Bow and Arrow

Chapter 700: Chapter 698 — Glory Of The Past, Gladiators (1)

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Glory Of The Past, Gladiators (1)




Purrum...traaacck! ...vooom, vooom, vooom...!

The 'gate' that was obstructing them from entering into what must be the place where Yun Beishang and them had to get to work finally opened with the sounds of 'mechanisms' going from way down below where they were currently located. As the 'mechanisms' seemed to be titanic in terms of size, when the gate opened on its own without making any sound, it was only then revealed that there wasn't any mechanism but a plethora of Core Elemental energy instead - forming the 7 Core Elements in an extremely abundant demeanor.


As the trio were watching the rivers and semi-oceans of Core Elemental energy, a sudden suction force emanated from within the gate itself, quickly absorbing them into the place where so much Core Elemental energy was gathered and ‘swimming’ in the air with the shapes and all kinds of sizes of rivers, lakes and semi-oceans.


From behind them, the entire ‘magic’ that allowed the dirt and solid rock ores to not approach the gate…disappeared. And as it went away, the rest of things were naturally unavoidably pulled downwards from the gravity alone and the insanely heavy weight of anything that was further above as an ‘extra’.

Crumbling down, the gate was now fully buried at last, and with the whole underground crumbling towards it, the gate closed itself rather slowly but unobstructed like there was nothing trying to get in from outside.

Fwiish, fwiiiish, fwooooosh~.

…Meanwhile, from the other side, the trio were holding onto each other’s hands, with Lioness attaching her body to the right side of Yun Beishang’s body like a monkey. As they weren’t going to let go of each other, they flew together with the gentle but swift ‘gale’ that the streams and whatnot of Core Elements all around them created.

Though their direction would constantly change from left to right, back and forth and in between, they were always coming down from ‘up’ in the air. Everything was totally black, mostly brown and obscure brown that was almost black itself, with some yellowish-obscure brown here and there as if to showcase that it was still Main Kingdom and not a Space of sorts.

While they were going down, of course they would see all around themselves, but besides the underground and its obviously strange vacant hole in the middle of the Fate Meeting Region, only those Core Elemental energies were around. The yellowish-gray was the most abundant, though it wasn’t what mattered down here, as each color gave a sensation of having a purpose.

Meanwhile, their fall continued on for what was much more than just 20 minutes but, if anything,  Yun Beishang was glad that he wasn’t going at a speed that was terrifying and he had to break his brains out in order to save himself from dying and respawning back above or something. Of course, he now had wings, at the very least…

With their heads turning and turning, their grip on each other’s body or hands tightening at times from just seeing the beauty of the some of the most pure showcases of Core Elements right in front of their eyes…and in abundance; the trio didn’t even notice the length of their trip to the floor of this strange place whose diameter may very well be in the millions of kilometers at the very least.

Tap, tap- tap- tap. Tip tip.

Rosey’s feet reached the floor first, before it was Yun Beishang’s legs to set themselves straight, Lioness was the last one since although she very much wanted to be treated like a baby right now by him, she also wanted even more to move around and see this ‘world’ around themselves.

The place they landed on was a rough but flat piece of floor consisting of pure dirt, and unlike in their entire trip down here, there were ‘wall-like’ columns here and there which were imitating a large tree’s roots. Like a bunch of messy roots that were here, or there and close to one another, they made a passage that was zigzagging left and right but enough for at least 10 people standing together to cross through with a little bit of space remaining.

While walking forwards, they all noticed very far away, and at times since the roots blocked their sight tons of times, as well as with the fact that it didn’t seem to be ‘fit’ to suddenly fly around in these places. Yun Beishang opened his own windows stats and those of Rosey and Lioness, more than ready and skillfully as he had done such things so many times before…


Character: Tongqiu

Race: Human (Evil God and Unparalleled Bloodline) — Innate Race Talents: Unparalleled Bloodline, Evil God Law, Adaptability, Racial Reproductive Wonder and Warmonger — Race Ability: Union and Evil God Metamorphosis

Level: 170

Class: Evil God - Passive Class: Godly-Masked Instrumental Body

Basic attributes: STR: 2,550, DEX: 2,550, LCK: 2,550, REC: 2,550, WIS: 2,550, INT: 2,550, DET: 2,550, Luck: 100, Charm: 100

Association: The Order (League), Money: 10,177,689, Fame: 2,000,000

HP: 232,600, MP: 231,300, Stamina: 231,500

Physical Power: 62,900, Magical Power: 78,200

Physical Defense: 13,600, Magical Defense: 13,600, MP Regeneration+10%, Stamina Regeneration+10%, Lifesteal+5%

Hit Rate: ∞, Dodge Rate: 100%

Critical Hit Rate: ∞, Pierce Rate: ∞, Critical Hit Damage: 100%

Attack Speed: 254%, Movement Speed:254%

Core Elemental Resistance: Fire: 200%, Water: 200%, Earth: 200%, Wind: 200%, Lightning: 200%, Light: 200% and Darkness: 200%.

AP: 0, SP: 888,492,100

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While he still couldn’t upgrade his Unparalleled Otherworldly Dimensional Aperture more than once, he was rather close to it, and his other skills that weren’t from either his Evil God Class’s nor from his own understanding and comprehension of the game did went up thanks to him levelling up, he was at least close to fully upgrading it.

[Unparalleled Otherworldly Dimensional Aperture]: Type: Trigger, MAX LV: 2, LV: 1, SP needed for next LV: 1,000,000,000, Cooldown: None(but can only be triggered ten times every day), Uses left: 10/10, Cost: 22,000 HP for every time you use the special effect of this skill, Duration: Infinite. Only a God could ever try to comprehend the making of such an impossible skill. With the use of your extremely vast Hidden Stats (at least 3 required, with the main Hidden Stat needing to be Mental Power) , draw your bowstring to a full moon and shoot as many arrows as you could with the intention to hide them from the world and sent them into your own Destructive dimension(Pocket Dimension), awaiting for your commands to be sent forth. Each arrow that you send can be affected by your other passive, trigger or active skills. Note: You can now shoot into any dimension or barrier(even Godly barriers) as well as being able to choose where the interdimensional triggering effect of this skill will be situated with a limit range of 1,000km all around you and the use of this skill. Additionally, each time you kill a God Devourer creature, your uses will be added up by 2 and their limit will be instantly restored by 2.


[Godly-Masked Instrumental Body]: Granted with Godly and Demonic powers alike, coming from an unknown source and an impossible mix, the carrier of this [Passive Class] is now capable of achieving greatness in uncommon fields in the mannerisms that only a being could exert themselves to.

[Corporeal Ignition]: LV: 3, MAX LV: 3, Level required for LV3: MAX. Ignites the potential of one's body in the most sacred of ways while also enhancing it via its own ignition due to the Demonic art in which it is performed; uses are refilled to the full 12 hours. Grants raw Movement Speed+1,500% for 33 seconds. Remaining uses: 6/6. Cooldown: None.

[Masked Instrumental Body]: LV: 5, MAX LV: 5, Requirements for LV4: MAX. With but a thought, you can either become seemingly nonexistent or go back into showing your appearance to the world as normal. This skill is a one in the entire universe which cannot be comprehended by mortals, Gods and beings alike; it has the requirements of holding the power of 4 different Hidden Stats which is impossible even at the times where this bloodline talent was first birthed, now it is available for the use of the host without a single consumption of power nor limitations. Can now freely move at a Movement Speed of 1,500% or more while hiding from the world, exiting the skill’s active will make you unable to reactivate it for .2 seconds. Note: You can perfectly hide from Godly beings and beings, but all existences will be able to sense you and locate you as long as they so wish to do so!

[Godly Mark Demon Blood]: LV: 3, MAX LV: 3, Level required for LV3: LV150. As the carrier of this profession, secondary Hidden Stats will all gain +3 for each level. While locking traps or caging arrays will be useless against you. Additionally, your weapons are no longer heavy for your body nor your Hidden Stats, and you can now use them even if they were to be a mountain…NOTE: Please do not use mountains as weapons.


And of course he would still have a few things to play with.

[Heavenly Lion’s Last Bolt of Heavenly Lightning]: Type: One-time Activation, Cost: 50% of your total MP and 80% of your total Stamina as well as Mental Power-100,000 for 10 hours, Uses left: 2/2. From deep within the Responsive Dragon’s body, a last speck of energy was left inside of him for the protection of the same from his wife’s part so that he could safely ascend into a Godly graded being. Deals your total damage (effects from Critical Hit Rate and Pierce Rate can be useful if successful)x100,000 towards a single enemy and leaves them impossible to move or think for a total of 10 minutes straight, also leaving an AOE of dealing 100,000,000 True Damage per second in a diameter of one’s choice which can range from 1 cm around the affected area or enemy to a maximum of 100,000,000 kilometers around the same.

[Killing Spree of the Responsive Dragon]: Type: One-time Activation, Cost: 99% of all your total HP, total MP and total Stamina as well as logging you off the game as soon as you are in a safe zone and without any enemies nearby at all, Uses left: 1/1. Select anything inside your head to create chaos and wreak destruction to, any structure that isn’t at the level of a Godly being and any being that isn’t at the same level will be pulverized and utterly annihilated.

[Responsive Dragon’s Unhindered Shadow]: Type: One-time Summon, Cost: None, Uses left: 4/4. Summon the shadow of the Responsive Dragon with the full strength of a God Devourer grade for the first three times and with the full strength of a Kingdom’s End grade for the fourth and last time. When these shadows die, they drop items equivalent to their grade as well as give the equivalent Experience, SP and Fame. The Responsive Dragon has left this small gift to fight for you for a reason.


And then, there were Rosey’s and Lioness’s skills and evolution.

[Teary Rose] (Rosey): Type: Teary Rose Pet, Grade: Universal, Level: 170, Owner: Tongqiu. Voluntarily shared her most important life treasure, will forever follow her master. Unknown origins where only her race has slightly been known, she has an incredible disposition to all Core Elements and is worshiped by even semi-gods of the Core Elements themselves. As long as a being is entirely made by at least one Core Element, she'd be protected to death by them, no matter what. Her future potential is completely unknown but as an important remark, she is known to have been already beyond the apex of this universe ever since the instant she was born.

Attributes: HP: 538,650, MP: 2,565,000, Stamina: 1,282,500, Physical Power: 128,250, Magical Power: 256,500, Physical Defense: 25,650, Magical Defense: 25,650, Hit Rate: ∞, Dodge Rate: ∞, Critical Hit Rate: 100%, Pierce Rate: 100%, Attack Speed: 500%, Movement Speed: 450%.


[Great Petals of Destruction, Bloodline of the Teary Rose]: LV: 1, MAX LV: 1, Level required for ???: ???. Rosey safely burns her Teary Rose Bloodline, increasing her Attack/Action Speed and Movement Speed for a total of 250% for 5 minutes and boosting the damage done to structures as well as non-living beings by 1,000%; removes all current CC effects and makes Rosey invulnerable to new CC effects for the next 2 minutes seconds; which thanks to the Fallen Teary Rose Petal merged with her master's body, he will also receive Rosey's skill the moment she activates it. It can only be used 15 times before entering into an unusable state, if it hasn't been used in 7 and a half minutes, the usages are reset. Cost: 110,000 MP and 90,000 Stamina. Uses: 15/15. Cooldown: None.

[Universal Roots]: LV: 9, MAX LV: 10, Level required for LV10: LV200. Rosey calls upon the every Core Elements pertaining to that of the soil, underground or nearby minerals as well as all Elements and Core Elements particles and globes from all around the Universal Lands with Rosey as the epicenter; with the help, aid and voluntary support of any existent beings she is close to and that are closer of an Element or Core Element(at the very least), into roots that can encompass an entire Kingdom or Dimension alone. Those roots will entrap all targets with a speed of 1,200% Movement Speed for the first 25 seconds before slowly coming down to a 700% Movement Speed. Roots have no duration and can only be broken once they are hit until they break, root's HP is equal to 1,000% of Rosey's HP and 110% of Rosey's Physical Defense and Magical Defense; they also have Damage Reduction+60%. Cost: 400,000 MP. Cooldown: 9 seconds.

[Teary Rose's Commanding Nature]: LV: 8, MAX LV: 9, Level required for LV9: LV200. Whenever Rosey attacks with the environment or with her body itself, she leaves an impossible to detect little thorn on her targets, inside their cells and globes(if they have them understood). Rosey can command those little thorns to extract either the life or essence of the enemy; lifesteal can work for lower-living beings, while essence-steal can work well for non-living, transmuted and higher-leveled beings. Effectively doing some damage and even impairing movement to the affected enemies, Rosey and her Master can now share the same effect of leaving roots in and on their enemies. This skill was born thanks to Rosey and her master, but mainly because of her master's Bloodlines. Each thorn regenerates 5% HP, 15% MP, 20% Stamina for every 100 little roots in and on enemies at the time of activating the skill with an additional of 10% HP, 40% MP and 40% Stamina for both Rosey and her master for every time an use is made with at least 100 little roots being effectuated. Cost: 30% total MP and 30% total Stamina or 6% of Rosey's total HP. Cooldown: 100 seconds.

[Great Petals of Destroying Dooming Bloom]: LV: 8, MAX LV: 9, Level required for LV9: LV200. Rosey convokes her race, Teary Rose's unique affinity with the Core Elements and laws of creation to create a laser beam which will affect a circular area of 550m x 550m and even 125 meters deep underground when used against the hardest materials known to any mortal and even Godly being, each beam will be equal to 2,000,000% Magical Power. Cost: 300,000MP. Cooldown: 15 seconds.

[Great Petals of Destruction]: LV: 9, MAX LV: 10, Level required for LV8: LV200. Rosey is growing without interruption since she downgraded for the sake of living free of fate. Every time Rosey gains enough power, a Petal will be reborn on top of her head which will mature as she continues to grow powerful, as a Teary Rose, Rosey will reach full restoration once she achieves 9 reborn Petals while her being will also improve when certain conditions are met.

[Teary Petal]: LV: 8, MAX LV: 9, Requirement for LV8: Great Petal of Destruction x9. Rosey uses her fully matured Teary Petal to bring forth an unbearable calamity. Depending on the amount of Teary Petals used, the irreparable damage that it can cause will increment with each added Teary Petal, creating a pink translucent laser beam that will turn upside down all laws and creations, dealing Magical Power damage equal to 5,000,000% per petal. Rosey won't receive irreversible damage any longer after use as she has completed most of her restoration of power. NOTE: The use of this skill will tire Rosey out, making her unable to combat for about 5 minutes as it is still in its incomplete form.

[Nature's Endearment]: LV: 3, MAX LV: 3, Level required for LV3: LV: MAX, Rosey is accompanied at all times by the Core Elements as she herself is resembling with them in a rather 'as it was supposed to be' manner; she cannot die as easily, as a result, every time Rosey's HP falls down to 0, she will instead resuscitate on the spot with full HP. After reviving, she will be granted Movement Speed+1,000% for three seconds. Note: Only Rosey is favored this way, her master cannot receive the same benefits and will die without any help given if his HP reaches 0. Trigger: Death state. Uses: 5/5. Refill: 10 hours.

[Fallen Teary Rose Petal's Heart]: LV: 9, MAX LV: 10, Requirement for LV8: Mate of her Master, the Evil God who has grown almost fully and Great Petals of Destruction LV10. With her bond with her Master being matured and even grown to a special degree, Rosey can now extend her will to her Master to impede his unavoidable death. Whenever her Master's HP reaches 0, Rosey can call upon their bond and their connected hearts to fully restore all his HP, MP and Stamina as well as cleaning any CC effects and becoming immune to them for 15 seconds. Due to the unlocking of this skill, Rosey and her Master have also awakened a perfectly sharing Heart Connection hidden stat which can be used for many different type of skills and activities. Trigger: Rosey's will and her Master's HP reaching 0. Uses: 9/9. Cooldown: 1 use refilled per half a day.

[Moon-healing Rose]: LV: 2, MAX LV: 3, Level required for LV2: LV200. In an area that goes along with the moons visualized by the Teary Rose before in her entire life, all allies in that moons’ shadow or shadows will gain HP Regeneration+9% every 5 seconds and HP Regeneration+10% every 15 received attacks of all kinds. On the other hand, enemies will have HP-2% every 5 attacks of any kind made to them from the Teary Rose’s allies and their MP and Stamina consumption increased in 20% as well as receiving Slow+30% and reducing Hit rate in 60%. Cost: 50% of total MP and 50% of total Stamina that regenerates over 20% of each in total for the next 30 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

[Race Armament of the Teary Rose]: LV: 2, MAX LV: 3, Level required for LV2: LV200. To all the armies from the Teary Rose that are fighting, no matter where she is or where they are, they will have in their hearts the eyes of the Teary Rose that will guide them to maybe not survival but a secured victory and honor! All those under the Teary Rose in the billions of soldiers and warriors will have their Damage Dealt+12% in the form of True Damage, raw Attack Speed+75%, raw Action Speed+35%, Physical Defense+50%, Magical Defense+85% and Damage Reduction+15% for 15 seconds for every 150 seconds in battle alone or alongside their comrades. Every 100 attacks made of any kind, each individual will receive a boost of Lifesteal+12% for their next one.

[Fury of the Teary Rose]: LV: 2, MAX LV: 3, Level required for LV2: LV200. The Teary Rose prays and longs for the bloodshed to never end! For their and her enemies to never survive and for the cowardly to be punished! All allies are granted CC immunity, raw Attack Speed+30%, all incoming damage is converted into 75% from it to HP and 40% from it to MP and Stamina with only 20% of the damage received being converted but not mitigated; and Healing Effect+250%. NOTE: When using this skill, it is only allowed to march and to charge, even for the weakest and frail allies! To those who refuse to march and charge into the enemy lines or steps back will be instantly killed by the disdain of the Teary Rose!



Let It Rain's Note: This is going to be the last fight with numbers, stats, skills and enemy's status windows; but no more numbers for fights ^_^ .

V7: #5 8/10.

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