Bow and Arrow

Chapter 697: Chapter 695 — Wrapping Up Before The Ancient Forest Region

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Wrapping Up Before The Ancient Forest Region




The next morning, on Asami Yuno's bed where 5 bodies were slumping, or rather, where 3 bodies were with their bumps up and their whole bodies sleeping like logs.


Within the center of the bed, Yuno and Yun Beishang were the only ones awake as they had the right and left side of their bodies against the bed; respectively. Their subsequent hand was supporting their head, supported by their elbows on the bed as they looked at one another. Yuno's eyes were, as always, very happy and full of light when locking onto any part of Yun Beishang's body, even if it was to be the glass of water he just drank from.

While Yun Beishang's eyes on her, her totally naked body with lots of his big bites all around her wonderful body, especially that slightly smaller-than-big bum and those massive bunnies, along with some smaller ones from part of the maids that were sleeping at both sides of the bed each with their head deep into the pillow.

However, whenever Yuno turned her eyes towards her sister, whose body was in-between herself and her man, with her lazy bum up, dumb ass face down on the pillow and her almost table tush still plowed in as an inserting Sleeping Raging Dragon was still deep within the cave of passion and lust as the corners of her lips showed hints of a smile…her eyes turned grumpy instead.

“Does she bother you?” Yun Beishang, who was the most innocent in the world, took a look at Yuno’s face after being bit at by Kira’s little kitty when moving a bit backwards, still not letting him go even after dumping a few extra loads in their sleep…with a new one quickly coming to be. Yuno looked at him once more, her eyes comforting him as she said while lifting her left hand over to her younger sister’s tush.

“I am mad, well yes.” Clenching on her right cheek aiming at the ceiling with pride and haughtiness, Yuno made Kira’s entrance bite a few chomps more and more of Yun Beishang’s meat. She then continued with her nails having buried themselves on Kira’s right buttcheek. “I don’t know what to say, what if she got…you know.”

Without letting him say that much in between, Yuno moved her left hand a bit forwards, bringing the rest of her body with her as her left hand went over to grab at what little she could grab a hold of with her small hands. ‘Clawing’ at his right hip, she pushed him in, and with a face that truly, basically said ‘it’s okay, pump another load in my still young - younger sister, please’, he was ‘helped up’ to fully insert his body into Kira’s small frame but this time with Yuno watching and not sleeping…

“Well, Yuno, she is actually- urffgh…” Yun Beishang was in the middle of speaking when all of it happened, he could only look at Yuno with her still doting expression on her face towards him but a grumpy and also worried expression on her face when looking down at her younger sister’s body. And when she heard his words and after waking up from seeing his gigantic Dragon dropping bombs inside her kitty for the umpteenth time, she lifted her chin at once but not dramatically.

“Is she…” Yuno, the oldest of the two, was also the one to be fanatical first about Yun Beishang, with Kira only being so once she grew old enough to no longer be studying 24/7 the ways of the now Asami Clan. Was yet not the first to be… Yuno finished her words in that questioning, but loving tone right after a momentary pause. “She is pregnant…for real?”

“Mm…mn.” After groaning in his throat for a little, trying to indicate that he really knew he was the one to make the shot and cause this problem, but that he couldn’t help it with everyone being so heated and in heat actually; Yun Beishang then responded, but what he got in return was not ‘that’ kind of glare nor an angered response… All he received was a pair of teary eyes that were going back to rest on the pillow and with her left hand over Kira’s lower back waiting to be intertwined by his.

Rustle, rustle- thud.

“...” Holding hands together as they laid in bed with a young homewrecker in between, Yun Beishang and Yuno looked at each other silently, somewhat lovingly to that as well, with Yuno’s teary eyes becoming as if powerful and full of vitality once again by just watching him return the gaze towards herself.

“I got an idea, since you are mad at Kira and she was the one to really be in the wrong here…” Yun Beishang said as their eyes were still locked to each other and as the pair of maids beside them began to wake up, his topnotch coaxing level in the entire Universe showing its worth. “Why not let Kira become a maid for 3 months? As punishment for her actions.”

Gasp…” As soon as Yun Beishang said that, Yuno lifted her chin while her head was still against the bed, her eyes widening a little with a lot of shining but she then became a bit low as she said, “But, Bei-Be- Beishang, Little Kira is the Asami Clan’s most talented precious treasure, if she were- mm-mm, she can’t become a maid and-”

“What is the Asami Clan to me? I’m asking you, I don’t need to ask anybody else.” Yun Beishang interrupted Yuno in the middle of her obvious doubts, and hearing his words, Yuno then directly said with her yell becoming extremely cheery and a large smile appearing on her face. “Yesh! But make it half a year, not just 3 months, alright?!”

While the Little Kira was sleeping soundly with her body warming up better than what the blankets could do over her body, from behind Yun Beishang appeared a slender maid beginning to kiss at his right arm and then shoulder. Behind Yuno, the other maid began semi-nibbling and semi-kissing at Yuno’s left side of her neck to her calf at the back of her head with some suction involved at first.

Before long, a maid moans and cheerful laughter resounded from one side, while from the other were mostly moans and small giggles from Yuno’s part as she was being served topnotch by the masterful in the acts of lesbian love by the other maid, with that other maid getting some in return whenever it was something alike scissors time.

It didn’t take long for this ‘family’ of so many big, good, most wonderful wifeys and bad husband to get to it in the morning right after spending so many hours in the night doing the exact same thing. Besides being the day that a few more sisters joined the ‘Defeat the bad husband Army’, it was also met with some setbacks…like the younger one getting preggo; indeed.

. . .


Later that day, Yun Beishang went over to visit some other of his women, starting with a little someone who has been training really hard on herself.


In the Peaceful Rain Corporation, as he made his way to the underground base where the KATARINA-1 was being constantly cleaned up and given the best of treatments to each of her parts and every component within her whole, immense and most advanced technology. Being greeted by some of his personnel, men and women of his that saluted and looked at him with the deepest of respect.

And though they didn’t receive a smile or much of a slight nod as a greeting, knowing their Chief, this silence was more than accepting and receiving their greetings as well as worshiping-like behavior. While maids and some other lonely female personnel, be it single or kinky taken ones for the latter who would flirtatiously blink and smile slightly at him while the maids would all receive a little kiss from his part onto their forehead and cheeks as a greeting instead.

Those who have been working for him for long always looked in amazement at these maids and Yun Beishang being together, not afraid of showing unprofessionalism at work; while those new took it as normal. For a boss to be like such with their actually willing personnel wasn’t something that was only seen in movies, porn or told by another friend from another friend and so on.

If anything, they might very well be that friend. But all Yun Beishang did to get physical the most was to just hug them or repeatedly smooch their lips tenderly in public, only once or twice a month has he seemingly whispered the most devilish words into their ears that made some of their faces crimson red the next instant and then received a much more passionate and lasting kiss from those maids; sigh… Life was so hard.

Right now, however, Yun Beishang walked straight towards KATARINA-1, which was the last mothership of the Crestfallen Industry left behind on New Earth for Yun Beishang’s personal uses and basically the Peaceful Rain Corporation in case he was to travel around space perhaps for whatever motive or reason.

As he got into the mothership at last, he immediately disappeared with a teleportation once his most oldest personnel, in terms of working with him, were the only ones around that could see him do stuff like that. Though he really wouldn’t mind doing it in public or from his bedroom directly to the KATARINA-1…it was just too showy; unnecessary.

When Yun Beishang reappeared right behind Zyv, she was just taking a break in the middle of the vip area, the Cage Void Mirror, from training with some little tools that Krayeke had left in order for not only Yun Beishang but his women and family to train in. As well as a challenge for them to develop even more of such ‘tools’ for their own good in matters other than physical training.

Such things, like the development of such tools for ‘Godly’ training could only be researched and find progress with the right people or once one was well teached by one of those people. ‘One of those people’ being Cinders, another would be Helrra, Ellie or even Yovilnnia who was spending lots of time taking care of their first son together; first.

“Big Bro…ther Wolfy, huewf~!” Letting out what Zyv thought to be a very good wolf-like sigh of relief and out of exhaustion, she then proceeded to let her body fall on her ‘hero’ while her whole body was sweaty and her odor assaulted Yun Beishang’s nostrils. Her scent was, however, very deliciously pleasant with it making quite a little bit of work on Yun Beishang’s senses.

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“Oh, is my Little Zyv tired? Take a bit of a rest.” Yun Beishang said, tilting his head to the left, which caused Zyv to look at the exposed left side of his neck in a daze and hungrily as well before responding to her dear big bro wolfy. “Mn! Okay.”

The obedient Little Zyv made a wave to the ground and a bunch of grass lined up together to make a cushioning seat. Then, with her ‘feeble’ body trying to sit him down on that Zyv-made cushion, she only managed to make Yun Beishang’s back lower by a few inches without any further improvement. After letting out a light laugh once, Yun Beishang sat down on the cushion with Zyv taking not even half a moment to jump down at his lap with her table bum landing right on the dormant monster.

“How are you?” Yun Beishang calmly asked, Zyv narrowed her eyes in bliss as she hugged his neck and smelled his aroma, of all of his body, at once and sent it deep into her body from her nostrils. “I am fine, I think it won’t take me more than 5 months to get that High God grade or whatever it's called like, hehe.”

Patting the obedient Zyv who was already exuding a slightly maturing woman’s charm, the so-called maturing Zyv giggled and growled in pleasure from time to time thanks to his caressing. And with her eyes suddenly opening and blankly looking into his eyes, out of nowhere and as if she realized something, she maintained a heavy silence while looking at him.

“I love you, Yun Beishang.” With her face just being 5 centimeters away from his, it took her half an instant to move forwards for Yun Beishang to take the rest of needed distance and traverse it to kiss her. As they kissed, they also fell int silence, a silent moment where all they did and cared about was for their moment together of tender passion.

“My little wolf cub, my obedient Zyv, ah.”

. . .


In a living room of the KATARINA-1, where a pair of daughter and father were watching tons of pregnancy movies and with a bit less of drama, but still enough for the movies themselves to not be stupid nor exaggerated and being entertaining still.


“Father-in-law, ah, do you mind walking away while I talk with my precious wife?” Suddenly, a father whose daughter was finally going to give him a child and the daughter herself heard a voice. While the father’s lips twitched, the daughter’s lips formed a cute smile that the father hadn't got to see ever since she was just a few years old…

“Urgh.” Leaving with a groan, Fusi left the living room with long strides, thinking that he was a good father-in-law and that he would let that Yun Beishang be…for the umpteenth time through these whole years. Meanwhile, Yun Beishang’s naked eyesight got to see that beyond beautiful woman’s previously short now long black hair and her sharp platinum eyes at last, relieving his dilating pupils and slightly contracting irises.

Though she still wore black clothes, they were tight or robe-like as before, they were even somewhat mature, which made her look like a woman preparing to undergo pregnancy and become a mother worthy of being the best mothah evah.

At the thought of that, Yun Beishang felt that Sammy was even cuter, and with his footsteps closing in on her faster, he sat on the sofa and watched the TV showing the pregnancy-based movie going on for a few seconds with scrutiny before turning to face his dear wife instead.

“How is it-oop!” Right as he was about to talk, the always ready for him Sammy launched herself at him, her ‘claws’ directly surrounding his neck and leaving no place for escaping, her face deviously smiling as she pushed his body backwards onto the sofa and with the top of his head a few inches away from the armrest.

“...mfumwalalala~...” Within just a few minutes, Yun Beishang’s entire mouth was explored inside out while his tongue was bitten on and sucked many times in a row and extensively, pulling it from its hideouts quite a few times to serve it as if she was dealing with his something else down there, strangely pleasing Yun Beishang to a great degree.

Mplwah!” Finishing her abuse of her poor and innocent husband, Sammy let go of his mouth but not of him entirely, at all. Her nose was still sticking against his, going left and right as she eskimo kissed the shit out of him while smiling in that same cute way as before, which his father would have his heart broken should he see her smile for Yun Beishang once more; sigh.

“You put a baby in my belly, aaah, why didn’t you say so before, eh? Here I was randomly checking for the 3,227th time without knowing you already put it to cook.” Yun Beishang couldn’t help but laugh at her silliness, never being too much like this before, catching him off guard and creating an even larger cuter smile on her lips in return.

“You wanted that baby there so much, eh? What if you accidentally ate that ‘s’, then?” Yun Beishang ambiguously said, his smile being ‘ugly’ and lewd as he glared up at Sammy who never once stopped kissing him the eskimo ‘I fucking love you lots’ way, she could only dumbly say while still doing it. “The ‘s’? What does that mean?”

“Mnnn~!! And not just one, so many, many, many. Aiyo, and here I thought Tonkia and Irllytia were the big Mommas giving me the most little ‘us’ all at once.” Yun Beishang said, his expression nostalgic as if he was the one in suffering this whole time. Meanwhile, women like Sammy who weren’t addicted at being the very best in their field, which she was a great assassin for and anti-assassin powerhouse as well for that matter, didn’t care for the ‘right time’ but for the ‘when’ of ‘hurry the fuck up’ to create their own baby children.

But, this time, without Yun Beishang even needing to finish his words, Sammy finally understood what he meant after going through countless abbreviations and slangs used in the dozens of movies she, her father and her new babies still forming inside of her have been watching this whole couple of days.

“AH!! HOW MANY?!!” Sammy directly sent her arms down, pushing herself up to almost straddle Yun Beishang, her still flat but tonified abdomen up his ribs with her ecstatic face just a few inches above his nose, with an even larger cute smile than before and with her heart pouring all over his with warmth and love.

“Hum…4? Hmm…5! No, hmmm…ah! I got it!”

“Tell me, tell me! How many, how MANNYYYY?!” Seeing her husband play and play with the holding of vital information for this pregnancy mission, road to mother operation and ascending to best mommah evah rank; Sammy shook Yun Beishang’s shoulders as much as she could which was barely nothing.

“...7.” Yun Beishang answered, truthfully, at last. Sammy directly fell silent, her facial expression relaxing and remaining unblinking for several seconds, right before she dived down and pressed his cheeks with her hands and smooched those wonderful lips of his. Her hands then went low and unbuckled her pants and unbuttoned his shorts, their intimate parts showing as one was totally wet and the other became erect in an instant, as if only to show that insane manipulation over one’s blood and bodily functions; badass.

“Ah, Sammy, what are you doing?” Yun Beishang wasn’t against it, but why was this ecstatic beauty so desperate for more? My god, she was pregnant now, that was soooooo dangerous now~! But Sammy only responded with a straight and smiley face, “Come on, maybe this way, we can get more in the oven! Let’s get more! More, more, more and more~!!”

“We can’t do it, Sammy, your father will come back.” Yun Beishang broke Sammy’s bubble, and with a totally disappointed face, she asked to which Yun Beishang nodded right after. “Only 10 times then?”

“Yup, I’ll have to go into my semi-Space though, and have to drill you real fast.” Yun Beishang couldn’t understand how happy she was to hear that, since he could even go as fast and rude, rough and uncaring as he wanted and his powerful sperm wouldn’t burn out due to the friction and how hot one’s inner body could get from such.

“Really?! Great! Let’s do it, let’s do it~~!” And without further ado, before Yun Beishang could envelop their bodies with his semi-Space to fuck worse than rabbits in a different time, she inserted herself, feeling full of him inside of herself and enjoying every millisecond that was spent like that.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen a few hundreds of meters away in another living room. Fusi was preparing his tea-milk-coffee of fruits when his hand stopped mixing the whole thing with the small spoon, his face shocked and his mouth agape. ‘Ho-h…how many?! Is she going to have many babies? Holy shit! Wife, your daughter has beat you, who was once so crazy about finally having Little Sam in your belly, you must be proud, darling!!’.



V7: #5 5/10.

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