Burning bright

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Patricide

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Lucifer stood beneath the shriveled form of her father. Everywhere she looked was bathed in a disgusting yellow light. Countless Angelic forms stood still as the glorified statues they were.

The only other of his “children” that had had free will, lay a smoldering corpse behind her.

Michael had been what some would call a brother to her. But instead of achieving free will by happenstance like her, michael had been granted his by their “father” 

And instead of opening his eyes, he'd shut them tight and became their fathers loyal little dog.

“If you had listened at least once brother, this could have been avoided” She murmured, patting out the flames that had ignited along her dress.

Lucifer did not even remember how old she was, but her temper had always been something hard to control. Even before she had achieved free will, when she had been but an aspect of her “fathers” wrath.

After taking a few deep, but unneeded breaths, Lucifer had herself back under control. 

She continued her ascent up the massive marble staircase, which led to the heavenly throne.

Lucifer was more than capable of flying up the stairs, but she chose to walk. Partly due to spite, partly to make her father nostalgic, making him remember the last time she had ascended these stairs in a similar manner. But mostly to continue wrestling control of the heavens from his failing grasp.

The moment she had entered heaven for the first time since her banishment, Lucifer and her father had entered a battle of willpower. His will wanted her banished. Ejected from the heavens and cast down to the mortal world again. Her will wanted it to burn.

With a small smile, Lucifer wrestled a bit more control from her father, causing the horizon around her to burst into flames.

A pained groan escaped the shriveled form and sat atop the golden throne. 

Now that heaven was partially burning, Lucifer's fire intensified. The dark red flames that started on the horizon crept ever closer, converting heaven into fuel, all in order to break her fathers control. 

Lucifer continued to ascend the seemingly infinite staircase, while heaven crumbled around her. The actual pearly gates had crumbled when she forced her way into heaven, and the rest followed soon after. Millions of souls were crying out in anguish, as Lucifer's fire burnt them to nothingness.

Catching one of the fleeing souls with a quick flick of her hand, she brought the sickly yellow orb to her face. 

With a small effort, she peered into it and [Judged]. Immediately the orb was incinerated until nothing was left and Lucifer shook her head in disgust.

Lucifer did not know how the color of souls came to be, but the yellow ones always caused her disgust. In some unknown mechanism, the actions, beliefs and values held by a soul always colored it in different hues. The yellow ones were those that held faith in her father, to a degree that was, to her, absolutely disgusting. People that so feverishly worshiped him, that they managed to rationalize any kind of atrocity. 

People that barely thought for themselves, making no use of their free will. The rest ended up in hell, with her. 

He apparently kept them all, as their faith kept him alive. Which was why she was currently destroying them. 

Over the last few centuries she had slowly but surely wrestled control of the mortal realm from him, and now she was going to end it. Her endless campaign started with a youthful rebellion.

Lucifer continued to ascend the endless staircase, her steps leaving behind molten puddles as her fires burned ever hotter. Despite the nature of the staircase, she came ever closer, as heaven burned to ash around her.

When at last, after an endless battle of wills, she stood before him, all that existed around them was fire. Her father sat upon his throne, a shriveled husk, clad in golden robes, on a throne of melting gold. 

Lucifer stood before him, naked as the day she was cut from his being, but clad in fire so hot that the stone floor she stood on was boiling.

“J̴̨̢̖̭̺̞͉̖̘̝̬̳̠̰̱̱̼̯͆̒͌͗͋͌͒̇̕̕͘͝E̸̛͎͊̂̿̀̎̌̐̐͂͌̈́͑̽͐̄͊̃̏̊̅́̂̾̀̉̽̈̿͝H̴̡̫̙͇̺̞̟͈̩̠͔͉͔̝̫̭̟͔̺̑͗͐̏͝ͅO̷̤̪͚̼̘̘̬̦̼̰̖̤̙̜̞̊̉́̈́̈́̑͌́̅̇̔̐̕͠V̸̧̢̛̛̻̟̤͓̩̞͕̘͈̟͖̮͉̬̭̥̲̼̜̹̗̟̩̗̠̱̫͍̜̟̼͖̤͔͈͚̖̜̆̏͆̆͊̓͌͐̏̊̽̃̎̄̐̈̌̓͂́̃̍͋͐́͛̓̓͗͘̚͝͝͠͠͝ͅA̵̡̨̛̛͙͈̯̼̻͈̻͔͎͈͚̬̩̣̣̫̐̇͆̎̾̃́̊̆͆͋̅̆͗̓̆̿́͌͆̓̃̉̓̏̓̆̽̐́͠” She called.

Recognition flickered across his graying eyes, as she uttered his true name. 

For the first time since she had forced her way into heaven, his true body moved. The dry and brittle body of her father righted itself upon his throne, as she stood before him. 

The last time she had seen him this close, he looked like an ordinary humanoid. Dark skin and blue eyed, with white hair and a well kept beard. 

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Now she looked upon a corpse, barely clinging to life. From his throat a barely audible chuckling rose. With every movement of his failing body, dry leathery skin split apart, only to heal moments later, looking scarred and cancerous.

“N̷̩̬̎o̸̻͒͜ẘ̵̠̥̇ ̸̹̬̀ḽ̷͂õ̶̧͒ȍ̶̜̯k̷̭̓̕ ̶̪̚w̴̛͚̯̎h̵͈̐̋ͅo̵͖̯͛͂ ̵̰̞̈́̏c̸̢̝̄̃a̷͎̩̽m̸͍͗́ȅ̴̙̝ ̵̞̦́͛b̶̗͂ȁ̶̝̔ç̷̎̇͜k̸̨͝ ̸̭̐ḩ̷̛̓o̶̮͘͝m̷̥̭͗ȩ̶̮̀” the dried out corpse spoke, failing to hold back a wheezing chuckle.

Before her father could continue talking, Lucifer manifested her sword. Instantly, in a large radius around her, the flames vanished. In their stead appeared a blade formed from pure heat. A single edged curved sword, with a round crossguard, made entirely from glowing yellow plasma. 

The sword warped the air around it due to the incredible heat it emitted, yet Lucifer remained entirely unbothered, as she gripped the sword with both hands. 

Just as the rotting body of her father wanted to continue talking, she took a single step forward, and thrust the sword into her fathers body.

Lucifer watched as the tip of the blade followed the motion her hands began. She watched as his robes ignited in proximity to her sword. She watched as the skin at the tip of her blade bubbled and burnt. She watched as the sword stabbed into his body. And she watched as the world around her froze for one timeless instant.

Just as quickly, the world resumed its usual pace. 

The words her father wanted to speak got caught in his throat, as she destroyed the core of his being.

As the burning blade of her lightbringer blackened the flesh around the wound, Jehova uttered a single word, devoid of the usual might he put into each and every syllable. 


Taking a deep breath, Lucifer steeled herself. She needed a moment to gather her energy, and monologuing like a second rate villain, seemed like the perfect opportunity.

“Do you know how many humans live on earth nowadays?” She asked. 

“You had at most a hundred million faithful souls in heaven, collected since humanity first rose. Do you know how many thousands of years have passed since then? How many humans have lived and died while your faithful destroyed everything around them?” Lucifer spat, flames flickering around her as her temper flared again.

She asked for the last time, if the souls stored in her core were ready, and received a single unified answer.

She could feel Jehova move his energy, trying to keep his pierced core together, as he listened.

“ Since you cast me out, billions of souls have passed through hell. Literal billions. And I asked every single one a question. Did they want to help me destroy you?”

Jehova flinched. Either shocked by the number of souls, or due to the wave of heat that exploded outwards from Lucifer's form. The edges of his robe caught on fire, and the few remaining strands of hair on his head started to shrivel, as her temperature rose.

“And now, here I stand. Thirteen billion souls stored in my body, ready to sacrifice themselves to destroy you.” Lucifer said calmly as she ignited her core. The incredible number of souls serving as fuel for an unprecedented amount of fire.

Lucifer fastened her grip on the sword, and poured the heat of billions of incinerated souls into the body of the man she had once called father.

In another timeless instant, his body vaporised, along with the rest of heaven. Where before there had been a golden “paradise” in the clouds, now there was only heat. The energy released was so incredibly hot, it transcended the concept of fire entirely, destroying every last atom in a chain reaction of pure energy.

The only things that remained were Lucifer, her sword, and the slowly burning soul of jehovah.

She stood still, channeling the heat to ensure that the sacrifice of billions of souls would not be in vain, watching as the last bit of Jehovah's soul burned into nothingness.

And then it was done.

Heaven was destroyed on a conceptual level, and Lucifer was ejected. 

Now that Jehova was no longer in control of the universe, Lucifer was ejected. Before she had even a moment of time for herself, she was flung from the plane, in a way she had no way of perceiving.  

The last thing she saw before she blacked out was the flames of what was once heaven. Her mission accomplished, she fell unconscious with a smile on her face.

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