Brewing Storm

Chapter 56: The Underworld Palace

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The silver-blue moon shined through the huge red windows, showering the giant room in a purple glow. In the middle of the room, there was a large brick bed on which a black wolf lay motionless with a vacant gaze.

Arguments and shouts sounded outside the room, the sound of crashing objects and breaking glass loud enough to alarm any night creature. Then the shouts and breaking sounds were replaced with the dull thumping of heavy footsteps.

A few moments later, a large black man with simple features entered the purple-lit room, striding directly towards the red bed. Pulling out a chair, he sat on the side, staring at the motionless figure with barely concealed fear and worry.

"What are we going to do with you?"

The figure whispered quietly, his voice choked with emotion.

And a whole ice night passed away in such a manner.

A long while later, females came in and out of the room, bringing in warm water, clean clothes, and warm food.

"Master Ouyang, we brought you warm water and some clean clothes. Please, go freshen up a bit. We will keep an eye on the King." One of the females, seeing the unkempt appearance of the werewolf master, tentatively stepped up and advised.

"Yes, Master Ouyang should freshen up a bit. We will take care of the king in your absence." Another of the females with bluefish scales on her shoulders gently added.

The two females were mates to Ramose's main wolf pack and felt sympathy for the werewolf king who gained and lost his mate within the span of one warm morning.

"No, I am fine. I will sit with the king a while longer." The tired Master Ouyang was too stressed and worried about his unresponsive king to care about his appearance.

He knew that he did not look good. His dark sunken eyes, scruffy jawline, and wrinkled clothes all but screamed the unbalanced state of his mind to those around him.

But he did not care.

When the king he raised with his own hands was in an unstable condition, what could he possibly gain from being neat and tidy?

At least at that moment, nothing mattered to him more than the young king motionlessly laying on the brick bed.

"Let me know when Olsen arrives." He instructed the females without moving his gaze away from the black wolf's form.

"Yes, Master Ouyang." The females replied, secretly sighing in empathy before leaving the room.

The silver-purple room instantly became quiet again, the black man silently watching over the motionless black wolf, the silver-blue moon their only company.


Ramose panickily ran through a wide black forest, his black fur bristling with power as he searched for his mate.

He knew she was in danger. He had to rescue her quickly before it was too late.

"Versailles! Versailles! Where are you? I am here...I am here so please say something!"

He growled in desperation, his voice close to cracking as his black eyes swept through the never-ending black trees.

Wherever he looked, there was only darkness.

No sound responded to his call. No movement caught his sight.


The agonized shriek ripped through his throat and resounded in the silent darkness, carrying with it a heart-wrenching fear and barely suppressed pain.

Because Ramose knew in his mind what his heart refused to accept.

The true reality of their situation.

The cruel reality that his mate was gone. The cruel reality that their bond was broken and severed, forever shattered.

And the cruel reality that she was lost and that he might never see her ever again.

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"No, no, no, no, no..."

"Versailles cannot leave me. She is my mate, the other half of my soul. If she was truly gone, then I wouldn't be alive as well. Yes, she cannot be gone. I am still here, so she must be somewhere out there as well. I just need to search harder and quickly find her. Yes, I just need to keep on searching. I will find her. I know that I will find her. Definitely! Because I am still here, she cannot be gone!"

Rumbling incoherently, the black wolf roused himself back to his senses and continued his endless search in the black forest. The search for his lost mate.


In the endless darkness, the agonized howl of the lone wolf was the only cry reverberating in the silent and still environment.


"Is there still no improvement in the king's condition?" The deep, rich voice sounded tiredly in the quiet room, making the already tense atmosphere turn grimmer. Scuffling and shuffling of bedsheets were followed by a heavy sigh before an equally tired voice answered in response.

"No, Olsen. There has not been any change in his condition yet. But what worries me, even more, is the fact that we do not even know what is ailing our king. It is definitely not a simple illness for it to be able to keep our king under for so long. But what is this illness that has got even the king of the werewolf's down? And how do we treat it?

Because I fear Olsen. I fear that if we do not find a solution to this very soon, it might drag our king down for good!" The fear in Master Ouyang's voice was undisguisable as his tone shook and came close to breaking down.

His teary gaze remained fixed on the motionless black wolf, shinning with the unshed tears.

He was afraid.

Afraid that this silent vigil would mark the last moments he would spend with the young wolf he raised like a son.

As a master trainer, Master Ouyang trained more than a hundred wolf fledglings. But of all his students, only the black wolf was the closest to his heart.

Losing his parents in his childhood, the little black wolf was all skin and bones when he found him huddled under the shade of a flame tree fruit. With a lost and lonely look in his eyes, he carried his scared heart on his face, painfully gazing at the graves of his deceased parents.

Ouyang, no longer able to watch the heart-wrenching sight, dragged the little wolf home, raising him as his own. Time passed and what was once a decision taken on impulse turned into the greatest joy of his life.

And before he even realized it, the little black wolf grew up strong and healthy, becoming the King of the Werewolf clan, filling his heart with pride and bringing glory to his name.

However, that same black wolf was now lying limp and motionless before his eyes, seemingly struggling and fighting with an invisible enemy and there was nothing that he could do to help him.

Nothing he could do to take away his pain and bring him back to his clan.

Because this black wolf was no longer the little wolf whose loneliness and pain could be filled and soothed by him.

This was a king wolf whose pain he could no longer share.

The only thing he could do was to silently watch over him as he fought his battle.

"I searched all the records we have stored in the public records hall, but was not able to find anything related to mate bond effects. If whatever ailing our king is related to his unexpected mate then we need to find out what happened to her to cause the king to fall into such a serious condition. Only then, would we be able to solve this illness."

"But we were not able to find his mate at the Snake clan's Floating Flaming Island the last time we visited. In fact, there are no clues to the whereabouts of the king's mate at all! In such a situation, how could we find out what happened to her when we do not even know where she is?" Ouyang's voice raised in frustration as he thought about the missing mate of the black wolf.

This problem came about all because of that mate. Before her appearance, even though his black wolf did not have a mate, he was healthy and strong, inspiring awe and fear in both the wolf pack and the other five supreme clans.

However, the instant that mate appeared, everything changed.

The once strong and proud wolf king turned into a being worse than dead, responding neither to provocations nor pleading.

Even though he knew that he should not be blaming the missing female, Ouyang could not stop his heart from sprouting seeds of resentment.

He knew that he was wrong to be thinking in such a way, but he could not stop such thoughts from entering his mind.

"What happened to the king's mate is a mystery itself. With the way the King was convulsing and twitching uncontrollably, he must have been experiencing unimaginable torture." There was a pensive look on Olsen's face as he looked at the black form of his king on the giant bed.

An ominous feeling enveloped his heart, sending shivers down his spine.

"If the king was experiencing what his mate was going through, then it is most likely possible that the old foe is back.. And if it is the foe behind everything that has happened so far, it must have been attempting to sever their bond."

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