” Zyv began kissing Yun Beishang’s face like there was no tomorrow, with the latter only being able to accept it and not able to do anything to stop her, it felt nice anyway. Meanwhile, Sylerius heard all of that and then sighed out lamentably at the loss of his little sister…those things really hurt to be honest. “Sigh…”

“Mn, mn. Okay, I get it, is my Zyv really, really happy?” Yun Beishang nodded and hummed with his throat, giving Zyv little shivers on her neck with her lips on the left side of her skin, to which she then nodded strongly several times before pouting, puckering out her wonderful creamy rosy lips and saying with her sobby voice. “MN! I knew my Big Brother could do it, wuuhuuu, wooo…Big Brother Wolfy, l-love you, hmk…”

“Mm, it’s alright, it’s alright.” Yun Beishang closed his eyes and made the tiny little wolf cub of his, sobbing, send her neck to his left shoulder and her chin to rest atop of it. With her eyes closed and crying like a stupid cry with care, Zyv then opened her mouth after opening her eyes to her blood-related brother and said, “You can stay as long as you want, Brother, just make sure to integrate your new family into ours, okay?”

“Eeh!” Flinching at his Little Sister’s incredible abilities, as always, Sylerius let loose soon after hearing her accept his visit that nicely despite the shit he mounted as drama and all. After letting out yet another sigh, he said with all the care in his world and with incredible, strong emotions towards both Zyv and Yun Beishang respectively.

“Nothing less to be expected from the Et-from my Little Sister’s perfect, flawless and monstrously powerful being since birth. And to think that I would be put down without even getting to get a try at those ‘Essential Armament’ Lord Fallen asked me to force you, Lord Yun Beishang, draw out - to at least try to kill me. Heh heh, I guess I’m not that good after all.”

“At least, I could see my Little Sister become a God with just herself being willing to become like so, sigh~, so proud of you Little Bratty.”



Let It Rain's Note: Quite longer than expected...even for me, yes. But this will set all things in motion ^,...,^.

V7: #3 4/10.

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