Butt For the Grace of God

Chapter 8: 8 – Under His Watchful Eye

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"Well, what do you think?" I ask, nervously.

"It's a bit short, but looks really nice. This is your first time, right?" Her hands run up and down the length.

"Yeah, I've never done anything like this before." I blush and smile.

"It's really good! You've got deft hands."

"Aww, thanks!"

"You'll be a braiding pro in no time!" Remy gives me a quick kiss that somehow ends up becoming a several minutes-long makeout session. Strange how that just kept happening...

As we came up for air, I sighed and hugged her tight to me. "I just want this to last forever."

She stroked my hair. "Maybe-" A knock at the door caused us both to look up. "Uh, hello? Who's there?"

"Oh, Remy! You're here, good." The door opened. In the doorway stood my father. He looked around, his eye fixing on me and piercing into my very soul. "Hmm. I thought Zee might have been here. Have you seen him lately?"

Remy and I looked at one another, dumbfounded. She recovered quickly and spoke up. "Um, no sir, Brother Sylvas. Not... not lately."

He nodded, looking pensive. "I haven't either, I think." He looked at me again. "I don't think I've met this lovely young lady before." He smiled. "Who might you be?"

I gulped. Don't panic. DON'T. PANIC. "I'm Faedra, sir." Would he recognize my voice? I sounded so different now, but...

"Faedra, is it?" He took a deep breath. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." His voice wavered a bit. Strange, it almost sounded like he was trying not to cry... "Well, pardon me for interrupting you. I'll get back to my house." He took a step backwards towards the door. "If either of you see my wayward child, please send the little scoundrel home. I'm going into town and I'll need an extra pair of hands."

Remy nodded, a little too quickly. "Oh, we will, sir!"

"Mhmm. Have a good'n, Remy. I'll see you at church on Sunday." He closed the door and stomped away through the forest.

Remy slowly turned to look at me. "What. The. Hell?"

I shook my head. "I can't believe that worked! I know he can't see very well but that was ridiculous."

Remy threw up her hands. "There's no way that worked! He had to have noticed!"

"Why didn't he say anything, then?"

"I don't know! You're still recognizable as you, you just look like a girl version of you now."

"What should I do?" I started flapping my hands, trying to shake off the growing anxiety.

"I guess..." She shrugged. "I guess change back into your other clothes and go see what he needs help with?"

"Um... yeah, okay, yeah." I quickly considered my options. "I'll just say I was out walking again. Easy."

She didn't look convinced, but nodded anyway. "Alright Faedra." She kissed me and I melted just a little. "I'll go back to my place. If... if anything happens, just call me, okay?"

I nodded. "Okay. I'm going to leave all this stuff here. Just in case..."

Her face darkened. "Yeah, just in case." She hugged me one last time. "I..." She shook her head. "Stay safe, Faedra."

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I released her from the hug. "Thanks, Remy. You too." She nodded again, more hesitantly this time, then walked out the door. I sighed and began changing back into my boy clothes. Boy clothes... Funny, just a few days ago they were just my clothes.

I left the hideout and made my way back through the woods. I'm going to have to tell people eventually. I just wish I knew for sure how people were going to react beforehand. Especially Mom and Dad... I started walking a bit slower. No rush, after all. Dad was still looking for me when he stopped by. We had always joked that he was blind in one eye and couldn't see out of the other, looks like that was going to my advantage today. Everything's coming up Faedra...

Far too soon for my liking, I was back at the farmhouse. I looked at the door. He definitely would have told everyone he was looking for me, so going in would mean that someone would tell me, then tell him if he came back. But on the other hand, he might still be outside, so going in would give me some time before I had to talk with him again. Decisions, decisions...

"Oh hey Zee!" Conner shouted as he came around the corner of the house. "Dad's looking for you, he's inside right now."

Damn it. "Oh, gotcha. I was just about to head back inside anyways." Walking through the door, Dad was sitting right there in the living room, wearing something other than torn jeans and a sweat-stained t-shirt for once. He was wearing non-ripped khakis and a non-stained polo shirt. Guess he plans on going somewhere nice in town or something?

"Ah, there you are. C'mon, out to the truck. We wanna get there before places start closing." He stood up and started patting himself down. "Wallet, keys, damn phone your mother makes me carry..." He looked around at a nearby table. "Where are my glasses at?"

"Uh... on top of your head?"

He reached up and pulled them down. "I'd lose my fool head if it weren't screwed on." He advanced, forcing me to retreat through the door I had just come through.

"Uh, should I put on something nice instead of..." I gestured at my sweatpants and hoodie. Wait, that's a terrible idea! There's no way I can hide my breasts in a dress shirt!

He glanced at me. "Don't bother. Won't make a difference anyways. Now get your butt in the truck."

We climbed in and began the drive down the gravel road in silence. Dad usually had the radio on, but not today, it seemed. His jaw kept working like he was trying to say something, but couldn't. Eventually, the crackling of gravel was replaced by the hum of asphalt as we reached the highway. He shifted the gear and the truck settled into a low growl as it picked up speed.

"So, uh... you're dressed up pretty fancy for just heading in to Seymour?" I asked.

"We're going to Springfield, not Seymour." He said.

Seymour was the nearby town. It was so small and so rural, the McDonald's had a hitching post. Springfield, on the other hand, was the big city. Or as big as cities got around here. It was also almost an hour's drive away.

"What are we doing in Springfield?"

"Gotta do some shopping, we'll probably pick up lunch while we're up there." He passed by a slower driver with practiced ease.

"Shopping for what?"

"Groceries. Toiletries." He glanced at me. "Clothes."

"Well, some of your pants have gotten a bit religious."

He chuckled at my little joke. "The clothes aren't for me, Sunbeam."

A chill ran up my spine. Against my better judgement, I asked, "Who are you buying clothes for, then?"

His single blue eye met mine. "You."

I chuckled nervously. I'm in danger. "I don't really need new clothes. Everything I have is good."

He snorted. "Oh, I think you do." He turned his gaze back to the road. "So, it's Faedra now, is that right?"

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