Brewing Storm

Chapter 167: Home 6

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Oh? It's her?

What is she up to this time?

Versailles's gaze instantly turned cold upon spotting the brown wolf leading the Gold Blood inside.

It seemed the matter of dismissing the female from the Crimson Palace wasn't over yet. At least, the process wasn't going to be so easy.

Ramose sensed the turbulence in his mate's aura and grabbed her hand.

He still remembered the words she'd spoken in the Valley of Tricks and rubbed the back of her palm to reassure her.

As much as he would've liked to bask in her jealousy, he couldn't bear to let her suffer such grievance. Because to him, her joyous smile was a hundred times more beautiful than her wronged, jealous glare.

"Master Ouyang, is there a problem?" The wolf had just ruined his deed. Ramose wasn't in the mood to welcome him warmly.

Fortunately, the Master Wolf didn't detect his displeasure. At the moment, he was too occupied with glaring at the Serpentine Queen standing beside the Werewolf King.

"King Ramose, this is the Crystalline Hall, the King's Hall to conduct official matters. Why is this serpentine here?"

Versailles eyes narrowed at the brown wolf's address. But she didn't say anything as her mind returned to the first half of his speech. 

The King's Hall?

So this isn't the Main Hall...

"Master Ouyang, the Serpentine Queen is my mate. I can bring my mate anywhere in the Underworld Palace I want. But I only brought her to the Crystalline Palace. Is something wrong with that?" Master Ouyang was too angry to notice the dark edge to the Werewolf King's tone.

"Yes, you can take her anywhere you want. But why must you bring her to the Crystalline Hall?" 

"Is there a rule that says I can't bring her to the Crystalline Hall?"

", there's no such rule. But the Crystalli..."

Ramose didn't want to hear anymore and coldly interrupted the brown wolf.

"I brought her here because I want to. There's no need for you to say anything else on this matter. Now state your urgency. Why have you sought me out at the Crystalline Palace?"

"You..." Master Ouyang was dumbstruck. He never expected the Werewolf King to cut him off and not even hear him out. His gaze froze over and he coldly glanced at the silent serpentine.

Truly venomous!

The instant she entered the Underworld Palace, this serpentine started spreading her venom everywhere! Before today, Ramose has never spoken to me like this...

Feeling aggrieved and dejected, the brown wolf's dislike for the serpentine rose again, nearly approaching hatred.

Luciana watched the exchange between the Wolf King and Master Ouyang with obedient silence. But the lengthier their talk became, the more anxious she grew. At the end, she even began internally despising the brown wolf for wasting time on useless matters and still failing to come on top.

This useless Master Trainer, he can't even win such a useless argument. Would he be able to accomplish my task successfully?

Her eyes roamed around the room, looking for a way to shift the topic and change it to the one she instigated Master Ouyang.

Once her gaze fell on the serpentine, her eyes lit up and she smiled.

"Serpentine Queen, I'm sorry to dirty your eyes after you dismissed me from the Crimson Palace." She apologetically began, her soft and delicate voice immediately attracting the attention of the Wolf King and Master Ouyang.

Master Ouyang's mind instantly cleared and a new wave of anger surged in his heart when he heard Luciana's weak and timid voice. Turning to the serpentine, his already frosty gaze turned even darker.

Versailles was stumped. She had no idea what the Gold Blood was playing at to openly use such degrading words. But before she could open her mouth to reply, she felt her skin prickle. Turning her head, her confused eyes met with the cold and grim ones of Master Ouyang.

Why was the Master Wolf glaring at her like that? What did she do to earn such disgust? 

"Luciana, what are you apologizing for? If you can dirty anyone's eyes, then Ramose's eyes would have been dirtied long ago. It wouldn't need to wait until now. Ramose, this is the other reason I'm here. I heard you dismissed Luciana from the Crimson Palace. Is that true?" He demandingly asked.

"Yes, Master Ouyang. It's true. Any problem?" 

"Any problem, Ramose? Luciana has served and taken care of this Crimson Palace for over 10 years. How can you dismiss her?"

" jest, Master. Do I need any reason to dismiss a servant?" Ramose coldly sneered. He hadn't missed the brown wolf's glare towards his mate.

Since the wolf dared to glare at the light of his life, why would he give him face?

"Servant...?" When did Luciana become a servant!? Was Ramose so severely poisoned that he didn't even remember how much Luciana had sacrificed to manage this palace?

"Yes, servant. Any female that worked in this palace before my mate's arrival was nothing more than a servant. And I don't need a reason to dismiss a servant from servitude."

Before the brown wolf could respond, the weak and pitiful voice of a female resounded.

"Werewolf King, I understand. It must've been me that considered myself more important than I actually was. Ha! I didn't even know I amounted to nothing more than a servant in your eyes." Luciana cried tearfully, her tears not necessarily fake.

Because even in her worse nightmares, she never imagined the Wolf King would call her a servant.

Was that it? Did she consider herself more important than she really was and landed herself in this situation?

Maybe that's why he dismissed her so easily...

"Ramose, Luciana is more than just a servant. To me, she is like a daughter the way you are like a son. How can you call her a servant?" The brown wolf slumped on his hunches and mournfully bowed his head, fresh tears streaming down his face as if he'd lost his dearest kin.

He was as hurt and alarmed at the declaration as Luciana.

The Gold Blood depended on the brown wolf to get her back into the Crimson Palace. As such, she spared no effort in catering to him. Seeing him sorrowfully cry, she immediately dashed to his side, and with a similarly mournful expression on her face, gently consoled him.

"Master Ouyang, please don't be like this. I'm sorry you're in this situation because of me. I only wanted to take care of the Crimson Palace's affairs as the Serpentine Queen is new in the Underworld Palace. She's new and doesn't know how things are run. I only wanted to help and didn't mean to create trouble."

At this moment, she was the perfect picture of a gentle and considerate female beast, a complete contrast to the silent and indifferent serpentine.

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Master Ouyang's heart melted at the female beast's gentleness. 

Why wasn't his Ramose's mate as gentle and considerate? Why did his mate have to be a serpentine?

He was hit with another wave of sadness and despondently lowered his head.

Luciana continued her little act and even rubbed the wolf's back.

Versailles felt sick looking at the two-faced beast's gentle expression.

How come she didn't show such gentleness when she ruthlessly beat a group of powerless beasts in the center of the marketplace?

Where did she burn her kind heart to flee the skin of helpless beasts without blinking an eye?

"Luciana, I understand you want to help. But the thing is, I don't want your help. As a female beast with a mate, for the past 10 years, you poured your entire heart into taking care of the Crimson Palace. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself whether your mate was happy with that?"

"Serpentine Queen, Olsen was more than happy to support me when I took the responsibility for the Crimson Palace. And as the Werewolf King's right-hand Beta, he is more than happy to help his King in any way he can." Of course, Luciana knew Olsen wasn't happy with her continued presence in the Crimson Palace.

But why would she admit that from her own mouth? Whether Olsen was happy or not, it was his problem. She wasn't obligated to sacrifice her own happiness to serve and keep him happy.

"Serpentine Queen, I know you must find me an eyesore since I served King Ramose for more than 10 years. However, you don't need to bring Olsen into this matter to justify your actions. If you dare to do it, then dare to admit it."

"Is that it? Is that why you made Ramose dismiss Luciana? Because you couldn't digest the fact that she knew him longer than you did?" Master Ouyang raised his head to critically glare at Versailles.

Ramose's eyes sharpened.

The Master Wolf was repeatedly crossing his boundary! How could he speak to his mate and the Underworld Palace's Queen in such a rude manner? That too, right before him?

The wolf had gone senile! With a cold aura radiating off his figure, he took a step forward to reproach him.

But before he could unleash his wrath, Versailles grabbed his wrist and yanked him back to her side.

Bewildered and stunned, the wolf confusedly blinked at the serpentine.

"Werewolf King, this Serpentine Queen can fight her own battles. So be a good wolf and stand to the side, will you?" Patting his cheek like an adorable pet, Versailles gave him a kiss on the cheek and moved forward.

Arms crossed and a disdainful smirk on her lips, she condescendingly looked down at the pair.

"Master Ouyang, Ramose didn't dismiss Luciana. I did. And yes, I don't like the fact that she knew my mate longer than I knew him. Is that an issue?"

For a split moment, her powerful stance stunned the brown wolf.

How could this female have such an overbearing aura?

But he was Master Ouyang! He won't bow under her oppression!

"Serpentine Queen, don't you find that a problem? The Werewolf King is the ruler of the Underworld Palace. Aside from you, he'll bed other females in the future. That's both a tradition and a custom in the Werewolf Clan. The wolves' blood boils hotter than ordinary beasts and the Alpha, King of the wolves, burns hotter than the Betas. It's not your spit of venom to satisfy him."

"The Master Wolf is right, Serpentine Queen. King Ramose is the Alpha ruler of the Underworld Palace. You won't be able to satisfy his urges. Are you planning on keeping him tied to your tail?" Luciana felt like slapping the prideful serpentine across the face.

If it weren't for the Wolf King's presence, she might have just done so!

What was she acting overbearing and domineering for? Wasn't all her arrogance and haughty behavior due to the Werewolf King's spoiling love?

If she gained the Wolf King's affection, she'd be acting proud and arrogant as well!

Master Ouyang got even more worked up on hearing Luciana's words. How could the Werewolf King be wrapped around the tail of a venomous serpentine?

If that happened, wouldn't her venom poison Ramose's mind against the Werewolf Clan? Against him!?

His heart chilled at the thought. Such a scenario was one he couldn't even imagine, let alone allow it to happen.

"The Werewolf King isn't bound to you. Starting tomorrow, I'll send new female servants to the Crimson Palace. They will serve him in bed every fourth night. As for Luciana...she'll continue staying in the Crimson Palace until I otherwise say so." He authoritatively declared.

At this, Luciana's eyes instantly brightened. She clenched her fists to suppress her excitement, but her eyes couldn't conceal her joy.

Versailles was still planning on speaking amiably with the brown wolf. After all, he was the one that raised Ramose and she didn't want to be on bad terms with him. But the moment she heard his words, she threw all restraints to the flames.

The Nar! This wretched wolf, right before her very eyes, dared to walk over her head and attempt to divide her mate's affection with other females!?

Heh...was she dead?

"Master Ouyang, you are Ramose's elder, so I respect you. But if you cross your limits and poke your nose in our private affairs, then I'm afraid I won't be able to respect you anymore. I dismissed Luciana because I don't want her around my mate. I don't care what she means to you or how important she is. I only know that she has her eyes set on Ramose. And any female that fancies my mate is my enemy!"

"You! What nonsense are you spouting!? Luciana is Olsen's mate. She respects Ramose because they've known each other for over a decade. To justify yourself, you're the one that crossed all limits!" The Master Wolf lost all his composure and angrily rose on his paws.

She dared to spout such nonsense? This serpentine was really abominable!

"Heh...does she?" Versailles threw a scornful sneer at the Gold Blood guiltily lowering her head.

She was clearly joyous earlier, the bright spark in her blue eyes restrained, but not escaping Versailles's sharp senses.

However, she now had a docile and innocent look on her face that made it difficult to find any fault with her. 

If she kept such a cunning and crafty female around, then the day she'd shed tears of blood wouldn't be too far.

"Anyway, I'll accept female servants that'll help us fetch bathwater and serve meals. But I will not accept any bedmates for my mate! If Ramose is hot-blooded, I'm cold-blooded. Even if I can't satisfy him, I can still cool his boiling blood. So there's no need for others to come in between us."

Versailles eyes were cold, the frosty chill in their violet depths made even the Master Wolf take a step back.

And before he could gather his composer and prepare an ultimatum to shut the serpentine down, her cold words froze him in place.

"Master Ouyang, I don't care whether Luciana only respects Ramose or has feelings for him. This is my home and as the master, I get to decide who can and can't be here.. And unfortunately, I find this Gold Blood an eyesore. Therefore, I don't want to see her anywhere near my home! If you try to force this matter, I'll see to it you never step into the Crimson Palace again either! Because this, this is my home!"

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