By Iron and Mana

Chapter 10: Chapter 6: Housecall

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Day 3 - Night

♪G, G/D, G, Em, D, C, G♪

♫Almost heaven, West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River. Life is old there, older than the trees. Younger than the mountains. Blowing like a breeze…

What, you thought my priority would be another gun? What the hell for? Listen, I was pretty much immortal when we conquered medieval world. And basically a superhero by the time we raided the moon in cyber land.

Even survived for who knows how long lost in the void and was still "me" afterwards. True, I'm feeling awfully damn "mortal" here. But can probably remain me if I really do die. Probably. Maybe.

And my skills are a lot better now. That goddess bitch Metia traded the rest of the ritual to stay alive. But still managed to leave some of it out. However, the new gods, Nina, and me, figured it out. Even improved it. Only for that old green hag to pull a fast one at the last second.

Thank god I sent my wives back first. And tracked them until they were out of range. If that skank still somehow fucked with them? I will hunt her down and end her in the most painful way imaginable.

I'll make sure the next reverse summoning has the power to burn through any damn thing that gets in my way! Anything!



Isekai, cyberpunk, and now steampunk? Ugh. What’s next, system apocalypse?!

Stop. Settle. Come on, you can do it, just be like Burt. Happy, relaxed, flirting with all the ladies. Otherwise? I’m gonna go crazy. Full demon lord. Probably end up as wacko as Chief Inspector Dreyfus.

And what is this almighty world hopper doing now? I'm back in my cabin. In the buff, after a wonderfully hot and woefully short shower. Sitting on a too big bed in a too small room staring out a large round window. Watching the night sky and clouds go by. Picking and strumming Cheri 2.0.

Yeah, hehe, if they could only see me now. Hmm… Frankie? Would probably roll her eyes. Red? Frowning. Definitely frowning. And Hitomi? Yep, laughing her hot little ass off.

This time? Will be the last time. No matter what or who I gotta burn through. Need protection though. Way too vulnerable when I land. And since I finally have spatial spells? Gotta be a way to bring stuff with me.

But what do I bring? Golems of course! Well, technically robots. Golems and guns. Gold and jewels too. Gonna wake up next to Jules rich as fuck! And very heavily armed.

So even if she won't go back to Ipra with me? She'll still be set for life.

No undead though. Nope. 

Can probably bribe the local police to ignore some robots. Just call them fancy drones. Death knights though? Living shadows? Skellies?

Yeah, no thank you, would rather not have every religion on earth declare a crusade on my ass.

Better double the materials this time too. Well, I guess more than quintuple since I'm bringing the family back and moving our bodies too. This way I won't have to start over again. Just a few days or weeks to build the construct and BAM! Everyone will be together on Ipra.

♪A, A, D, E7, A♪

♫I~~ am a man~ of constant sorrow. I’ve seen trouble~ all my days. I~~ bid farewell~ to old Kentucky. The place where I~ was born and raised…

Thank god for music. Soothes the savage, or stressed, beast. But? Not enough. Need a bit more-

*knock knock*


You know, it would be awfully nice if I could see through shadows again. Or had the full spectrum vision upgrades. My senses are a lot better than Jesper’s were. But all they are really telling me right now is that there is someone on the other side of the door.




Of course I'm carrying. Did you miss the part where I'm the isekai anti-christ? Doubt the door is bullet proof though. No, I'm not putting clothes on. It might distract them-

"Mr Barton?"



Turn the knob and open the door a crack to see the ship's surgeon standing in the hallway, still in that blue uniform, holding an old timey black doctor's bag. She refuses to meet my eyes and hesitantly says.

"Um… Uh… Lord Heaton asked me to collect some samples."


She nods.

"You realize what time it is?"

Nods again, still averting her eyes to the side.

"Come on in."

Swing the door open and flatten myself further against the wall. With small steps, Caroline shuffles into the room. Still not looking my way and going straight over to the small table bolted to the far wall.

*clack clitch*

The door swings back so I close and lock it. Looking curiously at the back of the good doctor. Wondering what she's up to.

"I'm sorry for coming so late. The first officer plans to place trustworthy guards on your cabin door." Pulls things I can't see out of the bag and arranges them on the table.

Though I'm a bit distracted by that booty.

Kowalski, report!

You're at half mast, skipper.

Not me, her!

Uh, she doesn’t have a mast skipper.

Sigh… No. What's her stats? Dimensions? Thickness? Thotitude?

Right. Height? 5'2". Body? Spoon. 36-25-41. Breasts? C-cup, bell. Butt? Round. Skin? Fair. Hair? Blonde, short, curly. Face? Heart. Eyes? Grey. Nose? Straight. Lips? Full.

Verdict? Thick and juicy.

I sit back down on the bed. Revolver in my right hand. Just to be on the safe side. Watch her continue to arrange things. Carol's body shudders a little and pauses. She half whispers.

"I… I should apologize for how we are treating you." Both her hands press on the table. "There have been rumors, for years now, that an outworlder is gathering an army in the far north." Another shudder. "Then for you to be found after an orc raid? Surrounded by goblins?" A pause. "Some were already… suspicious."

Ah, I get it now.

"Including you?"

A shiver and nod. Is she crying?

"W-would you tell me i-if you were the Frost King?"

"Frost king?"

She nods. Though it's not easy to tell with Caroline staring down at the table and her back still towards me.

"That is what many call him."

Oh boy.

"Who did he take?"

She freezes.


I scowl at her rear.

"You are a very brave woman. But you are not stupid. If I'm this bad guy? You wouldn't come here, alone, without a damn good reason." A loud sigh. "Someone you love, right?" Her shoulders shake. "Brother or husband? Father?"



"You don't act married."

A little laugh.

"We were both, um, playful." Okay… "But he was a good husband." Sniffles. "And father."


"How old?"

Hugs herself.

"Ten. He is so much like his father."

Check her fingers again.

"Don't rings stand for marriage here?"

Another nod.

"It hangs on a necklace now. Around my neck. Always." Think her hand moves to touch it. "Two years ago. He left on a northern expedition. Never came back." Leans against the table. "The admiralty declares you dead after a year. Mother asked me to stop wearing it. Stop giving Saul false hopes."

She turns her head so I can at least see a profile. Yep, teary cheeks.

"They say the Frost King takes prisoners. For his m-mines. Believed I might buy Paul's freedom." Empty eyes. "I-if you were him."


"What’s on the table, Caroline?"

Her face turns away.

"I-I t-told you, Lord-"

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"Show me."

The good doctor's shoulders slump and she picks up what she's been staring at. Slowly turns to face me properly. In one hand is a syringe with some green liquid in it. Her other hand holds a very sharp looking scalpel. 

"If y-you would not…"

She freezes again and her jaw drops as she registers what's in front of her. Me, sans apparel, with Big John and the twins hanging out. Enjoying the night air.

Now it's not an exact match. But he's based on the model I kept an entire harem happy with for decades. Regularly getting high marks on customer satisfaction surveys for both performance, and reliability.

Milf’s brain seems to have short circuited. Just gazing at my better half. Well, better sixth at least.

*snap* *snap*

"Hey, Carol." Snap my fingers. "Hellooo, Caroline, are you in there?" Blinks. Shakes her head. And manages to drag her eyes up to my face. "Hi there." Point. "What's in the syringe?"

Glances down. Confused. Like she forgot she was carrying it.

"Poison." Eyes get big. "Oh! But not fatal! It just hurts, um… a lot."

Whew! Wow. Well, thank heavens for that!

"And the scalpel?"

Another glance and embarrassed shrug.

"In case the poison did not work."

Now that's an A+ for planning. I should be less of an ass though. Lady's clearly in pain.

"I'm sorry, Carol, but I'm not the Frost King."

The widower seems to almost shrink into herself. Starting to shiver and shake. Dropping both the needle and blade. That, with some quick moves, I catch and store in my rings before wrapping the sobbing doctor up in my arms.


Scoop Caroline up as she starts wailing and lay us both down on the bed. Don't have a couch so it's the only furniture in here with room for two.


We lay on our sides as the ship’s surgeon bawls into my hairy chest. Clinging to me like only a lonely heartbroken woman can.

Slowly the crying ceases and fair skinned fingers go from clutching to rubbing. Begin exploring my body. Despair becomes need. Pain turns into hunger. Vulnerable gray eyes gaze up into mine. 

There is still fear in them. But she's no longer afraid I'll hurt her. No, now she's afraid I'll reject her.

Grab her curly blonde hair and yank it back. Forcing the tear and snot covered face up enough for our lips to meet. 

*muah* *slurp*

As I devour that lusciously soft mouth and tender tongue, an epiphany hits me. This is what I needed. This is what’s kept me sane across two worlds.


Now that I think about it? Was getting hot and heavy within twenty-four hours or so on both worlds. Conscious or not. And kept getting laid. Oxytocin, dopamine and vasopressin regularly flooding my brain. Keeping it attached, relaxed and forgiving. Well, at least more than it would have been otherwise.

Ha! It really is all about sex, drugs, and rocknroll.



Doctor milf's fingers reaching my joystick pulls me back into the present. Gripping. Stroking. So I shift from her hair to her breasts. Flicking and pinching puffy nipples.


*chu* *chu* *chu*

She pushes me on to my back and begins kissing down my face, then neck, chest, stomach…

*glup* *slurp* *schlup* *schlurp*

Carol’s pair of full rosy lips find my hard as a rock cock. Her long pink tongue starts rolling up and down the shaft. Wetting every inch. Then the bobbing begins. Each suck pulling me further and further into that thirsty throat. Chin nuzzles against balls.

Hands massage them. Caressing. Coaxing. Along with the stimulation from rubbing lips, licking tongue, sucking mouth and swallowing throat? It proves too much.

*spurt* *byuku* *splurt*

I pulse and clench as seed shoots down her esophagus. But the choking surgeon doesn't stop bobbing. Determined not to let a single drop escape that lewd maw.


After loudly gulping the load. She finally releases my vacuum locked prick with an audible sound.

*pant* *huff*

As we shudder and breathe deeply. Dazed watery eyes stare into mine. Can almost see hearts in them. Face is flushed and sweaty as she shakily rises from my crotch. Leaning back. But keeping those steely irises locked onto me.


Buttons fly as she grabs the high collar white silk shirt and fiercely pulls it apart. Exposing her c-cup bra and heaving chest. Caroline knows exactly what she wants. And so do I.


Sitting up I grab the shoulders of the blue tailcoat and white shirt. Then roughly pull them down. Where they bunch up around the doctor’s wrists. Trapping her arms behind her.

*smoooch* *shlurp*

Our lips and tongue feast on each other now that we are face to face again.

*twirl* *snap*

I spin us around, so she is now on her back with my arm around her waist. The other grabs the rear of her trousers. Pulling them off with one quick rip. Popping its buttons too.


Lift one of Carol’s legs and start heading south. Ready to explore her taste. But a head turning left and right, “no,” stops me. Look up to see a pleading face. While my fingers discover a pussy already drenched. Sopping. Steaming. She wants it, “now.” Needs it now.

*schloop* *rub*

Lift her other leg too and we gaze deeply into each other’s eyes as my glans slowly pushes through her dark soaking vulva. Spreading and stretching its labia wide. Bumpy ridges inside throb around me. Gripping and squeezing as I nudge against the womb’s entrance.



I pause. Waiting for Caroline to get used to feeling this full. Petite feet shiver against my shoulders as her body quivers and moans.

*mwa* *shlurp* *nods*

Once able to focus her eyes again. She attacks my mouth while signaling, “I’m ready.”

*schlick* *thrust* *shlip* schlup*

Gently I pull back to the labia before pushing forward. Again cuddling her cervix. Out… And in… Bump. Pull. Push. Thump. More. Pump. Pump. Gradually, I start going faster. Stronger. Harder.

*fwop* *schlop* *fwap* *schlap*

“Ah. Haa. Ungh.♡ Oooh!♡”

“Gr. Ooh. Mmm.♡”

The sound of flesh meeting flesh fills the snug room. Earthy, musky, salty, sweaty, woody, scents rise from our overheating bodies. Moans and grunts create a chorus of pleasure. I take full advantage of a modified pile driver position to piston deep into her.

We are connected. One. Basking in each other’s lust. Pressure builds. Climbing higher and higher. Until at last.





I explode within the mature beauty. Ropes of sticky white painting her interior. Carol's body shudders from head to toes as a full body orgasm surges through her.

*pant* *pant* *drip* *chu*

Sweat pours out our bodies. Even drips off my nose. The bed beneath us is so wet it squishes. Heavy ragged breathing as we come down from our high. Hot vapor mixes with smiles and light kisses.

*sploosh* *quiver*

The widower’s cheeks splash against the mattress below when I let them drop. Followed by her still shaking legs. Prop myself up with my arms and softly smile down at the adventurer mom.

“Feeling better?”

Caroline’s positively glowing with a very satisfied sweaty flushed look.

“Yes. I cannot tell you how much I needed that. But, umm… Can you keep going?” Eyes get wide. “Ohh…♡ Sho gooo…♡ Ahmahshin…♡”


Her words turn into gibberish as she feels me get hard again. While still inside I begin rocking my hips. Stirring her sensitive swollen honey pot. Ecstasy is written across the good doctor’s face.

Keep going? Ha! Girl, you are a century too young to even think of testing me. In the sheets or the streets.

You ever see the signs over the golden arches that say, "over 4 billion served?" Let's just say I'm competitive.

God what a great line. Night Court, you are missed. You know, what the hell. I'm up for a challenge.


"Let's see what you got."

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