Bow and Arrow

Chapter 702: Chapter 700 — Glory Of The Past, Gladiators (3)

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Glory Of The Past, Gladiators (3)




Step, step, step.

"Hmm..." Leaving the girls' side, Yun Beishang moved forward to touch the gates which were nothing more but a pair of huge,  gigantic walls which were about a few tens of meters wide and some hundreds of meters tall, while their thickness was completely unknown, it was rather easy to see how it was simply way too big for it to be considered anything normal.

Watching him from behind, Rosey and Little Lioness looked at Yun Beishang as he went towards the door, with his body already covered in his Great Petals of Destruction Suit Armor Set, he looked mighty muscular and handsome as the apple of their eyes; sigh. But, just as Yun Beishang was pushing on the doors, which he believed would open up because it was him. 'Eh? No- don't tell me I gotta do it manually?! This service man...'

Finding out that he wasn't that special, Yun Beishang was gloomy for an instant before proceeding to start pushing forth at the gates, right in the middle that so he'd be opening both doors at the same time once he was done thinking of his great self with his face hidden to the girls behind him. He then heard them cheer him up right away, which eased him a lot, "Yohoo! There you go, Big Brother! Go ahead!!" - "Yeah, yeah!! Big Brother, open those doors!! ..."

“He almost fucked up, right?” Little Lioness was ‘seated’ on Rosey’s right huge, bombastic breast, when she turned her head to the left with her short hair swaying fast to face the Eldest Sister Pet as she was the Younger Sister Pet/Mount. Rosey returned the face off and with her eyes closed after being narrowed and with a smile, she said while nodding, “Yup!”


The doors began opening at last, with Yun Beishang having regained his manliness and his women behind giving him all the moral support his poor and pure, innocent self needed. While the doors were being opened, the girls looked behind themselves at the murals, specifically at the very first ones; as if they were about to be bathed away in history.

With their sadness present and some sense of nostalgia prevailing over Rosey’s senses, the girls then turned around only to see Yun Beishang still pushing on with his hands up against…nothing? Just as he was moving, the doors that were too huge for a human sized person to deal with were also moving at his rhythm.

However, on his palms, he was holding nothing but air…and a strong yet funereal blue transparent energy that formed a kind of multi-dimensional rectangle or simply a distorted cube right in front of his palms. As Yun Beishang was now pushing up against such a ‘manifestation’, the doors still kept on moving according to his efforts, if he stopped, they would also naturally stop ‘opening’.


At last, with Yun Beishang having sweat nothing at all and taking his time due to the so damn obvious vulnerable spot he would be in were he to fully concentrate in opening these doors and nothing else, taking some of his time doing so. The doors were fully opened.

Yun Beishang was already so far ahead, with Rosey and Little Lioness behind without having taking a step forward, Rosey could teleport them back to his side as long as she did held onto Little Lioness anyway, so nothing could be detrimental for this and like this, they were instead letting Yun Beishang do his work; ah.

Looking around himself, Yun Beishang discovered that the walls he’s been pushing for a few tens of seconds were as thick as about 520 meters…520 meters thick, he even calculated it over and over again. With but all reasoning on his side, Yun Beishang calmly thought out, ‘What the fuck.’

“Up ahead! Don’t be silly, now.” Rosey came to his rescue, tapping on his right shoulder with her left hand with their ba-no, with Little Lioness hugged by Rosey’s left arm. Rosey’s face, however, became serious and pretty much guarded as she gestured towards the ‘statues’ in front of them.

Turning his head back to his front, Yun Beishang saw once again the full figures of what were before a bunch of outlined shadows, or figures hidden by the darkness on the other side of the door. As he gazed upon them, the gates behind them didn’t close but neither did they need to be, this wasn’t the clueless Yun Beishang who would’ve run away before since this world in a ‘game’ wasn’t his ‘real world’.


“Here you have come, so it seeeems.” From one of the ‘statues’ which had its body semi-sitting in the air and with the back of their left hand supporting most of its frontal and lower chin, the ‘statue’ suddenly turned its head around to face its left, whereas Yun Beishang saw it belonged to a young man but with a height of about 30 meters.

“He has, he is.” Another ‘statue’ spoke, this one had its back facing Yun Beishang’s group, it was much bulkier and had a lot of strength to speak of compared to the young man’s body. “Then, let’s get ready.”

But then, another voice came from the front of the bulky man ‘statue’ hidden by its back facing them. And though their words were much more natural and without anything added to it, their voice was just like that of the other 2 ‘but normal’.


Then, from the front of the bulky man ‘statue’, another statue rose up into their view, only for its head and part of its upper chest, however, as every single ‘statue’ was with just the same kind of body size overall. As the third ‘statues’ rose from its also probably seat in the air, its eyes suddenly opened, giving Yun Beishang’s group a tiny bit of surprise as they already expected it.

When their eyes opened, a pair of living, real eyes were revealed, not like those of an aberration of the God Race’s experiments and much less like fake eyes, let alone illusions that may work with a God’s senses…but not with Yun Beishang’s!!

… Bvvvvv! Bvvvv!!

“We are but…simply humans. Don’t fret.” The third person said, its skin slowly beginning to vibrate slightly, as layers and layers of his ‘stone skin’ began peeling off on their own without making any sound, also disintegrating instead of falling down onto the floor and making a hell of a loud raining-like sound.

Instead, like it wasn’t even really part of them, but part of the world, those chunks of ‘stone skin’ that were peeled off one after the other and fell off from his body seemed to go back to the world itself; not just Main Kingdom.

“Indeed, we were.” Said the second, bulky man who began peeling the ‘stone skin’ off from his body all the same but without still turning his head around. Meanwhile, the first person also finally opened his eyes, and with the same movements as the third person, he began laying off layer after layer of his ‘stone skin’ away from his body.

“So we will do.” The first person that turned his head first said, now standing up while the second, bulky person began standing up at last. With Yun Beishang and the rest looking on, they saw not how their ‘true’ skin was revealed but of how their armor was beginning to be shown towards them as they looked on and on.

With the ‘stone skin’ being peeled off completely, their armors were revealed to not only have been from an incredible luster, gold or silver color, but were also identical to those of the 7 gladiators who went to the Bright Sunset Region to challenge the Sacred Beast Protectors only to end in failure.

“These… They were just to hide from the Gods and Goddesses, but also,” suddenly, the third person began talking as he took out a polearm-looking weapon from the ‘center’ where the 3 of them were seated around. Lifted his head and gazed at Yun Beishang and said, gesturing towards his arm and his armor. “They were made and were being supported by the streams of Core Elemental energy you saw above.”

“But, it’s good that you’ve come, at last.” With that very same strange, ancient and past way of speaking yet sounding much more natural than anyone else, the third person spoke as he directly looked at Yun Beishang while the bulky man turned around to face them at last and the young man turned his body to face them completely this time.

“This way, those streams will stop feeding this place, this hideout of us and this imprisoning shackles that have ‘protected’ us for way, far, so; much.” Lifting his head in his last few spoken words, the third person finalized by lowering his chin to stare at Yun Beishang once again. “Now, only the final straw is remaining…and you must pick your bow and arrow, Evil God!!”


From the feet of the third person, the pole arm that was picked up from the ‘center’ of where they’ve been seated from who knows how long, was directly kicked by him with the ‘polearm’ that was almost a thick as their heads had its adhered ‘dust’, rock, dirt and filth cleaned off from the polearm’s body with just that motion alone.


A Bardiche that is 56 meters long appeared in the hands of the third person with a thickness of 3 meters and not even a complete half moon shaped blade of about 13 meters long and of 4 meters in width. The silvery luster of the bardiche and his armor showing up full of power, full of dominance, battle lusted and mad for a battle!

At the same time, the thing to happen finally occurred.


[Duelist Champion Borgetya, Fallen Gladiator]: Type: Human(Fallen), Grade: God Devourer, LV: 200, HP: 390,000,000,000. Destined to become one of the Leaders of the Fate Meeting Region, having failed to even battle to a tough defeat against even a single Sacred Beast Protector, the strongest pride of the Fate Meeting Region ended up falling from grace with sacrifice and longing for the day to come; the day for the counterattack of Main Kingdom!

You are reading story Bow and Arrow at

Skills: For the ones who died, Impregnable Pride, Irreconcilable Hatred, Tri-Penta–Hepta-Deca Strike, Endless Tormenting Storm, ‘Flying Dragon, Lasting Heart’...

[For the ones who died…]: Carries an undying memory…

[Irreconcilable Hatred]: Creates a strong aura around himself that totally cripples and immobilizes any living being and object that isn’t beyond a mortal’s knowledge. Immune to any Instant Death effect and almost all CC negative altered effects.

[Tri-Penta-Hepta-Deca Strike]: Deals damage in one single, marvelous move at once with the effect of 3 of his strikes, five of his strikes, seven of his strikes to even 10 of his strikes. Use Rate: Highly Common.

[Endless Tormenting Storm]: With his bardiche, launches a storm of annihilation to end with all life and object nearby, consuming any tiny bit of existence with its blade to fall and rain upon any enemy. Use Rate: Common.

[Flying Dragon, Lasting Heart]: Allows one’s bardiche to deal 2,000% extra total damage living, undead and Godly individual as long as each swipe, throw, thrust and the lightest of movements are effectuated with the apex of technique and skill that this Universe can muster.

Besides having those few first skills that were the most important to read from the list of 25+ skills, some passives that allowed Borgetya to get some good enough healing for himself, especially those that healed him in %; the tiniest of %, but still a % and not a smallish number that could only be insane when compared to a Journeyer’s whose HP cannot compare to a Godly Journeyer which would barely reach 1,000,000 HP if gone full HP build in all equipment, accessories and AP put into it at LV170.

Yun Beishang went through all of his shit, that information that were mainly of incredible skills, all of which needed one to have the most extreme and totally insane levels of experience, mastering their own art, heart, mind, body and weapon to the ultimate limits and yet having proved that they were very well beyond such ‘limits’ already to be able to have such skills.

“Young Evil God it is, I request from your part that, if you can, after killing us; take these weapons back to where they belong.” With Borgetya holding his bardiche and aiming its blade towards Yun Beishang’s general direction, the young man spoke as his hands went into the ‘center’ where they sat for so many years…taking out a pair of huge, ginormous things from it.

An insanely large crossbow that was thicker than any other crossbow could ever be, resurfaced from the center whereas the young man’s hands became invisible when they went into it, finally reminding Yun Beishang it was also he himself who experienced such a thing when taking his Bow and then his Arrow back then in a little forest close to the Novice Village.

Fswwwiiiiiiippp~~, clocks! VWWUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMM~~!!!!!!

“To the center of the Fate Meeting Region!!” The young man said, his almost 80 - 78 meters long crossbow with a width on its foregrip, stock and flight groove being 23 meters wide; the young man held it as if it didn’t weighed anything at all with the stock over the front of his right shoulder and his left hand holding most of its unknown, totally thumping weight as it was aimed down below at his own feet so casually.

The not thunderous but loud enough sound that seemed to emanate from right beside his ears, the bowstring of the crossbow was pulled and the huge bolt into it, ready to get to work at any moment and not really worrying about being closed into, as the crossbow itself could be used as a heavy staff instead…


[Vanguard Archer Champion Keya, Fallen Gladiator]: Type: Human(Fallen), Grade: God Devourer, LV: 200, HP: 560,000,000,000. From a rising family that was to become one of the most prominent families, to a tragic end from the same but from which a small boy managed to still live on for their family’s name despite its complete loneliness in a word of already solitary seclusion. As the most unearthed pride of determination in the whole history of the Fate Meeting Region, Keya became one of the youngest and most powerful Generals for the Legendary Vanguard of Main Kingdom, only for him to be saved by his very own soldiers, men and women alike; instead. As well as his comrades’ choice…

Skills: For the dead ones awaiting us, Impossible Valor, Certain Death, Reality-Bending Collision, Firm Will…

[For the dead ones awaiting us…]: Carries an undying determination…

[Impossible Valor]: Creates a strong aura around himself that paralyzes any non-melee focused enemy and deviates any incoming projectiles in any space he is within that is coming against himself, or his people.

[Certain Death]: Each of his bolts remain hitting the enemy upon contact, no matter if it is just a finger, a strand of hair or even the end of a long nail, the bolt hitting his enemies will strike at them over and over again dealing normal damage over and over again before finally going on in its way to either penetrate or send flying away an extension’s of that enemy’s body.

[Reality-Bending Collision]: Even when sending only one crossbow at a time, or 3 at most, Keya is able to transform his bolts into several hundreds of the same size and of the same power, inertia, strength behind each of them as well as having a mind of their own to react and be activated in the same way as any bolt shot from his crossbow; able to follow the enemy’s fleeing body  just as well.

[Firm Will]: His bolts carry an electrifying effect, dealing the same damage to an enemy when the bolts finalize their repetitive strikes against an enemy to penetrate their bodies or send them flying away. When hit by several bolts with the same effect active, the damage will be enhanced from 200% each extra damage to 1,000% extra damage each.

‘Well, that is something.’ Yun Beishang became a bit mouth-agape while reading through all of what Keya could offer, with each person that seemed to be 3 of the gladiators from the murals from before and a male, anybody could guess what kind of ‘challenge’ would indeed have to go through to rid this Region of its ‘evil’.

“I know, I have one too. But keep your questions for later, let’s fight now, we fight.” Keya spoke, and his words were naturally that much different and on a higher level than Borgetya’s. With their 30 meters tall bodies facing Yun Beishang and his group, only the bulky man remained from presenting himself. And so did the bulky man slowly take out 2 gladius swords from the center of their seats.

“Evil God, when you kill us, it will be in the most glorious of ways!!” Right in the middle of his own words, the bulky man’s voice turned ferociously loud! His throat rippled, his neck trembled and his whole body shook! Not nervously, hell no, but full of anticipation and filled with the desire to battle, to battle, to battle, battle, battle and more battle!!

Shwiiing! Shwiiiing~~!”

Both his dual swords seemed to resonate with the bulky man, as the latter held them with their tips aiming at where his toes were pointing at, his whole stance showing off a prowess that Yun Beishang has never seen before in a sword-wielding master after all this time. His information appeared before his eyes and showed it to his pair of ready-to-battle wifeys on his sides.


[Barbarian Champion Melonlico, Fallen Gladiator]: Type: Human(Fallen), Grade: God Devourer, LV: 200, HP: 410,000,000,000. An unfinished business dwells in the legendary Melonlico’s heart, an unfinished fate awaiting him, and a battle for him to die for is all he longed for in the end; whether it is the past or for the present. As there will be no ‘future’. Discovered to be the most furious pride of the Fate Meeting Region in all the existence of the same, Melonlico was the fairy tale of countless young boys and girls before going to sleep, but even such people had died for him in his stead; a dishonor he could not let go through the rest of his ‘life’...until ‘the’ worthy challenger would arrive; as it was only a matter of time.

Skills: ‘Enjoyment in death, bliss for death’, Infinitude of Fury, Endless-Charging, Bloody Fate, Godslaughterer’s Scent…

[Enjoyment in death, bliss for death…]: Holds onto a belief and need to accompany old, fallen and awaiting subordinates, dreamers…and comrades.

[Infinitude of Fury]: Creates an aura that weakens all morale of the enemy, raises his own people’s a whole lot and weakens the enemy’s defenses and offensive by an infuriating impossible quantity while boosting the hearts of his own!

[Endless-Charging]: When charging against an enemy, with the fury of all deaths and the longing for all pain; Melonlico holds his dual swords with his heart as they dance and he accompanies them, as they break themselves and their enemies and he dies for them and alongside them. Allows Melonlico to strike an enemy as fast as possible, even to the point of sending 5 attacks per second with both his hands in the play.

[Bloody Fate]: With his own blood and that of his enemies, Melonlico has his gladiuses command the streams and rivers of blood, attacking anything and anyone within the same space, destroying even object itself as life crumbles to pieces before their bloody showcase of their and Melonlico’s fury!

[Godslaughterer’s Scent]: With each sword strike from Melonlico, he loses a tiniest part, proportion of himself, but also inflicts 5 times the amount of pain with some Destructive properties. Causing each strike to draw more blood than there is in one’s body with each cut made by Melonlico or his dual gladiuses.



This is the end of Volume 7 — Battle for the Era.

V7: #5 10/10.

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