Bow and Arrow

Chapter 771: SS 3 — They Matter, Too (4—Last Part)

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They Matter, Too (4—Last Part)




[Baston, Ozea and Mort]


Lineage Era's 7th year, within a large house of the Nascent Herb City.


Slurp, sllluuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrpp~~!

"Ah! There, there...agh!" With two wonderful beauties down on his crotch, Baston could only grab hard at the back of their heads as they ruthlessly flooded his entire senses with the most cherishable moments of marital life. Their tongues, teeth and lips were all sucking, slurping and making a mess out of his brain that could barely hold onto reason.

Burying Mort's younger face into his balls and Ozea's throat becoming filled with a scent that made her go nuts, The pair of wives were obediently being roughened up by their husband, rings in their ring fingers, they lovingly caressed his thighs, knees, lower abdomen, side of his torso and belly while their heads were being imprinted of the only scent they deserve to have in their lives.

As they became filled with a satisfaction of servitude, Ozea's throat began to bloat every now and then as it bulged while semi-gulping sounds were heard from her mouth, not completed as the object of love she wanted to swallow was resisting entering her tummy and taking home in there. While Mort's face constantly experienced being massaged by the strong root and balls all over her face, hardening and pushing up against her face, but her nose more than any other and especially so; and up and down respectively.

After a minute, Baston went silent with light gasps after heavily breathing in and out for that entire time, his precious wives always gulping down and sniffing in at the same time through the entire time, leaving him with a sense of achievement as they then kept on cleaning and cleaning, sharing some leftovers of nutrition here and there with each other's tongues and lips; lovingly.

Once it was resting time, the pair of beauties whose bodies were almost fully limp gained enough vitality to nuzzle up to his chest and share his torso altogether. From a different point of view from below to up as they laid in bed without blankets, their rear was reddened while their snatches had gotten puffy and rosy.

Before, Baston might’ve been beaten down by just 3 times letting himself loose, making him adopt the strategy to last longer like a vitality-less man would have to. But now, years after becoming a Godly Journeyer, he along with his wives managed to last about a dozen rounds after ample preparation was done; in a threesome of course.

When it was 1 on 1, be it the husband with a wife or co-wife action, they could easily go for 4 times over and over without needing to hold it in. Wasn’t it marvelous?

And after so many years, they have of course done more than just fucking and becoming so lewd. Just as they were relaxing and the scent of their obscenity lingered around like an incense, drifting into their noses and reminding them of their love, a ‘gugu tata’ was heard from the room next door that made the trio’s eyes open all at once.

“...” - “...” - “...” Before any word was spoken, and after a brief silence that seemed to be long as hell, the trio jumped out of the bed, the beauties’ proportions being grabbed here and there while helping them get clothed as the husband himself only took about 10 seconds to dress up. Making them yelp, squeal and coquettishly ‘say no’ while urging his hands for a stronger and tougher feeling up.

Then, as soon as they finished dressing up,  they finally spoke with Ozea first pointing at herself, then at Baston and then at Mort while it was Baston who did the speaking. “Ozea, you bring the already prepared feeding bottles from the fridge after getting them ready to be fed with. I will go for Baston Jr and Mort will go for our youngest and her spoiled beautiful daughter, Zena.”

“Understood?” Baston spoke one more time, received stern nods one after the other and then he himself nodded in return. And with that, the trio began moving on their own, Baton went towards his son with Ozea, 3 years old. While Mort went with her tiny daughter, Zena who was only a few months and a year old.

Meanwhile, Ozea brought 4 different feeding bottles of the same size but not shape out of a ‘brand new’ fridge which had been there since 3.5 years ago as some practice was needed. And while they heated up enough, she began taking other feeding bottles and cute, soft and safe advanced ‘sucklers’ developed by the Peaceful Rain Corporation these days.

Taking out another 8 feeding bottles, this time empty, she then placed 2 of those advanced sucklers on her chest below her shirt and attached a waist-bag to her tummy, milk quickly started going down and filling up those empty feeding bottles. Ozea then went over to Mort, delivering her the very same ‘tools’ and ‘armament’ before leaving for the already heated up feeding bottles.

Ah, life was so simply good…

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … …


[Raoundozia, Phetsia and Yin Xiong]


In the 32nd year of the Lineage Era, just as the new year was coming and festivities all around New Earth were beginning to be set.


In the Nascent Herb City, a man was held onto by a beauty for each arm, they were basically hugging his arm while walking around, looking at all around themselves before stopping at a restaurant that said ‘Clear Mist Restaurant: Hopes are all Coming!’.

After smiling at the restaurant’s branch name, the trio entered the place and were directly offered a rather good booth to spend their nightly dinner in. Once inside their booth, the beauties never left the man’s sides as they leaned against his shoulder, arm and neck on the sofa-seats in front of their table.

“Yun Beishang is so nice to have you become a Staff Captain right away, hehe, I think he sees a great future in you, husband.” Phetsia was the first to speak as she showered the other 2 with her flawlessly dazzling smile and narrowed eyes. When she finished bragging to the air of her hubby, Phetsia went back to leaning against his body like it was her life support.

“Well, husband and Sis helped up Madam Yao so much, it’s just natural that he breaks a few regulation and gives a fuck about them to give our hubby the respect and recognition he deserves. Their lives were at stake too, besides, Chief Warrant Officer Zbey is also doing very well lately.” Yin Xiong spoke softly, her lips kissing Raoundozia’s right shoulder every little pause of her speech.

“Alright, alright.” Raoundozia was getting all drowsy and woken up at the same time by these overly loving wives, when Phetsia suddenly said something that would make all of their backs to coldly sweat. “Darlings, I’ve been told of a few things, I…think it is good we didn’t push the ‘enhancing’ potion that allowed Yun Beishang and his wifeys to, ahem, ‘last’ so much.”

“Eh, why?” - “Why is that so?” A gullible Yin Xiong followed after an even more innocent Raoundozia in questioning with curiosity, oh the ignorance, oh the bliss. Phetsia finished by saying in an ambiguous tone, “Madam Kira told me…that it was all thanks to the tons of loads and loads that he pumped into them…”

“...” Yin Xiong directly went wide with her eyes growing as big as saucers, she didn’t know what else to speak or say as she directly attempted to change the subject. “Oh man, Don’s wedding was so nice, and Tong Tao marrying such a milf was quite the shock, huh? Haha…the times that we’ve gone through, ha…”

On the other hand, Raoundozia was forced to gulp down twice with difficulty, his mind was remembering Yun Beishang’s flat refusal before the beginning of the Lineage Era and could now understand why. It wasn’t that Yun Beishang was being selfish and uncaring of others…he was such a great bro instead! It made Raoundozia remember the ‘healing’ about Fosk Yinlan that had occurred already…

“Patience is a virtue.” Was all the husband could say, while the wives at his sides grinned from ear to ear…something naughty was about to occur as they waited for food!

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … …


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Step, step, step.

Step-tap tap tap tap! Tap- pom! Step step-tap tap tap!

“Ehehehehee, papaaaa! Gryaaahh!” - “Ohoo! The monster got Nina! Save Sister princess, save~!!” - “Rawrrr! I am the good monster, raww!” - “Save Sister Ninaaa, aaah~!!” While a short haired beautiful mature young woman was walking towards the living room, cries and cries of ‘terrifying battle’ from little boys and girls were heard, creating a blooming smile on her lips as she made her way with more ease towards the living room.

Coming across the corner, she saw a young man playing with a bunch of boys and girls, one of the little girls was on his back, holding to his neck but shouting out loud words like ‘help meeee!’ and ‘I can’t run away, I’m trapped, aaaaaah!’; all while her comrades in arms began attacking over and over again the ‘bad’ monster’s legs and hands.

Meanwhile, the young man with the very same orange hair color as the little children were being defeated over and over again, but the little heroes dared not give up for the princess, standing up right after falling down on their bum or against each other in a cruel, heroic but tragic manner.

One after another, their extremely powerful weapons of fluff and plushy swords, bows, hammers, shields and even a few pole arms were all being used by a total of 8 kids while the ‘hostage’ was still in the ‘hands’ of the monster.

On the other hand, one of the monsters would suddenly roar to the heavens as if he was going against them! Then, with his chest out and his arms to the sides, flexing strongly, the little hero became a beast. However, instead of acting without brains, the little beast was a little hero beast! He kept on attacking the monster while he, the good monster, ‘bit’ at the monster’s legs and tanked a few ‘fatal blows’ for his comrades.

His comrades, instead of being afraid of his power and savagery, trusted him and continued attacking the monster who just now took their warrior princess away.

“Okay, boys and girls, enough playtime~.” At this moment, mommy’s voice was heard, and that alone made all the little heroes become mommy’s boys and girls. Even Nina who was on Rilu’s back smoothly went down his back, ignoring her father’s feelings and running up to mommy. While Rilu walked towards his wife, their little kids were already in front of her and she was cleverly speaking to the hyperactive little devils.

“Okay now, Aunty Sash is here, she brought a few toys and came to see you. Behave, alright? She won’t stay for long, but don’t worry. At my signal, you all attack her!” Their mom was so wise! She wasn’t going to let even aunty get away without suffering at their hands, they would show Aunty Sash how much more adorable they can be! She won’t be able to leave so soon afterwards!

“Yes, Mommy!!” They all cried out, like soldiers in unison to their great general’s commands, then left the area and began forming a double-line to receive the incoming guest.

“...I’ll open the door, my love.” As the kids were forming, wife and husband met each other’s eyes before the former said in a calm tone. In return, the latter nodded and whispered softly, “Alright, thank you.”

“...” Saying nothing else, the bweetiful wife then smiled at him before turning around and going over to the door whereas the hallway was flooded by soldier-kids waiting for new orders. Opening the door, the kids’ eyes all rotated to secretly glance while still in their respective stances, an ever so angelic beauty appeared with a big belly as she smiled at her close kin.

“... … …” While the pair of mothers were talking to each other, the ‘good monster’ kid from before was having troubles holding himself back, he already wanted to jump, act cute and receive praises from aunty Sash. But their leader, Nina, shook her head more than twice ruefully at him and a few others, successfully calming them dumbasses down.

“Hello, brother.” Once she walked past the orderly formed soldiers, Sash then had her smile relax as she came face to face with her brother… In return, Rilu gulped nervously once, then thrice, before finally saying with a serene tone. “Hello, sis. Thank you for visiting again. He won’t come in this time?”

“Puchi, I’m afraid that if he does, you won’t be their father anymore.” With half a smile, Sash commented, leaving Rilu with a stiffened face and the lovely wife at their right and left side respectively holding her hands to her mouth. Rilu could only respond awkwardly, “A-er- ahem, well then. I’ll let you converse, I’ll prepare something in the kitchen but, before that… Well, you’ll have a lot to talk about with them.”

Pointing at his wife in general and then saying ‘them’, Rilu left for the kitchen a wife that was embarrassed to no end and a Sash with her mouth agape. Then, as the pair of expecting once more - mothers walked towards the dining room, Sash said with obvious surprise and disbelief. “My, my; you are surpassing me already, how do you do it?!”

“Ah, please…osh…stop it, hahahehh~!” Sash began rubbing and poking at the tummy of the wife of the house, her eyes naturally growing even wider as she did felt a rump on that flat abdomen/tummy. Defeated, the lovely wife could only resort to her last trump card. “Oh gosh, you asked for it, kids! Get her!”

“Yes?! YES MOMMY! AAAAHH~!~!!” Then, a tall big bellied mother was approached by a swarm of little devils, her legs were hugged and her big belly was rubbed gently. The sight made Sash feel like at home, but toned down a few volumes, yet the most natural of beauties was still there, as these little pieces of shit begged for aunty Sash to stay just a bit more of time.

Afterwards, Sash and the lovely wife spent time together in the dining room, all while Rilu spent time in the kitchen, some kids coming over to help and watch their daddy cook. From time to time, Sash would caress a boy or girl’s head and tranquilize the fuck out of them so that they wouldn’t be jumping around nonstop.

Though it was more or less the same whenever another batch of newborns were all around her home, Sash couldn’t tell how a wife and husband could do so well with such monstrous beings going around the house nonstop and for so long.

After a little while, food was ready and Rilu sat beside his wife while most of the kids sat around their Aunty Sash to eat together. Sash and the lovely wife didn’t eat much, their overly specific diets were already filling their bodies enough and eating what these kids had was just a pleasant flavor-pleasing activity and nothing else.

Once an hour went by since the meal began, Sash bid farewell and, with her huge ass belly, she left the house under the gaze of a caring husband and wife who waved at her back from behind. While they remained at the doorstep, Sash then walked until the entrance of their territory, where a figure appeared from one of the pillars right beside the gates, embracing her and making her lean on his body.

At last, Sash’s back that was from a Godly being got the rest it deserved, and a mellow Sash rescinded cutely to her hubby appearing to pick her up. Thereafter, the pair of hubby and wife walked away semi-slowly and into the distance, whereas the married couple at the doorstep watching until they disappeared from their eyesight.

“...Honey, I feel a bit lonely tonight…” The wife suddenly said, placing her palm and fingers all over her husband’s  chest at the sternum. Rilu teasingly smiled lightly, his tone just as teasing, “Tonight?! It’s barely 2 pm, you whorish slu-”

“Daddy, I wanna watch that same movie again for the 1,003rd time!!!”

“!!!” - “!!!” Rilu and the ‘whorish slu-’ suddenly became agitated, jolted and then turned around to look at their kids who were all walking towards them. After making sure they weren’t heard of their bad, bad words, they then nodded at their kids and appeased the demanding, greedy devils in their kids' hearts.

But as the kids turned around and rushed towards the living room where a huge sofa which allowed for about 20 adults to sit on had been there close to 10 years already, a ‘plop’ could be heard inside the wife’s head as she felt her earliest and ‘uppermost’ aperture at her rear played with. All she needed besides the already ongoing insertion and taking outs to drop her husband’s pants right then and there was a mere set of words in a hush.

Which happened:

“Wife, I am far too convinced by your proposal from earlier, but I just happen to need a sample, I…” Suddenly, his right hand expertly moved all around the crack of his wife, and as her entire female parts were overtaken by his right hand, she melted into his chest, wishing to be devoured by him and become part of his in truth.

“ not taking a no for response.”

Before she knew it, she was all on her tiptoes and her legs folded, her barely bulging tummy hanging from her still fully clothed body as she leaned forwards a bit. Her hands already on the work to release the beast, the air in front of her was invaded by a certain smell, one which drove her crazy all times; always.

As her chin dropped saliva from which she'd been salivating as soon as she folded her legs and crouched in front of him, a size the length of her whole face and width of her nose dropped right before her skin, poking at her chin before raising up again in full strength. Her tongue instinctively traced below her lower lip, only to become addicted to it straight away.

In no time, her hands grabbed at the base, her mouth opened and her hot breath landed on all over ‘it’ just as she raised her eyes to gaze at him and then - ate out his member’s head.


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