Brewing Storm

Chapter 128: Giving Blood

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"I will find them right away!" Olsen turned and hurriedly left the room.

The Great Healer watched his figure disappear before turning to sigh pitifully at the quiet and dazed Werewolf King. Usually, the loss of a mate wasn't a major incident to the other races of the Nar realm. Where one left, another replaced and the struggle for survival continued.

However, the Werewolf Clan was different. Unlike the superficial bonds the other races formed, the werewolves' mate-bond occurred without their own volition. Foraged through their souls, their mates were sought out by a mysterious power that connected them to a female it deemed their equal in every way.

The power and intimacy such bonds brought made many envious and jealous, while many more only felt fortunate to be free from such restraining and cumbersome ties. In the case of the Werewolf King, if his serpentine mate failed to overcome this hurdle, then the soul-binding bond-mate might prove to be more of a curse than boon.

The wolf was already so muddled and broken at the sight of his suffering mate. If anything happened to her, there was no doubt that the Underworld Palace would never be the same again.

"Let's hope things don't advance to that point."

Sighing again, the Great Healer went back to casting spells to slow down the growth of the Thunder-Kill Spectra. 

Time was of the utmost importance.

A short while later, Olsen and four males hurriedly entered the room with a black cask balanced between them filled to the brim with blue ice worms, the worms very breaths freezing the air.

"Great Healer, we brought the Ice Bugs. I hope they will be enough."

"We will know that later. But right now, you need to separate your King from the serpentine. I need to pour the Ice Bugs on the bed and over her body. As a cold-blood beast, the bugs will help her keep her blood frozen and slow the Thunder-Kill Spectra's spread. However, they can prove to be deadly for the Werewolf King who is warm-blooded."

"Ah...yes..." Olsen was hesitant.

His King was still in shock, the serpentine's frightening appearance plugging him into an abyss of despair as he tightly clutched her body in a dazed stupor.

How was he going to convince a wolf on the brink of insanity to leave his mate's side?

His head throbbed in pain as if in affirmation of the difficulty of the matter.

But one way or another, the task had to be done. Olsen knew it was the only chance of survival for the Serpentine Queen and his King's salvation.

"Wolf King, the Great Healer is going to cure your mate. You need to let her go so that he can start his treatment. He can't do that with you holding onto her like this. Let her go, okay?" He yelled at his King, grabbing his wrists to release his iron grip from her arms.

"Wolf King, let go!"

"No...I...I can't let her...go...I can't let...her leave me..." The barely coherent words came through a voice so cracked that Olsen felt his heart stab with pain from the raw emotion. But he kept his voice steady as he continued in a soft, persuading tone.

"But if you don't let her go, then she will leave forever. She will never, ever return again. Is that what you want? To lose her forever?"

"Lose...Light...forever?" As he dazedly repeated the words, fierce tremors shook through the King's body. His iron grip slightly loosened as he incoherently muttered to himself.

Seeing his chance, Olsen doggedly continued his quest.

"Yes, you will lose her forever if you don't let the Great Healer treat her. Let her go and she will return to you soon." As the words left his mouth, he hoped with every fiber in his immortal body that his words would be realized.

Otherwise, his King would never forgive him for snatching his chance to remain at his mate's side until her last breath.

"Come, let's give the Great Healer some space to start the treatment."

"But can I leave her?" The Wolf King hesitated with a pained expression.

"You're not leaving her. You are only stepping aside so that she can receive treatment and get well. That's the only way she can stay with you forever...okay?"


After a long period of persuasion, Olsen finally managed to move his King from the serpentine's bed, however, he wasn't happy. His heart was heavy with the promises he made.

'Serpentine Queen, you must recover! Because your life is no longer yours alone.'

The Werewolf King got off the bed, but he didn't go far, standing right by his mate's side as he tightly gripped her hand covered with the glaring red lines. His gaze was still muddled, but it occasionally flickered with a hint of light as he kept it fixed on her ghostly face.

The Great Healer had the four males pour the cask of Ice Bugs on and around the Serpentine's body, the drastic temperature difference forming mist over her figure. As the Ice Bugs covered her entire body, they started shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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"Great Healer, what's happening? The Ice Bugs are shrinking!"

"They are. It is a sign that they are doing their job. With their presence, the Thunder-Kill Spectra will be slowed down. This is our chance to try and extract the parasite from her body. However, since thirty breaths have passed, the process will be very tortuous and painful to the serpentine. The Werewolf King..."

At this point, his sight shifted to the vigil Werewolf King. 'If his mate starts shrieking and howling from the agony, will he kill me in one strike?' He wondered.

Olsen sensed and understood the healer's worries. He too was stuck in the same dilemma.

But they had no choice other then taking the chance. Otherwise, how else were they going to treat the serpentine without evoking his King's wrath?

"Sigh, we have no other choice, Great Healer. If that is the only way to save the Serpentine Queen, then we must do it. As for my King, I can only try my best to restrain him when the time comes."

"Hmm...another problem. After the extraction, the Serpentine Queen will be very, very low on blood. The Thunder-Kill Spectra has been feeding on her blood vessels all this time. When we attempt to extract it from her body, it will viciously fight back by draining away any last drop it can manage to access. At that time, even if we manage to successfully remove the Thunder-Kill Spectra, she will still die from severe blood loss."

"Then...then there must be a way to supplement the blood loss!?"

Olsen was now close to breaking down in tears.

Just when it seemed like things were about to get better, another issue appeared, bringing them back to ground zero. At this point, even the faint glimmer of hope inside his heart was shrouded in a dark fog of hopelessness as the chances of the serpentine successfully overcoming the crisis plummeted down again.

"There is. Only, the blood loss will need to be supplemented with a fresh one. This means that while we extract the Thunder-Kill Spectra, we must pump in fresh blood from a living beast into her body to make up for whatever the parasite drains. In the process, the blood donor can also lose his life."

" mean...a living beast like a werewolf will have to donate blood while they are alive?"

"That's exactly what I mean. Now, who is going to donate?"

"I will!"

The two conversing beasts abruptly swiveled their heads, surprise and astonishment flickering through their eyes as they looked at the motionless wolf in disbelief.

"Wolf King, did you hear us?" Olsen asked doubtfully.

His King had been muddled and dazed since the moment he saw his mate covered in bloodlines. Unresponsive and unreachable, Olsen had to take over the chain of command and prepare the necessary materials to rush the healer to begin the urgent treatment.

Now that the same quiet and dazed King suddenly volunteered to be the blood donor for the Serpentine Queen's treatment, he couldn't help but doubt his ears.

'Maybe King Ramose was speaking to himself?'

After all, in his current state, how much of what the Great Healer said could he have understood?

"I will be the blood donor. My mate will not get the blood of an unrelated beast flowing in her body."


His cold, firm voice shattered the last bit of doubt on his mind.

'He really understood? How is that possible? His senses are still on the fraying end! Or did the matter register to him because it concerned an unrelated beast pumping his blood into his mate's body?'

The Great Healer was in the same turmoil as he dazedly gazed at the Werewolf King in silence, the flickering expressions on his face the only proof of his chaotic mind.

'Sigh, mate-bond or love, whatever this is, it's truly too great. Even in a muddled state of mind, the Werewolf King can still be so fiercely possessive.'

Shaking his head to clear his mind of the distracting thoughts, the Great Healer's face turned serious.

"Werewolf King, as a healer, I will advise you to step back and let another beast donate blood. Your current frame of mind is too disturbing to remain beside the Serpentine Queen. Think about the Werewolf Clan."

As endearing and touching as the Wolf King's proposal was, the Great Healer wasn't ready to bid farewell to this realm. He didn't forget how excruciatingly painful the treatment process would be. With the black wolf hovering beside the serpentine, who was to say that he wouldn't kill him in rage for the pain his mate suffers?

Ramose raised his bowed head, his vacant eyes gaining clarity as his intense gaze fixed on the Great Healer, freezing the latter in place.

"The Werewolf Clan? If they lost me, the Werewolf Clan can survive on its own. However, if I lose her, I will turn into a living corpse, a walking dead. There will be no meaning to my existence. Great Healer, begin the treatment.. I will personally donate my blood to my mate."

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