Bow and Arrow

Chapter 767: SS 2 — The Great Evolution Of The Human Civilization (2—Last Part)

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The Great Evolution Of The Human Civilization (2—Last Part)




With the news of the warp jump about to be shown, New Earth's humanity began to race into excitement, the already overly risen productivity of the entire race became even sharper and stronger. The cities that were being built slowly but surely made a lot of roads that made their way towards the main roads which would one day be, at all times, filled with people driving their respective vehicles.

And that was just the beginning, if anything, Yun Rang was woken up by even her ‘baby’ twin brother as well to let the Little Queen have her 14th cakeday, everyone congratulating the baggy-eyed little beauty who had already grown up so much, almost 1.60 meters tall! She was just a tiny stupidly, wanky little girl who only knew to say ‘daddy! Daddy please!... Daddy, thank you…’ and she would get the entire world!

But oh well, that was just for the first days of the first month of that year. In the second month, right away, seeing that the people of New Earth were almost there in the complete colonization of the unpopulated areas that barely a few animals would be seen every few weeks or so, and that no actual flora appeared other than grass and mud.

The Peaceful Rain Corporation then ‘sent’ Zyv, who totally did not do this on her own, without warning anyone and anxiously at that; to create a movement group called ‘Heyday of Species’ and ‘Ground-Nature’. The first one was for the sake of the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s future gains for the sake of humanity and New Earth as well as untold reasons for the future, and it involved to make all people know what nature consisted of and their benefits even.

The Apple Face Academy was the first to respond to the ‘calling’ for nature-preservation of course, and with that, every other Academy followed suit. After all, they all depended on such an Academy to teach the rest the knowledge and ‘tools’ needed for gaining the opportunity to gain an Ancestry Academy ‘branch’ and become a duo-expertise Academy as a whole for that matter.

Furthermore than that, the Chief’s previous warnings about messing with the nature of New Earth weren’t a joke, every time anyone brought an ordinary animal’s head, ear, feet and even a bone that was indiscernible - from the wild. The Peaceful Rain Corporation would appear on the doors of their homes with a team fully equipped, ready to deliver punishment.

There wasn’t even once a time that the Peaceful Rain Corporation slipped up, each and all of them were punished according to their respective lack of respect and offenses towards both nature - their planet and the Peaceful Rain Corporation.

In the end, though the Clans had what was mostly needed of the Human Civilization’s ‘police department’ all around it; they were more like the good-guys sponsoring such a force that the common people directed and worked as. But whenever the Peaceful Rain Corporation got involved, they were obedient and respectful even, after all, it was them who made fuck ups over and over again; not the Peaceful Rain Corporation.

While there were reforms like the police departments gaining an intelligence division of sorts, the Peaceful Rain Corporation had to be the one to act on these terms; there wasn’t anything like an empire being built. If the Peaceful Rain Corporation wanted it, they would’ve become the empire of humanity already; which still and so obviously did not.

And with the immortal fairy Zyv’s ‘Heyday of Species’, formalizing the extremely ultra-care of the fauna and flora or New Earth became a thing that was now seen all over the streets and TV, ads and even in porn videos where the Flick Clan naturally did not brought bestiality but rather, the logo of Zyv’s ‘Heyday of Species’ was plastered all around.

Damn, even condoms with ‘Heyday of Species’ written on them were already being circulated all around the human race…the birth rate stops every few years from increasing like crazy, before returning and then the condoms would naturally not be ‘useful’ anymore; but that wasn’t something that Zyv had to worry about ah.

On the other hand, Zyv’s ‘Ground-Nature’ was an active, moving and even forceful movement insead. It implemented the rule of every plan to build even a light post giving exact, thorough details about every single little point of nature around it, and would only be allowed to exist once the information was confirmed correct. Which in a way delayed lots of projects, but also gave them more time to organize and re-plan in case it was needed.

As dissatisfied as they might be; 1, they dared not oppose the fairy with about several billion people as fans, 2, they also dared not go against the Peaceful Rain Corporation because of simple impatience. Of course, there was also this one group of companies that were the first horse to take on in the race; their companies no longer exist - tyranny!

But from them on, the rest of the horses kept on treading carefully, slowly and cautiously.

With that, the Peaceful Rain Household’s Zyv, the fairy, who had become quite the young beauty and the heartache of billions, returned home after cutely appearing with a protective helmet so many times for weeks nonstop. Though it was a pity, the young woman had to return home after working for so much and long, right?

Except, nobody expected that in the next few months, an even crazier notice would finally arrive into the every ears and mouths of the citizens of New Earth.

That was; the Chief of the Peaceful Rain Corporation had returned!

In the 10th year of the Lineage Era, Chief Yun Beishang had reappeared, saying with simple words that he took vacations all this time and that just now, he had returned in order to continue with the big projects and movements that humanity would go through; the Peaceful Rain Corporation leading it all first - head on.

…In the 11th year of the Lineage Era…

The Chief of the Peaceful Rain Corporation, Yun Beishang, announced that in 40 years, all of the Human Civilization will finally expand, and that in the next few hundreds of years, under his command. The whole New Earth planet will be safely, cautiously but unstoppably making their way to cover the whole planet with their hands; and that once it was done…he’ll say when the time comes.

Everyone was now slowly waiting for the time to come; the oldest ones were probably the most concerned about the safety of their descendants, but could now feel at ease on letting them live their lives and even in a way that was never before experienced by humanity as a whole.

The specifications were simple, as soon as the first half of the first century arrived to the Lineage Era of humanity on New Earth. The young men and women who were soon turning from their 80’s to their 100s…were still very young looking. Even without taking any lifespan elixir, they were able to retain their youth, strength and even opened up their potential.

The reasoning being none other than the mere weekly use of the All-Mending Misery Basic version of it, in just a few decades, it proved to be the most exciting novelty of the entire human race. However, even those who had access to the Perfected All-Mending Misery, without the use of lifespan elixirs, they only retained a bit more of youth and strength, while their potential was just as developed as that of others who used the Basic version only. And not that often for that matter.

The whole world was now moving, and expectations were raised. All that remained was to meet them.

…In the 51st year of the Lineage Era…

Hundreds of thousands of Peaceful Rain Corporation soldiers marched towards the outer sides of the Human Civilization on New Earth, the first time that the strongest steps of humanity stomped on the unknown, unowned and unexplored lands of the entire world that was once theirs and was lost because of themselves all the same.

And as the first expedition of the Lineage Era was conducted, hundreds of thousands of soldiers moving out of certain locations from the Human Civilization territory, the citizens of the latter cheered on for days; celebrated and drank while more and more successful news of driving back bestial monsters and overcoming landscape’s natural traps kept coming in from outside.

Humanity was no longer the small fry of New Earth.

…In the 61st year of the  Lineage Era…

The first second Ancestry Academy was finally existent, it became the second Academy in the entire Human Civilization that wasn’t any of the Apple Face Academies, and in the subsequent years, more and more people followed these Academies who followed the strict monthly evaluation that was carried by none other but the Apple Face Academy who wanted every Ancestry Academy to not bring those with Bloodline down an erroneous path.

Just like the Peaceful Rain Corporation wanted it as well. There was of course no problem, for as whenever an Academy’s higher ups sent their chosen teachers and instructors to learn from the Peaceful Rain Corporation and the Apple Face Academy, a heavy weight was all that they got in return instead of the most joyous and excited faces once the training was done.

And whenever those higher ups saw such a change, even if they wanted to implement tricks, form their own personal army or abuse their students; it was these very own teachers/instructors that stopped them and stripped them of all power and status. The protectiveness that the students felt in these new Ancestry Academies was on par with the warmth and care that others received in the Apple Face Academies.

Towards this, the system of ‘grades’ for Teachers and Instructors was taken from the Rising Essence ‘game’ after some years. For example:

1.-Assistant Instructors. 2.-Basic Instructors. 3.-Instructor. 4.-High Instructor. 5.-Teacher. 6.-Master. 7.-.Grandmaster. 8.-Sacred Teacher. 9.-Godking.

Though the last few ‘titles’ were pretty cringe, humanity still didn’t know why nor how come there was such a kind of system in the first place in Main Kingdom, let alone in New Earth where magic wasn’t even something that just existed…yet.

Slowly, people started to notice a few things. Just like in the history of humankind civilization coming to be such a powerful and advanced advantage over the animals, beasts and savages of the wild; what the people of these times were going through, in the future, it would also be like back in those times were such obvious and simple things were brand new and even doubted upon right now.

And that, even then, the Peaceful Rain Corporation refused to make any comment upon whether or not there would be any kind of hierarchy set… People suddenly didn’t seem to mind the Peaceful Rain Corporation turning this whole world into their Empire all out of the blue.

Of course, there were always those who did not want to and distrusted such things and thought themselves to never be wrong. Though the latter is just always present, the former statements can only be truthful; in the face of power, any can be corrupted. However, like the Crestfallen Industry and the Crestfallens Era; there was little resistance to the idea…

All in all, after so much time passed and Divisional Cities were being built all around Main Kingdom, the people still had a lot to do within Rising Essence; despite that ‘world’ also not having any indications of an empire being formed. Still, the Godly Journeyer at least knew now the limit of all Associations.

For Unions, they had grades and only that; which could go from 1st grade to 16th grade. At 16th grade, they could have up to 2,600,000 members. While having a whole Region military unit as protectors who are not of the Union but basically they are, and can’t be from any other Association unless there is a kind of pact formed.

For Sects, there were: Great Sect: 30,000 members, no vassals. Imperial Sect: 300,000 members, 3 vassals. Heavenly Sect: 3,333,333 members, 33 vassals. Immortal Sect: 6,000,000 members, 66 vassals. Imperishable Sect: 9,000,000 members, 99 vassals. And finally, Never Ending Sect: 15,000,000 members and 133 vassals.

For Halls, there were: Respected Hall: 25,000 members, 1 vassal. Sacred Hall: 75,000 members, 7 vassals. Royal Hall: 750,000, 16 vassals. Regional Hall: 7,500,000 members, 27  vassals. And finally, Unparalleled Hall: 21,000,000 members, 68 vassals.

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For Guilds, there were: Renown Guild: 10,000 members, no vassals. Massive Guild: 100,000 members, 10 vassals. Heroic Guild: 750,000 members, 20 vassals. Royal Guild: 2,300,000 members, 35 vassals. Matchless Guild: 8,888,888 members, 45 vassals. And finally, Legendary Guild: 19,600,000 members, 50 vassals.

For Houses, there were: Noble House: 35,000 members, no vassals. Duke House: 650,000 members, 30 vassals. Royal House: 1,000,000 members, 90 vassals. Domineering House: 3,500,000 members, 200 vassals. And finally, Immortal House: 6,000,000 members, 350 vassals.

Least, but most; there were the Leagues, which had: Verified League: 1,000 members, no vassals. Majestic League: 10,000, no vassals. Imperial League: 50,000, no vassals. Celestial League: 300,000, no vassals. Tyrant League: 10,000,000 members, 100 vassals. Immortal League: 50,000,000 members, 100 vassals. Never-Ending League: 100,000 members, 100 vassals. Universal League: 2,000,000,000 members, 1,000,000 vassals.

Without a doubt, the last one was only allowed to be known to the public by The Order.

…In the 67th year of the Lineage Era…

The Management Officers system of Main Kingdom were incorporated into New Earth as well, people had accepted The Order’s new order of Main Kingdom as the future path of their civilization, and without even telling the Peaceful Rain Corporation, there were meeting held all across the Human Civilization that ended up in a major ‘yes’ vote.

1.- Auxiliary: The people who are granted this ‘title’ are those that not only form part of the ‘assistant’ category for all kinds of paperwork, errands and even lovely romantic movies and shows protagonists. But are also actually in charge of something; that being the most basic: miscellaneous, kitchen, livestock, herb-gardening, accountancy and organizing per order given. Be it people, recruits, social events, military; orders and simple moving of resources and items.

2.- Coordinator: People who are granted this title and post are basically the ones making sure everything is in order and giving those orders to the Auxiliary. They are also in charge of bringing about punishment to the other— any —Management Officers; as such, there are also as many Coordinators as Auxiliary Management Officers.Theyalso allocate resources and people around without interrupting or having more precedence over higher grade Management Officers; they can even make a proposal to higher ups, an initial decision.

3.- Official: The people who are granted this position are more like a formal active decision-making; almost. They are able to take matters into their own hands, cannot make plans to speak of that are a little big or concerning a change on their own, but they can avoid other higher ranked Management Officers meddling in their own work and can be their subordinate; unlike a simple ‘assistant’ would instead.

4.- Professional Officer: People in this position can make plans now, at last, have subordinates and even employ new proposals on their own and directly enter debate before it is finally approved by the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s Chief or similar; -Household leaders. As well as new changes for that matter, and with the same final decision situation.

5.- Superior Magistrate: These are people in the highest position within Main Kingdom, in there, there are governments straight away instead of ‘temporary leaders’ that the Peaceful Rain Corporation has taken adoption of in New Earth despite the ‘advising’ to change it and form an Empire after some years already; at the very least.

These people can decide which changes, matters, laws and grand events as well as serious matters are presented to the Peaceful Rain Corporation. They can also be the judge in a case that is of utmost, vital importance.

In Main Kingdom, they help the leaders of Regions, territories and so on with matters having to do with their governance. They are very important in military advice but are not capable of military-decision making; and they respond only to the ‘government’, which New Earth is currently officially lacking, so the ones in New Earth respond to the Peaceful Rain Corporation which is all the same.

…In the 83rd year of the Lineage Era…

The first travel to map the entire current galaxy was started, intending t oends its purpose in a few years; not decades. With a single Atalaya Mothership which could Warp Jump thousands of times before exhausting itself. Allowing for a lengthy, safe and substantial travel of the entire galaxy of New Earth.

…In the 107th year of the Lineage Era…

The Peaceful Rain Corporation began launching its second expedition into the rest of the ownerless territory of New Earth…under the name of the new and forever eternal Unparalleled Unification of Life! At last, after so many years, decades of the citizens of New Earth becoming anxious for the lack of an official leader after the Crestfallens Era; their Leader had formalized his rule!

…In the 322nd year of the Lineage Era…

New Earth’s Human Civilization, which hadn’t taken even 1/10th of the entirety of New Earth, made the first contact with a brand new Race within New Earth. Not alien, but new. Since it is this Race the ones that were born on this planet, while they had their ancestors mostly born in space or from a planet that had already been destroyed…

The ‘Elf’ Race made its appearance just as Yun Beishang was starting to formulate the plan in order to bring ‘magic’ into the Unparalleled Unification of Life. They had, of course, already been noticed by Yun Beishang himself, Ellie, Nora, Helrra, Yun Yun and even Cinders who is instead quite a weak one as well as Zyv who was already so close to becoming.

The Elf Race of New Earth appeared basically from nowhere, they decided to be the ones to make the first contact with the Human Race; the Peaceful Rain Corporation…didn’t even need to step too far in so that the Human Race wouldn’t grow ‘frantic’... In a way, Rising Essence trained them for such an impossible but already experienced development.

…In the 871st year of the Lineage Era…

The Demon Race was discovered in the middle of the Always-Moving Ocean…

…In the 1,041st year of the Lineage Era…

A small boat with a pair of skeletons, pure and untouched skeletons, was floating in the center of the habit where the Fairy Race allowed the Human Race into their homes after discovering each other… They were carefully taken ‘back home’ by the Peaceful Rain Corporation, where a couple of embarrassed and guilty-conscience married people buried…themselves.

…In the 4,498th year of the Lineage Era…

A lot of Races have been discovered over the past thousands of years, half of New Earth has finally been ‘conquered’ by the Human Race…and the other Races as well. Called ‘Life Races’ as they each joined the Unparalleled Unification of Life Union with Chief Yun Beishang marrying off the sweet princess of each Race… Or various; for that matter.

…In the 6,690th year of the Lineage Era…

New Earth never stopped having new and new Life Races being born and discovered, it seemed, with Giants and soul forms-Races being discovered one after another all the same. New Earth was more than grand enough to allow so many Races to live in itself as, according to calculations, even hundreds of quadrillions would be enough to populate the entire New Earth of humans.

If anything, the convenience of the Human Race and the Life Races becoming allies and even one with each other right away…was fascinating. And it all had to do with the Crestfallen Industry that was already barely being spoken of, but never forgotten, never at all.

The Unparalleled Unification of Life has finally conquered all of New Earth, with not a single spot left unexplored and with the galaxy more than ready to begin being taken care of by them. Be it so that their planets can at least be useful in some way in terms of their own, unique and completely needed resources; or to inhabit them entirely.

The entire planet was so full of life and civilization but still maintained so much nature that a look from space would appear as if New Earth was all jungle, open fields and sea only.

But within, there were even trillions of mixed Races that the Human Race, itself; also ended up becoming one of the Life Races. The Prosperous Flourishing Universe…had indeed prospered, ah.

…In the 7,135th year of the Lineage Era…

Just before the Life Generating Era was about to finish in Main Kingdom, the world knew of the truth.

All of what consists of the Universe of Rising Essence, the Farsighted Clairvoyance Universe…is real!!

…In the 8,883rd year of the Lineage Era…

The Unparalleled Unification of Life Union had a change, as there was now a Princess or Prince from each Life Race within it, and each of them were given a great deal of authority only lower to that of the Peaceful Rain Household.

The repopulation of all planets and even those who were previously mineral, materials and substances’ sources for the Union began to form part of the homes of the Life Races in an astronomical mobilization. It was expected that there would be enough trillions in New Earth soon to be able to create small, little civilizations and even a secondary home in Saturn, though that one is rather smallish for comparison of New Earth.

Because as soon as the galaxy was fully populated by the Life Races’ Union…

…In the 11,015th year of the Lineage Era…

The time for going out of ‘home’ and finding their way out of this Universe was finally here, investigations and research have concluded that it would be ages, millions of years, before the Prosperous Flourishing Universe would be giving birth to more galaxies. And their existence Lord and Chief Yun Beishang was now able to lead the charge into a brand new horizon.

In the very same year, the Lineage Era was left behind, and hence commenced the Legendary Era; where the dreams of all humanity and now along with the Life Races’ dreams on New Earth were about to begin. And what better than having old friends joining in their cause, acting as one…more so due to their Universes being basically attached to one another?


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