Brewing Storm

Chapter 181: Stifling Calm 4

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The Serpentine Queen was right?

Items were really stolen?

The horror and disbelief in the beasts' eyes were enough to burn a hole in the heads of the kneeling beasts.

They felt their faces flush, but considering the fact that they'd brought this onto themselves, they lowered their heads and kept begging for mercy.

The astonished beasts felt terrified at failing to catch the daring beasts among themselves. Then as they looked back at the domineering serpentine, their horrified expressions turned to amazement.

Sigh. Most definitely, she was the Serpentine Queen. Even records that stumped and took the past Queens decades to figure out took her only a single glance to decode and see through.

It was no wonder King Ramose followed her around like a tamed beast.

But when they recalled their near-death experience because of the theft, their fierce glares shifted back to the kneeling beasts as fiery anger and resentment swelled in their hearts.

Because of these beasts unaware of their status, they'd almost lost their lives under the serpentine's fiery rage.

"Enough with your nonsense and tell me who instigated you!" Versailles had already given the beasts a chance to come clean.

But since they tried to wiggle their way out of the matter instead of being appreciative, she wasn't moved by their pitiful and regretful expressions.

"That..." The beasts froze and their faces went pale.

The serpentine also knew they were instigated by another beast?

If she knew...then that only meant they could no longer live.

Because the identity of the beast instigating them wasn't one they could reveal. 

"Well, are you going to speak or would you like me to send you along?" 

Versailles knew the one behind them was the Gold Blood. But she couldn't speak out her name until they did so.

Because there was a chance Luciana would twist truth and lies and make her out to be a jealous serpentine.

The beasts' eyes became vacant. They knew they were now at a dead end.

When the gold beast had approached and told them to sneak out some of the rations, they'd immediately refused because they knew the consequences of stealing.

But when she returned again with beautiful female beasts, their resolve wavered. Beaten, hungry, and painfully hard from prolonged lack of mating, their will crumbled under the naked figures of the curvy beasts.

Combined with her promise of it being only a one-time affair, they had immediately abandoned their caution and jumped at the proposal.

At that time, under the haze of lust and heat, they hadn't considered the consequences of their action.

But now that they were discovered and exposed, they knew the only way out was to end their own lives.

At least then, their corpses would be intact and they'd escape from extreme torture.

They exchanged brief glances and imperceptibly nodded.

An ominous feeling invaded Versailles heart as she caught the beasts' slight exchange. Her eyes widened and she lunged forward.


Unfortunately, she was too late.

The beasts personally plunged their hands in their chests and clawed out their hearts. Under the astonished and dumbfounded eyes of the Storeroom management and accounting slaves, they crushed it before she could do anything else.


Beastly blood sprayed and their figures slumped background, never to move again.

"They...they killed themselves?"

"Of course they killed themselves. Would thieves like them have the gall to face torturous questioning? And it's good that they did. Otherwise, I would've personally beaten them to death for almost dragging us with them."

"That's true. But the Serpentine Queen...she's too fearsome."

Instantly, all eyes shot back to dark-faced Versailles.

Standing over the corpses of the beasts, Versailles couldn't help but feel awe for the Gold Blood.

The male servants fell to their knees and desperately begged for mercy. This showed they had still valued their lives. But the moment she asked for the name of their perpetrator, they had decisively chosen death.

This only meant the Gold Blood either used a soul-sealing oath, or a vengeful blood vow to ensure they kept their mouths shut.

Such a meticulous beast was the most dreadful and admirable. 

"Take away their corpses and burn them. I want a full investigation conducted. Those rations must be found or else I won't remain silent." Her words were aimed at no one in particular.

This made the frightened beasts look at each other in confusion.

But Versailles made no move to explain herself further and clasped her hands behind her back. 

"In the future, you'd better watch yourselves. If such a case occurs again, the matter won't end with a death or two." Throwing a frosty glance at the shivering beasts, Versailles turned and looked into the distance.

Heh...Gold Blood? As long as the beast doesn't cross my path, I'll let her be. But if she dares to seek trouble with me again, I don't mind teaching her a lesson or two.

With a cold sneer and a graceful back, the serpentine made her way out of the Crimson Palace.

The Yulan beast slowly crawled back to her feet. She lifted her lowered head and revealed vicious, red eyes marred with hatred, as she glared at the Serpentine Queen's receding back.

This insult, this humiliation, this beating...Serpentine Queen, I'll remember them clearly.

Without speaking a single word, Du Na turned and staggered past the gloating beasts. 

If one looked at it nicely, earlier, she was speaking up for the beasts.

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But when examined closer, she wanted to use them to suppress the Serpentine Queen.

With their keen eyes and strong instincts, this was a fact that didn't escape the beasts' heightened senses. As such, no one appreciated her earlier actions.

Every ice night and warm morning, they fought with fangs and claws with all sorts of beasts to secure their lives and survive to the next day. 

How could they be amiable with a beast that almost got them killed?

"Sigh, the Yulan is usually arrogant and haughty because of her good appearance. Unfortunately, she kicked a stone too tough for her fragile toe."

"You can't say it like that. After all, wasn't she speaking up for us?"

"Heh...that's true. She got beaten blue and black by the Serpentine Queen because of us."

The jarring sarcastic remarks made the Yulan's red eyes turn malicious as she hatefully gritted her teeth and hasten her steps.

It's all because of the serpentine! It's because of her that I'm suffering such humiliation. If I don't seek vengeance, then I wouldn't be a Yulan!

Within a matter of moments, the matter of the stolen rations spread throughout the Crimson Palace. Female and male beasts exchanged fearful glances as they realized the depth of the Serpentine Queen's fearsomeness.

"Just a day in the Main Hall and she exposed matters of embezzling. If she stayed longer, wouldn't she turn the whole Underworld Palace upside down?"

"Which is why I say we should stir clear of that behemoth. Surviving is already difficult enough. We shouldn't desire something we don't have the power to enjoy."

"Heh...I'm more curious about the Gold Blood's reaction. I heard it took her a full ten years to even understand what the scribbles on the Red Stones represented..."

As the matter passed from mouth to mouth, facts got twisted and the tale of the Serpentine Queen cleaning up the Crimson Palace spread out to the Underworld Palace.

Ramose's held his head high and thrust his chest out as he proudly made his way to the Purple-Radiance Palace.

Heh...Just as I thought, my Light is the best in the Seven realms!

His mate's great feat had reached his ears before he'd even left the Crystalline Hall.

Although he didn't want her to visit nasty and unclean ratholes like the Main Hall and Storeroom, he felt pride in her sense of duty and responsibility.

What's more, the fact that she accomplished so much by herself raised her prestige and status in his Betas' hearts.

She'd earned their respect, and as her mate, he felt as if it was him that was being showered with praises and awe-struck gazes.

Sigh. So this is what it feels like to feel pride in others' accomplishments.

Ramose couldn't help but sigh with amazement. 

Since his mate's arrival, he'd been feeling and experiencing emotions he'd never realized he was capable of feeling.

Love, pain, jealousy, disappointment, pride, worry, grief, and possessiveness.

What's more, as he heard the beasts of the Crimson Palace frightfully mention his mate's fearsomeness, a deep sense of accomplishment filled his heart.

For her to blossom so beautifully within their home was his greatest joy.

It made him feel as if the little beast he'd been shielding, hiding, and protecting from the covetous eyes of the hungry wolves had finally grown up to spread her own radiance, mark her own territory, and command her own forces.

"It won't be long before she'd be known as the Queen of the Underworld Palace instead of the Werewolf King's mate, by the entire Nar realm."

The prospect of her making her own identity filled him with anticipation and a bit of loss.

But from the bottom of his heart, his greatest wish was for her to live healthy and well, happy and carefree. And if that meant she wanted to carve out her own path, then he was willing to support her until the very top.

"Yes. My happiness lies in her happiness. As long as she's happy, I can discard anything."

With firm and determined eyes, the Werewolf King entered the Purple-Radiance Palace to find his mate sprawled out on the bed.

Da**! She didn't fall asleep, did she?

She'd promised! She'd promised to satisfy me!

Wailing despondently in his heart, Ramose anxiously climbed the bed and peered into his mate's peaceful, snow-white face.

"Light? Light? I'm back." However, the serpentine didn't even twitch a muscle. Her chest rose and fell in a perfect rhythm that made the wolf grit his teeth in grievance. 

All warm morning, he'd endured the unsightly face of Elder Saros and the annoying Betas with the consolation of meeting his mate and mating with her until the next warm morning.

But when he arrived, all he got was a sleeping serpentine.

"Light, you promised..." Crestfallen and dejected, the wolf despondently laid on his side and unflinchingly watched his mate's face.

His intention was to remain awake until she woke up. Then the moment she sprung her eyes open, he'd jump her and get back at her for failing to keep her promise in waiting for him.

"Light, you tricked me. I waited the whole day to see you, but you fell asleep the moment you returned." Tenderly tracing her face, Ramose's dark eyes turned helpless and gentle as the love in his heart blossomed in their depths.

No matter what he felt at any moment of time, the fact that he deeply and irrevocably loved her would never change.

She could trick him if she desired, he was more than happy to oblige.

She could tease him if she wanted, he'd given her the full right to.

And she could love him any way she saw fit, he was more than happy to receive any bit of love she offered.

As long as she remained with him and remained as his, anything and everything was acceptable.

Leaning over, Ramose placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose, and lips.

Then he laid his head on her soft bosom and fell asleep with his arm wrapped securely around her waist.

"Just one night, I can endure.. With you in my arms, I don't need anything else."

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