Bow and Arrow

Chapter 765: SS 1 — Main Kingdom’s Great Evolution (2—Last Part)

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Main Kingdom's Great Evolution (2—Last Part)




The Association HQs became larger but at the same time carried even more responsibility than before, whoever built one was going to need some strong aid in management, logistic, engineer and social skills to keep their worth up. They were to become quite the unique entity within Main Kingdom; a group that could be called politic yet it is only there to ensure safety of the people, but also military that will partake in times when an event was occurring but also responsible for creating better opportunities and maintaining the citizens' hearts calmed and relaxed in any City they settled themselves.

They were now a full 750  x 750 square meters allowed for them to build their little dominions in any City of any Region and about 5 floors up and 5 floors down without counting the main floor (as basic procedures) and their most unique feature were still the overhangs of thick metal-like bricks. But instead of 4 towers in each corner, there were now 5 towers in a semi-rectangular formation.

Around each corner of an Association HQ, one tower with about 1 laser cannon and 4 heavy fire cannons would be installed like turrets on said tower, while the other 4 right behind it which were lined up right behind the ‘main tower’ had only 3 ammo cannons installed as their turrets. They were 20 meters separated from each other while the main tower and the first 2 behind it formed a triangle formation while still forming part of the rectangle formation.

The towers, like in a Prison, were about 20 meters tall and had a total of about 30 meters square meters of area that was the entire perimeter of each tower, not of the towers’ structure themselves.

But just as Prisons were kept, so were the Fortresses that were once the impregnable mountain-hill-like defenses that allowed no enemy to enter nor even approximate to the regional borders of the outer Regions in the past times of the Foundational War. Which ended up lasting a couple of years…but was enough for all of Main Kingdom to be under the name of one sole existing force: The Order!

They were rebuilt as 10 km wide and 35 km in diameter with a semi-octagonal shape. It had a castle design with towers every 133 meters away from each other with each tower being as wide as 75 meters from the bottom before becoming 50 meters wide—maximum—, 82 meters tall and having a Myriad Galaxies Cannon installed every 20 meters.

A 94 meters tall wall. Navy blue, with marine bricks and with their walls having some spiritual barrier naturally set on. A spiritual barrier that wasn’t just for defensive purposes anymore, as they could now even enhance the efficiency of the energy, Elemental and Core Elemental shells even!

The Orde wasn’t fully peaceful, though the Godly Journeyers, especially the business-men and women - didn’t wanted to lose their foothold and opportunities for stupid ‘tryouts’ at the hegemony of two worlds; some Inhabitants would still appear here and there and cause trouble at the very least…at most too.

There were only 2 situations that would unfold in Main Kingdom against The Order: be it a ‘rebellion’, an ‘insurgence’ or even a coup d’état.

1: There was a strong force led by a group of young leaders who were either born among the settlements or a Sub-Divisional City or Divisional City, or simply a bunch of already living, old people who had their chance to say that they were ‘unsatisfied with the current benefits that not everyone has in The Order’s rule’. Then, they would be given the beating of their life, and their last, by the very same settlements; especially supreme settlements that were more than content to gain merit in the unnamed ‘kingdom’-’empire’ of The Order.

Or 2: The growing power would get so big that by the time that The Order had to intervene, the Sub-Division, Division and supreme settlements near this growing power or these growing forces; there would only be a problem arising. How to punish these useless people? After all, all The Order had to do was send a detachment of one of their Divisions, go through their portal and simply annihilate the entire growing power.

There were no soft approaches when such things happened; it wasn’t time for keeping peace for the sake of Main Kingdom, but it also wasn’t because The Order ‘deserved’ to rule and had sacrificed so much for the Kingdom; which, they have, of course.

The Order never specified why they were still remaining not ‘a’ but ‘the’ hegemon of Main Kingdom, while at the same time, never vying for rulership other than their Lord being the whole Leader of the growing Main Kingdom. Whenever there was such small little matter as annihilating, no family of the perpetrators would be spared, but only those who were not directly related, involved or proactive to the continuous use and contribution of the ‘growing powers with ambition’ were to be investigated before being dealt with.

From years in Prison to years of community service like carrying dung, dung, dung and heavier and smelly dung; it all depended on their involvement and their age. If above 13 or so but very involved, then half a lifetime like this, but if younger, then other kinds of ‘servant’ punishments would be given around other installations, like working to build structures as workers and nothing else to even an Instructor’s or Teacher’s assistant.

Just like in New Earth, Main Kingdom now had hundreds of thousands of Academies, per Region, with some dozens of Apple Face Academy per Region as well that were all situated at the Sub-Divisional Cities, Divisional Cities and the most advanced, largest as well as incredible of them all was at the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain World Domination City of course!

And their size was just the same as in New Earth’s, the size of a Yun Clan’s territory from before, as the one from right now is of course completely exterminated and only new homes and small trading districts were to be left after rebuilding the entire huge place.

Everywhere, the Apple Face Academies were of that size, except in the World Domination City, where they were instead only smaller than the Lord’s Residence Building, and about 2 and a half Yun Clan’s territory in overall size. The ‘sole dictator’ of these Apple Face Academies were the pair of mother and daughter who brought, the entirety of two worlds, into the new Eras of knowledge and progress as they deserve to be when led by such a powerful Leader.

Other than that, there were so much movement and care for the housing for the people of Main Kingdom, which could be seen by how their residential districts were kinda spread all over the Sub-Divisional Cities and Divisional Cities as well as how their slowly remodeled the settlements whose infrastructure was really not helpful; or at least not as helpful as it could be without going extreme…

In the 1st year of the Life Generating Era…

A group called the ‘Demon Race Rising’ which was made for the sake of keeping safe the millions of baby Demon Fruits that fell off the trees and right into the arms, bak, of the Myriad Races, slowly and with the utmost care from Mother’s hands; was founded. Their objective was to protect, bring up and secure the future involvement of the Demon Race into the new Main Kingdom so that they wouldn’t be left behind. They were surprisingly and unsurprisingly backed by The Order, and no living being dared to oppose such an already peaceful and loving movement.

In the 10th year of the Life Generating Era…

The Lord came back and, after making the announcement of a hundred-or-more years long plan, he went on with it and swiftly began what was to become in the far future the mobilization of billions that built every single little step that the young ones from those times will be standing on and trekking since the day they are born. Each tile, stair’s step and block of a building they saw - created by the last generation of the previous era of Main Kingdom and the first generation of the Life Generating Era.

In the 11th year of the Life Generating Era…

After the Lord returned, his wife suddenly became the Demon Race Rising’s Spiritual Leader, leading the movement of the Demon Race’s reintegration into life as one of the sole survivors of the Demo Race Extinction event, along with a younger woman and…her three pre-teens that carry the blood of the Demon Race’s now oldest blood despite being a mixed Race; and that of the Lord’s blood as well!

Additionally, there was a great commotion that occurred in the very same year… Bluebloods, no matter where or what kind of stage in life they were in, slowly began to have qualitative changes in their appearance, capabilities and even - bloodline. Without anyone noticing, from a dark night to the suns of the morning, Bluebloods became Demons.

Some attained their skin color, some others their color in their very own eyes, horns, claws, energy to the fact that every single Blueblood was suddenly met with the addition of another language inside their brain… The Ancient Demon language.

In the 13th year of the Life Generating Era…

The beginning of space exploration, something still completely unavoidably impossible for the Human Race of New Earth, outside of Main Kingdom began. Countless Godly Journeyers enlisted themselves as volunteers for space explorations. In the end, the oldest knowledgeable people nearing the end of their lifespans back on New Earth and young, excited people boarded the first thousand-spaceships-fleet of exploration that went into space from Main Kingdom’s ground.

In the 20th year of the Life Generating Era…

The Order had finalized building enough Sub-Divisions and Divisions to cover all of a third of the entirety of Main Kingdom with civilization, no longer leaving too much of a huge area that is about even close to billions of square kilometers left without any large or medium sized settlements. The borders of each Region were no longer left for any possible loophole in the defenses of Main Kingdom and portals wouldn’t be military-only use anymore as The Order was now spread with all of its forces and people all around Main Kingdom and not in the center of each Region. Similar to New Earth but much more differently employed.

In the 23rd year of the Life Generating Era…

The first 3 military Region units of the Demon Race of The Order were formed, their first assignment was to clear out any incoming ‘event’ of any race planning to invade the civilization of Main Kingdom in order to destroy, cause fear and eat the citizens of Main Kingdom. An assignment that would gain them not just the pity anymore, but the honor and pride from the other Myriad Races; their status in a few years couldn’t be any more solid and firmer for the Demon Race in its initial stages of reintegration.

In the 60th year of the Life Generating Era…

The first successful space exploration fleet returned after a few years of investigation, bringing news, theories and an already started research on recuperating a Hollow Kingdom’s vitality that hasn’t seen any living being, and much less a Myriad Race’s member, for millions of years.

After just a few days of work, with the Lord involving himself in such at the last day of the investigation, a 10-year long plan was launched with the cooperation of the smartest, wisest and most advanced knowledgeable people of more than just Main Kingdom…

In the 73rd year of the Life Generating Era…

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Statues of the previous Kingdoms were sculptured in the free-territory areas designed by The Order in the middle of ‘nowheres’ and nature, to be worshiped by any living being and prayed to, while at the same time, The Order’s Lord, Ladies and Maidens’ Statues were built on Hollow Kingdoms.

Each Hollow Kingdom had a full set of the Lord’s Statue, a Lady’s Statue and tens of thousands of Maidens’ Statues; with all of them having the same height and appearance-style. Though there was only a Lady and the Lord’s Statue, the fact that there were so many Maidens’ Statue wasn’t because of their lower respect and amount of worship they get; but so that all of the Maidens of The Order could have their ‘first’ Statue on a Kingdom since its regrowing back to life-stage.

In the same manner, the newer Maidens would also have their Statues built upon depending on the Kingdoms growing with less Statues of such and so on; the same with a Lady’s Statue, but there were so little of them and so little of them joining the Lord’s family that there weren’t enough Ladies at the moment for all  the Hollow Kingdoms.

Of course, in this very same year, the Hollow Kingdoms have already been ‘treated’ with the new medicine that the entirety of Main Kingdom researched for a decade. And besides waiting, there was something else that Main Kingdom’s Inhabitants could do.

They picked a group or a few groups consisting of animals, beasts, monsters and insects’ families and brought them to the barren, growing lands of those Hollow Kingdoms. They were brought as a whole, from each Race, one or several groups of family.

The young ones, they brought with them reproduction; giving these Hollow Kingdoms the gift of their body and blood as it grew and became populated by those little races. The old, they brought to those Hollow Kingdoms the sacrifice; with their deaths of age in these dead, rebirthing lands, their deceased souls and bodies became the nutrition of the Hollow Kingdoms, giving rise to not only flora and new flora; but also mutations and also new species never seen before.

And as if brought to life by fate, as they were given birth by the embryo of the Spirit in their respective Hollow Kingdoms; they were taken in as brothers and sisters, cousins and allies by those whom they were given birth to and their already grown population. There wasn’t any extreme extinction rate due to the racial differences among those little races and, instead, peace governed the Farsighted Clairvoyance Universe.

In the 78th year of the Life Generating Era…

Hollow Kingdoms became the new untold Expansion of Rising Essence, Godly Journeyers flew from place to place, settling ‘barely minimum’ settlements for the future immigration of Inhabitants in the centuries to come as, expectedly; it’d take hundreds of years for these Hollow Kingdoms to become available for Inhabiting for the Myriad Races.

In the 91st year of the Life Generating Era…

The Demon Race, after so much time had passed and they had been breeding with the other Myriad Races, especially their cousins half-mix Blueblood-Demons, now mostly red Blueblood and whose temporary ‘mix of their name’ was soon to become ‘Demon Race’ in its entirety with said Race simply having evolved as much as the Elven Race and their Sub-Races.

They welcomed their tenth trillionth baby after so long, counting the Blueblood that have been as numerous as the Human Race since millions of years ago. A Statue was built for their creator, Krayeke, creator of the Blueblood Race using the Demon Race as its ‘role model’; which wasn’t the same as what Goddess Flor accomplished.

However, the Statue broke apart, like any other Statue of Godly Journeyers and Inhabitants did that didn’t seem worthy to be built and collapsed as soon as they were ‘finished’. Though left with disappointment, they were left with the Lord, who never gave up on them.

In the 94th year of the Life Generating Era…

The Order discovered a new feature in the Bloodline of the God Race, not like the Bloodline of the Human Race in New Earth and Inhabitants, but in their whole DNA yet also coming from a Bloodline’s special capabilities at the same time. Like a link between all Demons in the Universe, it had the properties of healing back what was dead, but it only worked in entities such as…a whole Kingdom.

And the only method they could use to have any result was to safely and carefully donate their blood outside of their body, before being treated by the Elven Race, forged by the Dwarf Race, blessed by the Beast Race, Kept and secured by the Nightborn Race, Honored by the Human Race…before being ‘named’ by The Lord and his Pure’s Essence…

…In the 99th year of the Life Generating Era…

There was a sudden movement from The Order that mobilized all forces towards each Sub-Divisional City, the mobilization was so strong and purely filled with power that many became afraid. What was it?! Did the God Race…return? Did their Farsighted Clairvoyance Universe become invaded? Did a strong enemy appear?!

But after just a few months…The Order brought to light excruciatingly perfect news. The lost Races of the Myriad Races, including the Sacred Beasts and Sacred Protectors’ Races…had returned to Main Kingdom; returned to the Universe!!

…In the 103rd year of the Life Generating Era…

The colonization of the brand new Kingdoms began. Billions of members from the Myriad Races…went ‘back home’ after so long. But the main strength of such remained in Main Kingdom, the sole reason because of that…was the fact that letting the weaker, younger and with so much to explore take the lead…while taking advice from the old and their Race’s leaders back at Main Kingdom were the natural choice for their home Kingdoms to flourish once again.

…In the 106th year of the Life Generating Era…

This year became an extremely powerful one, one that would mark such an incredibly powerful rise of the Farsighted Clairvoyance Universe and will shape the future of the entire Universe.

The special re-healing property of the Demon Race…once their result was phenomenal in just a few decades’ worth of time, they began to be granted towards the other half of the destroyed Universe to heal it. Despite the Lord having already taken care of the Destructive Essence’s properties, there was still the lack of all life in each tiny atom of that half of the Universe.

And the results were glorious, it was calculated that 1% of the other half of the Universe will be ‘cleaned up’ after 7 years, and that from then on, every 15 years, it would increase a 0.01% in the amount of the Universe that became free of extinction so that it could allow for new sprouts to be given a chance to become once again and for the Myriad Races to recuperate the rest of their Universe.

At the same time, however, the rest of the Myriad Races, including the Human Race; began to discover their own Link between their Race. The times of change from nature itself finally arrived, and in the most unexpected way possible; The Order, first head on, was the one to lead the Universe-wide research on these Bloodlines without anybody objecting.

Not like they could anyway.

If only, The Order proved itself to be The Order and not a senseless tyrant group of green eyed fellows. And even without the Maidens, Ladies or the Lord’s intervention, ‘things’ proceeded smoothly one after another in these years…

…In the 1,001st year of the Life Generating Era…war within Kingdoms began breaking out, Myriad Races either allied and then fought or single-handedly fought the already coexisting species of their home Kingdoms and new Kingdoms; the other half of the Universe proved to be especially dangerous and not easy to colonize.

A few decades later, The Order intervened and conquered all.

…In the 3,036th year of the Life Generating Era…The first war between Kingdoms started, galactic battles illuminated the Universe stronger than the stars and blackholes could for years and years to come. The war for keeping more Kingdoms to themselves was severe and brutal for the Myriad Races.

When the first war was about to culminate, only a few decades remaining until its end, The Order intervened and though it allowed the strong to keep the most, it still distributed some other Kingdoms to some other Races from the Myriad Races, while also commanding all Myriad Races to protect the ecosystem and never deal a fatal blow to any other Race within it.

The Order, for the first time, became the hegemon of the Farsighted Clairvoyance Universe.

In the 7,277th year of the Life Generating Era…The Order intervened in the 3rd Kingdoms Wars, but since it was a third offense to fight between each other under the rule of the hegemon that The Order is; The Order no longer was soft and understanding. Directly putting down all Leaders from each Myriad Race and strongest members from each Race in each Kingdom, The Order finally became…the sole ruler of  the Farsighted Clairvoyance Universe.

Despite the fact that the always most resourceful, bigger and shiniest Main Kingdom was treated worse than a plague in those Kingdom Wars. Giving rise to the Main Era in the 7,315th year of the Life Generating Era and an end to the latter at last.

In the 1,011th year of the Main Era, The Order led its first gigantic fleet— even in other Universes and whole Existences —to begin the first war against the invasion of the Farsighted Clairvoyance Universe. A victory that would become the Universe’s start at conquering…other Universes!

And, perhaps…find an unexpected ally?


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