Brewing Storm

Chapter 146: The Lykan And The Alpha

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"Lykan and Alpha?" The names sounded domineering, but Versailles had no idea what they represented. In the Amayan language, alpha usually meant first, the beginning, or the start. Whether the same applied to the Werewolf Clan was a mystery.

"Yes, Lykan and Alpha. In every race, there is a being more powerful than the others. This being is usually the King or Queen. But in the Werewolf Clan, there are two types of powerful beings. They are respectively the Lykan and Alpha, or the King and the Great King, as the Nar races like to say."

Versailles's expression turned pensive. The address wasn't unfamiliar to her, as in the first Battle of Wars, the Battle of Might, she overheard the creatures of the Nar realm shout out Great King when Ramose confronted three of the Six leaders on his own.

But even before the Battle of Wars, the Great King title spread widely in the Nar realm as it usually referred to the First Great King of the realm, the Ancestral Wolf of the Werewolf Clan.

"The Alpha and Lykan are both black wolves. The King, known as the Alpha, is the leader of the Werewolves. His strength, speed, and intelligence are above the rest of the pack. Due to this, his abilities are never questioned and his rule never challenged. Because in the entire Underworld Palace, only an Alpha or a Lykan can defeat another Alpha."

"Of course. What would be the point of fighting against an enemy you can't defeat?" Although Versailles said that, she didn't believe that one couldn't attain victory if they put in their best effort. In her mind, perseverance, endurance, hard work, and patience could overcome any obstacle.

But the premise was that the individual never gave up under the fiercest of storms.

Ramose saw the look in her eye and knew that the serpentine didn't believe in her own words. He leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"Don't you think you need to believe in your words before preaching them to others?"

"What preach? I was only making a statement!" Embarrassed at being seen through, she annoyedly pushed his face away.

"So, the alpha becomes the Werewolf King by anonymous? Since only the father and son can defeat each other, doesn't this make the Underworld Palace the world of the black wolves? Or more specifically, the world of your family?"

"It does. Whether Alpha or Lykan, the wolves on the throne are black wolves, a trait passed down from father to son. The only difference is the type of King each black wolf makes."

"Like the King and the Great King..."

"Yes, like the King and the Great King. A Lykan, known as the Great King, is ten times stronger than an Alpha. His speed, intelligence, and rule are unquestionable by both the Werewolf Clan and the other races of the Nar realm."

"Lykans are short of temper and quick to anger. From their birth, they feel detached from their clan and their environment, living in a world of their own. Because of their unquestionable strength, not even Alphas dare to challenge them. As such, while the alphas become the Kings of the Underworld Palace by anonymous, the Lykans become the rulers of the Nar realm by anonymous."

Versailles gaped in astonishment. The difference in status between an alpha and a lykan was like the difference between a flame bug and a Flame Queen. One was small and insignificant, while the other was towering and overwhelming. 

But both were extraordinary beings that originated from the Werewolf Clan.

"No wonder the Ancestral Wolf was referred to as the Great King. He must've been a Lykan. But are you an alpha or a lykan?" Versailles's eyes turned sparkly as she expectantly looked at her mate.

From the few battles she had witnessed, there was no doubt that he was extraordinary. But she didn't know whether his strength fell into the alpha or lykan category. How did the wolves of the Underworld Palace decide that? 

As if reading her mind, Ramose flicked her forehead and shrugged.

"I don't know if I am an alpha or a lykan. Usually, the previous Werewolf King discloses the identity of the new King through a private exchange. But since my father passed away before I even gained my shifting ability, this matter remains a mystery to this day. However, that won't be the case for long."

"No? How so?"

"Now that you're here, I can take the Wolf King Trial. The entire Underworld Palace will find out whether I am an alpha or a Lykan through the trial. As my mate, you will be undergoing the trial with me." His eyes glowed with an anticipative light as he squeezed her hand.

She could tell that he was looking forward to the trial.

'As he should. After all, this will mark the beginning of his journey in discovering his identity.'


"Do you miss your parents?"

She wanted to know how he felt. The absence of her parents had no effect on her as they never viewed her as their daughter. But Ramose's case was different. He probably grew up under the loving care and doting of his father and mother.

Their unexpected departure must have hit him hard.

Ramose looked deeply at his mate, her concerned eyes and nervous expression warming his heart. Just to have her by his side, he was willing to sacrifice a tenth of his immortal life.

"I was young when they passed away, but werewolves have a photogenic memory, so the incident never faded from my mind. As for missing them...?" He frowned and tried to identify what he felt at the mention of their topic.

There was regret and disappointment at their earlier passing. A hint of blame for not fulfilling their responsibility of raising him.

But there was nothing else.

"I cried at their passing, felt pain at their absence. But before the despair of their death could overwhelm me, someone special came into my life." As he recalled their first meeting amidst the rubble of destruction, his eyes turned dark with emotion.

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He focused his sight back on her, the raw emotions and deep love catching her by surprise.

"What's wrong?" She tentatively asked.

'I hope I didn't hit on a sore spot...'

With her heart in her throat, she apprehensively gazed at him.

"Nothing. Light? I'm glad you're here." Ramose smiled.

Luciana watched the Werewolf King converse quietly with his mate, her breath catching when she saw his smile.

'So, he knows how to smile.'

As the mate of his right-hand commander, Luciana took care of the Crimson Palace and managed the servants of the place. She came in contact with the Werewolf King more often than other female beasts did.

But in the past 10 years, even she had never seen the Werewolf King smile so naturally.

'I never saw him in his human form, so it's only natural that I haven't seen him smile.'

"Luciana, now that the Werewolf King has found his mate, you don't need to visit the Crimson Palace anymore."

At this moment, the coy voice of one of the female beasts' entered her ear, pulling her out of her trance. Luciana turned to look at the Blue Finfish1, her expression not betraying a trace of her emotion as she smiled sweetly.

Raising a fruit to her lips, Luciana softly retorted.

"Haley, you don't need to worry about that. My visit to the Crimson Palace does not concern you."

The female sighed sorrowfully and wiped a hand across her eye in a mock weep, her dark eyes filled with sadness and heartache.

"That's where you're wrong, Luciana. Whether you appreciate it or not, I care about you. As such, I felt distressed knowing that you had to take care of the palace affairs when it wasn't your place or responsibility to do so. For so many years, you shouldered the duty of the Underworld Queen and looked after the Crimson Palace. But now that the Serpentine Queen is here, you can hand her responsibilities back to her."

Luciana's hand paused, her expression freezing for a split second before hardening. With a stiff smile on her lips, she glanced at the innocent-looking female and replied in a cold tone.

"Even though the Serpentine Queen is the Werewolf King's mate, she only arrived in the Underworld Palace recently. Her knowledge and skill in management are unknown. And even if she had talent in the area, she needs time to figure out how things work in the Underworld Palace."

"Luciana, you worry too much. After all, this is the Serpentine Queen we are talking about. I heard she is powerful enough to tackle a horde of beasts on her own. What is a little management to her? And even if she is unskilled in the area, she can always learn. But for that to happen, she needs to take the first step. Isn't that right?" Turning to the eavesdropping females, Haley familiarly smiled at them and grabbed the hand of the nearest female.

"Say, Helena, don't you think that it's about time Luciana shrugged off this forced responsibility? Don't you think she should return to her rightful place and live the life that is truly hers?" The implication in her words were clear, making the females glance meaningfully at the Gold Blood1 that had lived in the Crimson Palace like the master of the place.

Luciana's face turned red with shame and anger. How could she not know what the Finfish meant when she had so explicitly told her to return to her rightful place? For the past few years, as the mate of the Wolf King's right-hand commander, Luciana had lived a luxurious life in the Crimson Palace as the manager of the place.

Her clothes, food, and sleeping area were the best in the entire Underworld Palace, garnering the envy and jealousy of the other females whose mates were similarly Beta Wolves assisting the reigning Werewolf King.

They were all mates to Beta Wolves assisting the King, hence the fact that Luciana lived a better life than them pricked their hearts and stung their eyes.

Now that the Queen of the Underworld Palace had arrived and a chance to pick on the Gold Blood presented itself, the female beasts were dying to scream at her to get lost from the Crimson Palace and live the life that was meant to be hers.

The same life they lived in the crimson two-storey brick houses outside the glamorous Crimson Palace.

"Sigh, Luciana, you have truly worked hard this past few years. Haley is right. You should return to your place and live the life you were meant to live. After all, the responsibilities of the Crimson Palace were never yours, to begin with. If it wasn't because of circumstances, you wouldn't stay within its walls past 2 ice nights, let alone live inside for over 10 years." Another female beast with green skin, grey hair and eyes empathically added.

Various nods and murmurs of agreement sounded out, all unanimously supporting the AlEeli1. The female beasts had burned with envy and jealousy for over 10 years. If they didn't take this chance to bring down Luciana to their level, then they would have to burn in the same hateful feelings for a while longer.

This was obviously not their desire.

As such, they took turns subtly telling the Gold Blood to clear the place that was never hers and return to her own home.

"The food inside the palace is currently better than that outside. However, home is home and the Crimson Palace isn't Luciana's home. It's obvious that she is more ecstatic than either of us at the Serpentine Queen's appearance. Because she can finally go back home and manage her own house's affairs."

As another female joined in and dealt another jab, Luciana's blue eyes flared with anger and malicious hatred. Her clenched fist was on the brink of cracking when she returned to her senses and schooled her expression.

She had no need to bicker with jealous beasts.

She swept her eyes over the gloating beasts that were anxiously waiting for her to make a fool of herself and smiled.

"If the Serpentine Queen desires for me to leave, of course, I will leave. But as a responsible individual and manager of this palace for over 10 years, I won't leave without teaching her the ins and outs of the Crimson Palace."

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