Bow and Arrow

Chapter 714: Chapter 712 — Ancient Forest Region Invaded!

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Ancient Forest Region Invaded!




"Fred?! god ah." The newcomer, instead of responding to the other’s question, he directly made one himself. Revealing his face from his scarf covering his whole face, a mustache appeared on a young man's face as their eyes locked and they became marveled at seeing each other after so long, ah.

"What are you doing here? I thought all recruits were left to die while those artillery divisions got all the care from the 'Founding' Clans." 'Fred' spoke to the young man with a mustache, the young man then shook his head and said with his cheeks puffing up in complaint from his lips' grimacing. "It's not just me, we are all getting trained to use them too, it's just that those who were already here weren't trained already. You and your comrades might get their turn in the next few days- ah."

"Oh? So now we are important? Holy fuck." Fred complained, shaking his head and copying the young man to place some of his scarf on his face, directly letting his nose remembering what warmth felt like 'once upon a time'. But then, after a few moments of silence, Fred asked again, "What about the ammunition? I heard that the enemy's navy at all our sides fucked up supplies, and that no aircraft dares to take flight when those 'mantises' are around."

"Yeah... 2/3 of the whole divisions of artillery are ammo-less, you could say." The young man responded, taking out a cigarette that was somehow not getting frozen by the climate of this year. Fred looked at the young man, before letting go of his pain and placing his hands into his equally cold pockets as the air outside.


"Ah? What's that?" Fred asked, his upper lips twisting while enduring the cold as he looked up, his voice made not only the young man beside him but even those nearby guard on the other posts that were silently enduring the boredom-threatening sleep, to look up and follow the more and more incoming sounds of things... going through air rather recklessly and without really flying?

Pvssheewmm! Pvsshewmmmm! Pvshhh…

“Shit, I can’t see. Where are the lights?!?” Fred’s words caused even some loud and powerful shout from behind at their nearby tower to become panicked after a few seconds from those sounds coming to be, from a few to dozens and dozens of such. But after having yelled out and with the number of sounds not only still increasing but also becoming louder.

Pvsheeeeeeeewmmmm!! Pvvvsshheeeewwwmmmbb~!! Pvssh- pvsshhhwem- pvshem!!

“The LIGHTS! THe lights I’ve said, what the hell is going on…?!” Before the tower nearby, from each corner and each several hundreds of meters could have a response to why there wasn’t any response from other teams, however, shapes finally began to be visible just as hundreds of those sounds reached the ears of everyone below surrounding the center of the Capital.

Pvsheeeeeeeewmmmm!!! Pvsheeeeeeeewmmmm!! Pvsheeeeeeeewmmmm~~!! Pvsheeeeeeeewmmmm! Pvsheeeeeeeewmmmm~!...

…From way above, so above that they couldn’t even tell how high those shapes were in the air, hundreds of airplanes that seemed more like cargo planes extensively wide, so wide they could almost take 2 streets right next to each other on their own and totally destroy that much space should they land on the ground.

As those planes were still quite a few kilometers away from being genuinely above the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan’s territory, they only looked like ants from the ground, even from the high walls that were only inferior to those of the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan’s territory, let alone those other soldiers patrolling or sleeping on the ground that were woken by the sounds become so terribly loud and reeking an imminence of death.

But, unlike those on the ground, the soldiers of the Peaceful Rain Corporation in those cargo planes were capable of seeing their enemy. Within each cargo plane that was flying at full speed straightforwardly, each soldier had a specialized helmet with a large enough window for most of their eyesight to be freely able to move around, it also helped somewhat in their movement through air and eve water if required but not by that much.

What was really important about these helmets, however, was that they had a type of digital interface to recommend them the greatest of advice in emergency cases and that also served as a coms system that was much more advanced that even nowadays’ current ways of communicating. After all, the Peaceful Rain Corporation also came to own all facilities and ‘tools’ up above that the Crestfallen Industry made use of daily for the whole Human Civilization.

It wasn’t that the helmets’ AI had limitations, but that to rely on such borrowed knowledge and power was the same as crippling one’s future men and women brains for simply making their lives as soldiers a bit easier because of laziness.

In any case, while those below couldn’t see, those above could see those below…


Amidst the waiting in each cargo plane, the cargo door locks were suddenly opened which could at least be seen from below under the night sky, and as soon as they opened, dozens, then dozens of dozens…hundreds…to almost a thousand men and women came out from them which anyone with training could understand when seeing a ton of figures coming out from the back of the plane and were left behind by the same.

However, in these instances, instead of being left behind by the plane…it was the cargo planes that seemingly became slower while the people coming out from them began flying and gliding around in an unnecessary, weird formation that acted like a cocoon right above those on the ground’s heads.

“What are they doing?” - “Are they gonna show us some dance in the air or what?” - “Why do they not use those bombers? Are they stupid, or did they think that they could just simply come into our homeland as they pleased, huh?!”


But just as the soldiers below and even those in command began releasing their pressure and anxiousness when seeing the strangeness from the enemy above, the cargo planes they thought were slowing down…suddenly began coming down at them in a dive while some more people still came out of them!

They hadn’t been slowing down, they were simply going more up and upwards! They were…they were going to go kamikaze?!

Yet, as they were watching how a few hundreds and hundreds of extremely fat cargo planes were beginning to nosedive downwards them and coming at them very fast indeed, they saw, without being able to hear the especially magical-ish sounds of energy coming into being from above, how a screen of transparent cyan enveloped the aerial territory; formed and given shape like a bell from those ‘aerial dancers’ they were mocking just now.

The transparent cyan bell then fell from the sky, faster than the cargo planes as the enemy seemingly almost stagnant in the air but stil falling yet at an extremely slow pace began to disperse outwards.Meanwhile, however, those cargo planes kept going down.

“SHIT SHIT SHIEEET!!” - “Artillery, to your positions, get ready to sh-” - “FIRE AT YOUR DISCRETION, GET RID OF THOSE PLANES, GET RID OF THEM!!! “ - “Sound the fucking alarms, where are the alarms and what the hell is going on?!”


From all around the walls, constant firepower began being used, hundreds and hundreds of artillery weaponry and anti-aircrafts became hot as soon as the shouts were beginning, aiming and almost all fully hitting the aircrafts, they did have it easy as those cargo planes were simply nosediving.

But due to their high speed when falling, and with all that heavy weight, some shells and shots ended up not hitting them. Fortunately, however, the cargo planes raining down upon them were still being insanely bombarded by the firepower from below, almost bathing them in sparkle and flashes of lames from their weaponry hitting against them nonstop.

Tili-clinkg, ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling…

“...huh?” But as a soldier, and probably a few many others, heard the sounds of so much firepower landing on those nosediving cargo planes as they came closer and closer without them being affected in the slightest by the shots raining upon them; he became aware that they didn’t really sounded like metal colliding against metal and…it was even as if metal was being deviated instead of clashing against another metallic substance!




Explosions, orange, yellow incandescent flames surged into the air; endlessly. Not even the screaming of 'people' could even be heard; one, because of the explosion muffling them and two, because they weren’t even able to move their eyes away from the explosion coming off at their sides before they were instantly slammed and hammered by another aircraft and another explosion then surged where they were just standing.

The bodies of most soldiers that were directly hit by the aircrafts became screens of blood and organs, the bones not even being visible as they became fertilizer, before suddenly turning into useless waste even as they were dusted by the insanely heavy loaded aircrafts, exploding just a moment later after the head of the aircraft landed on the ground.

From afar, as thunderous, possible to deafen sounds continued on and on, the civilians several kilometers away which were utterly terrified of the intense fire getting into their homes with how intense the flames were and how much terrifying destruction it was causing definitely made them understand that they wouldn’t stop at just the new ‘fortress’ walls’ and would reach them any time soon.

However, just as they saw the fiery, hellish flames of hell begin to lunge their way and approach their living residences like a hand stretching from afar which was constantly growing several tens of meters longer each moment; was immediately cut off as the transparent ‘blue’ barrier above in the air managed to stop it from proceeding any further.

At that time, cries of desperation and heartache stopped as the tears from the civilians ceased falling so much. Instead, they looked on as the flames went up tens of kilometers into the air while a bunch of illuminated ‘butterflies’ began moving, skillfully and at great speed around the transparent blue cocoon.

Before long, as many sniffs happened in various households, they watched the people ‘flying’ in the air slowly make their way into the flames when they were still strong and going even higher up with there being many-sequels of explosions within the cocoon high above. Appearing fearless, but with a motive not just to move those ‘flying butterflies’ hearts, but also their souls; the civilians watched as the ‘world’ burned.

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. . .


Immemorial Image City, Capital of the Soundless Vision Region. Within the nearest residential sectors to the ‘Founding’ Kernti Clan’s territory.


“Mama, Mom! What are they? They are- gasp flying!” A little boy, probably not even 5 years old, was held by a beautiful long, red wine colored haired woman that was 1.70 meters tall. She held onto him with fear of letting go, as if she could lose him the next moment if she was not careful. Before the young woman could answer, another young woman appeared and entered the room with the door having been closed before.

“Dear…I don’t know what’s going on…” The young woman to come in was of a short, smooth silver colored hair, her nails were up to her teeth and about to be chewed upon, when the red wine haired woman stopped her by lightly grabbing that wrist’s away and eased the silver haired woman a bit more.

“Don’t, you’ll hurt yourself…I don’t know either.” The red wine haired woman said, her head turning to face the window where the ‘Founding’ Kernti Clan’s territory could barely be seen at this hour, as it suddenly became illuminated, lighting up the sides of houses and buildings facing said territory in just a moment by an unbelievable degree!

…booom…boom booom boooom… booom~~!!!...

“Get away from the window!” The silver haired young woman screamed, not realizing how widened her wife’s eyes were as she watched it all burn. When she felt her wife’s hand trying to pull her away, she resisted as she told her in a fit of hurry, “No! Look! Look…”

The silver haired woman was frowning hard when she turned to look at the explosions, sounds kept coming from it, but it seemed to be contained by a transparent cyan barrier acting as a shield…shield to protect them from such terror.

“...” - “...” Both wife and wife then, as if having become hypnotized, looked at the flames go up and up, with ‘butterflies’ going around and round before finally entering it while the flames still burned. Though the ‘booms’ were now muffled’ they were still audible despite them being so damn far away…to enter such a place like it was okay…it terrified…but aroused something within them at the same time…

“Kayla…” - “Udes…” The silver haired woman called out first, with the red wine haired woman responding by calling out her wife’s name in return. On the other hand, the little boy suddenly cheered up with his arms raising into the air, “Danny!”

“...” - “...”

. . .


Iron Will Region, Fearless Progress City…



…Unlike the other 2 Regions that were allied together to face the Peaceful Rain Corporation and try to destroy it, the Capital of the Iron Will Region, the Fearless Progress City, didn’t had any kind of ‘exquisite’ operation, with cargo planes simply flying over to there with the most numbers and falling on the entire Capital that has been deserted for months with only some remaining army from the Ross still around.

However, even though it may end with another million of enemy soldiers at the most, for the cities nearby that witnessed a bombardment from kamikaze cargo planes much more powerful, potent and totally scarier than that of the Cloud Gates Region’s Southern Heaven Capital City and the Soundless Vision Region’s Immemorial Capital City; as well as much greater in the scope of the ‘bombardment area’.

For them, it was a much crueler, despicable and ruthless…but almighty power that directly crushed the undying loyalty they had for the ‘KINGS AND QUEENS’ of the Iron Will Region for centuries and centuries of the past. And now, though not having the Peaceful Rain’s Yun Beishang inside their hearts and minds like the new king…but their conqueror; the cities that experienced up close the grandest, strongest and marvelously grand Capital of the Iron Will Region be destroyed to below its foundations were the first to bend their knees.

While those that were farther apart from the direct scene of such vehement destruction only needed a few more minutes to consider the obvious answer with the obvious result if wrongly giving an unneeded answer. In short, for the better of their mental health’s sake, they needed some time to ‘debate’ whether or not to really surrender wholeheartedly.

Nobody, ever, would simply decide to keep their strong will ongoing and put all of their citizens’ and men and women’s lives in danger for honor, they didn’t to be in history in order to eat, sleep and feel; they were human beings and not different decorations on paper in several different ‘history’ books.

And even if there was such a thing, nothing that a little uprising for the better of one’s city survival couldn’t remedy. Not that it was as useful as it used to be in the ancient past, and it was especially so since the people’s power has become much more controlled. But in these times, where any decision would be seen tens of times more intensely and by even more people…only a brainless puppet of stupidity would make such an unreasonable decision.

But the territories of the ‘Founding’ Kernti Clan and the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan weren’t just destroyed like that, even as several tens of such kamikaze aircrafts fell directly on the center of their very territory, a barrier that was of semi-energy appeared in each of the cores of both territories. Protecting the masters, as some of themselves were in the middle of another huge, important and decisive ‘war’ inside a ‘game’ for profit.



Rising Essence’s Main Kingdom, western borders of the Ancient Forest Region, 5:07 am.


Pvump! Pvump! Pvump! Pvump!...


“The Order’s attacking! Relay the info-”


“Defend, defend!!” - “Godly Journeyers Seven Sins Knights, charge!!!” - “Where are the damned Wind Dao Godly Journeyers? Hurry it up!! We’ll protect you, leave this place!!!”

Though there was sudden chaos as booming sounds began sounding from. So. Far. Away. And right next to each other there were lots and lots of kilometers being bombarded without a single spot being left alone without being bombarded, affected and exploding with explosive waves creating smallish replicas one after the other after clashing with each other…


The fun was still there, and with their hearts becoming even more looking forward to the news of the game that is going to be represented in 3 months and a half, they were even more willing to silently agree to roleplay even if it was obvious they were doing so. As long as they didn’t directly speak of it, it was as if they were raiding a new boss or exploring a dungeon for the first time and it didn’t become awkward for most.

But, as they hurried their countermeasure to deal with The Order’s ever so potent bombardment, they were rapidly being overtaken by the improvement that The Order has had after just a few months of meeting each other and,right now, they were even more amazed and shaking their heads from that feeling alone when seeing dozens of spaceships in formation fly into their precious last resort, last stand of fighting against the Tyrannical League of The Order.



V8: #1 2/10.

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