Brewing Storm

Chapter 192: Cook For You

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Ramose pulled his mate out of the Crystalline Hall towards the Crimson Palace.

"Ramose, aren't we going back to the Purple-Radiance Palace? Why are we heading towards the Crimson Palace?" Versailles looked around in confusion.

Her mate seemed to be in a hurry to return to the Purple-Radiance Palace. But the path they were walking on clearly led to the Crimson Palace...

Ramose paused in his tracks, a strange expression on his face as he looked at his mate.

"Light, it can't be that you forgot what you promised me earlier, right?"

"Huh?" Promised him earlier? What did I promise him earlier? 

Versailles blinked and stared up cluelessly at him, a clear indication that she'd truly forgotten. 

"Light, you promised if I didn't beat the alpha, then you'd cook for me." His expression fell and an aggrieved look appeared in his eyes.

This was the reason why Ramose was in a hurry to leave the meeting hall. His mate had a bad habit of making a promise and forgetting about it later on.

And speaking of promises...

"Light, you also forgot the promise you made when Elder Saros came to seek me out." 

Versailles froze. That...she did seem to make such a promise...

Her face flushed when her mate brought up the other promise she reneged on. She laughed awkwardly and looked everywhere except at him.

That other promise wasn't one she forgot, but one she'd deliberately shelved to the side. At that time, the only thought in her mind was to chase her mate away. As such, she had the courage to boast, but she didn't have the courage to put what she'd promised into action.

"Ha..ha...Ramose, I didn't forget...I was just caught off guard. I thought you'd wait until later for me to cook for you. But since you want to eat now, come. Today, your mate will cook for you." Desperate to shelve the topic of the other promise away, Versailles excitedly moved ahead, replacing her mate in pulling the other.

Ramose smirked, fully seeing through her intention. But he didn't make a fuss and allowed her to pull him along. Although she'd made a point of stomping down on that subject every time it popped up, he had no intention of truly letting her off the hook.

Since she dared to make such a promise, he had every intention of making her fulfill it.

But for now, he'll allow her to do as she wished.

As they passed the multiple crimson halls leading to the kitchen, the female slaves and servants deferentially stepped out of the way and bowed.

The Wolf King obediently following behind his mate was no longer a shocking matter. So while some beasts lifted their brows or frowned in envy and jealously at the sight, no one displayed the exaggerated expression of astonishment that they first did.

Once their figures disappeared around the corner, the female slaves straightened their postures and replied in an incredulous tone.

"Sigh. Who would've thought the King of the Underworld Palace would behave so docilely and servilely towards his mate?"

"The Serpentine Queen is lucky to have the Werewolf King as her mate. Beasts like us, we are forever destined to serve under males without any gentleness. But you can see from the glow on the Serpentine Queen's face that the Werewolf King adores her to no end."

"What's the point in saying all this? As slaves, we've already lost the right to any happiness or enjoyment. The fact that we're still alive is more than enough grace."

Releasing another sigh of helplessness and frustration, the female beasts glanced in the direction the two vanished in before returning to their task.

Unaware of the envy and jealousy she'd aroused in the beasts' hearts, Versailles finally reached the kitchen, the area of meal preparation in the Crimson Palace.

"Serpentine Queen! Werewolf King!"

The moment the kitchen slaves caught sight of the two, they dropped their task and dashed forward to offer their humble greetings. 

"Um! You can rise." Versailles's gaze swept over the kitchen.

Baskets of flame fruits and snacks littered one side of the kitchen, while chopped meat, minced meat, diced meat, and whole meat littered the other side.

There was a giant pot sitting on a red pit in the center of the kitchen, underneath which red flames crackled. 

"On second thought, it might not be a good idea for you to be here, Light. Cooking is originally a delicate task for slaves and servants. What if you burn yourself?" Seeing the various raw ingredients in the kitchen, Ramose's heart trembled.

His mate was so powerful and overbearing. Can she really cook?

In the Nar realm, the task of meal preparation was often handled by the slaves and servants. As the beasts of the higher races had to undergo extreme training to compete in the Battle of Wars and engage in other competitive and, deadly, exchanges, they left other miscellaneous chores such as cooking and cleaning to the slaves.

To maintain the strength of their clan, males or females of higher race beasts focused on raising their strength and dominating the battlegrounds. Matters of the kitchen were considered beneath their status.

When Ramose heard his mate make a promise to cook for him, the first thought that popped up into his mind was eating food personally cooked by his mate.

But when his sight fell on the chaotic assortment of uncooked ingredients, he immediately panicked. 

"Werewolf King, do you despise me?" Versailles mockingly asked.

"Despise? How can I despise you, Light? My mate is the best in the Seven realms. But I can't bear to see you get hurt." Ramose slinked to her side and hurriedly explained.

As much as he wanted to eat food personally cooked by his mate for him, he couldn't bear to see her get her.

"Hmph! You clearly have no confidence in my cooking. Isn't that why you don't want me to cook? Don't think you can fool me with your sweet words." She scoffed.

Ramose smiled bitterly. He was only afraid of her getting injured. So how had his mate arrived at the conclusion of him lacking confidence in her cooking?

He stretched out his hands and reverently held her small, delicate, snow-white hands. The garlands of flower bracelets and rings he helped her wear made them appear even more exquisite. 

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"Your hands are so beautiful. They look best when adorned with flower garlands." He lifted her hands to his mouth and kissed the back before rubbing his face in her smooth palms.

Versailles lovingly caressed his cheeks. She knew how much her mate treasured her. Even if she gave him the most tasteless of foods, he'd still eat it with relish. She'd only meant it as a joke by what she said. 

Her sight returned to the huddled beasts and she amiably smiled. "All of you are dismissed. I'll be using this kitchen for a while, so make sure no beast comes in."

"Yes, Serpentine Queen!" The slaves were about to faint from anxiety and trepidation. 

The Serpentine Queen and the Werewolf King not only came to the kitchen but they openly expressed their love before their eyes.

They could neither raise their heads to enjoy the sight and neither could they block their ears to drown out their sweet words. Stick between a rock and wall, they were left standing awkwardly on the side of the kitchen.

The moment they were dismissed, they fled the kitchen as if an ancient beast was chasing them.

"Light...?" Didn't he already tell her not to cook anymore? Why was she still sending the slaves away?

Ramose still wanted to say something when soft flesh landed on his lips. He lowered his head to find his mate's delicate hand covering his mouth.

"Ramose, don't say anything else. I'm going to cook because I want to cook for you. I want you to eat the food I cook with my hands." She held his startled gaze and gently smiled.

"The feeling of cooking for my mate, I want to experience it once." 

Versailles removed her hand and untangled herself. She turned to move towards the assortment of food. Meat was the favorite of wolves and Versailles wanted to make a dish of meat for her mate.

But after taking only a step, strong arms wound her waist and her back crashed into a hard chest.

Ramose laid his chin on his mate's shoulder and kissed her cheek.

"Light, I'm already happy just to hear your words." Ramose's heart pounded in his ears. His mate's fragrance and soft body aroused an important member of his body. But he suppressed his desire, raised his hand, and tenderly turned her face to him.

He lowered his head and lightly kissed her forehead.

"Having you is my greatest joy and your smile brightens my heart. Smile for me and I'll be the happiest wolf in the Underworld..." She didn't need to do anything else.

Her smile alone was enough to make him feel like the King of the Realms.

"Um! I'll smile if you'll let me cook." One of Versailles's many dreams of home included cooking for her beloved.

She wanted to cook for Ramose because she wanted to live that dream. 

She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his forehead in return. 

For an instant, Ramose was stunned. But in the next moment, he burst out laughing and rubbed his nose with hers. An intense desire to blend her into his body surged in his heart.

But he again suppressed the feeling, kissed her lips, and separated from her.

"Go. I'll help you get all the ingredients you want." He volunteered.

He was afraid he'd no longer be able to control himself if he stayed glued to her body.

Versailles nodded and didn't notice anything amiss. She was already eyeing the variety of ingredients she could work with to craft her best meal.

As the Nar realm was different from the other six realms, spices and condiments found in the other realms were nonexistent here. But as a collector of herbs and plants, both for treatment and food, Versailles carried a pouch of all the condiments she would need.

She walked across the kitchen and arrived before the pot and fire-brick stove. Red glass plates with a variety of meat laid around.

She stoked the flames of the red brick stove, chose an appropriate size pot and began her craft.

In the quiet kitchen, the female cooked different dishes of food using garlic, onions, parsley, basil, and other dried vegetables in her pouch.

The male acted as her errand and brought her all the items she needed. 

Soon the fragrant aroma of ice grains and freshly oil fried meat drifted in the air.

Ramose's mouth hung open. He stood over his mate's shoulder and peered into the pot. Sizzling golden brown meat greeted his sight as the heavenly aroma entered his nostrils and made his mouth water.

"Light, what did you make? It smells so good! I've never smelled something as delicious and mouth-watering as the meat you cooked." The meat looked so good that even his eyes refused to leave the pot.

Da**! My mate is too amazing!

Every day, she unearths a new ability that makes me want to show off to every beast in the Nar realm. But at the same time, it makes me want to hide her for myself and never allow any other beast to see her.

Ramose's eyes swirled with conflict as pride and possessiveness warred against each other.

In the end, possessiveness won.

He didn't want to share his mate with any other beast...

"Ramose, why don't you have a bite and taste it?" Versailles lifted her head and raised a spoon towards his mouth.

Ramose lowered his head and impatiently closed his mouth around the spoon.

The moment the tender meat met his tongue, his eyes stretched so wide that his appearance seemed a bit comical in Versailles's eyes.

"How is it?"

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