Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse

Chapter 25: CH 25

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Chapter 25: Killing Class Four Zombie

While Dong Wu who was behind Lin Feng was trembling, even if he wanted to run his legs wouldn’t budge. The scene of the dead cultivators last night was still vivid in his mind. Cultivators were so powerful yet the class four zombie cut them down like vegetables, let alone an ordinary person. Dong Wu didn’t have the courage to pull out his gun.

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng took out his dark steel bayonet from his apocalypse watch. Based on the class four zombie’s speed, escaping was impossible and a human’s desire to survive is form their instincts. Lin Feng did not want to die from the class four zombie’s sickles without putting up a fight.

That class four zombie squinted at Lin Feng and Dong Wu, as if determining whether they were a threat to it. Then it darted in front of Lin Feng at the same time raising it’s sharp sickle.

Lin Feng could clearly see that the class four zombie had a gaping hole in it’s chest, which had thick black liquid leaking out. It should have been caused by the missile impact last night but this did not affect it’s speed.

Rushing towards Lin Feng, the class four zombie raised it’s sickle planning to aim for Lin Feng’s neck. That extreme speed actually made the wind howl.


Lin Feng’s speed was not too bad with his martial arts foundation, he managed to block it’s move. The huge impact however made him and Dong Wu fly and hit the jeep. Lin Feng felt a sharp pain in his neck, the strength of the class four zombie was too great.

Seeing Lin Feng block it’s attack, the class four zombie became angry. Ignoring the trembling Dong Wu, It used one of it’s sickle to aim towards Lin Feng’s waist wanting to cut him in half.

Judging with his eyes, Lin Feng rolled away and avoided it’s attack. However, the sickle scraped across his shoulder, causing a half foot long wound on his shoulder. Fresh blood flowed out from his mouth, fortunately the wound was not deep and did not injure his bones.

The class four zombie was too strong, it could not be dealt with by Lin Feng who was only a level three cultivator. Just escaping the class four’s zombie two attacks, was relying on his many years of experience in martial arts. If it was someone else, they would probably have already died from the class four zombie’s attack.

Seeing that he could not resist this class four zombie, Lin Feng suddenly had the idea of looking inside the supermarket.

“But what can I get which is strong enough to deal with this class four zombie?”

Lin Feng thought while browsing through the supermarket.

The time outside was suspended so Lin Feng did not have to worry. His supermarket was only an ordinary supermarket, so missiles were out of the question. How could he use the goods in an ordinary supermarket to save his life. That is certainly a hard question.

The exchange system also did not contain anything useful which Lin Feng could use. Besides, to exchange for the dark steel bayonet and weapons all cost him white crystals, and right now he had only a few hundred white crystals on him. Which was not even enough to buy some of the medicine in it.

Found it!

When he passed through the seasoning section, Lin Feng’s eye shined as he quickly went to the shelf.

Opening two boxes of pepper powder, subsequently he took out two bags of chilli powder. Opening a bunch of them and mixing them together. Then he grabbed the mixed powders.

Lin Feng then went towards the supermarket security room and rummaging through the items, he finally found the high voltage electric batons. Holding these two things, he exited the supermarket.

At this moment, Lin Feng was two meters away from the class four zombie. Seeing it’s two strikes failed, the class four zombie once again attacked Lin Feng.

Determined, Lin Feng grasped the concoction of chilli powders and threw it towards the face of the class four zombie.

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As the powder travelled towards the class four zombie, it used it’s sickles in a blocking stance.

He didn’t know whether zombies still had nerves2, or whether it would feel the stinging of the peppers. Or the powders stuck to the eyes of the class four zombie, Lin Feng did not think too deeply at this moment.

His left hand holding the electric baton and turning off the safety switch, he struck towards the top of the class four zombie. The million volts paralyzed the class four zombie for a moment.

Just this was sufficient as Lin Feng took out the dark steel bayonet and stabbed the wound on the class four zombie’s chest.

Being worthy of the supermarket exchange system, the dark steel bayonet was sharp enough. Suddenly piercing the zombies chest, the bayonet inserted itself into the class four zombie’s heart.


The class four zombie had an earth shattering howl. The two most vulnerable places of a zombies is it’s head and it’s heart. Attacking the heart can give the zombie a severe wound however attacking it’s head is enough to be fatal.

Since it’s heart was stabbed, the class four zombie instinctively put up it’s arms to block. Only to see Lin Feng rapidly grabbed the bayonet and pulled it out. Then once again using the electric baton to hit the class four zombie’s head.

Crackling sounds were heard as the electric current once again paralyzed the class four zombie for a moment, the sickles happen to protect it’s heart.

Quicker than saying it, Lin Feng seized this chance to stab the class four zombie’s eyes.

A person’s eyes were fragile, needless to say a zombie’s. The dark steel bayonet easily pierced the class four zombie’s head.and directly into the brain.

Facing imminent death, the class four zombie used it’s strength to send Lin Feng flying. After flying five or six meters, Lin Feng collided against a tree which somewhat canceled out the force.

Feeling his chest choke, Lin Feng spat out a mouthful of blood. Fortunately his ribs were fine, but the powerful impact made Lin Feng pull several muscles. However in front of the brutal strength of the class four zombie, keeping your life was already quite good.

The body of the class four zombie slumped to the floor, Lin Feng as a level 3 cultivator unexpectedly killed a class four zombie. Who would have believed it.

Dong Wu who was at the side was speechless over Lin Feng and the class four zombie’s fighting. He originally thought that both him and Lin Feng was bound to die by the class four zombie’s sickle. Never would he have thought that Lin Feng would kill the class four zombie. Pinching his arm and confirming that it was not a dream, Dong Wu knew that what he saw was real.

Enduring the pain, Lin Feng walked towards the class four zombie and pulled out the dark steel bayonet from the class four zombie’s head as looked inside the brain.

Naturally, advanced zombies have higher ranked crystals. The class one zombie’s white crystal is the most common currency. Class two zombies have yellowish crystals, Class three zombies have dark yellow crystals. As for class four zombies, Lin Feng doesn’t know. However to make class four zombies so powerful, the crystal in it will definitely not be lousy.

Lin Feng found a green crystal within the class four zombie’s brain, this crystal compared with the white crystal had a different substance in it. Similar to cod liver oil, the outside was wrapped with a membrane while the inside has a flowing green liquid.

Holding it up to his eyes, Lin Feng’s mouth fell open. What was this? It is not a crystal.

At this moment, Dong Wu was behind Lin Feng as he pat his back. After recovering from the fear, Dong Wu thought that it was too dangerous here and they should leave.

Just after the intense fighting, when Dong Wu pat Lin Feng’s back, Lin Feng’s hand unexpectedly exerted too much force while holding the green ball and it flew into Lin Feng’s mouth.

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