Broken bed: New world worse than everything

Chapter 8: The time is near

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Chapter Eight: The time is near.

 (Warning!.. You should not read this chapter if you are under 18.)

 Eight days later.

 The sparks moved and flew in an orange-tinted color onto the yolk, and its light was reflected on the worker's black glasses.

 The voices of the whole world stopped, bowing to the loud chopping sound, the light dancing on the forged metal and on the edges of the faded wall.

 His heartbeat swayed with a faint hum, until... it was all over.

 Leon was staring carefully at the flying spark, mouth slightly open and wide with gloomy eyes, until the cutting was over and it was time to solder.

 He turned his head with slight tremors, his eyes closed and his mouth softly closed.

 He felt that everything had returned to normal, the hustle and bustle of the place had returned, the hum of the air and the sounds of people talking in the street had returned.

 In the moments when he was carrying the iron and moving it, he looked closely at the rest of the workers, including Aaron.

 This guy was really weird, from his gestures, his demeanor, the way he spoke, but he was kind and that was important to Leon who was trying to imitate him.

 He had a very slight sting by uttering some letters, and if you focus on him, you will notice that he focuses on the least details.

 That is, for example, if something fell from him, he went down to take it, but in the middle of the road he came back and stopped without picking up the thing.

 He moves his head nervously and strangely, not just his head, even his hands and the way he stands.

 It was because of these strange actions that the rest of the workers noticed, that he started being harassed by them but behind his back Well this is clear so as not to separate them, but.. still nice.

 But the most despicable was his kindness to them, his kindness was really unjustified, as if he was trying to cover some voids within himself with this kindness.

 "But... he's still cute." This is what Leon thought, once again trying to imitate him, the first thing he did was smile.

 Leon didn't know what to do so I thought it was all just normal.

 Everyone will fall into a situation where either something breaks his heart or upsets him, and this situation has several options that can be chosen between them, and also for each option there is a different course of events.

 This path may be lonely, ridiculous and dirty, or it may be good..there is nothing better than good, because there is no person now on the face of this earth who has been able to choose everything correctly.

 He must make a mistake, but the most annoying thing is to keep making the wrong choice over and over again without stopping.

 Because of this, your life will tend to become a precipice.

 This is very simple, most people or most of them ignore mistakes until they accumulate, in the correct sense, they did not know what to do at the time.


 And like any normal working day without noticeable interaction with the rest, just spreading smiles devoid of emotion.

 Until a pair of keys fell, one with a red handle and the other a silver-colored one, joined together by a metal pendant.

 Their voice swung to Leon's ears as the sunlight reflected on them.

 Leon bent down and grabbed the keys, then raised his body and..

 "Oh, excuse me, I really thank you. I just slipped."

 He was one of the workers in the local factory, looked at him and raised his hand to take the key.

 Leon smiled that strange smile and gave him the keys silently, then wanted to go.

 "Thank you... ah..."

 'Leon' knew at the time that he wanted to ask him his name, so he said, 'Leon..'

 "Oh, nice to meet you I'm 'Tim'.. hm.. thank you again."

 Leon felt nervous at that time, he didn't know what to do, where to finish talking here and go, or continue and just stand.

 "I noticed you a long time ago but I didn't see you talking to anyone, sorry but I think you're mute."


 "Okay thank you again,'m sorry I seem to have delayed you."

 All Leon thought at the time was why he thanked him three times, nodded and smiled without words and waited for him to go first.

 He walked out of a small grocery store, then took a minibus home.

 He opened the door to be greeted by the usual calm.. He smiled, then entered and grabbed his phone, and occupied a porn site.

 He moved his hand under his pants.. Silence embraced him.. He shook his hand.. Silence surrounded him.. The sound of groans tempted him, provoked by the body of that porn actress. He wished he was in that guy's place, but with a longer penis.

 He moved his hand.. groans hugged him.. he shook his hand.. groans surrounded him.

 Then he finished, he sat in silence and the porn video was still playing, his breath faltered in the air, and he was looking at the ground with empty feelings and only.. he smiled.

 "You're not wrong, that's the right thing," said the homeless man who was lying in front of him in the middle of the kitchen.


 After a while, he stood with his body, then moved after picking up his phone and heading to his room, taking off his socks and shirt and throwing them into the washing machine.

 And he took to the kitchen, he was upset because he didn't want to move.. He just wanted to sit quietly, but he felt compelled to move and that he was bound.

 Grab the bag that he put next to his shoes on the ground, and grab the other one.

 He had one kilo of potatoes and the other two kilos of red onions, he took two potatoes and two onions.

 Then from one of the drawers below, whose door was broken, he took his usual frying pan, took a spoon and put everything he had in the frying pan, then went to the bathroom.

 Outside, the weather suddenly changed and clouds covered the sky, causing the house to be a bit dark from the inside so all he did was turn on the light in the middle of the afternoon.

 He raised his toes due to the coldness of the ground and then began to tilt the shower faucet to let the water begin to run, and as always at this time of the day the water always came and went all of a sudden, it was all about your luck, and it was all because of the old homesteads here.

 Fortunately for him there was less water than usual, so he waited for a few seconds for the water to rise to the top of the shower.

 He washed everything he had, except for the onion he had put in his bosom, put his hand over the toilet next to the mirror, and took a square piece of sponge he had bought two or three days before.

 Scrub everything but without any cleaning liquid or anything.. only with water.

 He stood up and put everything in the frying pan again. "Oh, why did you bring the onions with me?" he whispered. He came out of the bathroom and took a knife that he had put yesterday beside the cook on the table.

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 Then he sat on the square rug and began to peel the onions first using his hand. The sound of the peels was like the sound of cracking eggshells or crushing a piece of paper in the palm of the hand.

 What was annoying was that there were small scales that had fallen off and stuck to the carpet, but he ignored them and continued.

 Peel the potatoes and put the peels next to the onion peels in one pile to make it easier to collect and throw away.

 Cut the potatoes into small squares and chop the onions with them inside the pan, then mix them together.

 He stood again as he raised his elbows and stuck them to his stomach in a strange way, as if he did not want to touch anything because of the onion smell that got stuck in his hands.

 He rubbed his elbow with his thigh as he headed toward the spice drawer. He grabbed the plastic bottle of oil, it was almost full because he had banned it yesterday and used a few of it for breakfast.

 He grabbed it, though he was careful not to touch anything with the palm of his hand. He took with him the bag of salt and black pepper that had been placed in an empty tea box and took some yellow spices, then returned again to the carpet.

 Putting everything in front of him except the black pepper he had put away for some reason, he turned the lid of the oil can and began pouring it over the potato-onion mixture.

 After putting the right amount, he started adding salt and followed it with yellow spices to give it a bright color and a strong flavour.

 He started mixing them with his hand until the mixture was mixed together, the smell of onions was the one that overwhelmed the room and it made his eyes water a little with a feeling of burning in them "Ah... if I had gum." He said it by speaking to himself.

 He put the mixture in front of him and sat leaning against the wall and then started counting for 60 seconds, repeating five times in reverse, and cursing because he could not take the phone and set a timer, so he tried to count for five minutes.

 “20..8..5.5..14..4” was counted in reverse.

 After the time was up, a long promise that felt like hours, he went in front of the gas cooker and lit it.

 He put the pan on the fire and waited until it started igniting with a suitable temperature. He took in his hand a silver-colored pot lid with some soot on it, because one of the cook’s eyes had the color of the flame in it orange instead of blue, and this caused soot to form on the edges of the pot from the bottom to the top.

 Then he stood quietly waiting in front of the cook, "Everything is like a hallucination.. I didn't even realize if I was dreaming or if this was real.. I feel.. I don't know."

 He stared at the palm of his hand for a few seconds, staring at his little finger excessively without a single blink of an eye, gradually and somewhat rapidly starting to bring him closer to the cook's fire.

 He was suspicious and not clearly aware of the insult, it was really unimaginably painful.

 After that pain, he removed his finger from the fire, shaking it tremblingly with a strange facial expression, and then headed toward the drawer that had no door, in which were most of the dishes and utensils for cooking.

 He took a small cup, it was a metal cup he bought in order not to buy another after the old one was broken.

 And he went to the bathroom to fill it with water and put his finger in it, open the tap.. Then he heard when he was raising the cup to the cold water, "Why don't you kill yourself and end this pain?" The old man was looking at him from below.. He sat under water directly in front of Leon's feet.

 Leon looked at him with an indistinct face, then raised his head, looking precisely at the shower for the many holes from which the water came out.

 Then he took a strong gasp as he washed his head under water.



 Friday at approximately 8:00 am.

 And several hours before the same day, and from a completely different direction from the previous trend.

 He was driving a motorbike-like vehicle from the front, but from the back it had a large box to put things in.

 It had three wheels, two in the back and one in the front.

 In the back box there were a number of large plastic bags containing things inside, they were moving and swaying due to the movement of the bike on an old road with some potholes and cracks.

 Paul got his feet out of it and rubbed his temple and under his chin, he went to knock on one of the doors of a medium-sized two-story house.

 Knocking on the door.. “Coming from there?”


 Paul wondered, clearly and to himself, for the same second with an idea that had occurred to him many times, "Why does the person who knocks on the door answer 'I' even though the owner of the house does not know who he is?"

 He opened the door.. "Yes?... Do you need anything?"

 Paul replied, "Do you have some old bread that you don't need...if you have, I'll buy it."

 "Wait a moment, I'll make sure and come back." The man went and closed the door behind him.

 Paul waited for a few minutes, but the man didn't come. "Hm... well that's fine." He said as he moved to his bike after despair of the man's return.

 He rode his bike, started it, and then moved again. His work was just a simple job, which is collecting old bread that people collect, then he goes and buys it at some price and sells it to a farmer at a slightly higher price to get a good profit.

 The farmers use it as fodder for their animals, they put it in water and put some fodder and vitamins with it. Well, it was cheaper than using only fodder, so the farmers made good use of it.

 This was Paul's new job, which he got, working from six in the morning until twelve in the afternoon, then returning with the food he bought from a restaurant for his father, and then returning to work in the barber shop and cleaning.

 "Huh.. rent this bike.. and rent the apartment. Will it suffice at least what I earn?" Paul said softly, the annoying sound of the bike drowning out his voice.

 "I don't know why.. Was he belittling him or.. Uh, why didn't I wait more, he might have gone out and didn't find me, and now I'm darkening him with my words."

 He was taken away from that area after knocking on the last door in it and then headed to another area.


 "This is annoying.. annoying..why do I justify them, maybe they really just belittled and ignored me."

 "Is it only because I am a young man working to save some money.. Really, there are people who bother. I mean.. huh.. you have work and money and others do not, so why this discrimination."

 "And I'm an idiot.. I went looking for a job and quit school to stay with my father more..and now he's alone again."

 "Everything is lost.. I don't know if it was worth it in the first place, I know that I'm not the only one who gets tired in this world, and I'm not the only one who has problems."

 "Everyone has something on his mind...even if he is financially comfortable, is it an innate cause in the human being, or is everyone the same way of living and different in ideas?"

 "Or no, everyone for me works and toils without any desired benefit, even me.. We really work in order to live, and in the end we will die anyway, and this fate no one can change or escape from."

 "At the end of the day...everyone gets tired and everyone dies, not just me. Well, that gives me some relief, but...Uh."

 "It is better to die rich than die poor in my opinion."




 The place is quiet...

 "Do you want us to have sex again?" said Lesia, in the silence.

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