By Iron and Mana

Chapter 7: Book 4 Sneak Peek

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Three days later.

"Louie?! You're ali- I mean, back! I was so worried when I heard-"

"Fuck you, bitch."

"Wha? What did you say to me?"

"Hehe. Did I fucking stutter?"


"Let's make things nice and sparkling clear! You're a whore! A skank! A cunt! A one dollar blow job! A two dollar fuck! ANY HOLE! Only a remarkably stupid bitch could be blackmailed into fucking an asshole over kissing a face. So of course they broke you, tamed you and trained you. It was easy. Since your brain checked out and left when it realized what a dumb twat you are."

"How can you say that?! I never cheated on-"

"Shorty showed me the video!"


"Limp dick Lou ring a bell? Do I need to repeat other things you were screaming about your boyfriend? While being gangbanged by other guys?!

"B-bu-but Johnny said he wouldn't share them. Th-that they were-"

"Share them? You dumb fuck! They're selling them! How gross do you gotta become for your own "master" to warn your boyfriend about how far you've fallen? About how many STD's you might have. I couldn't even count how many dicks were stuffed in you in that video. And you were still begging for more! Save yourself for marriage?! Ha! You didn't even save yourself for the weekend!!!"

"L-lou-louie, I can expl-"


"Mom and sis died because of you! So you are gonna die too! But, I'm not gonna kill you now. No… no no no. I want you to live with what you've done for a while. Knowing that sometime, somewhere, I will come for you. Your death will be slow and unimaginably painful! Look forward to it. I know I am.


"Oh Cynthia, you silly slut. Did you think it would last?"

"Ma-Master, please don't leave me too! You're all I have left."

"Hehe. Did you really expect Limp dick Lou to forgive you? For drugging and abandoning him in that apartment? You certainly didn't care if he lived or died when I told you to do it. But you still failed to follow my orders and drag him to the basement. Tony had to do it for you."

"B-but there were noises. M-monsters down there."

"An obedient slave, who really loved her master, would have gone anyway. Said hello to all those horny little goblins and died with the boy she betrayed."


"And what makes you think you ever had me? Only you would be stupid enough to trust your blackmailer. I was raping you! Using you to damage that picture perfect prick. You were his only weakness. And by the end of the year? Everyone was laughing behind his back, thanks to you. Every possible grant, scholarship and internship worth a shit? Lost to him. Thanks. To. You."

"Bu-but this isn't wh-what I wa-wanted-"

"Hahaha! Cynthia, Cynthia, Cynthia. Who gives a shit about what you wanted? The only one who ever cared about what you wanted? Was him! The boy you destroyed!"


"Hey hey. It's a little too late to cry now, slave. Besides, it's not like you didn't benefit. Your reward was all the dick and drugs you could handle. Remember? But now things have changed. The world has changed. And I'm getting complaints that your snatch and ass have gotten too loose. So, we're done. You're fired. Get out."

"No master! Please don't throw this slave away! This hole will do better. I promise!"

"Do you really love your master?"


"Then this master will give you one last chance. Kill him."

"Did you not hear me? Too much semen in your ears? I said kill him!"

"Bu-but he's so scary no-now."

"He is?"

"Uh-Huh. He beat this slave in the street. Right in front of the guild. Where I was giving free samples to the adventurers just like master told me too."

"Really? Oh well. Tony? Get the gang together. Looks like we need to put Little Lou back in his place. Publicly."


"You're still here? Ah. Master knows what you can do. Slave can get out of my face. Never come back. Then, while you're enjoying the withdrawal shivers and shakes? As your body and brain freeze and burn at the same time? Remember all the ways you hurt Limp dick Lou. The only man who ever loved you."


*snip* *snip* 

"And for every minute you're still here? I'll cut a fucking finger off! Begone! Haha, thot."

"I'm waiting for someone, Shelly."

"Um. Okay. Louis? Um. Like the new look. We's all super sad when we heard you, um, died and stuff."

"Is that why the condenser from my shop is over there? Something to remember me by?"

"Um. Sorry. Honest. But Johnny swore you's dead. Um. So Charlie said drinks on the house. Swear we's good for it."


"No thanks, not thirsty. Oh, and Shelly?"


"The next time you serve me a drugged drink, I'll rip your tits off. Then pour battery acid down your throat. Understand?"


"L-louis? I… I'm sorry. Could we start again, please. I'll make it up to you, pinky promise."

"Wow. They really did fuck you stupid, didn't they. Or was it all the drugs? Heard Shorty had lots of experimental pills from daddy’s company that had severe side effects. Your grades did plummet that last semester. Remember the math games we used to play? Or maybe you were actually feeling guilty."

"I-I'm so-sorry."

"Hehe, Cynth, beyond too late for that. What you did to me was bad. Unforgivable even. But what did Kelly do? What did Carla do? You dragged them down into hell with you, why? For the crime of liking me? What about mom and sis? They loved you. Treated you like family. And you led them into a trap. Their last memories were being raped to death while watching me die."

"What can I do to make it up to you? I'll do anything. Please!"

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"Can you bring my mother and sister back to life? Can you unrape and undrug all those girls that trusted you? Can you take back every time you said you loved me? Unlie all those lies? No? You know, I wonder what the girl I loved would think of what she's become."

"Please, I've lost everything."

"Well, you deserved to."

"Fine. What do I want? I want you to live for a hundred years. No, a thousand years. And have every single day of it filled with pain, shame and regret. Yours, not others. Think we can agree you've ruined enough lives already. Now that won't make us even. Not by a long shot. But it's a start. Until then? Get the fuck out of my face!!!"

*clap clap clap*

"And the piece of shit finally arrives!"

"Haha. What happened to your arm, Limp dick Lou? Jack off to Cynthia's porn so much it fell off?"

"Nah. I left it in your mother's cunt. Helping to scrape off the filth left from giving birth to you."

*blink blink*


"Don't speakie da english? Taken to many of those IQ destroying pills you force on your sex slaves?"

"Ha ha. You know there's no proof I've made them do anything they didn't want to do. Listen Limp dick- oops, I mean Little Lou. The world's changed. And you've shown some skill. I'll admit that. So I'm willing to let bygones be bygones. If you fall in line. Can even put your old fan club on call for you. When they're not busy with people that matter of-"

"Don't bother, Shorty."

"What did you call-"

"You see? You're already dead. A corpse just waiting for a casket. Only a stunningly pathetic piece of shit, like you, would get this jealous of a kid who worked damn hard for everything he got. I don't know if you're a closet fag with the hots for me. Or just a loser with a rape fetish that can't get it up otherwise. Don't know. And don't care."

"Haha! Still haven't learned your place. Only have yourself to blame then. Boys? Let's take Little Lou-"


"Wait! No! Fuck! Please! Wait! … Jesus, what did you do?! Th-these were classmates of ours. Weren't they?"

"Huh? It was crowded. You walked in here with nine. So I helped make some room. What are you complaining about? I left four alive. To haul out the other five. Oh, you should have worn the brown pants today."

"I… I…"

"I got it!!! You brought friends because you thought I considered any of you, in this shitburg, still human! That whole we'll get through this together bullshit, right? Helping our fellow man crap, right? Well, hehe, I don't."

"Y-yo-you've changed."

"Dying can do that to a fellah. Now, be quiet or I'll gut you like a fish. Right here, in this room. In front of all these nice strangers. Possibly ruining their appetites. Okay?"

"Good. You took everything from me because I'm better than you. Turned our school into the fucking Lord of the Flies. That surprise assembly? The FIA were there for you. Over half the teachers were already on their way to jail for joining your sex with minors club. Principal Evans had just committed suicide in his office. Shooting himself after learning, from you, that he had fucked his own daughter. Right before the feds came in to arrest him."

"I don't know what he's talking ab-"

"I said, shut. The. Fuck. Up. If this stupid system apocalypse had started just an hour later. You would have already been gone. Instead of having the agents recalled in a panic and forming your own gang under the few remaining and overwhelmed teachers' noses."

"You lucked out again when the first spawns took out most of the government, law enforcement and communications. Cutting off most of the student population in this quasi boarding school from their parents and nannies. Finally, getting a jumpstart on leveling with that easy as fuck rank G dungeon. Even then I still had to carry your worthless ass through it."

"So, I get it. I had to die. Because all the work you put into branding me a laughingstock? Was falling apart as the students, staff and refugees saw who the real man on this campus was. Of course you were already in trouble. After the adults got their shit together and took over. No one cared anymore who your daddy was. How fat your trust fund was. All you had left was the couple dozen girls you and Cynthia had tricked and blackmailed into becoming drug addicts and sex slaves."

"But, like the born loser you are. You fucked up again. Went too far, again. Instead of just staying a short little pimp in that basement brothel. You had to rub it in. I probably would have even let you kill me after revealing what Cynth really was. And all the lives she'd ruined. I was heartbroken. But no, your napoleon complex couldn't let it go. Had to twist the knife in my back. So you lured my mother and sister to our old apartments. And threw them to the goblins. Then had Cynth drug me and toss me in with them.

"He's lying, there's no proof-"


"Aahhh! Y-yo-you stabbed me! You… really stabbed me?"

"It's different when you're the victim, right? Oh, and stop being a short bitch. You're hardly bleeding. Just sit there and cry like the short baby you are. Interfere and die! Charlie, I'll kill everyone in here if anyone gets in my way. Including you and Shelly. Got it? That's better. Oh, and was that your rape drug of choice? It's some nasty shit. I was conscious the whole time but couldn't move. Watching my mother and sister being raped to death while the gobs carved me up and ate me raw. Felt every slice. Those green turds made sure we could see each other too. Sadistic little shits."

"Then… how are you still alive?"

"That's the right question! Thank you kind stranger. I'm alive because I had one thing left. Watched the light leave my mother and sister's eyes. Skin turned pale after their broken hearts could no longer beat. As I myself breathed my last. I realized something. Everything hadn't been taken from me. There was one thing left."

"Revenge. Everyone that helped lead me to that basement? Everyone who did nothing while you destroyed lives to get to me? Would pay. In the most agonizing ways I can come up with. You see, Shorty? Even at being evil, I'm better than you."


"Now run back to your little playground, short boy. And take those bodies with you. Get along now short doggies. Go, or else. Good. See? You can be trained too. Oh, and enjoy your last few days. For I am coming for you. And there is nothing you can do about it. Hahaha!"

"Ah, there you are. The mighty arm of the law! Have you come to arrest me, officer?"

"Um… uh… Louie? The mayor sent me. We want you to know how sorry we are about what happened to you. And we're gonna get justice for your mother and sister. But we can't let you take the law into your own-"

"Yes you can."


"Yes you can. Tell me, sheriff. Who got the electricity working again?"

"Yes but-"

"And who got the water running again."


"The system store? The soup kitchen? The defense turrets for the wall. Hell, the fucking wall itself. Who did all of that? Who paid for all of that?"

"Uh… you."

"Right. So, you can tell that pedophile that he's gonna have to find a new place to fuck loli's. Because it's going to become this town's newest cemetery when I'm through. And anyone who gets in my way? Is just gonna get buried first."

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