Brewing Storm

Chapter 139: Putting Them In Their Place

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"You have three breaths of time to step up. If anyone fails to come forward, I will consider it as the Ruling Wolf Pack purposely creating trouble and having compromised on the oaths they have taken as a wolf and subordinate of the Werewolf King. Absolute obedience and unwavering loyalty."

The Ruling Wolf Pack's expressions turned strange as they stared at the domineering Werewolf King in shock. The oppressive aura radiating off his body pressed on their chests, causing them to unconsciously flinch in pain and step back.

"King Ramose! What are you doing? We are Leaders of the Ruling Wolf Pack!" Saros was shamed into anger, the veins on his forehead throbbing as he roared in rage.

"You are leaders of the Ruling Wolf Pack. I have not forgotten that. But it seems to me that you have forgotten that I am the Werewolf King." Ramose faced the enraged brown wolf without stepping back, his impassive expression and cold eyes displaying a more fearsome sight than when he attacked.

The leaders of the Ruling Wolf Pack raised their brows in surprise. Since the beginning of King Ramose's takeover, he had never directly clashed with the Ruling Wolf no matter how atrocious and unreasonably they behaved.

Over time, the pack grew arrogant and subconsciously sidelined or undermined the Wolf King, dismissing him as if they were the King of the Underworld Palace and not him.

"This..." It was only now that they realized the young Wolf King had grown.

"Elders, as the Werewolf King of the Underworld Palace, time moves with me, I don't move with time. This means let alone thirty heartbeats, even if I were to be late for a thousand heartbeats or more, you are to patiently wait for me, because I am the King. I am the rules, not you. Is that clear?"

Shame-faced, the elders bowed their heads and nodded.

"Yes, Werewolf King. You are right. You are the king and you make the rules. It's just that we considered you a junior since you grew before our eyes. We have been handling the affairs of the Underworld Palace when you were still too young to do so. As such, we considered it our right to admonish you where it was due. But perhaps that was our mistake." The gray elder despondently replied.

Ramose sneered when he heard the wolf. He was not clear on the affairs of the Underworld Palace. But he knew that most of the important matters were handled by his palace attendants. However, the Ruling Wolf Pack wanted to use that to suppress him and paint him as ungrateful.

"It must be great to be old, Elder Kulpier. You can forget the basic principles of the clan and use your age to undermine me. However, I would like to remain all of you today that I am no longer the same King Ramose from before. You all need to know and understand very clearly that it is not within your place to point out my faults. As subordinates, you come when I call and leave when I dismiss." Sweeping his gaze over the speechless pack, he stopped on Elder Saros.

"It is no right of yours to admonish the King of the Underworld. I turned a blind eye to your behaviors before because I respected your age. But that does not give you the right to forget your place. Remember, you are the subordinates of the Werewolf King and subordinates do not have the right to point out the faults of their master. Of course, you are always welcome to leave the Ruling Wolf Pack if such a simple task fails you."

Olsen watched his King place the Ruling Wolf Pack on tenterhooks, his direct and straightforward attitude towards the respected elders stunning him. From the astonished expressions on the elders' faces, he could tell that they were just as similarly dumbfounded.

'Heh...I would like to see what they are will do now...'

As elders of the Werewolf Clan that handled the clan's affairs, the elders grew the impression that their loyalty and hard work over the years had earned them enough credit to behave however they desired.

However, in this mindset of theirs, they forgot that in the Werewolf Clan, only the Werewolf King had the right to however he desired. His heart overflowed with excitement as he anxiously waited to see their response.

Saros was more stunned by the Werewolf King's words than even Olsen who feared the Ruling Wolf Pack.

"You...! After all our service over the years, how could you possibly tell us to resign?"

"Your services? You mean assisting the new Wolf King in overseeing the affairs of the Underworld Palace? But isn't that your duty, the responsibility you and every generation of Ruling Wolf Pack members pledge to fulfill? You have only done your duty, the same every generation of the Ruling Pack members does, so why should I be grateful? Have you personally raised me?"

To Ramose, the Ruling Wolf Pack members seemed to be losing their sense of reality. To believe them fulfilling their duty as a favor on him was the greatest nonsense he had heard.

"If I am to be grateful, doesn't that mean that I will have to be grateful to every generation of wolves?"

"Werewolf King...You..!"

"Elder Saros, you are free to leave if you like. To resign or not is your choice at the moment. However, that will not be the case in the future. You must all remember, in the Werewolf Clan, there is a price for disrespecting and abandoning your King. Now, moving on to more important business. I summoned you to the Main Hall to discuss three main topics." Flapping his sleeves, Ramose sat on the crimson throne on the dais of the hall.

The Ruling Wolf Pack absentmindedly followed along, mechanically taking their seats in stunned silence and bewilderment.

"The first topic is the welcoming ceremony of my Queen. As I am sure you are all aware, the Serpentine Queen was attacked on our way to the Underworld Palace. As such, she didn't receive the welcome she deserved as the new Queen of the Underworld Palace. Elder Helios, as the Leader of Public Feasts, I will be leaving this task to you."

"Ah! Yes, Werewolf King! I will take care of the ceremony to the best of my ability." Elder Helios was a light-brown-haired elder with an amiable attitude. Since he stepped into the Ruling Wolf Pack, he carried his tasks to the best of his abilities, not once displaying an arrogant and proud front before his King. 

However, even then, his heart shook and trembled from the little farce of the King and Elder Saros. He could sense the shifting winds of the Underworld Palace, as an act that would normally not be witnessed in a hundred years occurred in one setting. Deciding to stay clear from the King's wrath, Elder Helios couldn't wait to be excused so he could step down.

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"Hmm. I will leave that to you then. The next topic of attention is the matter of my Queen's assassination. Elder Saros, you are in charge of the Investigative Pack of the Underworld Palace. I want to know who in the Nar realm dared to harm my mate in my presence. I want to know the mastermind behind this incident within a week. This means you have 7 ice nights to prove your worth, Elder Saros." Ramose's tone was sharp as he addressed the brown elder.

From his manner and speech, it was clear to the Ruling Wolf Pack members that if elder Saros failed to present good results from this investigation of his, his role as the Leader of Shadows would be forfeit. 

Cold Sweat slid down Elder Saros's back as he stood and clasped his fists to the Werewolf King. 

"Yes, Werewolf King! Leave this matter to me!"

As he recalled his earlier behavior and the Werewolf King's cold gaze, his heart shuddered. The beast sitting before him was no longer the same one that he trained in the Flaming Valley. This wasn't a beast whose growth he oversaw.

This was the King of the Underworld Palace, the beast at whose single declaration could turn him from being a member of the Ruling Wolf Pack to an ordinary wolf of the Underworld Palace. This was the Werewolf King.

"I don't trust you enough to leave the matter to you Saros. After all, this attempt wasn't only an attack aimed at taking my mate's life. It was also an attempt at depriving the Werewolf King of his mate. As such, Olsen will oversee this investigation with you." Ramose gave the paling brown wolf a final glance before focusing on the grey wolf.

"Elder Truim, the final task will be handed over to you. Before the entire race of the Nar realm, my mate has made a promise to secure safe living environments and consumable food for every beast. She made this promise to every race in the realm and I gave my oath to support her in fulfilling this promise. As the Leader of the Scouting Pack, I am sure you know what you need to do."

"Yes, Werewolf King. I will see to it that the matter of locating secure environments and food is immediately looked into." Elder Truim was close to tears when he made the declaration.

The beasts of the Nar realm didn't even have the time to fill the bellies of their race. And yet the Serpentine Queen of his King made a promise to not only fill every beast's belly but also provide them habitable shelters. If it wasn't for the fact that his King's behavior and presence were different from the usual, he would have roared in rage and threatened to resign.

Unfortunately, it wasn't the usual and he had a vague feeling that if he dared to make any objection, the Werewolf King wouldn't hesitate before dismissing him from his position.

Sighing in frustration and pent-up anger, he outwardly enthusiastically accepted the task and inwardly grumbled about the bleak future of the Werewolf Clan.

Ramose keenly observed the expressions of the three elders he assigned the most important three tasks in his immortal life to. As such, the flickering emotions in their eyes were not lost to him. However, he only smirked with a cunning gleam in his eyes.

The net was set and the trap laid. He was only waiting for the prey to fall into it.

"I want you three to get started on these three tasks immediately." Raising to his feet, he swept his gaze over the rest of the elders before making a stunning declaration that shattered the little semblance of peace the pack managed to collect.

"Elder Helios, I want my mate's welcoming ceremony to be held in the Purple-Radiance Palace of the Ancestral Wolf. That too, within the next ice night. She will be settling there. Is that clear?"

"The Purple-Radiance Palace of the Ancestral Wolf!?" Elder Helios shrieked, his mouth hanging open as his pupils widened in astonishment.

"King Ramose, you can't! That's the Purple-Radiance Palace of the Ancestral Wolf! How can just anyone enter it?" Saros added just as anxiously.

"Werewolf King, we understand that you treasure your mate. However, the Ancestral Wolf's Purple-Radiance Palace isn't a place where a serpentine can enter." Elder Truim was close to lashing out at the King.

His fists clenched as his temples throbbed, the violent anger surging in his heart close to overwhelming his senses. He shifted his sight from the disappointing King that lost his senses in his affection for his mate, and breathed deeply, trying to calm himself down.

It was one thing to have the werewolves strive to fulfill the promise she made to the beasts of the Nar realm. It was an entirely different matter to host the serpentine's welcoming ceremony in the Purple-Radiance Palace of the Ancestral Wolf.

This was no longer just affection. It was madness, insanity.

For a brief moment, the Leader of the Scouting Pack doubted the Serpentine Queen might have taken possession of his King's mind through forbidden spells. Otherwise, how could he think of such a suggestion, let alone command to do it?

However, if the serpentine were to be such a creature, then she wouldn't have become his King's mate. As such, he banished the wayward thought and turned back to King Ramose with a determined expression.

But the moment his gaze collided with the King's, his heart violently lurched forward, almost as if it was about to leap out of his chest.

King Ramose's gaze was dangerously cold. So cold in fact, that Truim felt his own body shiver and his heart freeze under the frigid gaze.

"Elder Truim, make yourself clear. When you said 'it isn't a place where a serpentine can enter', what did you mean?"

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