Brewing Storm


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As Ramose and Versailles bodies got impaled, the dark mass shrouding Versailles soul howled and shrieked in agony before exploding into a black mist. The mist flowed out of Versailles seven orifices' and the bright glory of her fiery soul was revealed in her core once again.

The free soul twirled and danced in join before a bright soul joined it. This was Ramose's soul. The soul that was in the small crack of Versailles soul, preventing the Supreme Elder, Luke's soul, from bonding with hers.

And as it just happens, the soul was not a shred of Ramose's soul, but the complete half that was viciously ripped out of Versailles. Instead of dispersing, it was protected by the 'glowing soul', condensed into a tiny form to allow it to remain inside Versailles without alerting the Supreme Elder and his dark lord.

Now the two souls, both clean and clear, in their full glory, wrapped around each other, mixing and fusing before finally, a bright radiance burst forth, enveloping the two. Once the radiance receded, the transformed complete soul of Versailles and Ramose appeared. A black wolf with purple eyes and a flame tail.

In the moment of their death, the severed bond and split souls were combined and formed again.

In the final moment of their lives, Versailles and Ramose were united as one in mind and body, soul and spirit.

As their red blood flowed, combined, mixed, and united as one, a strange occurrence took place.

The never-changing dull red sky of the Nar realm turned crimson red, rivers of stars appeared in the starless sky, and a cool silver-purple moon enveloped the land.

The races of the Nar realm were in panic at the sudden phenomenon, rushing out of their abodes and nooks, gathering on the flaming surface of the realm.

"What in the Nar is going on here?"

"Why is the red heaven crimson? And why are there so many lights? What is that purple-silver globe?" Many of the races that had never gone out of the dull red realm asked in confusion as they looked at the stars and moon.

"Is that the important thing right now? We need to figure out why the heaven changed! Is it the dawn of the prophesied apocalypse?"

"The apocalypse? How could it be here so soon?"

"Is it really the dawn of apocalypse?"

As more and more races gathered together, discussion about the prophesied apocalypse started spreading out, sending every beast in extreme terror and trepidation.

"If it was really the dawn of apocalypse, what would become of me?"

Was every single individuals thought as they nervously and fearfully watched the crimson sky, desperately willing it to change back in their hearts.


At this moment, Sailles' soul floated above the Nar realm, watching the unusual occurrence in the heavens as she listened to the races panicking conversations. Witnessing their fearful and terrified expressions, she could not help laughing in amusement.

The beasts of the Nar realm were panicking like headless Minturs at the mention of the apocalypse. Turning, she wondered if it was really the advent of the apocalypse as she watched the sky.

"If it is, I am not saved from having to personally go through it myself?" She asked out loud to no one in particular.


In the next instant, her soul was forcefully pulled back by a mighty, powerful heavenly energy, pushing her directly out of the crimson heaven of the Nar realm.


Sailles woke with a start. Hurriedly getting to her feet, she anxiously scanned her surroundings, remembering the powerful force pushing her out.

This was a land of black stone walls, black ground, and a deep valley. In the valley, there were two figures, one in white, the other in black standing on two mountain peaks. They were fiercely engaged in battle, their strikes ruthless and merciless. With one glance, it was evident without a doubt that they were not holding back, fighting to the death.

"Luke Aium, You had better stay away from my mate, otherwise, do not blame me for not taking your father into consideration." The white-clad man's voice rumbled like thunder, booming across the mountainous landscape.

"Ramose, you take yourself too seriously. So what if she is your mate? As long as I desire, I can get anything I want, and I want Versailles Skyler!" The black-clad man roared with madness, flashing before the other.

"Humph! You can try and see, but you will never be able to get my mate. She is mine and mine alone!" The clash between the white and black figure intensified, disintegrating space and land as they flew in the sky, fought on the mountains, and battled on the seas.

"Luke, Ramose, Versailles?" Sailles' eyes widened in shock. The two figures were none other than Ramose, the wolf king, and Luke, the vampires' Supreme Elder.

As Sailles watched the terrifying battle, her soul shivered in fear. This two were no ordinary immortal beasts. There seemed to be a vast and powerful magic within them as they fought for almost half a month without rest.

Sailles was on the verge of breaking down just from watching them. At the point when their battle seemed to be approaching the end, a seven-colored lighting shot through the heaven. It covered the two's form and obliterated them from the very face of the realm.

Before Sailles had time to comprehend what she saw, her soul was yet again pulled out of the realm, appearing before a village.

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In front of this village, Sailles saw a girl that looked exactly like her bid her villagers farewell. The villagers' encouragement and concern touched Sailles' heart, who was watching from the side.

"You must persevere no matter what complications you run into in the outside world. Don't come running back after walking out because your road is ahead!" The village head patted the young girl's shoulder.

"Yes Eona, do not come back just because things get tough. You need to grit your teeth and stick through." An older village woman advised with a grim expression.

"Looking back is not the way of our village, do not disgrace us by giving up midway."

"You can do it. At most, you will just fall and get back up."

"Yes! We are cheering for you!" The cheering sound resonated in the open fields, filling the girl's eyes with tears.

Soon, the girl left the village, disappearing into the distance. Sailles made an attempt to follow her figure, but it was as if she was glued to the ground. No matter how hard she tried, she could not follow the girl.

Right at this moment, two figures flashed in her line of sight. The two figures were exchanging blows as they passed.

"Luke, you better keep your distance from my fiancé!" The masculine figure hollered, his voice filling the heavens.

"So what if she is your fiancé? So what if she is not? As long as I want her, I will have her, Ramose!" The thinner figure shouted back. The two resumed their blows, crushing the surrounding mountains.

Sailles was shocked.

"Ramose and Luke again? Why are they always fighting every time I see them?" Her furrowed brows expressed her confusion and perplexity as she watched the two figures. The damage brought by their clash was devastating.

Mountains crumbled, crushing animals, plants, and humans alike. While rivers overturned, flooding the land. Soon, the whole landscape was destroyed beyond recognition and Sailles saw the many lives ruined forever.

Just as the fight was about to reach conclusion again, a seven-colored lighting flashed through the sky. Crushing into the village, along with its people, Ramose and Luke also disappeared from the face of the realm again.

Sailles' soul was yet again pulled out of the realm. But she was not anxious or surprised anymore, the two experiences numbing her senses.

This time, the place Sailles appeared in was in the middle of dark woods. She saw Luke lurking in the dark behind her lookalike before his figure appeared in front of her. Unsuspecting, she watched her double chase after the disappearing shadow.

She watched Luke lead her double into a pit and appear a second later, acting as a clean and honest helper.

"Thank you for the help. You are not only my savior, but also the first person to lend me a hand without any hidden intentions." The girl whispered.

"It was no big deal. I helped because I could help. But you are also the first person that I have ever extended a hand to in my life." Luke hypocritically said, before blurring and disappearing.

And what followed was the horror she experienced for herself. The cave was covered with blood and corpses littered the ground. She double glided through the sea of blood and bones, appearing beside an injured guard.

The next instant, her figure fainted as the dark shadow of Luke hovered above her head.

Sailles trembled at seeing his dark hair and eyes, which she had deemed beautiful a while ago, turn into hideous tendrils of darkness. Just when the tendrils were about to warp over her figure, another white-clad figure appeared, ruthlessly cutting the tendrils apart.

"Luke, you dare come near my Fiancé?" The tall, powerful figure questioned, his fierce voice reverberating throughout the forest.

"Why wouldn't I? I like her too. And since I like her, you can forget about obtaining her." Luke's dark voice retorted, and as Sailles expected and witnessed in the past few scenes, the two clashed, creating destruction, before their figures were blasted apart by the same seven-color lighting.

Then her body was pulled out and she saw herself on the edge of a mountain cliff, her bloody robes soaked in blood. She was on the verge of death.

However, her double did not seem afraid of death at all. Only resentful and regretful of not being able to achieve her goal. With blood pooled beneath her feet, she raised her head and laughed sorrowfully towards the heaven.

The group of beasts surged forward, roaring with ferocity. But at this very moment, with a loud bang, Sailles was engulfed in a blinding surge of seven-colored lighting.

In the aftermath of the explosion, she caught the figure of Ramose and Luke again.

From these series of events, Sailles was able to determine that Luke was forcefully coming in between Ramose and Versailles. And whenever he was unable to obtain her, he used force.

In the end, devastating consequences followed that ended in the two being struck by seven-colored lighting.

"But what is that seven-colored lighting and why is it so powerful?"

Her frown was enough to express her confusion.

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