Bow and Arrow

Chapter 726: Chapter 724 — The Calming Storm

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The Calming Storm




Step, step.

Walking towards where the Ross Clan's 'refugees' were despairing, through the Kerntis who were leaving the building that had to pass by their late, last Clan Head's corpse, still bleeding out but not that much any more despite just the few tens of seconds since his neck was almost completely stabbed through and detached from the rest of his body.

Yun Beishang and the now present Selina made their way through the crowd of Kerntis that didn’t even know if to feel gratitude, hatred or both at the same time anymore. As they didn’t even dare to put them in their eyes, they lowered and tilted their heads, dancing with their heads as if they were rocking for some music to the comical sight of being so close to death in more than one way…

Getting into the divided section for the Ross, Yun Beishang and Selina instantly saw the utter despair of the former as they looked at the two of them suddenly appear together and barely even recognizing the woman standing beside the evil being. Trembling and looking at them with the corners of their eyes, Yun Beishang was unaffected while Selina felt incredulous to believe that these were the ones she drove herself away from.

Walking a little bit from here and there to stand at a reasonably middle and at the front of the Ross Clan’s members but still slightly surrounded by them, Yun Beishang and Selina looked at a couple that were walking towards them from the very center of the Ross Clan’s members. The man had short-medium length red hair for a typical man’s style, while the woman had short wavy, black hair.

While the man looked young, he was a couple decades away from being 200 years old, and the woman who was his wife, the wife of the Ross Clan’s Clan Head was already going to reach the 100th year of her life, something that even though it could be possible much more than in previous eras of humanity, was still hard to achieve nonetheless among the ordinary people; but still looked like a young woman herself.

The man was handsome, alright, he had his muscular and tall body ‘deflated’ with covered wounds by extreme emergency treatment that one would require in case their bodies would stop behaving normally any minute and their limbs about to detach from each other. On a person’s body, it looked like a patch placed on a tire, but on this man, it looked like he was changing the color of his skin little by little just for the fun of it.

For the looks of it, the treatment went well and his life was saved. However, for an ordinary person to be given this kind of treatment, they would require years to be able to walk again, and that was just for one small, little dull-rosy pale-white ‘patch’ on their skin, let alone all over their bodies and with several being given to his head as well.

This man, to the knowledge of both Yun Beishang and Selina, is the Clan Head of the Ross Clan, Ross Klena. His body lost some volume alright, so much that his equally strong wife which was much more taller than he was right now had to support him, her right arm used as his walking stick and her left hand making sure he didn’t fall even with that strong pair of hands gripping as badly tight as they could at her arm; which had already happened a few times before.

And the woman before him, with much less injuries and only a couple of patches seen around her waist and sternum, she was beautiful alright, and her straight back and proud peaks denounced what kind of beauty did this orphan who took her husband’s family name was like. Ross Yina was her name, and she was the holder of the Imperishable Ancestor Legendary Hidden Class with an availability to ‘all’.

“Greetings, Chief Yun Beishang and…Miss Selina, it’s been a long time since I saw you with my own eyes…” Ross Klena spoke first, his eyes and head lowering after seeing Selina’s face, obviously knowing that even if he wanted to feel guilty now, it was not his right to feel like so and even less to be seen as such.

“Is she…” But then, as he lowered his head, his shortened eyesight that was blurry for even things that were 3 meters right in front of him; or even less, caught the image of Selina heaving her body onto Yun Beishang’s and even embracing his right arm like the most precious love she could ever hold to.

“Selina is my woman, but though she is not my family…she is my person until the very moment she dies.” Yun Beishang said, Selina looked at him with tenderness in her eyes, how could she not? But as he ended his words, her eyebrows rose a little and maintained their position there in slight confusion, her eyes looked at him with the same kind of confusion but still felt it as wonderful words for her being.

“...” Ross Klena looked at Yun Beishang like a fool being taken as a fool and being fooled, understanding those words as he and many others were well aware of Selina’s husbands, he remained quiet. But Yun Beishang was having too much fun, enjoying this moment, how could he stop? He immediately added with a light smile, “Is this your question? Oh, alright. That is the only time you’ll ever get to question me.”

Tilting his head to the left with that smile, it gave Ross Yina shivers to say the very fucking least of it, she immediately responded by rubbing her man’s chest and said to Yun Beishang with her eyes not showing any fake emotions and her tone being as sincere as ever possible. “My husband is glad that she has found such a man, no matter the case or the situation, the terrible th-”

“Shut up.” Hoarsely speaking, Yun Beishang terrified Ross Yina with just those 2 words alone, nothing else and with just a little glance at her. His demeanor was no longer playful as he returned to look at Ross Klena who gulped down twice in silence and looked at Yun Beishang with an eagerness to beg.

“!” But then, his eyes darted around and, taking his wife’s left arm tighter with his hands, he straightened his back and said before walking away in a whoosh-like manner, inciting a half-laughing and half-sneer from Yun Beishang as the former gave his back to the latter. “Chief Yun Beishang, the Ross Clan will agree to everything that you ask or not ask for, there is no doubt of our Ross Clan to compromise, if you’ll excuse me. I’m sick and need attention.”

“...What makes you think you can walk away with your life?” Just as Ross Klena made his fourth pair of steps forward and passed by Yun Beishang while his own people trembled and looked at the former with growing hatred, Yun Beishang’s simple and lightly spoken words detained the former’s footsteps as Ross Yina’s heartbeat accelerated to a painful degree despite her powerful body.

“Yun Beishang, don’t think you can make us beg for it, what do you want from me?! Can’t I live if I want to? What, would you also like to fuck my wife to ‘forgive’ or something? You’ve won, what else are you doing here hunting men and women like it’s glorious and makes sense?!” By the end of his words, it was Ross Yina’s facial expression that became sad, while Selina disdainfully locked her eyes on the vital points and weakened body of Ross Klena; Yun Beishang merely looked back at Ross Klena after turning his body with his face not changing one bit through the entire dramatic scene.

With his head having tilted to the left to stare back in this little ‘war’ of staring ‘against’ Ross Klena, Yun Beishang then bobbled his head once to the right and looked at the saddened wife by her own husband’s words, and then stretched his arms forward close to her breasts above before lifting them in the air and saying in a more than ‘obvious’ tone.

“Of course not, I’m not interested in others’ wives, unless it is them asking me to fuck them silly and even some for impregnating their wife’s pussy. Mm, but the latter I don’t do other than my own wives, I have honor, too.”

“Yun Beishang!!” Ross Klena burned with fury but more so with shame as his face reddened and blood began sipping out from his ears, a little bit only though. After the shout and every Ross clansmen and clanswomen looked at the couple with irremediable fear, Ross Yina came to the rescue with her breasts swaying once and her honest smile imploring along with her shaken eyes.

“Chief Yun Beishang, what my husband intended to do was to ask for, if there is any, whichever way in which we may get to…survive. To…not die.” Her voice was strong and straightforward, but the fear within it and her demeanor of forcing herself to this while her man stood alone on his own and with her hands softly and gently imploring in Yun Beishang’s chest made her look like a dainty lady begging for her family’s survival.

“...” Ignoring the very close face of the big breasted beauty, Yun Beishang looked  right beside him on his right, where Selina looked at him while thinking for a few seconds already. She then took his hand with her own and had her left cheek be supported by his shoulder, before beginning to rub her chin on his body left and right.

Pushing Ross Yina with his left hand touching the upper right breast of her wonderful body, badly and taking advantage, Yun Beishang then said with a clear mind and with Ross Yina and her husband burning with even more shame. “Mn, there is something.”

“Whatever it is, we- I’ll do it.” Ross Klena said, growing a pair of balls.

“Kneel!!” He would’ve expected this, such command, from Yun Beishang but not from the woman beside him. And as he looked at her, with his legs already bent on meeting the floor with his called-upon knees, his eyes were expressing as if trying to speak for themselves: ‘how dare you speak?!’.

But with his thoughts and eyes conveying such, the image of Yun Beishang groping his woman’s right breast from its upper section but still feeling up that grand nipple and pushing it, pressing against it and taking advantage to even move his fingertips to enjoy echoed in his head, also not forgetting that it was his own words making that happen with his woman choosing to go for it.

In the end, he only stopped his kneeling stance for half a second before slowly continuing to do it, when his feet became free of his own weight and were aiming behind himself, he felt a kind of freedom from his bodily pain. But then came another as all he could hear was a footstep and a half followed by a resounding slap on the left side of his face!

Step- tap- Slap!!

“Uagk- huahk!” Feeling his throat almost locking itself up from the hit alone, Ross Klena had such difficult breathing like never before in his entire life that he was about to vomit, vomit blood and nothing else just from the disgust of feeling like this and of even feeling it a t all.

“Speak then! Ask for forgiveness specifically for what you did to me!” Selina, who had become a raging monster, made a claw with her left hand and pierced Ross Klena’s cheeks as he looked with his upturned, bulging eyes at her looking on with a fear that quickly dissipated and it became an astounding sight of a combination of both: rage and shame!

Pit pit pit pit!

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“COUGH, KAKA- COOOUGH!!” His throat naturally relieving itself of self-death in a most creepy way, Ross Klena was freed from Selina’s grasp as she wiped her hand in the air and blood fell on the ground, almost making bullets-like sounds clashing against a solid substance for that matter.

“I’m sorry…” With a chest heavily breathing in quick motions and his face haggard, open mouth in a square-like shape and his jaws tensed, with a voice so hoarse and and broken; Ross Klena spoke with his head facing up at Selina and her raging, ruthless eyes looking down at him with all the hatred in her whole being.

“For using you, to the Yuns, for trying to give you to them and anybody else who was willing enough to give me and my FOUNDING Ross Clan merits, rewards, gifts, benefits and resources necessary to develop above the Specialist’s known degrees of power! Looking for my own and the future of the whole Ross Clan that- has now…become this.”

With pure hatred, venomous feelings and intensifying emphasis on his last two words, Ross Klena’s breathing evened out and kept looking directly into Selina’s face and eyes, but he was still as haggard and hoarsely speaking as he continued. “For almost trying, and succeeding, even as you were too young, it was…something I was willing to do! To sacrifice!”


“You are not someone who can say that!!” Selina slapped the shit out of him again, but this time, his throat was fine with her left claw once again piercing through not just his skin this time but also his operculum being pierced as all of his recently accommodated teeth began ‘dancing’. “One can only sacrifice what is themselves, you’ve done but give shit to myself and my family! Where are they?!!”

Her voice toned up volumes, not just a few, reaching the whole building and silencing even the thoughts within the people’s heads. Her canines were more apparent now than ever, and her lips retracted both upwards and downwards respectively as she was almost burying her fingers into the jaw of Ross Klena, not a small amount of blood coming out from the holes she made in it.

“Where is my family?” Selina asked again, while Ross Klena simply let his mouth agape, ‘strengthless’ as if he was just surprised and forgot to close his lips, let alone that he was suffering a very high amount of pain and at all times for that matter. But the voice he heard, that of a girl’s and not of a young woman, that did it.

“Wasn’t how it was supposed to go… They were casualties from an experiment…” Ross Klena’s words didn’t totally surprise Selina, but they still got to her and she began breathing slightly heavily with her sounds of breathing still being low. “It wasn’t like that, it wasn’t like that! They were volunteers, they did it, and they were the only ones who could do it but they…they didn’t manage to survive long after the experiment had ‘happened’ already.”

“Then why wasn’t I-”

“They asked me not to!” Amidst Selina slightly reddening face and tears coming down her face that she shook savagely but with tiny movements, Ross Klena shouted back at her with his eyes and eyebrows almost becoming one altogether. He then added as she became stupefied, “I could have had done it to all, but your parents specifically made me keep you safe! That I would not allow anyone to pursue the matter, that it was all for nothing in the end to convince the rest!”

“But it was you, the one who showed it more among the entire Main and Side branch of our blood, the one I wanted to continue such ancient research in order to find a way-”

“To find a way to use us as experiments for your own problem, to find how to destroy our bodies to pieces and build yourself a new power?! IS it power, is it all that was ever with it?! POWER?!!” Selina once again semi-shrieked at Ross Klena, whose eyes blinked profusely and were incapable of responding while his mouth could only utter: ‘uh no, no no!’.

“Did it- I DID IT BECAUSE OF THAT, MAYBE!!” Snapping out at Selina and cutting her last screamed, loudly yelled word at him in between, silencing her as everyone heard his words and while Yun Beishang was indifferent, Selina expressionless but also dull…it was his wife once again who became even sadder and grieved with her mouth slowly covered up by her right, trembling hand.

And Ross Klena’s voice was still hoarse, but was fully honest at that and confessing even, which took every single living being’s attention as it happened. He continued with much less spirit than before, and less vigor, “But I also did it, in case it proved right, and so I could lay it bare for the future generations. Establishing a solid foundation for a time where humanity evolves, where we would once again rein over New Earth and not just what could be considered a small island of the same!”

“I did it all for the Ross…” Selina looked at him with a pair of soulless eyes, her lips then moved and from them, her quiet voice spoke. “Then why did you tried to get me to be your Clan’s bargaining chip?”

Though she sounded so quiet, the intensity and accentuation in each of her words was marvelously alive and magical. Ross Klena was lost in her voice a little, her words leaving him speechless as he finally looked back up at her, his eyes…more than obvious. “When the experiments were finished, just a few- gulp, tens of minutes later, as if they knew there were about to die…they began babbling stuff, to keep you alive, to not experiment on you…to keep their blood alive.”

Making a soundless gulp that took all of his attention to make, such that it made his already bleeding and free jaws become hotter along his face and his whole body sweat, Ross Klena then calmly said in a quiet tone; and slowly. “...I’m sorry.”

“... … …!” Selina remained with her head lowered, her left hand with her fingertips coated in blood and some flesh that adhered to under her nails slowly falling off completely from them with the mere natural strength of her body. As she suddenly looked up at Ross Yina before looking down at Ross Klena.


Giving him a harsher slap than even the first one, Selina sent Ross Klena’s body against the floor, the bones on his back breaking all at once, before lunging at him and continuing to slap the shit out of his facial skin and bones, hair falling off continuously as her nails gnashed at his eyes and his teeth even going down his throat only to stop falling into it from how ‘locked’ his throat was.

Ross Yina had wanted to stop her from when her husband and beloved man was pushed against the floor and his body half-broke, but a check to Yun Beishang’s face to see her give him a glare, stopping her in her tracks but with her whole body trembling and shaking intensely nonstop with tears coming down from her face this time.


With a last, most powerful resounding slap, Selina stopped giving any other. She had her back bent and her ass aimed at Yun Beishang, which she then used as a direction to begin stepping backwards, slowly straightening up her back and letting the back of her body fall onto Yun Beishang.

“Let’s go…” Yun Beishang softly spoke to the little beauty, and his right hand aimed at the whole bunch of men and women behind him, while his left hand held Selina’s waist with care and precision to hold her now seemingly fragile bones and tendons.


As if a breeze suddenly formed at within the building, where barely some movement from natural air could even exist, swept over the entire Ross Clan’s members; and anyone that was above the age of 14 turned into eerie ash that began floating upwards all at the same time without joining each other into a major current before going up.

It was a gentle touch, one full of softness that even created a serene and peaceful emotion in the deepest of their hearts and beings. One that even those that turned to little eerie dust could feel a moment before turning into it, and that collapsed the mind of the already tired children, numbing them from a reaction until who knows how long.

“Congrats.” Yun Beishang said, moving his right hand’s palm from aiming at them, to aim at Ross Klena himself. In a sudden rush of whitish energy showing up and showering his body from his feet to his head, his harsh breathing sounds were evened out almost in the same second that they began, driving a startled but terribly horrorized and hopeful Ross Yina as she knelt down above where his head was resting.

But by the time she remembered to look at Yun Beishang and Selina leaving, and her husband appeared all healed up without those patches and back to his full strength, but to which no ideas came to them as those black-robbed unknown powerful men and women turned them into cute kittens; they were already gone from her sight and nowhere for her to even try to ‘sense’ their general location for a few dozens of meters.



Let It Rain's Note: These were tiring to write...

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