
Chapter 15: 15

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The bottle on the table grew to five or six bottles as I drank one or two glasses. Won-jo became hazy and began smoking cigarettes while cursing the company. I was irritated because he kept recommending cigarettes to me, and now he was cursing at me.


He kept yelling at me, so I wanted to smoke as well, but I had already quit smoking 10 years ago…


“This Hyung will treat you! Use this Hyung‘s credit card to pay!”


“Hyung… you’re sexy. Wow.”


Won-jo was the type of person who spent money when drunk. It was great to get money. As expected, I should be friends with this guy for the rest of my life.


“I’ll treat you to the second round as well!”


Won-jo proudly shouts, but I thought the second round would be difficult if I was already this drunk in the first. I’ll take a taxi and bring us back.


“Let’s go to the club! I’m also going to eat dominant Alpha!”


“Shut up and take out your wallet, idiot.”


Won-jo, who was drunk, shouted loudly. The inside of the bar was quiet, so I think everyone could have heard it. I’m not sure why the bar, which was always loud, was suddenly quiet, but I need to get out of here quickly.


“Wallet… My wallet.”


“I’ll find it for you.”


I stepped up on behalf of a friend who couldn’t find his wallet. I went to Won-jo’s next seat and looked in his coat pocket, but it was nowhere.


“This guy probably didn’t bring it… ” 


It was time to doubt him, so I put my hand in the convex pocket of his trousers. The surroundings darkened suddenly. We were surrounded by a large shadow.




When I raised my head, I was surprised to see an unexpected person.


“What a coincidence. Were you drinking here?”


Choi Sung-hoon greeted me with a frown as he stood next to the table. The gangster-like brothers stood in the back, their faces expressionless. There was also the lunch box gangster brother. He avoided my gaze with a slight expression when he made eye contact with me.


I returned my gaze to Choi Sung-hoon. Still, he had a grim expression on his face, as if he was about to fight right away.


“How did Choi Sung-hyung ssi get here?”


“… What?”


“How did you get here…?”


“My name.”


“Choi Sung-hyung?” 


That’s right. Choi Sung-hoon. 


I blinked dazedly, unable to figure out what was wrong. Choi Sung-hoon, who was quietly watching, answered my question quickly.


“I’m here to drink.”


“In a place like this?”


This is a cheap, poor quality, and noisy bar with snacks only for 4,900 won. It’s not a place to wear that black suit. Both the staff and the customers glanced at this place at the visit of the unbecoming person.


“I come to places like this, too. But what are you doing right now?”


“Me? I’m going to pay now… my wallet.”


I slipped my wallet out of Won-jo pants pocket. Won-jo woke up with surprised eyes, looked at Choi Sung-hoon, and immediately began to hiccup.


“T-the… extremely dominant Alpha …?”


“Yes, that’s right. How did you know at once? Is it because of the appearance? This jerk is my friend Won-jo. This is Choi Sung-hyung ssi. He’s older than us.”


I introduced Won-jo and Choi Sung-hoon. Won-jo jumped up and bowed as if serving his elder brother, but Choi Sung-hoon didn’t even bow his head. He only glanced at him once. Won-jo, who would normally make a scene, acted quietly and politely.


Choi Sung-hoon… Manner activator…


“Are you going home now?”






Won-jo answer was different from mine. Won-jo asked me to go to the club, but I’m thinking of going home.


“Okay then, Seo-yu ssi, let’s go together.”




“You, this bastard, this guy, he’s going to the club with me…”


“Seo-yu ssi seems to be already drunk, so I’ll take you home.”


Choi Sung-hoon stated, his gaze fixed on Won-jo rather than on me. His brow was furrowed, and the knife marks on his cheeks twitched. No matter how thoughtless Won-jo was, he was not stupid enough to make a fuss in front of a big and harsh-looking man, so he said, “Yes, yes…” I could see him nodding his head.


“Let’s go.”


Choi Sung-hoon lightly grabbed my wrist.


“I’m not drunk at all…”


I tried to resist slightly by swinging my arm, but it was of no use. My resistance seemed to feel like cat hair on clothes.


Yeah… When the extremely dominant Alpha says let’s go, a recessive Omega like me wouldn’t dare to refuse.


I was taken by him without hesitation.




Choi Sung-hoon was driving a black limousine. The other gangster-like brothers rode separately in a black sedan.


I carefully stepped into the limousine. This is my first time on it. Because the interior was so spacious, I assumed I could not only stretch my legs but also roll around. Although there was a separate driver, the screen was closed. Choi Sung-hoon told him to drive through something resembling the intercom attached to the screen


Does the driver know my home address? Come to think of it, the dignified Alpha secretary was nowhere to be seen.


The car started smoothly.


“Where are you going…?”


“I am going to your house.”


“Does the driver know my address? Why…? ”


“… How much did you drink?”


I was so surprised when I thought about it alone.


“The two of us drank six bottles, but we’re not so drunk.”




“You said you come to drink. Why do you just go?”


“Because it was a lie.”


“Ah… I see. It was a lie. Ah…”


Choi Seong-hoon took a glass from the wine bar next to his seat, opened the mini-fridge, and poured ice water. He handed it to me, but all I did was stare at it blankly.


“Drink. You are drunk.”


“I’m not drunk. I’m a heavy drinker.”


“Your alcohol intake is weak. Drink it first.”


“What is this person saying…”


I complained on the inside, but I took and drank it calmly. It was cold and I felt refreshed.


In fact, I was still surprised.


If it’s a lie that he came for a drink… Does that mean he came to the bar to take me alone… Isn’t this a sign of affection?


Choi Sung-hoon would have been mistaken if he had not been an extremely dominant Alpha.


I don’t know how to explain this to Won-jo later… 


My mind was complicated. Choi Sung-hoon was still frowning a little. The inside of the limousine was spacious, but Choi Sung-hoon looked so big that he would fill the space.


“It looks cold.”


Choi Sung-hoon took the glass that was still in my hand.


Oh, that’s why my hands were cold.


When I looked down, I noticed that the back of my hand had turned bright red. Because I have dry hands, I have to use hand cream and wear gloves in the winter.


I’m going to buy fur gloves.


Every year, I buy cheap fur gloves and throw them away after a season.


I’m going to get something for the item that I frequently touch. Because I’m a cell phone addict, I’d like to dress my phone warmly as well. Should I buy a new case? What I was currently using was a couple case with my ex-lover, but Park Jin-cheol was unaware of this at the time. I don’t think I’ve ever matched a couple item with Park Jin-cheol. Shit, that’s a relief. I almost wasted my money. It’s a good thing I’m a cautious person. Should I say that it was lightness prudence? So, no matter how many times I run into dominant Alpha, I’m not expecting anything…




I thought I was with the extremely dominant Alpha, so I raised my head. Choi Sung-hoon was leaning comfortably on the seat and looking at me with his arms folded. His expression reminded me of the time I went to a dog cafe with my lover to watch dogs playing.


When I looked at him quietly, Choi Sung-hoon raised his eyebrows.


“Do it more.”


“Do what more?”


“Keep on mumbling.”


“No, I didn’t mumble, but I thought to myself… ”


I pouted my lips and turned my body that was facing Choi Sung-hoon. However, Choi Sung-hoon gently turned me back with his strong hand.

You are reading story Bye-Bye at


Showing off your strength, huh…


“I’m not bragging about my strength. So, what are you going to buy in addition to the fur gloves and phone case?”


Wow, mind reading!


No, I don’t think so. I must have really mumbling.


My face was becoming hot. I wrapped my cold hands around my cheeks.


It seems that I did a lot of things that were impolite in front of Choi Sung-hoon. Despite the fact that my actions seem to be light, I am originally calm and reserved in everything, but it was strange.


A low laugh could be heard.


I unintentionally headed towards the direction where the sound was coming from.


Choi Sung-hoon’s cold expression slowly loosened. The scene of the wrinkles on the forehead disappeared and the gentle warmth in the cold eyes was enough to give expectations to the recessive Omega who was filled with loneliness.


Choi Seong-hoon pressed his large hand against the back of my hand, which was covering my cheek. His palms were firm and warm with calluses on them.


But it was only a brief moment before he withdrew his hand again. I also blankly put my hands on my knees. The back of my still-warm hand was itchy, so I wrapped it around my other hand.


Choi Sung-hoon never took his gaze away from me.


“Don’t look at me like that… At this rate, you’ll bore a hole in my face…”


“I want to take a picture and show Seo-yu ssi how red your face is right now.”


“Mr… don’t make fun of me.”


I glanced at him. He would be the worst criminal in the world if he had no expression, but he was smiling…


Oh, no!


I shook my head. I need to repress the expectations that this feather-like heart had.


There was an old saying that if you enter the dominant Alpha Limousine, you can live a good life as long as you stay alert.


I tapped my cheek lightly with my palm.


Then Choi Sung-hoon looked at me as if he was wondering if I was finally going insane.


“Are you trying to make your face redder?”


“It’s noisy… I don’t want to worry about your subordinates… ”


“… My subordinate?”


“I promised not to misunderstand your intention. So don’t laugh.”


“With whom did you make a promise?”


I was about to answer that it was the lunch box gangster-like brother, but I shut my mouth at the discomfort I felt in his voice.


The gentleness in Choi Seong-hoon’s eyes disappeared in an instant. I quickly avoided his gaze as it became harsh as if he was about to wield a knife.


“I’m drunk. My head hurts… “


I was rational enough to admit that I was drunk, but I pretended to be weak. Choi Sung-hoon made an absurd expression when I placed my hand on my forehead and buried my back deep in the seat.  I flinched as he raised his hand and closed my eyes.


You’re going to hit me just because of this? A ferocious heart. As expected, a psychopath gangster!


The anticipated pain never arrived. Choi Sung-hoon stroked my bang with his large hand. The act of reaping the bar for a short stay of about 5 seconds reassured me, but it also made me feel more desperate.


The extremely dominant Alpha who carelessly touches the recessive Omega while not taking responsibility should be punished by the country.


Choi Sung-hoon’s face remained expressionless and cold. He seemed to be thinking about something. I’m hoping he wasn’t planning on pouring cement on me.


Choi Sung-hoon immediately paid attention to me as I sat close to the seat and my shoulders trembled.


“Are you cold?”


“Your face is cold.”


I trembled because that face was cold, but I just said it was a little chilly.


Choi Sung-hoon raised an eyebrow wondering if it was ridiculous to say it was cold in a car with a lot of heaters. For some reason, the atmosphere became even more unpleasant.


“It’s okay … Winter is usually cold. Like the nature of the four seasons… It’s a physiological phenomenon.”


“It must be a natural phenomenon.”


“That’s right. It’s like a natural physiological phenomenon that can’t be resisted…”




“I need to buy gloves. I want to buy couple gloves… .”


Choi Sung-hoon clicked his tongue, saying why would he talk about something with a drunkard as I talked back and forth.


Where’s the drunkard here? First of all, it’s not me…


I felt the limousine moving smoothly and then it stopped. When I looked out the window, I noticed a familiar gate to a detached house. We’ve already arrived from Guro to Hapjeong.


The limousine took up the entire alleyway of the narrow residential area. It’s late, so I’m glad no cars are passing by.


Neither Choi Sung-hoon nor I moved.


He lied to me about when he came for a drink, and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to ask him if he had come only to pick me up just now.


I had to ask him straightforwardly to tell me the exact reason so that I wouldn’t misunderstand.


But I couldn’t bring myself to ask it.


Because having such an assumption itself is arrogant…


“Thank you for taking me home. Goodbye…”


I pressed the door handle, but it didn’t open. When I saw Choi Sung-hoon in embarrassment, he pressed four numbers on the monitor. It only then did the door open.


Drivers usually open doors for cars like this or the secretary… Now that I think about it…


“Where did that dignified secretary go?”


“… He went to see his grandchildren.”


For some reason, he seemed to emphasize ‘grandchildren.’ “Oh, I see,” I said as I got out of the car. Choi Sung-hoon followed him as well.


We faced each other in front of the house. He did not get back into the car or turn around.


Perhaps he has something to say.


The extremely dominant Alpha was like a beast with its prey, looking down at me while casting a huge shadow under the street lamp. I feel like he was watching to see if the prey was acting strangely. He seems to be waiting for the phrase “Please eat me up.”




Suddenly, a realization struck me.


There’s only one reason… The reason Choi Sung-hoon taking home the Omega he’d slept with twice.


I smiled bitterly and opened my mouth.


“Didn’t this happen a few days ago? I can feel the homage…”


“That would be a déjà vu.”


“… Homage, déjà vu or whatever… Did you come here to eat special ramen again?”


Should I twist his tie with my fingers like a few days ago?


I was a cheap omega who is easily swayed by temptation, and the night with him was so passionate and hot, but I didn’t want to do it today. If I had started drinking earlier, I would have gotten drunk. I wanted to rest today.  It was just that I wasn’t in the mood to do it.


But it was difficult to tell him to leave after he had come all the way here.


I should at least suck it for him.


I smiled like a fool.


“Come on in. Let’s spend a long night together today, Choi Sung-Hyung.”


Choi Sung-hoon responded to the words I spit out with a bit of determination with a thin smile.


“What are you going to do drunkard?” 


The wrinkled eyes and the corner of the raised mouth. The laughter that bloomed from his cold face was as warm as the spring sun.


“Go up. I’ll go after I see you go in.”


“Really? What did you say you came here for, Choi Sung-hyung ssi?”


“…Stop calling my name and go home.”


He was now holding back laughter almost with his whole face.


I don’t know what’s so funny… I guess his subordinates didn’t know that the psycho boss sometimes laughs at strange things.


Then I said goodbye and came up the stairs. I nodded again as I pressed the keypad on the front door of the house and opened it.


Choi Sung-hoon also nodded.




The door closed and I stood close to the living room window.


Looking only through the curtains, I could see Choi Sung-hoon getting into the limousine that was filling the alley. I squatted down as the car drove away.


You ate me up the last time I was drunk… What’s up with your behaviors right now?


It’s not once or twice that Choi Sung-hoon suddenly appeared and picked me up.


Because he’s a wealthy and extremely dominant Alpha… It must be very entertaining to meet a cheap person like me after only meeting dominant Omega, who has always grown up preciously.


I’ll dance on his palm or whatever, but if there’s one thing I want… Just… I hope he plays with me well and leaves me in place when he got bored. That’s all.

You can find story with these keywords: Bye-Bye, Read Bye-Bye, Bye-Bye novel, Bye-Bye book, Bye-Bye story, Bye-Bye full, Bye-Bye Latest Chapter

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