Brewing Storm

Chapter 160: Queen Of The Underworld Palace Part 3

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The Serpentine Queen had lost her mind!

How could she expect her to apologize to such lowly creatures!?

"Werewolf King, surely, apologizing to these lowly beasts isn't necessary. That would be degrading myself and the Beta wolf that serves you."

Luciana clenched her fists and turned her gaze to her mate, her eyes beseeching him to speak up on her behalf. Although the two's relationship was strained and not as close as the other mates of the King's Pack, she believed that he wouldn't ignore her plea, because she was his mate.

A fact she learned to use efficiently to her advantage over the past few years.

Unfortunately, this time, Olsen didn't respond to her distress signal.

Over the past few years, his mate began spending more and more time in the Crimson palace as she took over the management of the place.

Seeing as the Queen of the palace hadn't arrived yet, Olsen had allowed her to do as she wished as that would be helping his King. And at the beginning, he actually felt proud of her because she not only took care of him and their home but the Crimson Palace as well.

However, as the years went by, he began to see less and less of his mate at home and more and more of her at the Crimson Palace. Every time he entered the palace, he would find her standing by the black wolf's side serving food and snacks, or drinks and refreshments.

More than his, she seemed to be the Werewolf King's mate.

If it wasn't because Olsen was aware of his King's heart and knew he had a beloved more dear than his own life, then he would've suspected the two to be in a secret affair... 

But thankfully, he knew his King's heart and their relationship hadn't deteriorated because of misunderstanding and Luciana.

However, the pride he felt when she first took care of the palace no longer remained. If anything, he wanted her to leave the palace and focus back on their home as she should. And on more than one occasion, he had even told her so.

But what met his requests were indifference and excuses. She always said she didn't want to leave the palace because there wasn't anyone to take care of things in her absence. 

Because there wasn't a Queen yet.

As such he had tolerated his mate's obnoxious and overbearing attitude because she was his mate and because the Crimson Palace needed her.

But now, the Queen of the Underworld Palace had arrived and Olsen remained silent because he saw this as a chance to get his mate back home.

Moreover, if the Serpentine Queen wanted her to apologize, then Luciana had to apologize because the Werewolf King wouldn't have it any other way...

"Ramose, I want her to apologize to the beasts for beating them without a reason. But if this'll make things more difficult for you, then forget it." Versailles didn't want to cause her mate any problems.

She knew it wasn't easy being at the top, since the one at the top had to walk along with everyone on the bottom. Otherwise, they'd become lonely silhouettes and drown in feelings of loneliness. 

But that didn't mean she didn't have another way to deal with the situation.

Versailles stepped up, intending to sort the matter with the female on her own when her mate's hand grabbed her wrist.

"Who said this will make things difficult for me? And even if it does, I'd still do it because it's your wish." Ramose pulled her back and turned his cold gaze on the Gold Blood.

"My mate wants you to apologize to the beasts. Do it fast, because we don't have time to waste." He still wanted to take her home and love her to his's content.

"Wolf, Werewolf King, how can I apologize to lesser beasts? They're lower than the wolves that serve me. No, I won't shame myself by apologizing to creatures lower than ants. I'd rather die!" Vehemently clenching her teeth, the Gold Blood stared viciously at the serpentine.

Even if she died, she wouldn't apologize!

She turned to her mate again, only to find him glaring coldly at her.

Glaring at her! Why the realms is he glaring at her? She hadn't done anything wrong by beating some measly creatures! Luciana felt wronged and decided to stand up for herself. She gritted her teeth and glared back just as fiercely. 

With a deep snort, she turned to the Werewolf King.

"Werewolf King, I am Luciana, mate of Olsen and care-taker of the Underworld Palace. For the past 10 years, I've selflessly left my house unoccupied and concentrated on taking care of the palace. I didn't rest day or night, sick or exhausted, and tirelessly served you to the best of my ability. Even if I don't deserve credit for my contribution, I should at least be given some respect!"

Cold and firm, her words touched the hearts of the spectating crowd. They looked at the proud Gold blood and couldn't imagine her ever bowing before another.

"The Gold Blood is right. In the absence of the Werewolf King's mate, she's served King Ramose well and taken good care of the Crimson Palace."

"Whether she deserves a reward for her hard work or not, she should at least be credited the respect she deserves."

"You're right. She shouldn't have to bow before such lowly creatures."

But there were also others that felt Luciana was being shameless. After all, she hadn't done anything for free.

"Huh! Respect she deserves? Did she take care of the Crimson Palace for free? I heard Olsen's mate lived hale and well within the walls of the palace, eating as she wished and dressing as she liked. Compared to the females of the Werewolf Clan, she lived more like a queen, when she wasn't one at all."

Versailles heard the crowd's whispers and looked at the female beast with interest. She knew Luciana was Olsen's mate, but she wasn't aware that the beast resided in the Crimson Palace for more than 10 years.

So that's where her confidence came from? She acted proud and overbearing because she had something to rely on.

The serpentine's gaze turned to her mate. The beast had fearlessly and directly refused his order, using her years of service as bargaining chips. She wanted to see what the wolf would do in such a situation.

"Olsen, take care of your mate." Ramose's voice was dangerously low, a cold and dark vibe radiating off his figure as he narrowed his eyes. That the female would publicly refute his command was a surprise to him. 

But the fact that she brought up her years of service as a bargaining chip, made him furious.

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As the King of the Underworld Palace, there weren't any shortage of hands to manage the affairs of the Crimson Palace. But Olsen's mate had personally sought him out and requested to be placed in charge of the palace affairs until his mate arrived.

It was a matter he didn't feel comfortable with from the beginning. The only reason he had agreed was because the female was his right-hand commander's mate. And he trusted her because of that relationship.

But now she dared to use that against him?

Olsen was losing patience with his mate as well. The humble female he brought into the Underworld Palace had disappeared long ago, her place taken by some beast he couldn't even recognize.

This female before him feared nothing and dared to speak so informally with the Werewolf King. If the beasts surrounding them didn't know, from her high attitude, they would've mistaken her for the King's mate.

With a dark scowl on his face, Olsen grabbed Luciana's arm and hissed in her ear.

"What the Nar do you think you're doing? Is the Werewolf King your friend to care about giving you respect? It seems the years of comfort have diluted your perception of the Werewolf King. Consider him different from the vicious beasts of the Nar realm and I promise you you'll find your head rolling before you can even scream. Now, move and apologize as the Serpentine Queen told you so." With a violent shove, Luciana fell before the feet of the Serpentine Queen again.

"Olsen, you...!" Luciana's face flamed with rage and shame. Slowly but surely, her heart turned cold. Right in front of a crowd, her mate had shoved her before the feet of another female. He didn't give her face at all.

The humiliation she felt couldn't be compared to the one she suffered in the serpentine's hands.

Because this humiliation was made even more jarring by the presence of the Werewolf King who stood beside his mate and fulfilled her every order like a slave.

While her mate humiliated her, the Werewolf King worshipped his mate. The difference in treatment was too great for her to swallow.

Why...why would the Werewolf King's mate be this serpentine and not her?

Why wasn't it her when she served and took care of him every day for the past 10 years?

Was it because she was already mated to Olsen before she met him?

As her eyes swirled with jealousy, resentment, envy, and unwillingness, a malicious light flashed within its depths. The Gold Blood slowly rose to her feet and coldly looked at the Serpentine Queen.

Her gaze swept to the huddled creatures and she gritted the words unwillingly through clenched teeth.

"I'm sorry." This shame, this humiliation, this insult...

She'll remember it for life! 

Luciana shot the serpentine a dark and gloomy glare before turning to leave.

"Hold on." At this moment, Versailles's voice sounded out, stopping the leaving beast mid-step. Luciana turned her head, hatred swirling in her blue eyes, as she hissed.

"What now?"

"I heard you say you're the caretaker of the Crimson Palace. From now on, there's no need for you to come to the Palace. Since I'm here, as its' master and rightful owner, I'll no longer bother you. Thank you for the past years of service and good luck with your life moving forward. Now you're free to return to your home and live your own life."

Stunned, the Gold Blood turned and shrieked in horror.


"Is there a problem?" Versailles narrowed her eyes.

"You...! I've been taking care of the Crimson Palace for years!"

"And that's why I'm freeing you. I'm grateful for all you've done, considering the fact that it wasn't even your obligation, responsibility, and or duty to do so. But now that I'm here, I don't need an outsider to take care of my home for me."

An outsider to take care of my home...?

The Gold Blood's eyes turned cold. She stared deeply at Versailles, the hatred and resentment in her eyes barely discernable among the sea of envy and jealousy. 

Unwittingly, her sight shifted to the Werewolf King, and when she saw his tender gaze unwaveringly fixed on the serpentine, Luciana felt something in her heart shatter.

He...the serpentine told her to leave, but he didn't make a sound.

As if struck by lightning on a clear day, Luciana woodenly staggered and turned away, her vacant eyes overflowing with unshed tears as her lonely figure waved through the throng of beasts.

Versailles looked grimly at the receding back of the female. Her violet eyes, usually bright and radiant, were tinged with a hint of vicious brutality that caused even the Werewolf King's heart to skip a beat.

"Light, what's wrong?" Ramose nervously asked. His beautiful serpentine looked too scary!

Versailles turned her head and scrutinized her unsuspecting mate. In the beast's dark orbs, there was nothing but concern, worry, and a hint of...fear of her?

Heh...truly clueless and oblivious to others but quick to pick up on her moods.

"In the future, I'd better not see you with that female, otherwise..." Ramose trembled. He had never seen his mate glare so coldly and vindictively at him before. If he made her upset, it was better to quickly figure out what he did wrong and solve it.

"Light, what's wrong? Did I do something to make you upset? Didn't you like the way I handled her? If not, how about I call her back and you do as you wish...hmmm?" 

"Didn't I just say it? I'd better not see you with that female, Ramose. Otherwise...Hmph!" With a cold hum, she turned her back on the anxious wolf and placated the injured beasts.

She wasn't an idiot to tell her mate the Gold Blood had feelings for him....

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