Bring Death Unto Me

Bring Death Unto Me

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Bring Death Unto Me

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The street lamp flickered overhead, making the scene before me look superficial in the antipathy it should invoke in me. Each little nuisance of detail expanded within my vision; the color of the gravel below, the color red, how the black leather jacket hugged his upper physique like someone tailored it just for him. The color red. White hands gripping a blue shirt, grasping at it with desperation.

More red.

A pale and unmoving face with wide and unyielding eyes staring blankly at the night sky, fixed in a grimace that would never fade.


A crowbar, gripped in a gloved hand, held close to a jean-clad hip, dripping with red. And a smile that grew, festering as he ran his bloodied tongue over his white teeth, accentuating the unnaturally long and sharp look of his canine teeth.

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