Bow and Arrow

Chapter 744: Chapter 742 — Nights

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"Seems like it's a do or do dying situation?" Yun Beishang said, making Diana recompose herself as her marveled face became calm once again, her beautiful face turned to Yun Beishang and mesmerized him a little, forgetting the way he just spouted the cruel truth in such raw demeanor and without feeling shaky about it at all.

"Let's do our best, honey." Diana said, her left hand going over to cup Yun Beishang's right cheek, Yun Beishang was left a bit baffled by her unusual gentleness and cleverness, he could only respond by making sure she will have enough babies to share that with, Natalia must've influenced her into gaining an incredible motherly instinct. Points for Natalia!

“Sir Lord, is that you? Eternal Silhouette Region’s side has completed orders, Raoundozia told me to notify you that the Bright Sunset Region had the most people spread about.” Baston’s voice suddenly came into his ears as he watched the beauty of being a bastard with so many infatuated, devoted wives and already building up his farm with the little fellas starting to grow up.

As for the intended ‘orders’ that were seemingly already completed on the side of the Eternal Silhouette Region, it was prettieh simple. When one crossed the portal, they would appear in the space of Main Kingdom from the side of the planet that the Region was in, the Ancient Forest Region having the most extensive terrain to cover and hence, had the most Maidens and Ladies stationed there.

However, as people began crossing it, Yun Beishang received reports that everyone was being set towards any part of the space of Main Kingdom. Fortunately, it was being done so within the range of the Regions that they came from, and it was still manageable by the Godly Journeys and their Associations to place every warrior and auxiliary person in line and formation.

With there being 3 hours of billions of people going through the portals all over Main Kingdom, it was naturally silly and stupid for all the warriors to take care of such a matter. As such, everyone entering the portals had already seen the forums and knew what to expect from The Order, but that no matter what, they should first organize themselves.

Anyway, it didn’t take long for a ‘few’ billion here and a few billion there to begin taking the matter of finding people and bringing them back to the ‘base’ on each Region’s space into their own hands. And though messy at first, it was as simple as seeing 1 or 2 doofus with a face that clearly exposed them as doofus drifting about or playing in space like children, then bringing those kids back.

Some of those kids were old Inhabitants, which Yun Beishang thankfully denied knowing who they were, though once he arrived at Main Kingdom’s space, it became obvious for him… Some others were actual kids, ranging from 10 to 20 years old, the babies. While some others were grown as young adults and mature adults, which was understandable, everyone had a heart for new things that were funny and enjoyable. But enough was enough, there was something terribly serious to work about.

And as such, after concentrating his senses to sweep all over the space of Main Kingdom, sending his Hidden Stats like a current through every single side of it, alarming and then aweing the Godly Journeyers and Inhabitants all around alike. Yun Beishang spoke through his coms while Diana began taking her own place to study the battlefield and checking ‘other’ certain important matters.

“Everyone, report to me now.” Yun Beishang commanded, and the people under him directly responded. The first one to sound, or the first ones, were a pair of lovely young women whose voices ringed in his ear and everyone’s despite their coldness and strictness. “Beishang, the Origin Pertaining Region needs a few more minutes to catch the flying flies~.” - “Lord, the analysis for the deployment of Atalayas is over, I’ve confirmed it 5 times while you were on your way here, please check.”

Hearing so, beside thinking that she didn’t needed to revise her own brain 5 times in a row and planning to boost up her confidence and nerves later on back home, Yun Beishang then nodded as he received a few bouts of information into his retina through his League of The Order’s Association Mail.

Naturally, the first one to speak was Little Duck, while the second was Silha, who was always strict with her work, while Little Duck was also like so, she wasn’t as serious towards her own doings. Also, she was much more polite and answered all polite words directed at her that were respectful on their own, while Silha was a cold queen of the legends; indeed.

“Everything’s ready here, Lord. Please check.” Fosk Yinlan’s voice rang out next, sounding in everyone’s ears and with her charming mature self not being able to be hidden after all. Meanwhile, Yun Beishang received reports of the people that had already been standing by for almost half an hour and waiting for him to come…as well as a little message with a painted tiny heart at the right bottom corner of a report.

‘Phew…’ Feeling things heating up, Yun Beishang the responsible calmed himself down, thinking that this was just a polite reminder of ‘heal me please?’...  But with such thought entering his head, sets and sets of images with Fosk Yinlan’s different faces and voices, tones of the same while asking just that’ heated him up some more. Luckily, his savior came to destroy his heat.

“Yes, Atalayas’ positioning and people in the Fate Meeting Region is ready, please check.” Tron Palas’s old voice sounded, his tone a bit grave and quite powerful still, waking Yun Beishang up and slumbering all of the manly heat that the deliciously audible female had given rise to just now. Thanking him in his mind, Yun Beishang nodded as if they could see him.

“The Thousand Words Region is all ready to go, people are prepared here and the Inhabitants are working really well too!” Xie Ling’s cheerful attitude came from the comms this time, followed by Asami Kira’s and then Asami Yuno’s lovely, soothing voices. “Daddy!” - “Kira! Don’t say that, we’ve told you!” - “Ahem! Hubby~~! Please send another fleet of Atalayas here, pweetee pweesee? It’s not fair the Ancient Forest ‘Rewwwgiowwn is the only one with two!” - “Ahem, Atalayas are waiting for deployment, Lord Husband.”

Everyone in the comms: “...”

“Ahem, good.” Yun Beishang gulped at Kira’s brazen self and gulped one extra at Yuno’s extreme obedience and subservience to him. Both of them were such good wifeys, but why was one of them always asking for harsh bdsm times? Since she became a mother, her thrill and ‘need for feed’ had grown so much…

“Atalayas’ positioning is complete, please verify it Lord. Oh, excuse me, my husband is in the middle of bringing some others towards the base of operations.” A young woman’s voice sounded, with that one obviously coming from a little someone that became the wife of one of Yun Beishang’s many brother-in-laws - from the Wonder Region.

“People are almost ready, according to previous timings, it might take us 10 minutes more before completion of orders.” Don Maya’s voice sounded out next, his voice was tranquil but sounded brusque instead, still the same Don Maya whose innate nature was that of looking like a bully, bouncer and like his childhood girlfriend ended up being a whore. Anyways.

Yun Beishang nodded and then looked around, only one Region was left for reporting, and just at that moment, Raoundozia’s voice came to be with relief and contentment at the same time. So much that people could even see his sweaty armor but a gratified smile on his face, “Lord, everything’s done, we only need the Atalayas’ deployment positions and that will be it. Waiting at your orde-”


Just as Raoundozia was finishing his last word that needed to be spoken in his speech, a sound that came from each ‘up above’ Region space in which most people were reunited at one place, that was quite large indeed but that didn’t look that large of an occupied spot in the space of Main Kingdom compared to if they were all back on it.

A sudden vibration-like sound waves went from far away the golden hues, from those white-pale figures that seemed to be ‘waiting’ in front of it. It reached all the way up to the Godly Journeyers and Inhabitants in each Region’s space.

Just as Silha and Little Duck were working on aiding a few stranded and confused, close to vomiting Godly Journeyers and Inhabitants, shadows were formed all around them, which eventually attempted to reach out further behind them towards Main Kingdom.

This sudden shadow that suddenly became omnipresent and fell upon everybody’s visages felt like the imminent arrival of their doom, desperation and so many more already overwhelming emotions overly-overwhelming them to the bitter end.

*PING*’ve been afflicted with the ‘Terror’ effect for 17 minutes, not closing your eyes or drifting your gaze away from the God Race will increase this duration of 1 minute per 1 seconds of not breaking eye contact.

Many received such a notification, incredibly shocking to them yet barely able to do anything about it other than to remain immobile and read it over and over again for the next few seconds. On the other hand, however, Yun Beishang not only received it too, but it was accompanied by another one as he tilted his head to the left. ‘Are they…provoking me?’

*PING*...because of your astronomical, insane Mental Power, the effect ‘Terror’ is directly negated and is instead returned to its bearer with a double strength in efficiency.

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“Hmm.” Yun Beishang snorted derisively from his nostrils and within his throat, his right hand raised while his head was deadly fixed on a certain white-pale figure up above, his eyebrows were terrified and deadly looking as his right arm released an invisible yet slightly visible wave that flooded the entire outer space of Main Kingdom!!


“AH!” - “Gasp, gasp, gaaasp-!” - “Goddammit, oh fuck, fucking god-dammit, these shitheads are sneak attacking on us!” - “Lord saved us, praise the Lord!” - “Everyone get ready!! Don’t ever underestimate them, don’t!” - “I’ll charm the shit out of them with my body so that you guys can fuck’em up!!”

Reactions began happening as soon as they felt the wave that Yun Beishang had sent to their unknown little selves, they were more than ready to start fighting, lower the barrier and see what’s up with these motherfuckers! But Yun Beishang directly spoke to all through the global coms of the event to pour cold water on their shoulders right away yet softly and calmly.

“Everyone get back to your ‘seats’, anyone who isn’t I’ll kill you thrice and see who dares to revive any of you.”

“...” The crowd was silenced, and while they could only look up at those tiny little pale-silver and white-pale dots in return, Diana at their figures and the old Inhabitants at the blurred humanoid figures of such. Yun Beishang could instead directly see their faces, seeing their mocking, dead serious, dead-like and 5 parts stern and 5 parts wary expressions.

“...” Yun Beishang said nothing, be it in ordinary or extraordinary terms, simply gazing up with his head still tilted leftwards and his right arm slowly lowering itself. From his front a little to his left, Diana came back. With her face watching his carefully, she waited until Yun Beishang’s long distance face off was determined over by himself as he blinked his eyes lazily and looked at her with smiles in his eyes.

“It’s done, these are the places.” Not needing to say anymore, Diana gave her husband a wonderful, small smile before ‘stepping’ forwards to stand side to side with Yun Beishang. The way that everyone was moving was unique and also simple, on their own.

Some were flying with their feet or hands on top of their weapons and shields, some others directly took out their Abysmal Creature Mounts and depended on the latter’s slowly integrating and recognition of space, and like fish sent back to the water, they slowly managed to ‘gallop’ through space with their riders at a maximum Movement Speed of 200% at first.

Some others used their weapons, or shields, as backpacks or wings and began flying around with them as well. Others used Elemental particles while some even depended on a few Core Elemental Particles while using Core Elemental spells, sliding, dashing and zooming around from time to time and even managing to ‘pass it over’ to others so as to bring them back sooner and better in terms of efficiency.

Others had some kind of ‘weight’ with their own unique tank-focused abilities, and could move with the manipulation of their skills, just like Baston could simply place his chest forward and the use of his Hidden Stat as well as ‘found Essence’ allowed him to move almost as if he had a high precision jet pack, one with inexhaustible fuel and greatly adaptable power output.

Meanwhile, others like Diana who had small weapons, they could use a similar way to flow through space as they brandished their strong, fit bodies and with just the movement of such and the straining that they did to their bodies, that was enough to move themselves around. But if it was in ‘real life’, only those like Diana could make such movement and with, of course, equipment to keep her alive and breathing in space.

Everyone was capable of breathing in space due to their Godly Journeyer status, while they were also much stronger than any Specialist of New Earth ever could. If they couldn’t survive in space and move around on their own, then no one else should. Well, maybe perhaps those above and outside the protective barrier of Main Kingdom.

“Let’s go then.” Taking Diana’s right hand with his right hand, Yun Beishang the pushed his body forwards, just one of his feather on each starry purple wing flickering a few nanometers before his body was suddenly moving at a great speed through different directions, bringing Diana to a nice ride as she could identify everything she was seeing thanks to her capabilities.

After just a few seconds of such, moving at a Movement Speed of about 250% with ease, Yun Beishang arrived at a certain point in space, one where it would be the very center and faraway behind from where the Atalayas would be placed.

If looked upon with a 3rd point of view, a nonagon was to be formed by the Insanely huge Atalayas that would be in charge of making a formation. This formation would then be tens of thousands of kilometers in radius, allowing for the Atalayas to move around but not that much while staying in formation should it even be needed.

“Okay, let’s start then.” Glancing at his strong, marvelous beyond comprehension and perfect wife, Yun Beishang lifted his palm pointing upwards from his current position, a tiny black object that looked like a glitch in a video game with polygons playing around like crazy as if they were a bunch of ants whose hole was filled.

Meanwhile, all around the space of Main Kingdom, once everyone was well past the trauma of being targeted by actual Gods and Goddesses, they began to observe with more detail the things around them. And as they looked once again at the image of Main Kingdom from space that was already seen, it suddenly became many times more powerful, evoking silence for a long time from each person in the space of Main Kingdom before the desire to protect her popped inside their brains, hearts and every fiber of their being.

“Wow, it is so beautiful.” - “I can’t believe we’ve been all around on this planet…for so long, it’s…amazing!” - “That’s our Kingdom, we’ve lived on it for ages…I can’t believe it…” - “It must be protected, it must!”

Soft but shouted, dream-like and inspired words left the people’s mouths, making all of the scenery become that from one of terror to a peaceful, calming, easing and soothing sensation. It was like the gaze of one’s mother who had long lost their child for whatever reason, and was now reunited with him or her at last, her gaze was indescribably beyond beautiful and loving.

That mother being none other than Mother of Main Kingdom, which was officially introduced to all Godly Journeyers just now, and all of them…being Her children.

“Wow- WOW!!” - “What?!” - “What is that- … … …holy shit.” Everyone became suddenly alarmed by a few who were shouting within the Bright Sunset Region, and while they were alarmed for any other incoming ‘mind attack’, when they turned around…they were left shocked, speechless, dumbfounded, confounded, paralyzed and fueled to a full with excitement!

“The Atalayas! The real - fucking- ones!!” - “Can we get into them? Oh my god oh my god oh my god…” - “Shhhh, is the Lord, he has something to speak of!”

“...Months ago, I ‘promised’ something to you all,” Yun Beishang spoke a few tens of seconds after the crowd responded to the insanely huge Mothership Atalaya behind him in their eyes, but insanely tiny in comparison to one side of all of Main Kingdom.

“Now,” seeing the crowd getting all riled up with his voice in the global comms and surely making the others in other Region feel tense in the build up of the unknown but with their big heads having big imagination. Yun Beishang then continued with a loud and even overbearing tone, “Well, today. I will fulfill it.”

Fwoooosh… fwoooosh… fwoooosh…

From 8 other different points to that of Yun Beishang’s location, 8 tiny little ‘somethings’ flew out  from his back, which was Diana’s work as she wanted to play the crowd for some strange reason that the embarrassed Yun Beishang could only follow. And as they flew towards 8 different directions, each of them suddenly stopped at a certain point, in which they then became bigger and bigger…

“…shit!” One shout was enough, as the people within the Bright Sunset Region began watching the Mothership Atalayas float upwards and enlarge themselves, the insanely large build of each of them growing at the same time as if by magic made even the ‘living in a magic world since eons ago’ Inhabitants even more dumbfounded than before.

“In the following week, warriors will be taught how to maneuver the simplified Spaceships, while some others will remain behind the lines and shoot from ‘these’. You will be trained for all of that, so prepare.” Yun Beishang said in a commanding tone, his eyes traveling over every single person’s eyes as he then turned his head around and smiled at the silly, crafty Diana lovingly.


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