Bow and Arrow

Chapter 684: Chapter 682 — Tri-Yuns, Triple The Cute!

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Tri-Yuns, Triple The Cute!




"Uh, ugh...!" Yun Lao stood up in a rush, his body uncomfortable from the sensation of seeing all his people hopelessly and weirdly dying just by grabbing this thing, which obviously didn't target him for some reason. Hearing Yun Beishang's words, he became enraged indeed but he was of course not going to show it in public, his image would be then lower than Yun Beishang's and that's something he could not afford!

Right away, taking a hold of the paper that fell on his head and to the back of it as well, Yun Lao began reading of how the reason why his men and women died, and the sensation of them dying went from 'weirdly' to stupidly dying. Right away once more, he became enraged as he lashed out righteously, "Only those that this system's contract is directed to can hold it?! And only those that are not trying to steal it or grab it intentionally when it was not meant for them?! HAHAHA!! Good, Yun Beishang, good~!! You can only do this to win over me, huh?!!"

"..." Yun Beishang didn't even roll his eyes, it was too much movement and even breathing air in his lungs would be wasted due to it for this rare specimen that was Yun Lao. The latter then began re-reading once he saw that he 'won' the 'initial confrontation', and with an attitude of taking his time, he then read out loud on purpose; on a very, very bad purpose.

"Haha haha! Yun Beishang!” Yun Lao began, his voice loud as hell and his tone condescending, disapproving and also somewhat from…expectations being met. “You will let go of the previous limitation of MY army, allowing me to strike you back with all I’ve got just so  that you could have those who do not wish to fight, those NPCs return safe and sound without any intervention nor unknown mess of a trouble back to their homes along with their whole belonging, family and with us even paying them 10,000 gold coins each?”

“...” Yun Beishang said nothing, his eyes were the ugliest to look at in Yun Lao’s eyes at these very moments, while the former’s tilt of his head to the left made the latter have twitches on his eyebrows and left corner of his lower lip. “And in exchange, besides the fact that I can do whatever I want with my men and women and exterminate your whole so-called ‘Inhabitant’ army, you will also still not use those demoniacal bombers? Hahahahaha! I don’t know…”

“Maybe I should refuse this, I don’t know, um… It seems like you just want to lose, oh well, you know what? I’ll take it, yeah, I’ll do it for y-” Yun Lao was in the middle of gloating and relishing in this new opportunity that, as soon as he saw it, he knew they needed it and that he will be taking it! When Yun Beishang suddenly cut him off at once and without even trying at all.

“I have no time, sign it or not; already.” Yun Beishang simply said, his demeanor scaring Yun Lao, sure, but only for a moment as the latter recomposed himself after a bit and then began taking another read on it, as if it was something he had grown addicted to before finally beginning to sign it.

“There you go, now-” Yun Lao had a decent smile on his face, one that instantly killed the pussies of many sluts, skanks and free use whores that didn’t care about the kind of immense, troublesome and just disgusting shit he and his whole family were on about and since who knew how long at that…

…When Yun Beishang suddenly disappeared as soon as the paper in Yun Lao’s hands was signed, he didn’t see it but everyone else did, and Yun Beishang didn’t even glance at the paper in Yun Lao’s hands, which was an ultimatum-like system’s contract! A system contract was invaluable, impossible to trick and it was even capable of knowing of the matters outside the game as long as they had something to do with the system’s contract.

Oh damn! The amount of in-game marriages that broke off the hour next to when they went offline and stuff, the amount of scammers, cheaters and disgusting criminals that were caught on not believing such shit even after it is close to 3 years since the release of Rising Essence. Holy damnable shitsmelling fuck!

And even more so was the face that Yun Beishang had, like one where he found out that the CEO of the Crestfallen Industry left the planet one day while they were asleep or bathing and so on, be it child or adult, they were all shocked and saddened. His face was the same, but instead of saddened, it had simply an impossibly joyous surprise and that of being taken aback- kind of sensation.

With Yun Beishang gone, Yun Lao couldn’t even see the pair of interviewer and camerawoman anymore as they were also long gone, no shit they would stay and be threatened silently by these monsters. Now, as he was all alone, he even felt worse than being killed to the point of being forced out of the game by the system…so much that he only returned back to his nearby fortress once another batch of his men and women came to his rescue.



New Earth, Peaceful Rain Corporation, Chief Yun Beishang’s bedroom. At around 1 PM.


“AAAAAAH, goddammit, not even studying the void is this painful- AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!”

“Gyaaaaaaah~! Fuwfu, phew phew phew, more? Ah, okay HYAAAAAAAHHH~!!!”

“Gwaaaaaaaaaah, aaaaah- hah, haff haff haff… Huff~!”

Yovilnnia, Tamara and Crystal were going hard at it while the doctors and assisting nurses were having the hardest time of their lives as they were experiencing what was, at last, the delivery of three strongest, most incredible and even magical women in the entire world give birth to their just as well incredible and magical babies.

From the words that they heard about their seniors when they were selected as the nurse to help Madam Naty, Little Miss Yun Rang and the other senior doctor in charge of helping the new Leader of humanity of New Earth‘s women to deliver. One of them being the youngest at 18 years old, she was the strongest of them as she even had to be told to keep going whenever she got a bit slow due to boredom of doing the same over and over again but always caring for her baby’s safety.

Meanwhile, Tamara, being older, being just 10 years older than Crystal, she was having lots of troubles just like a normal person giving birth to their own fucking child would fucking feel. But she was, still, a completely new experience and sight for the nurses and doctors aiding in the case, she was even attended by the tiny doctor that is Yun Ran which had even more nurses around in order to move faster and flawlessly at her orders and to aid her. She was small and not that strong at all times, because of her low stamina and energy in her small body that is still ‘ordinary’ compared to a God’s.

Meanwhile, Yovilnnia was the most pitiful one, as she had her body not be that strong on its own, and her whole attention has been focused on research, experimentation and building teleportation gateways with and along Yun Beishang here and there all over the entire 4 Regions under The Order, she was now regretting that she didn’t put enough work on herself.

With her thoughts being that of ‘I gotta be stronger…so that I won’t suffer this much in the future when making many, many children with my hubby!’, she constantly looked at Yun Beishang with her big, deep black eyes, some extreme tenderness showing in them as Yun Beishang returned her gaze with his own and with his right hand’s fingers being gripper a few more levels of tight.

While Crystal had her left hand grab harshly at Yun Beishang’s left handed fingers with Tamara taking his right forearm with her righ hand; Yun Beishang was the beacon, sense of support and tormenting dummy of these beauties, whose whole day was about to be about giving birth to a healthy, or a few: adorable, big and most wonderful baby for him and for their big, big family.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!” - “Phew, phew, okaaay- guhaa, mooore!” - “Eeeeeeeh! Huff, huiff~~~! So tired, ah, GYHYAAAAAAAAAHHH!!” “...”

………Time passed and, at last, when it was already past 6 PM by just a few seconds, a few starling but overly attracting cries emanated from within Yun Beishang’s bedroom, whose healthiness and air wouldn’t allow there to be a first if it was declared to be the second most clean and pure of spaces in the entire word; especially thanks to his Pure’s Essence.

Entering the room, Yun Yun, Diana, Cyn and Natalia leading the group through the doors, meeting Feat, Baan as well Itnia, Estel and Fosk Yao who were already waiting in the room; Feat having her big belly almost ready to pop out and cry just in the same way that those tiny shits in front of her were being held by their mommies and close to their daddy.

It was such an image that was making the always tomboyish and headstrong Feat be full in tears for a few minutes as she saw Yun Beishang hold his new little darlings’ hands, faces and kiss their tiny heads as well as let himself be pushed away by their lighter than paper-like limbs and their sleepy selves simply being too lazy to give a fuck about the mommies and their daddy around.

“Ohoo~!” - “So pretty…” - “This one sure looks like her mother, those deep black, broken glass eyes are so beautiful!” - “Madam, may I be this little girl’s teacher in the future? Lorena has too much of a good time whenever she returns, and that smile of hers, ugh! How I hate not being her, can I?!” - “Hehe, you may, you may~.”

With the maids, Madams and the new mothers’ families coming inside the bedroom, as they all hushed incredibly low that were it not because Yun Beishang is Yun Beishang, he himself wouldn’t even have heard them. The bedroom that is Yun Beishang’s territory and where no outsiders are allowed, was suddenly crowded with even some children of his personnel coming over to take a look without getting too close. It was family time, after all.

At this time, Yun Beishang and Yovilnnia looked at each other’s eyes, those who saw it right away knew that the naming session for the babies had commenced, and that the tired mommies were more than smiling at this moment for that very reason.

“Look at him, so lazy and comfortable, despite being surrounded by so many of his beautiful moms, what a lazy guy. Mn, that is my bad, sorry.”

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“Hehehehe.” Yovilnnia laughed, her good bosom trembling a bit as their son remained tranquil but seemed affected in his sleep due to his parents’ mood, making a silly little smile that charmed even the devil. As many, so damn many ‘awwww’ were sounding in those terribly low hushes, Yun Beishang continued while caressing his son’s left cheek with his right index finger’s tip.

“Yun Linght, our son, mm.” Yun Beishang muttered lovingly towards both, his wife and their son, catching them both in his love and bathing them deeply and warmly as Yovilnnia looked at the father first with a horribly infinite infatuation and devotion, before looking at her son with the thought of countless thoughts of a mother with their first child being born…

“My grandson.” Said Fiornyo, the finally grandpa old man whose looks were nothing like they were back in the first few months of Rising Essence where Yun Beishang first met him. Seeing him finally come, see his grandson and have that look in his eyes that…would just simply break any ordinary, unprepared and just about any person really; Yun Beishang called out to him.

“Ah, Father-in-law, come and see him. He won’t bite unless he is eating, I also need to see my other children, so…as her only family, at least you should get to keep her and her son company.” Yun Beishang said after smooching his wife’s forehead, whose eyes were closed in eternal joy, before starting to stand up and gesture towards his seat right besides Yovilnnia’s personalized and ultra comfy stretcher.

“Get out of here, I need to see my grandson~!” Said in a bit of a ‘bad mood’, the newly made into a grandpa Fiornyo as he immediately pushed Yun Beishang the shit away with feeble strength and as Yovilnnia thanked him with her eyes, laughing at his shoulders shrugging and then pretending that he was indeed shoved the fuck away; before landing them once again on her son and her son’s grandfather…her throat choking.

“F-Fa- Father…” Yovilnnia’s tearful eyes ignited the fatherly instincts in the old, sickly old man whose situation was now better than ever, especially now inside Yun Beishang’s bedroom that was filled with ‘holiness’ so to speak. “I can’t call you ‘daddy’ no more, this little guy will be the one to use that word, but in exchange, you’ll be called grandpa. Sounds good, right, Father?”

“Hahahahahahaha…” Fiornyo wanted to laugh out loud but couldn’t, fearing the little fucker on his daughter’s chest would wake up. Cleaning the tears away from his precious daughter’s tearing down face, he said while looking at his grandson, which he still had to process a few more times to ease his restlessness.

“It’s a great deal, good good. Besides inheriting my and your mother’s intellect and genius, you’ve also become a great merchant, good good good…” With the rest of the maids and Madams around them giggling to these words, the pair of father and daughter looked at their grandson, asking typical questions like ‘how many thousands more to go?’ and ‘that’s too little!’.

Everyone then went on to slowly calm down and be much more flexible in their words, chatting with the new mother about their son’s clothing and what kind of things to buy him, also, what kind of preparations to make when he grew a year up? And so on… all so tranquil and simply peaceful, filled with warmth and irradiating with loveliness.

…Now, Yun Beishang jumped on to his next victim, Crystal, whose little girl was the prettiest thing in the world at this moment, not even a single beauty around could compare to her! Of course, that is because she is just so precious, she was a rather ugly ball of differently shaped meat, bones and organs along with some blood.

As soon as he arrived nearby, maids made way for the big Master, gripping his hands, forearms and corners of his clothes with congratulatory sensations as they all could see and were not oblivious - that the daughter-biased father was about to go wild with joy; sigh.

“Who’s my little girl, umha?” Yun Beishang said, and the sleeping lazy little girl let out shortened, cut off ‘yyiyyass~’ without her probably even knowing. Meanwhile, Crystal held her laughter as she held her left hand to her mouth, her face facing the opposite direction of Yun Beishang which only made her much more charming and appealing to his eyes.

Her shyness, uncontrollable joy, infatuated eyes and blissful smile were all in his eyes as he lowered them by the time he arrived before her and sat on her stretcher’s edge at her left. Flicking her nose, Yun Beishang then proceeded to do the same but extremely slowly, utterly gently and back and forth to that tiniest of noses from his new little girl.

“She’s beautiful I can tell,” Crystal said, her blonde-silvery hair being a bit sweaty but not her gray silvery pupils and pitch dark canvas irises nor her skin  showed signs of tiredness like the other two new mothers did. She was indeed tired, but would’ve been able to keep on going for another half a day before growing as tired as the others for sure.

“Yeah, she is or will be, right now… ew!” Yun Beishang said, Yun Beishang got hit because of his actions of offending both mother and daughter and paid the price, Yun Beishang is a bad person.

“Ouchie, okay okay, you know my daughters are the best. The best at everything! Beauty, talent, power, education and family background, we can get them to become tyrants and nobody would stop us.” This time, Yun Beishang wasn’t hit by his sweet, adorable young wife, but was instead met with crackling laughter from her as she made her neck disappear and say in a breathless tone.

“Yeah…” Yun Beishang looked at his dear, little wife, fixed her hair to the back of her left ear and kissed her in a pecking kiss only to drag out that meat on them for a bit. With her eyes growing a bit wide, and as if saying ‘not here, there’s children around!’ like a mature woman, Yun Beishang had already begun playing with his daughter’s tiniest of hands and arms, weighing them well with his hands as he smiled more and more.

“She is going to be spectacular, just like her mother, should I name her Yun Glass?” Yun Beishang asked, his grinning mouth speaking wide as Crystal directly gave him determined and unwavering eyes. “Do it, hehe, and I promise you, my love, that our babies will be all boys from now on.”

“Aaaah, Yun Carolina sounds so well though… Mn, guess we’ll go with that, my sweet wifey.” Yun Beishang sighed out in sadness as he voiced out his ‘true’ thoughts, shaking his head as he then coincidentally thought of the name they agreed for their precious daughter. Crystal immediately narrowed her eyes and smirked from the right corner of her mouth.

Looking so especially beautiful, Yun Beishang dazed around for a bit before pinching her cheek with his left handed fingers, his young wife allowing him so as he then went mouth to mouth with her with all of his tenderness conveyed within this action of his. After just a little of that moment, Yun Beishang and Crystal separated mouths with their faces still so close to each other.

“Love you.” - “I love you.” Their eyes sent off sparks capable of melting any young girl desperate for true romance, making even more ‘aww’ sound all around them as the sounds of Crystal family’s footsteps sounded in Crystal and Yun Beishang’s ears coming closer to themselves.

“Son.” A slightly old middle aged woman came with her slightly red colored hair and with a slightly old middle aged man with blond-silvery hair barely remaining on his head. Yun Beishang looked at both in-laws and then said once his fifth little girl seemed to grow used to his touch and even stopped pushing him away to hold his fingers in defeat a few times!

“Mother-in-law, Father-in-law, eh, please come. I’ll see what my remaining child is doing, before the mother falls asleep. Crystal will be more than glad to brag to you about your granddaughter I believe.”

“Mn, Mother, Father. He’s right, please come here, let me show my little siblings what my daughter looks like too, hehehehe~.” Totally content, Crystal caressed her husband’s right forearm some more before pushing his tush out, letting his ass go to Tamara before she fell asleep and rested what she deserved to damn rest.

“Oh uhm, thank you, Son.” The middle aged man said, his face furiously excited but he was still capable of retaining his emotions in front of this hell of a man in terms of strength and power both. Meanwhile, the middle aged woman smiled proudly at her son-in-law before looking even more proud at her grown up daughter and granddaughter with terrifying bliss.

“Well, how is Little Carolina doing? Isn’t she wonderful?” The grandma said, looking at her oldest child as the grandpa came behind her and placed his hands on the grandma’s shoulders, giving Crystal a sight she hadn’t seen for years before entering the Peaceful Rain Household, what a heavenly change of life.

“Mn, thank you, Mom and Dad, thank you…” Crystal teared up and said with her heart laid out, but it was her parents instead that were full of thankfulness for their daughter. Meanwhile, the few children following them, with a couple of them even having a tiny baby in their hands, looked at the even tinier babies on their Eldest, most respectable Sister that worked so damn hard to give their parents a good time when out of work and had ended up finding such a new family for the best of it all.

Love and warmth surfacing in their eyes, the children began silently observing, behaving and being educated to only be slightly closer to the brand new mother with her first child… Something they didn’t understand, but felt, something only children could do first as their instincts were the strongest and not numbed yet by society.

…Now, Yun Beishang was walking towards Tamara, from where the maids made a gap and showed her left arm high up in the air, her hand opening up towards him as she smiled stupidly at him. She couldn’t look any more joyous with her dearest first son in her embrace and sleeping soundly at the feeling of his mother’s warmth and breathing rhythm…

So, so beautiful.



Let It Rain's Note: Yun Linght = LI-en-ghuf-t. Because yes.

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