Brewing Storm

Chapter 99: Scheme To Take Care Of The Four Clans

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"And I know exactly how to lure them into the trap!" The smile slipped from her face as her cold eyes turned sharp. 

Versailles wasn't the type to procrastinate once she decided to carry out a task. From the start, her participation in this Battle of Wars was only to grow stronger.

However, sometimes, things never went according to one's expectations.

She never expected that in her quest to become strong and prepare for the unknown future, she would get entangled with a vampire and discover the events from her previous lives. She never expected to discover the Dark Lord's dark secret.

Now, her motive to become stronger was no longer as simple and pure as it was at beginning.

Now, she was out for vengeance and a mission to prevent the worse from happening.

And as a member of the Supreme Elder's clan, the group led by the vampire kid outside were in for a true nightmare.

Taking one last glance at the pitiful creatures, her figure blurred and disappeared.


Outside the Black Flames of Nightmare, Max stood with a team of mismatched beasts as he peered cautiously into the black flames.

He was in the midst of debating whether to take the beasts inside to scout for the serpentine when, without a warning, a shiver traveled down his body.

Alarmed, Max swept his surroundings, the uncanny feeling of being watched engulfing his heightened senses.

But before he could even place the direction the feeling originated from and confirm it's authenticity, a beast came rushing forward and knelt before him.

"Max, the other three clans are here. They are each leading a group of their own, each about the size of ours. What should we do?" The new arrival looked expectantly at him, waiting for his decision.

As their proxy leader, they followed him without hesitation or questioning. However, this respect was not only due to his individual strength, but also, the fact that he was a member of the Six Supreme Clans.

"Let them through. I would like to meet with this three clans." With the same stoic look on his face, Max turned back to observing the black flames.

"Yes!" Without speaking another word, the beast turned and walked away. His figure soon disappeared within the throng of beasts.

A few moments later, he appeared before another crowd of beasts. Without stopping, he reached the commanding leader's side within three strides.

"Ian, Max wants you to let the groups through!"

"Alright! Let the groups through."


Before long, the outskirts of the Black Flames of Nightmare was teeming with various beasts and creatures.

"Haha, look at this. With this exquisite get-up of ours, it is only be a matter of time before we butcher that serpentine."

"Was taking care of her even a problem to begin with?"

"Yes, it isn't a major problem taking care of one snake!"

"But, on our way here, we saw various trials of skirmishes. If those beasts died in her hands, then doesn't that make her a dangerous individual?" 

"The dangerous one here is not her, but us. Look at the size and might of our group. Would any of the defeated races come close to matching even a tenth of our formidable force?"

"Haha...well said! How could a measly team lead by a lesser race individual match to up to that led by four outstanding members of the Six Supreme Clans?"

Reassured and confident, the beasts of the four clans boasted without restraint. They were fully confident in obtaining a sweeping victory in the upcoming clash. The boisterous crowd celebrated all the way into the ice night, returning to their senses only the next warm morning.

On this day, the crowd of almost 4 thousand beasts, stood deferentially behind the four main characters, the four experts of the four supreme clans.

"Beasts of the Nar realm, more then 10 ice nights ago, an elder of my Bloodsucking clan predicted that the union of the Werewolf King and serpentine of the Snake Clan will change the balance of power within the realm." Max swept his gaze over the gathered beasts as his loud voice echoed in the silent environment.

"He predicted that with their union, the entire races within the realm will be under their servitude. All the races would be reduced to nothing but their slaves. The rankings and Battle of Wars would become extinct, and nothing but their order would rule supreme." With fierce eyes, he growled the remaining of his speech.

"To prevent such occurrence, this never before seen Battle of Wars was held. This was so that we, the future of the entire races, could prevent this misfortunate from engulfing the Nar realm. To stop it before it descends. This is our one and only chance, to change the horrid future awaiting us!"


"Kill the serpentine! Save the future of the Nar realm!"

"Kill the serpentine! Save the future of the Nar realm!"

"Kill the serpentine! Save the future of the Nar realm!"

The races chanted in a resounding holler that overtook his voice as they cried for the serpentine's blood.

Max, watching the aroused creatures, smiled with satisfaction. Giving inspiring speeches had always been his forte. With his words alone, he could command an entire race.

And now, this speech provided him with an undivided army, exactly as he wanted.

With a motivated pack of beasts on his back, his task would be fun and easy. He might not even need to lift a finger before the serpentine's body would be dumped before him.

Raising his hand in a commending manner, he silenced the roaring crowd.

"Yes, we need to save the future of the Nar realm. And to do that, we need to step into the Black Flames of Nightmare. It is here, that we will find and obliterate the hidden danger of our livelihood. For the sake of our clans, we will exterminate her! Now, beasts of the Nar realm, lets save our races!"


"Save the races! Save the future of the Nar realm!"

Turning towards the black flames, Max took the lead and entered the Black Flames of Nightmare. The huge tide of various beasts flowed behind in a long sinuous line.

Within the pack of beasts, was a silent hooded figure watching the passionate creatures in amusement. As the figure moved along, twin sparks of violet-gold light flashed in the position of its eyes.

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"Luring them was a lot easier than I expected." The figure laughingly muttered.

This figure was Versailles.

Right after she disappeared from the Black Flames of Nightmare, she stealthily scouted the other groups of races led by the individuals from the four clans.

Changing appearances with the help of camouflaging skills she mastered in the barren woods of the Sybil realm, she infiltrated the various groups.

The moment she located the region the other three clans camped, she performed an act of being discovered while attempting to hide, and led them towards the valley of black flames.

After performing the act of leading, she made the four meet.

This way the beasts would fall under the impression that they were greater in numbers and mightier in force and throw caution to the flames.

To make sure her plan succeeded, she disguised herself and remained within their midst.

To her surprise, however, the vampire Max had overdone himself. Thanks to him, her task proceeded much smoother and was a lot easier.

The kid truly had an ability with words as he was able to easily influence the creatures emotions with a few words.

Because of his words, the four races entered the belly of Black Flames of Nightmare on their own initiative. 

"Sigh, I really should thank him for speeding my task."

Versailles felt emotional. She suddenly felt like she had an unknown fate with the kid.

Otherwise, why would he help her without her even asking for it? If this wasn't a fated encounter, then it was currently karma from her previous life.

As she silently mused at the strange twists of fate, she entered the Black Flames of Nightmare.

A while later.

"What is going on? Why am I not able to move?" Max desperately struggled to move his limbs with no success.

A while ago, they had entered the black flames in an overwhelming manner.

A while later, they were immobilized.

As their clans had informed them of the black flames affect and influence on their mind and conscious, all the races were prepared for an onslaught of illusions to hit them.

However, the expected did not happen. 

Not only did they not hallucinate, they saw no illusions or nightmares at all.

Not able to come up with reasonable explanation for the strange occurrence, they attributed it to their massive number and rejoiced in happiness. With raised morale, they proceeded forward with more confidence.

However, just when they got to the center of the black flames, a strange phenomenon occurred.

One by one, the beasts slowly lost their mobility.

At first, they thought it was only a side affect of the black flames that would fade in time.

But soon, this speculations of theirs was overturned.

Now, every beast lost the ability to move, and no creature was able to take a step forward or backward, leaving them stranded in the center of the black flames.

"What are we going to do now, Max? Surely, we won't remain in this predicament until the end of the battles, right?" Ian asked with a deep frown.

He didn't like the feeling of having no control over his body.

If they did not move forward or backward, how were they going to take care of the serpentine?

"Has anyone seen the serpentine yet? She entered the Black Flames of Nightmare before us. Maybe she is in a similar situation to us. If we can locate and finish her off while she is stuck, then our task will be accomplished."

"Yes, Mike is right. We will get the races to focus on locating the serpentine's figure within the black flames. Maybe, she is in stuck further along. If so, we won't get a much better chance then this to take care of her."

Agreements rang out and the four clans had the creatures focus on scouting the serpentine. With their large number, even if they weren't able to move, those with enhanced sights could see into the distance.

However, even after a long search, no one was able to come up with a positive result.

"Mike, there isn't even a trace of the serpentine to be found anywhere." Ian despondently relayed the report he received.

"How is that possible? She entered the Black Flames of Nightmare before us. That is to day, if the situation here affects everyone present, then she should be in the same condition as us. She should be somewhere nearby. So, why is she nowhere to be found?" Max could no longer maintain his calm façade.

There was a nagging feeling in his heart telling him that he was missing something. That something was wrong.


But right at this moment, an enchanting laughter spread out into the black environment. The laughter was light, full of life and more pure than any sound they had ever heard.

At once, the creatures raised their head in unison and looked in the direction the melodious sound came from.

"Looking for me?"

They saw red-gold flame hair floating brilliantly within the sea of darkness.

Beneath the resplendent locks was a face brighter than anything they had ever witnessed.

A face brighter than even the white walls of the Colosseum of Nar, glowing with a bright radiance.

And within that fair, bright face, were two pairs of mesmerizing violet-gold pupils that coldly stared back at them.

"Ah! It's her!"

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