Brewing Storm

Chapter 115: The Werewolf King's Wrath

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Ramose was seething in rage by the time he reached Versailles side. The anger on his face was enough to freeze the spectators' hearts. As his frosty eyes swept over the guilty beasts, he declared in a dark tone.

"The Iirifeys will be banished to the Haven of Labor for an indefinite time. Any beast or race that harbors or provides them shelter, shall be exterminated to the last fledgling."

His words were like a strike of thunder, startling the Iirifeys and spectating creatures alike.

"What did the Werewolf King say? The Iirifeys' are to be banished to the Haven of Labor?"

"That's what he said. The Haven of Labor is a region used as a punishing hall for all the races in the realm that transgress. Usually, the Six Supreme Clans will sit and plan how to punish a race that crosses the boundary beyond their tolerance level. However, the Werewolf King made the decision on his own!"

"Heh! What? Did you expect the Werewolf King to discuss with the beasts he single-handedly defeated how to punish measly creatures?"

"You're right about that, but I feel sorry for the Iirifeys. For so many centuries, they had enjoyed an easeful and comfortable. But because of one arrogant female that forgot her identity and boundary, they got sentenced to eternal doom."

"Surely, the matter isn't that serious to warrant the entire race being banished to the Haven of Labor? And even if it was, the serpentine had already taught the beast a lesson. What is the Wolf King raging for?"

"You forgot? His mate is his reverse scale. Any beast that picks on her meets a horrible end."

The words sent them nervously shuffling in panic as each drew a distance from the unfortunate race. No matter how unreasonable and unacceptable his declaration was, they had no power or courage to fight against it.

"Is the Werewolf King being too extreme? What if he triggers the ire of the entire realm?" The white elder's worried voice broke the shocked silence of the serpentines. They had never expected to encounter such a heaven-shattering event. 

"You're worried for no reason. Before, the Wolf King can easily handle him. Now, however, he was even more powerful with Versailles on his side, as his mate."

"That iirifey is truly pathetic and unfortunate." The grey elder added sympathetically. 

The females were inwardly pleased with the outcome, feeling that at least now, they wouldn't have to fight for their mate's attention. While on the other hand, the males were disappointed at the thought of losing effective breed-mates.

However, not one beast stepped forth to intervene for the race. They valued their own lives more than that of the race.

"Werewolf King! Werewolf King! Please have mercy! Please show mercy. Don't punish an entire race for the mistake of one beast!" At this moment, an enchanting Iirifey female, with a pink dress and red-gold eyes, moved forth.

Her face flushed with panic and fear, she knelt on the ground before the couple. The sound of her knees slamming on the hard cobblestone was so loud that the beasts felt pained on just hearing it.

"Werewolf King, please spare my race. As the Iirifey Maiden, I failed to teach my kin well. But please, do not punish an entire race for one creature's mistake." She cried tearfully.

Versailles crossed her arms and watched the scene with cold and indifferent eyes.

Before Ramose's appearance, she planned to teach the haughty iirifey a lesson that the entire Nar realm would remember forever. However, now that her mate was here, she decided to leave the matter in his hands and enjoy the show.

She wanted to see how he would handle this issue.

Ramose sneered. Without another word, he flung his black sleeves and an oppressive force appeared. The force threw the kneeling iirifey across the colosseum, and she crashed violently on the rough white stones.

"I am petty and will punish an entire race for a single beast's mistake! What about it?" 

Unbothered and unconcerned with the creatures' thoughts about him, Ramose asked overbearingly as his gaze swept over them.

Terrified out of their minds, the beasts trembled unconsciously as they lowered their heads in fear.

'This wretched Iirifeys! They unleashed the Werewolf King's wrath on us. Now, even if we begged for our lives, it would be meaningless. Useless.'

'All because of these disgusting iirifeys, we are being so utterly humiliated by the Werewolf King! If I don't skin them alive, then I will no longer be an eagle pride!'

"Now, disappear from my sight!" 

With a final snarl, Ramose turned and grabbed her hand, pulling her along with him.

"Hey, hold on! I still need to get my friend!" Versailles was caught unprepared as he pulled her.


The tone was dangerously low, hinting at the restrained anger at the mention of the word 'friend' from her mouth.

"Yes, friend. Now let me go." Pulling her hand out, she moved towards the Scorpion King that was still frozen in shock.

"How long are you planning on lazing around? Now that the drama is over, you should get moving!" She scolded angrily.

The moment he heard her voice, the Scorpion King became conscious of his appearance again. He turned his head away in an attempt to hide his presence.

However, Versailles had specifically left the ring before the six witches even declared her victory for him. So how could she allow him to evade her?

With a stomp of her foot, she rose into the air and landed gracefully on his back.

"Scorpion King, you are my ride. So where do you think you're going? Haven't you just seen how malicious and venomous I am? If you dare to annoy me, I will disfigure your stinger!" She proudly declared.

"Disfigure my stinger? But Master, my stinger is the only part of my appearance that is tolerable." He dejectedly said.

"The only part of your appearance that is tolerable? Heh! Very funny!" She disdainfully scoffed as her eyes roamed over his body.

"Scorpion King, including your stinger, your all body is grotesque. What do you mean by the only place tolerable?"

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The words were like a giant hammer smashing into his gut, wrenching his insides.

'Master thinks I am ugly? That my whole body is grotesque?'

He had barely gotten himself out of his earlier self-deprecation when another blow, even more crushing and soul-rending, appeared out of nowhere.

Just as he was about to descend into the void of endless darkness, a soft hand landed on his back and soothingly rubbed his bumps.

"Scorpion King, no matter what you look like, it doesn't matter to me. You saw it earlier, right? I turned that iirifey that dared to call you hideous into a creature a hundred times more ugly than yourself. I can do the same to anyone else as well."

Sighing softly, she removed her hand and looked into the distance.

"You must know and understand this well, Scorpion King. In my eyes, appearances have no meaning. I don't care whether you are ugly or beautiful. As long as you are my loyal subordinate and friend, you will forever be my closest relative."

She recalled the loneliness of her previous lives. No matter what time or place, she always seemed to be estranged from her blood relatives, leaving only friends as her closest family.

With everything that she had gone through and experienced, her outlook on life was no longer the same as usual. Since she wasn't fated for familial love and warmth, she decided to value the friendship she shared with those around her.

If she was not destined for the love of her blood relatives, she would make do with the love of close friends.

And besides, in this life, she still had her mate.

"So Scorpion King, don't value or devalue yourself because of your appearance. It is only a mask that will wither and age with the passage of time. A mask that will disfigure or deform with a slight mishap. It is but a mask that does not and should not define your heart." With a smile on her face, she gently rubbed his back again.

"Because in my eyes, your true beauty is your sincerity. Your true beauty is the honesty, loyalty, and devotion in your heart that no time can wither nor wash away. It is the beauty that is your responsibility to maintain with a pure and faithful heart. Understand?"

"Yes, Master!" 

The Scorpion King felt the world spinning. He hadn't even registered his sudden plunge into the icy abyss when he was unexpectedly brought back into the warmth of light again. The drastic shift in emotions made him lightheaded, but his heart was coated in sweetness and warmth akin to honey.

"Are you done?"

The Werewolf King's cold voice crushed his reverie, bringing him back to reality. Turning his head, his eyes collided with frosty dark ones that raised goosebumps over his skin.

"Master, your mate is looking for you. No need to worry about me. I will find you on my own. Now, go on." Shivering, he lowered his head, threw her off his back, and ran into the distance.

"Scorpion King! You dare to throw me?"

Versailles was still in shock by the scorpion's action when she fell into the warm embrace of a certain individual.

"I am still here, am I not?"

His deep voice entered her ear, making her shiver in excitement. She knew that he was purposely provoking her and ignored him.

"Hmm? You seemed very friendly with that scorpion of yours, even rubbing his back. Now, you can't even say a word to me?"

"I am not in the mood. You can put me down."

"I don't want to. Not until you tell me what you were whispering to that scorpion of yours." He said grudgingly, making her turn her head and look at him suspiciously.

"Why? Are you jealous?"

"Jealous? Me? Huh! Why would I be jealous of a scorpion? What does he have to compare with me?" He scoffed, his eyes guiltily wandering around as he carried her away. 

"Oh? That's good then. It isn't good for males to be too possessive and jealous, you know." She smirked, her eyes sparkling like two mysterious gems.

"Not good? Why isn't it good!?"

"Because possessive males are too clingy! Which female would like to be clung onto like a pet for the rest of her immortal life?"

"You! Are you calling me clingy!?" He asked with surprise.

"When did I?"

The Demon Queen watched the Werewolf King carry the serpentine away in his arms. Her fists clenched and red liquid dripped onto the stark white ground.

'He should have been mine! It's all that serpentine's fault! She stole what was mine. I will never forgive her! Never!'

Her vicious eyes flickered with hatred and resentment as she watched their departing backs.

"Demon Queen, whatever plans you have, I will advise you to drop them. The Werewolf King is too unpredictable and dangerous to provoke. His mate is even worse. She gets worked up over the smallest and most unlikely matters. The Iirifey is a prime example of shooting one's own feet."

The Devil King caught the flickering emotions in the demoness's eyes. As old friends that schemed and conspired together, he didn't want to see her meet an untimely and horrific end. Therefore, he decided to warn her.

As old friends, it was the least that he could do.

"In the future, if you accidentally anger them, do not expect any help from me. I cannot endure the entire Seeking Evil Clan for your Demon Clan." With that, he turned and walked away.

The defeat in the serpentine's hands had given him a thorough awakening.. It made him aware of the strength and power the Werewolf clan and Snake clan held.

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